Leftism and depression

How many of you guys struggle with depression? It may just be the circles I hang around in, but a lot of the socialists I seem to talk to are quite sad people. Especially communists, I find.

It sort of makes sense, when one considers that the society most of us live in is very far from our ideals. How the future we desire seems, to some, very far out of sight.

If you want to talk about stuff, I should be here to listen for a while. I'd like to vent a bit myself, honestly.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you are a principled person that goes on sit ins, protests, councils, discussions,read theory and generally be an active person and then you see society do 160 degree from what you are fighting for, and chose enslavement of the mind and body over freedom, the no shit you will be depressed.

People who lack praxis and some sort of class awareness or cannot see commodity fetishism, are fucking worlds apart.

I don't struggle with depression.
I struggle with Capitalism.

Nah, I don't really do any of those things. I read a bit of theory every now and then, but often find it a bit difficult to understand frankly. I do however keep up with current affairs, and lurk around a lot of commie-orientated places on the internet. It doesn't take a genius to see the direction in which the world's heading.

I'd say that capitalism incites some form of depression in those who aren't satisfied with its petty rewards.

I wish I had someone to share feels with

I know these feels. I used to share my feels with a friend of mine, however I came to realise that half my relationship with him was just me talking about how I'm sad and lonely. It's not really fair to just constantly vent your sadness at a friend, even if they're prepared to listen. It must be a drag.

I've done some dumb shit.

do you want to be my friend? Here's my tox adress if you're interested:

you probably havnt fucked up nearly as bad as me, friend. No matter who I meet, they grow to despise me because of my social fuck ups.

here share you feels with me

If you post some cringe I'll post some cringe.

everywhere I go, all I encounter is smug anime girls, tormenting me. In the abstract sense, not in reality. Well, in reality while I am online, but online is practically reality for me so I use online annecdotes or describe my irl happenings too since I don't know how else to phrase em. Everyone is just a smugposter. They are all just obeying some meme, and no matter what I say they respond with ":^)". Everyone is always laughing at me at all times. All my successes are nothing more than buildup for some slapstick humor in which I end up the butt of the joke. Gravity is fucking killing me, i'm being crushed and there is nothing I can do, the weight of my interests cannot hold up under shape society is trying to mold me into. Feels painful man, every morning I feel pain, nothing physical, just agony from surviving.

the worst feeling is when there is just no way to lucidly express myself. I want so much to just know a person that could enable me to get the load off my shoulders. Someone who could really sympathize with me and wants me to get through this. It crushes me every morning to realize I will never find someone like that.

I've been mentally ill for several years and my psychiatrists now seem to think I have schizophrenia.

How did it happen?

the smugness of leftypol is the ironic shield that protect us from harm or we will lose our sanity

it is ok bud you either go full active nihilism to ease the pain or find someone to talk with a lot
is for your extreme individuality there is nothing you can do but to hide it from others and find someone to share it with

Don't say never. Difficult, but not never, for you simply cannot know such a thing. There's is so much in this world that you and I do not know or understand - for one the bleeding fact we each face in every moment of existence: our existence. For what its worth, I find comfort in looking out at the world through these stupid meatbag eyes and, in garnering even a minute comprehension of it's workings, transcend the flesh. Sounds stupid, but I'd call be as "little as human as possible," because humanity is the source of my problems. And as things appear presently, it does not look like the issues all these other stupid flesh people cause are resolving themselves.

I do do active nihilism, friend. Though no amount of ignoring norms can quell the roaring emptiness inside of me. I ache to be understood in the way others are. It's an irrational feeling that I cannot mitigate in any way. I have searched far and wide on the internet to find someone that I could even remotely relate to, and I grow more confident every day that I am doomed to a life of loneliness. All that said, I refuse to don the mask of the normie, as doing so would strip me of the quirks in my personality that allow me to have glimmers of optimism such as: "one day there will be full immersion virtual reality and a small chance I could simulate comfort"

I used too a lot. Until I got with my current gf my life was pretty much destructive relationships, self-hatred, and long bouts of intoxication. Not necessarily "everything is great" happy and still worry about my potential kids turning into whores or the other shit that comes with capitalism, but I'm pretty stable now.

do you reed Schopenhauer ?
you need to trust me , you need to understand the point of suffering in life
and be at pace with it

To exist is to be alone, user.

are a liberal ? end your will to live plz

I agree with a lot of his points from what I have heard about his works, but never actually read em. Will it really help me?

if I try hard enough then i can defy that rule, just like in my chinese cartoons, right? :-;

Not at all what I said. Maybe get what the conversation is about before being triggered, thanks.

i know what is the conversation about i just wanted to bully you
you faggot die

it will help greatly i mean the guy wrote his books in a mix between the sorrows of the Napoleonic wars and Buddhism
good stuff to read

No user, I am the one who bullies.

you're both bullying me right now. Read this
you see the part about me feeling tortured by smug anime girls?

