Wonder Woman Removed From UN Ambassador Role

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Into the trash it goes

is there even an existing character that would suit a 'UN Ambassador Role' ? they oughta make one up

No, because fictional character won't have the same impact as a real person would. If they wanted a Ambassador for women they should find a woman that goes above and beyond for females around the world. If Wonder Woman was real she'd fit the role perfectly, but since that's not the case then they shouldn't bother in trying to make a pretend poster girl.

They're not complaining about Wonder Woman because she's fictional. They're complaining about her because she's a beautiful woman with nice tits and athletic physique, and not a 400 pound bull dyke with problem glasses and shaved, dyed hair.

Honestly, considering this is the same organisation that invited Five Guys and Jewnita to speak, their reaction is unsurprising.

I'm hoping they go full diversity and put up a fat black Squirrel Girl just for the sake it blows up in their face

They should've went with Wonder Loli instead

t. Person without a waifu.

It would go wonderfully with the employees.

Correct :^)




Meanwhile, Frank Cho is like

Jesus Christ… What an alpha shitlord. I want to carry his children.
And I am a dude btw

Greg Rucka on suicide watch.

Holy shit Cho is DA MAN! I knew him from Liberty Meadows and I still hoping he going to continue it soon. His drawings was divine.

Extra note: Look, I'm fine with captcha. But Captcha with shitty font type get into my nerve.

What I really love about this is that they deemed her unworthy judged her solely on her physical appearance rather than the merits she represents. A woman that puts her life on the line every day to protect the world is not good enough because her looks are too hot. They can call us shitlords for objectifying women because we like them busty, curvy and sexy, but they hate women far more than we do. This is why feminism is dying.

Not nearly quick enough.

They're still doing damage control.


So they missed the chance of doing something important with their lives because some movie didn't inspire them? Toppest of keks.

>but it isn't feminist because she's prettier than me REMOVE IT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Once again feminists prove they don't actually care about equality, just making themselves feel better.

Technically, Wonder Woman was created because a man and his wife liked BDSM.

This right here. Wonder was and always intended to be a sex symbol. She was only created to appeal to young boys. The actual audience for the comics.

Top lel

Wait. Are they implying the original comics were somehow more feminist than what we have now?

Because that is basically what feminists do. When they see another women that happen to be strong and successful, they don't try to push better like men do when they see another successful men. They have to drag their rivals down to their levels.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a scientist, because I liked Dexter's Lab. But then I read a book on science, realised it was boring shit, and went back to playing with lego.

I had something similar. I wanted to be a plumber because I liked Mario. But then my parents pointed out that being a plumber would involve fixing people's toilets instead of travelling to strange worlds and saving princesses, so I dropped that idea.

She was created to appeal to the author. Wonder Woman is William Moulton Marston's fetish porn

Don't believe their lies.
Get a trade, user! Move to Brooklyn and believe in yourself!

You just know this is going to impact the comics. Whenever a group of liberals tell another group of liberals they're not progressive enough, the first group always endeavour to be more progressive, instead of telling the second group to fuck off.

Expect to see a flat chested, fully clothed Wonder Woman at best, and a 500 pound bull dyke Wonder Woman with shitty neon hair at worst.

Please yes.

How much would you guys bet that the real reason femdykes got pissy about Wonder Woman is because her current movie actress is a pro-Israel activist?

You can never please these fucks.
Also 2nd pic related is something I keep seeing in articles about it.

jesus christ this is degenerate.


These are the kind of people in comic industry. They never read a comic in their lives or even googled the characters they claimed to love.


That RLM video on Cisbusters was great. Would watch again.

She is not really involved in comics though. She admits to being a casual fan only

Yeah, because it worked out so well last time they tried it. It will take a good while before DC will even start having ideas about changing WWs costume to anything that strays too far from the classic design.


This is why you'll never see a 9 out of 10 feminist approved tag line because it takes just one disapproving voice to shut it all down. It's all or nothing for feminist approval. A middle ground doesn't exist.

I think she looks hot, I don't know what your problem is. Probably a case of the gay.

what is it about nineties dindus that just makes them so homely and entertaining rather than


I really really like that design except for the lack of red gold trimmed boots.

The idea that we could all get along was still popular with the media at that point. Then some point later they decided they'd rather see us all at each other's throats.

This is from 4chan

You know what, that would maker her more interesting.

would you read shitty fanfiction about wonder woman and aquamans kid having to do superhero shit without pissing of too many nobles and ruining the themascria/atlantian empire that people are trying to sabotage?
what if it was actually published as a DC comic?


Ryouga ran like he'd never run before. He ducked around trees, leapt boulders and soared over streams in his frantic flight. All around him, arrows and spears rained down; most of the projectiles landed harmlessly in the ground, but a few he was forced to deflect with his new umbrella.

The Lost Boy took a quick peek over his shoulder . . .

To see the entire Amazon Nation descending down upon him!

It was an odd sight, so see a literal army of such unbelievably gorgeous, not to mention jiggly, women swarming across the countryside in pursuit of him. His first thought was predictable:

'Man, this is so awesome!"

His second, and more rational thought was:

'Wait a second, this sucks! This must be how Ranma feels most of the time!'

For the first time ever, Hibiki Ryouga felt just a twinge of sympathy for his eternal rival.

Again, he turned around and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"I said I was sorry! I didn't even know I stepped on their Mascara!"

And, again, his pleas were ignored.

'That's it! I'm telling Happosai about this place the next time I see him!'

Unfortunately, it was right about then that he realized, thanks in no small part to his complete inability to pay attention to where he was going . . .

That he'd run straight off a cliff about three steps ago . . .

As the women vanished behind him and the ocean loomed hungrily below him, he let out a resigned sigh.

"No one's existence could possibly be worse tha-"

The rest of his profound statement was drowned out by a tremendous splash.

I am fine with their current costume for as long as they can go on with it. At least it was better than their previous bodysuit which was so horrid and out-of-place.

Could have been worse.

Could have been worse.

I bet they even hate on Boudica even when she led an army to ravage the Romans.

Top keks indeed. If they wants role models there's already plenty out there. Like the Russian Sniper girl that raking a lot of kills during WW2. Or Evita Peron. Or even that lady employed by NASA to calculate the orbit trajectory for early NASA projects and her calculations were accurate.

Pants on legs retarded?

But none of those role models happened during CURRENT YEAR.

Very unlikely. I noticed that its more easier to shit on female characters that are more traditionally feminine while more butch looking or unconventional women are louded. You will never see these people saying anything bad about Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max. Since Boudica stood up against the patriarchy in a similar way to her I never seen a SJW bad-mouthing her before for not being progressive enough. To be fair, I've seen more anons defending her on this site than SJWs elsewhere, but I don't go to Tumblr except for pics of sex gifs and hot pics, so I wouldn't know.

The problem is Boudica started the war after her kin, including her husband got murdered by the Romans. So she started the war because of a man and them SJW not gonna like that one bit.

Also Boudica and her troops massacred not only men but also women and children. That's no buena.

Those are some very rectangular hips.


I like the jacket.

You guys are going about this wrong. It's not that they'd hate Boudica. It's that they wouldn't know who the fuck she is, because, like most feminists, they believe feminism started in WW2 America with Rosie the Riveter. They know nothing about actual history.

Though I know the mainstream icons they tend to hate. Cleopatra and Mother Theresa are disliked. Cleopatra is too sexual and Mother Theresa was a white knight that wrongfully helped blacks.