There's only one solution. You have to become a smug anime girl yourself.

get out

be at pace with suffering dude and read Schopenhauer you will feel better after reading him

I'd also recommend taking a look into stoicism. it's pretty underrated all things considered.

I wish I had a bf.

i-i'll be your bf ;-;

How cute are you? Answer this honestly pls

I was depressed until I joined a socialist organization. Honestly, having people around you who share your views and ideals, and actively working on projects you can put your heart and mind into, changed everything for me.

I've been called "homely" on anonymous image boards before. I suppose that given that there is no reason to be dishonest in such context, that accurately describes me.

post feet

I'm not into feet.. I don't know if this picture is acceptable

nice cum sock


now post benis

I d-don't know you like that user ;_;

What's wrong with it?

Why are you doing this? Better yet, why are the idiots in this thread encouraging you to take these pics?

it stokes the embers in my fire

You're cute user. I'd cuddle with you.

penis where?

Thank you. It means a lot to read such kind words :)

Someone told me I could find penis here.

you arn't getting it that easily

I have a deep mind and yet society is so shallow. It seems it's just axioms and maxims designed to beat me into line whenever I express an independent thought.

Life just seems like a game of whoring yourself out. Weather figuratively or literally.

It doesn't matter if someone sees your genitals, really. The idea that they are sacred and must be protected from view is pretty spooky tbh

QT, is that you?

take your meds and you will be fine, there are millions of people suffering from it and most of them are just fine.

Don't do drugs and the more you socialize your condition will improve.

Wtf did this thread turn into?


It's ok, user

wE'rE aLl MaD hErE

I meant psychedelics/marijuana

they are a literal bane to the mental health of schizos.

actually, I have shared my dick on here a few times before. If you ask around, you'll probably find it. I completely agree with you. I'm just trying to entice someone to privately talk to me.

Depression threads are populated by "so ronery ;_:" types, it's obvious that cock discussion pops up

Can you elaborate on that please? Because I happen to have a friend whom I suspect of being schizophrenic who goes fucking NUTS when she does pot.

Sleep.Sleep.Sleep.Sleep is EXTREMELY important for mental health (and not just).I cannot stress this enough.Sleep deprivation is not a joking matter.The more you sleep the more time you give your brain to work its shit out and the better you'll feel.If you sleep 6 hours a day and wonder why you're slowly becoming depressed and slightly psychotic , there's your asnwer.

Nature is key.Urbanization of society is a VERY recent phenomenon in human history.We're not born to live like this.It's mentally exhausting.Hang out in a place with a lot of trees and grass every day for an hour or two(even more) if you have time.It is going to help A LOT.Take your shoes and socks off ,grab a book and read by a tree.

Stop using the internet so fucking much and focus on other things.You're probably using it as a distarction anyways.I'm not gonna cite any studies but internet and depression go hand in hand.

And lastly, give yourself time to think,daydream,whatever

Avoid antiepressants.They're shit and will only fuck you up even more.

this is basic shit that you can do no matter how unmotivated you may feel


But there are people outside.


Never officially diagnosed and I tend to avoid self-diagnosis.

I am often sad, empty and without motivation due to the state of the world and my inability to change what I perceive to be unjust, destructive and inefficient.


I know those feels, man. I don't even want sex or anything like that. I just want to feel love

Let me tell you, love and companionship are much better than sex and make the sex better. I'm a chad and spent a lot of time fucking girls and while it felt good, there was something missing. Then I got with my gf. There's something about cuddling with a gf whose eyes seem to shine when she smiles at you, whose laugh brings warmth to your heart, who holding makes you think things will be alright that could never be matched by having sex with any number of girls.

Still there's parts of it that will make you hurt. The arguments hurt, the time apart sucks, and seeing them feel bad brings a feeling of depressing impotency. My gf was pregnant but she had a miscarriage so things have been really down around our home. She's barely been able to sleep and crys every day. I feel like shit and even though there's nothing I could have done I feel like a failure who should have done something. I think things will get better, but life is pretty shit right now.

I remember back in the days when I used to hang around on /r9k/, I'd resent people who'd find affection with another. But I'm glad I had the intelligence to leave that cesspool of self-piteous reactionary filth.

I'm glad you found each other, and I hope things get better for you guys. I can't say I can empathise with you very well, but from what I've heard these sorts of things heal over time. Being unable to help someone you love must be difficult, but I'm sure she's comforted by your support.

Never had been diagnosed with depression.
Overall, even if I had a shitty life compared to western standards, I've been and remain happy. Sometimes I was sad, like anyone else, but I'm pretty satisfied with life in general.

Well, depression normally correlates with intelligence so I guess it makes sense socialists tend to be depressed. [ego stroking intensifies]

Honestly I think I'm fine as long as I'm not dealing with people. As soon as I start socializing I tend to get extremely stressed out and I make stupid social mistakes and I brood over them and normally everyone tends to hate me or just not consider me someone to be taken seriously the more they get to know me.

The problem with this is that I'm actually quite extrovert so when I cut myself off from people I end up wanting to talk to people again but then it just stresses me out again so rip me.

At the very least it's not depression, I know that's a real bitch for most people.

I feel you. Seems communism is a dead end. You can't get it and if you get it the people ruin it.


Things in my life have been distinctly odd for quite a while now. Two years ago I left secondary school (high school in UK) and went into Sixth Form, doing a very dull IT course. The course was essentially fully coursework, with no exams. Easy stuff, with no pressure. Me and two of my childhood friends did the course. We had a very small group, and no other classes apart from it. Every day we had lessons, we'd just head directly into the classroom, stay there for the lessons, then leave.

This essentially meant for two years I didn't come into contact with anything or anyone new. I haven't spoken to a girl my age in those two years. Almost every day was identical, just completing bits of this stupid-ass course. And every day I'd go home, sit on my computer, and waste the rest of the time doing shit online. I hardly even enjoy any of the things I do online. Just things to waste the time away.

It's not like I want a job in IT or anything, I just did the course because it's what I was supposed to do. I've been doing lots of driving lessons, and it's not like I want to drive. My mother wants me to, so I do it. This is supported by a bit of benefit money I get for le aspergers. Any excess of this money is put into my savings, to just sit there. I don't spend it much.

This course ended around 3 months ago, and I’ve had nothing to do since then. I’ve tried to fill the time by doing a few things, like cycling for instance. Getting physical activity in the day helped me sleep better, and I’d generally feel a bit better. I’d still hit lows, however they didn’t seem to be as harsh as before. However getting the motivation to get on my bike can sometimes be difficult, especially in shit weather.

Honestly though, even with the exercise my life is nothing but endless melancholy. I don’t really feel content or satisfied with who I am, or where I’m at in life. I'm applying for a job working as an IT Technician in a school, but it's not like I want the job. It's not like I'll spend the money on anything, I'll just put it into a bank account and save it like usual.

At times I’m reminded of a Zizek quote which goes something like “the most melancholic experience is the loss of desire itself”. I think that might be my problem. For years now, I’ve just been dragging myself through education. Soon I’ll be dragging myself through a job I don’t want to do. But what for? It’s not like I’ll spend the money on anything worth it. I’ll just work, go home, waste my life on this internet. I haven’t done anything different in years. Every time I try to branch out and do new things, I’m either stopped by my own fear, or find that it wasn’t enjoyable after all.

I have the exact same problem

it seems to me like you need to break the cycle and do something you want to do. Become a revolutionary. Get a cool hobby even if it's hard to do or taboo. Travel the world, or go full lain and travel the wired.

Harming myself was pointless. The drink helped for a while, but now it makes things worse. Drugs don't distract any more. People are idiots. Antidepressants made me a zombie. Couldn't bring myself to die after concocting the plan. So now I wait.

I too am waiting. Only 29 more years to go untill full immersion virtual reality.

Fear is the mind killer, it poisons everything while it kills nothing.

Only you can find your courage back, no one can do it for you. Your depression will only get worse the more you follow your routine. Make plans, go outside, engage in social and political happenings. Man is an active being, once you stop moving you will slowly die.

The solution to this is either to make yourself think how the other people around you can be just as stressed or maye disoriented by social situations. This has really helped me in the past, cracking jokes and messing with other people, really takes the heavy weight of socializing of my chest. In any case that means to take life in a more light and joyful manner than it already is.

Anyway where is freudposter when you need him?


I don't think you belong here pal

That's very intolerant of you.

nuts in the sense that she panics or nuts in the sense that she gets psychotic?

Is this a feels thread now?
Tfw you spent an incredible month with your gf and she now left the city to go back to her hometown for the rest of the summer and all you're doing now is crying and shitposting to cope with your feelings
h-hold me comrades

wow fuck off with your perfect life chad

I am feeling sad most of the time.
In all honesty, I am almost certain that I have either a depressive disorder or schizoid personality disorder. Either way I am not feeling mentally healthy.

what do you think I can do in such threads?


depression should be treated with 8 hours a day of healthy wood sawing back at gulagville

from depression to desperation

სოსო, გააჯვი აქედან სანამ ცხვირ-პირი დაგინგრიე.

Thanks user. We hadn't told anyone yet so I don't really have too many people to talk to and we both agreed to no tell our families to avoid shit.

That's understandable. I can imagine that, whilst they mean well, they'd add a bit more stress with their worrying. I'd likely feel the same in your situation.

If you want to talk or something, feel free to add me on Skype or something. my user is nobsickle

I can see the logic behind this advice, and I've been told similar things before. I agree with it, however the issue is:
It's very hard to describe, and I can never seem to put the feeling into words properly. But the thing is, I have no idea what I want to do. Occasionally I think "that'd be nice" to an idea, but the reality of the situation brings it down. In the end, I simply don't have anybody to do shit with. All my friends just stay indoors constantly, and very rarely leave the house. Everything I have to do apart from video games, I have to do alone.

Sometimes I get a plan to go somewhere or do something, but it just falls through. A few months ago I had a plan to go to Holland to meet one of my online friends there, but we don't talk as much anymore. We have a lot in common, but I just can't think of what to say anymore. Even if we did talk, I'm sure I'd puss out of it. I'm a coward, really. Even if I did it, and got there, I can't think of what I'd want to do in Holland. I'm not all that interested in historical locations. I'm not all that interested in going to any sort of facilities or places in Holland. It'd be solely to meet him, and I'd just follow him where he went. It's not like I'm against doing things, but I'm not really interested in doing them.

I've actually tried to do something like this, recently. It's stupid as fuck, though. I like to pretend I’m some sort of mysterious wandering vagrant, sometimes. I’ll head out for bike ride, and go wandering through the woodlands. Sometimes I’ll head down to the beach and sit there alone. I’ll fantasize that some qt girl will come and talk to me, or something. I’ve even taking to fucking smoking cigars in random places, recently. I think it brings me closer to my fantasy. It’s complete, utter bullshit, and I’m aware of my retardation. How ridiculous is it for an 18 year old, pasty introvert to spend his time smoking cigars on a beach at dusk, listening to Mac DeMarco? It’s like something out of a shit novel. But sometimes I like to pretend I’m someone I’m not. It's just more escapism, really.

Honestly, in the end of it, I just want a reason to live. If I had le qt gf to look forward to at the end of the day, I think I could toil through the day in my shit job. It's irrational, since I know my perception of a relationship is very romanticized and idealistic, since I've never really had a girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever. But maybe if I loved someone, life would be worth living. However I can't help but feeling my nebulous, almost unachievable desire of someone to live for is nothing but the idealistic wish of a boy who has never experienced life.

while nothing matters, there are lots of things to choose from to look forward to and I suppose you can consider that "reason to live". Here are some of the things I look forward to:

Well, I'm a (non offending) pedophile, so it's no surprise I get pretty depressed a lot of the time.
There's no real place for me in society. At best I can hope to hide in plain sight until the horrors of the world become too much to bear and I opt for suicide.

I can't even take a significant role in any real leftist activism because it would be just too easy for the NSA to use me to discredit an entire movement. I'd be a liability rather than an asset.

There are just so many huge problems in the world causing suffering on an almost unimaginable scale, yet nobody seems to give a shit. As long as they can all keep buying their Starbucks coffee and driving their cars, everything just keeps ticking over. I hope I at least live long enough to see automation really put the final nail in the coffin of capitalism.


I'm a loli/shotacon and do lots of filthy ageplay RP stuff rather than an actual pedophile but to normies it might as well be the same


Sounds fun. Many of my fantasies involve stuff like that (lolis being treated younger than they actually are), although doing it with real adults is less appealing. Knowing that the vast majority of the population would like to see me dead has really reduced my ability to trust people in any kind of intimate setting.

As a British Nationalist who really reads this board to laugh, I'm also someone who is formerly clinically depressed. I used to be a Libertarian Socialist when I was first reading about Philosophy and Politics and I believed in the writing of the traditional left wing, however then I went out and got drunk, had sex and accidentally had a kid and all of a sudden my life changed. I fell in love with this random girl, I had this beautiful child, I was more focused on building a life for my family than I was on myself, now I'm so happy, so thankful.

Yeah, which is mainly why I opt for online interaction in that regard, especially since I can't convincingly pretend I'm a dominant dog-cocked shota irl

I'm an autist - hence why I'm a communist (hardy hardy har) - so I'm struggled with anxiety and depression all my life. I'm doing okay these days, I've overcome a hell of a lot and I'm basically a normie. I still get depressed some times but realistically this is probably the most stable I've ever been. Thinking about the world and the future make me numb, but I guess all you can do is accept that one person can't fix everything so just do what you can.

Fuck you Zizek my fantasies would be great

Source on


You guys do know that there are meds now for pedos, and that shit can be almost cured right?
Go see a psychiatrist.

good for you

pretty much everyone has anxiety and depression nowadays. Modern life is simply just shit, but what can you do? Most of us just sit back and take it.

For me personally, I had anxiety attacks in school as a kid which led to being ostracised by my peers and my teachers treating me like a bad kid when I was suffering. Lot of inferiority problems for a while. On the plus side I used it to push myself forward to prove people wrong.

Shit that sounds very rough, but I suppose what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Did you know why you had anxiety attacks?

Ha. You actually believe that? It's about as scientifically sound as the ex-gay movement.

Sexuality is deeply hardwired into the human brain. It might have been possible to "cure" when I was an infant, but now that my brain has fully developed it's pretty much fixed. We don't have the technology to do neural re-wiring, let alone do it without killing the patient (either philosophically or clinically). You can't learn to have a different sexuality any more than you can learn to photosynthesise.

Anyway, my sexuality isn't the cause of the problem. I'm not depressed because I fap to loli. I'm depressed because the world is fucked and people would gladly kill people for fapping to drawings. "Curing" my sexuality wouldn't change the rest of the world - it would probably just make my depression worse (if the ex-gay movement is any indication). I'm certainly not a danger to anyone else.

I'd rather die free than submit to mind-altering medical procedures just because a bunch of barely-upright apes got scared by something they don't understand.

Aspergers I suppose. It's been explained to me that my "fight or flight" system was too sensitive and when I'd feel anxious for whatever reason I'd freak out and try to get the fuck out of there.

JJFrenchie (or Frenchy I can't remember). I don't know where I got the other one

Someday communism will be real and then anime will be real and we can all be the little boy and girl

You *want* to want to rape a child?

yeah he want to have the will to do it but lack the moral justification to do so

Not him, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say "no".

Do you think straight men want to rape adult women?

Do you understand the difference between fantasy and reality?

wewty wew

real kids aren't attractive at all, at least none of the ones i'd be interested in

Why don't you want treatment though when you know it's a desire that might lead you to have sex with someone who does not have to experiences and the mental capacities to consent.

Nothing wrong with wanting to have a stable pedo-marriage
The age of content is a spook

This is probably an issue on both the Far-Left and the Far-Right due to one's ideals being so distant from one's reality. Perhaps the reason why so many Communists, Socialists, Anarchists ect are depressed is due to their materialistic worldview in which nothing exists beyond matter, beyond shape and beyond the contingent.

I think reading philosophers who've attempted to answer this question like the Ancient Greeks or even Existentialists can really help. People far more intelligent and wiser than you or I have wrestled with these issues for thousands of years, and their solutions are often quite useful.

Creating an environment of like-minded people such as yourself can also help. It can be exhausting spending your time with people who don't agree on even the most fundamental premises because all you do is argue and bicker. This guy agrees.


I couldn't agree more with this post. Nature is key. I would add that lifting weights and cardio has been proven through countless studies to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It will also improve your self-confidence over time as you develop more muscle and lead to a generally healthier mind, body and soul.

Pornography has also been linked to depression, anxiety, OCD and other psychological and physical problems like erectile dysfunction. I would recommend abstaining from porn. I would also recommend abstaining from masturbation. This can be a little more difficult for most, but trust me it's worth it. After a week of no fap you'll feel amazing, invigorated and vitalised.

First of all, he just said that he isn't attracted to real kids. I'm the one you should be aiming that question at.

Let me try to give an answer by asking you a question:
Why don't you want to be cured of your heterosexuality when you know that there's a risk that you'll drug some woman in a bar, drag her into the toilets and rape her?

The answer to both my question and your question is that we don't want to rape anyone. We are conscious sapient people who are capable of exercising free will. When you get turned on by some woman, you just think "no, I'm not going to rape her. That would be unethical". It's that simple. In fact, it comes so naturally to both of us that we don't even have to have to think about it. It's as unthinkable as murdering someone on the street, right?

Kill yourself.

There certainly is something wrong with it in our current society, and probably in general.

Hey, I'm not Hitler. :)

There's a slight difference.
I can have sex with a woman without raping her.
I cannot have sex with a child without raping it.

Crucial difference.

Why can't one? Why is it thought that children are absolute fucking retards who aren't subjects?

Either kill yourself or fuck off to Argentina.

You're posting on an imageboard, so I doubt that.

Anyway, that's irrelevant to the point in question. Unless every single woman you're attracted to consents to sex, you must be able to exhibit some level of control over your sex drive. Why is it so hard for you to believe that other people are capable of the same feat? Do you sometimes get such a strong urge to fuck someone that you literally can't stop yourself even when the consequences are catastrophic?

Seriously, when I feel aroused I just go on pixiv, find some hot drawings of anime girls, and fap. Sexual urges dealt with, no harm done. How the fuck can normalfags not understand this? It's trivial.

Also, just to be clear, this person isn't me.

You honestly look at the Catholic clergy and tell me that celibacy is an option to sexual beings like human kind?

The same reason we don't just give them guns and don't send them to prison. They are too inexperiences and undeveloped to understand the consequences of their actions properly.

How do you search effectively on pixiv? I've had an account for a while but i have no idea how to use it effectively.

Are you implying that fapping to anime every single day counts as celibacy? If I can get paid to talk to a captive audience about philosophy and ethics all day and then fap to high quality hentai in the evening, sign me up to fucking priest school.

Believe it or not your sex drive doesn't care whether you're sticking it in a woman or your hand. An orgasm is an orgasm. If anything I blame the abundance of sex crimes in our society on moral prudishness surrounding healthy use of pornography. There'd be a lot less sexual frustration if fapping to porn was considered as normal as drinking tea.

Learn the japanese words for your fetishes. jisho.org can translate words for you, but you still have to figure out which ones are commonly used for tags.

Also I quite often just search for the japanese name of a cute character from an anime and look through the pages until I find some nice images. The tag R-18 can be used to search just for porn, although my fetishes are softcore/weird enough that I don't usually find much of them in a search like that.

Also, if you're using it often and know a bit of japanese it helps to set up japanese keyboard input for your OS. It makes typing in stuff much easier.

Not true.
Sex is not about cumming. It is about intimacy and about pleasure through pleasing others.
Most paedophiles who consume child-porn eventually cross the line, because the pornography will not grant them the intimacy they desire.

As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with the Nazi, pornography is the death of sexuality. It makes you passive,complacent and a stimulant junkie.

Fucking psych-drugs or exercising are better than porn, if you want to blow your load to stumulants.

Having sex with the child will not hurt him if he has agreed. Today, if a child has sex, he is immediately told he was abused, taking his subjective involvement from him completely, as if he was completely incapable of acknowledging his actions.

Children do not have enough experience or even the mental capacities to fully understand what they're agreeing to and thus any contract with them, verbal, non-verbal or written is invalid.
They cannot agree to sex. They cannot agree to getting euthanized. They cannot be sent to prison.

So, are you proposing that we neuter everyone on wizardchan because clearly a lack of intimacy makes you a dangerous rapist?
[citation fucking needed]

I seriously wish all the fucking authoritarians on this board would just do everyone a favour and painlessly asphyxiate themselves.

Thus the only kind of sex an adult can have with a child is rape.

Fuck off, you're not helping.

They can visit a prostitute, and then there's a least some kind of voluntarianism to it.

Ah, so one magically gains this experience once one becomes certain age, because time spent living sure is totally what makes you a subject.

You fuck off faggot, I'm not here to please the "hurr sex with child always bad no matter what" crowd

wtf is wrong with you people?

Fucking hell, you are just desperate to push your narrative aren't you. Do you have a single shred of evidence to back up your claims? One mention of pedophilia and suddenly all of the "self-taught psychologists" come out of the woodwork to spout their pure ideology based on zero evidence. Gut feelings aren't science you fucking imbecile.

Shall we play the "spout pseudo-scientific bullshit" game? In my expert opinion I can only conclude that you're a dangerous rapist yourself and you're projecting your inability to control your own urges on everyone else.

Things were going so well.

Even if you're correct, which is very much open to question, you're trying to preach orbital mechanics to a bowl full of goldfish.

you moralist fags and no ethics =/= morals
morals are spooks

Am I depressed? Yes, among other things.

Is it because I'm a leftist? Unlikely

Is it because of capitalism? I'd like to believe so unless I'm just horribly broken

Some laws are there for a reason my friend, and I doubt developmental psychiatry is all bullshit. So no pedo acceptance is not the way to go. Either get yourself cured, jack off to loli pictures, or fuck off from society.

Indeed. Experience makes you able to understand the consequences of what you're doing after some time. If someone is ordered to operate gear that person has no knowlege of using, that person cannot be held responsible for messing the whole thing up.

We do not allow people who do not know what the consequences of cutting out different part of the brain practice brain surgery and so therefore we also consider the sexual consent of children, who do not know what that entails as invalid.

It is rape because they do not have the necessary experience to consent. It is a matter of ethics not morality, and in your case I would have you gelded and hanged if you touch my children.

Let me put it like this: if there is no chance of you acting out on your sexuality anyways, why not take the meds?
Unless it's because you want yo want to rape children and you know this.

In a future society it might, potentially, be ethical, but it definitely isn't ethical in our current society. Regardless of the mechanism of harm, harm still occurs.

No valid research has been done on whether, in some hypothetical future society, it would cause harm because it's impossible to do such research ethically.

Anyway, it's a moot point because we'll have AI waifus with cloned child bodies long before society chills the fuck out about sex. There will be no reason to risk it with real children when there are superior and safer alternatives.

Now, can you please stop stirring shit up when I'm trying to explain the most basic concepts of free will and sexual urges to these ignorant fucks.

Because I enjoy fapping. Honestly fapping is the only thing that lifts me out of depression any more. Also those meds fuck with all sorts of other hormone-regulated systems in your body. The side effects are much worse than typical birth control meds.

Indeed, it's pure magic.

And don't worry, I'm not even a pedo, but I am opposed to viewing children as completely innocent angels, non subjects incapable of deciding anything

You forgot

Also, let me just point out that this is even more retarded and annoying than Checkers.

I don't want to rape kids.
I only fap to drawings.
No, I'm perfectly capable of managing my sexual desires.

Just having this fucking conversation with a brick wall makes me want to kill myself.

Okay. I guess children can join the army too and apply for euthanasia.
Fuck off.

You think catholic priests want to want to rape children?
No. They know it's mortal sin. They believe they will go to hell for it.
To believe that you are fully in control of your sexual desires is delusional.

Sure checkers. Let's just lock everyone up as a pre-emptive measure against rape.

Now fuck off and stop projecting. I came in here to vent and instead I've ended up dragged into an argument with a fucking retard who can't even comprehend the most basic concepts. If you want to know why the world is so fucked, look in a fucking mirror you piece of shit.

is your government the bases of your views ?
there is laws that tell me that having a gun or a knife is wrong

you don't understand what ethics means
you mean
culture can change morals but not ethics

no i want real authentic love not this replacement

Nice slippery slope, faggot, but children lack the physical qualities to be good soldiers. And why would someone want to die if not for alienation? In that case, how environment is definitely not well.

You know what, go and argue with .

I'm sure you'll have tons of fun wasting each others time while you both consistently fail to apply basic reasoning and logic to the issues you're discussing.

Also, you're a robot. A robot made of organic molecules, but a robot none the less. There's nothing special about your brain that couldn't be replicated artificially.

When did I say you should be sent to prison?
I said that you should get treatment for your arousal at the depiction of child-rape.
That's not prison. That's mental-health.

Again, do you believe catholic priests want to want to rape children?

They also are too small for penetration to be comfortable and their gonads are not developed enough to produce proper sexual hormones yet.
In this sense too, children are physically not ready to consent to sex either.

Why does sex have to necessarily be intercourse? Not to mention it also depends on the age of the child, and this is not only a thing of the child being always passive. It can be the other way around.

And some children say they want to be soldiers.
Does this mean that we send them to Fallujah?
Some children want to be firemen.
Do we send them into burning building?


And kill yourself, autist.

Hang yourself, perverted rapist.

I love how you imply and repeat things out of your ass when I mentioned a while ago I am not a pedo.

But remember comrade, anyone who disagrees with you is a horrible rapist out to get muh poor chilluns

I do not know why you would jump through that many mental hoops to legitimize the rape of children if you're not interested in that yourself.

underrated post. tbh, moralfags probably just didnt respond cause you btfo them

Yeah I need to vent a little too.

I'm headed for the Naval Academy since it's the only way I'll ever be able to afford an education. There's zero chance of me getting a scholarship, zero chance of me getting a loan, and zero chance of being able to afford it myself. I'll be forced into active service for four years, otherwise I'll have to pay up. With the world being what it is right now, it's very possible that I will die in those four years. Even if I manage to survive, where can I go? It's impossible to get a job now, I'll have to put my life on the line to protect the interests of the rich and powerful until I get too old for me to be of any use for them or I die trying to squeeze another penny out of some oil field. Hell, I don't even want to kill anyone. Unless I'm fighting to build communism, I can stand the thought of killing.

The bottom line is, capitalism will literally be the death of me. And there's nothing I can do about it.

This thread has confirmed all of my biases about the Left.

Communist scum shouldn't be allowed to enlist. You're just a liability to everyone else.



Sometimes Democracy must be bathed in blood.

through this lens, the "psychosis" of the left must be fucking metal

Or hypocritical.

read sticky Holla Forums

You should read his book, especially if you're a leftist. It's a good overview of the history of Leftism and how it's basically filled with psychopathic, narcissistic, paranoid, murderous lunatics who also tend to be extremely intelligent, a lethal combination.

Excuse me?

sounds like it'd be hilarious to read tbh because these books are only written by people with severe delusions of persecution

if you think OWS hippies were death squads, you are extremely oversensitive


You mean people who have the right to private property? You sound like a hypocrite.


we'll leave those nonexistent people alone don't you worry

You are a sad little man.

The author only spends a handful of pages discussing OWS if I remember correctly. He describes how they destroyed local businesses, defecating inside of them, smashing windows ect

ipse dixit: the epitome of lolbertard theory

so like in every large public event some people commit crimes and try to escape in the public disarray
the entire reason they failed was because they were too arrogant and disorganized to even do anything

It's completely 'natural' to be depressed today. as categories are arbitrary, definitions of disease are relative.

We've nearly peaked as species, whatever world *progress* comes next will be doubtfully compatible with an organism programmed to crave competitive social ranking progression for satisfaction.
That sounds like something a Randroid would write, but even the most egalitarian have to admit, our show can't go on for very long.

Here's to hoping for a brief, excitingly arbitrary future!

And those people are usually leftists who need to be put down.

literal internet tough guy

You need to understand that his examination of OWS comes towards the end of the book after he's already argued that basically every major Leftist leader or intellectual over the past few centuries was either paranoid, psychotic, psychopathic or literally insane (Marx, Lenin, Mao, de Sade, Trotsky, leaders from the New Left ect). It only features in a handful of pages towards the end of the book, and the reason he probably included that movement in the book's subtitle was to draw the customer's attention by referencing a recent controversial event.

The point is that the various heroes of the Left which Marxists, Communists and Anarchist idolise were deranged maniacs.

populism 101: opinions that differ from mine = dictator apologism
we could make a book about how countless right wing leaders condoned mass murder without a single mention of WWII but it'd still be pointless scaremongering because context is necessary to understand history. just calling, say, henry kissinger a homicidal maniac would not at all help the reader understand the significance of his choices

Unlike Hitler who was just a coprophiliac who abused his niece untill she killed herself :^)

Don't think so, they're well aware of their rank, and proud of it.
Only logical to not fight something perceived to be benefiting you, no matter how much of an invisible drain on your freedom, besides, it's easier to blame those with less for being a total drain!

Collapse is the best chance at a better order arising, not so sure about the 'long run'

Just the smart thing to do when people are trying to destroy your way of life.

your way of life must be shit then

How's anyone trying to destroy your way of life?

Because nothing says political equality like suppression of information and resources to non-goverment employees by way of militarist dominance!

[citation needed]

Damn, that sounds rough. I don't know what I'd do in your situation. Probably do all I can to get out of active service.


t. telepath

Except rape isnt just about sex, it's about domination.

Potentially relevant to this thread:

I have OCD and frequent, season-long bouts with depression. I might have chronic depression too, but I haven't gotten a diagnosis and it doesn't really matter that much if I have it anyway. All of my other lefty friends have some sort of mental illness. My most radical friend probably has the shittiest mental health of us all.

I realize this doesn't reflect well on leftists. It might just be because we're mostly poor fucks and poverty's not good for mental health.

disproportionately sad tonight. just sittin staring at the screen. like all energy was sucked out of me by one of those harry potter ghosts or something

i'm really lonely these days

Sorry homey

thanks mr crabs

Not in the woods comrade.

(found at a local forest near you for only $299.99)

Oh left, you're so fucked.
We are all autistic ducks.
Fuck Capitalists.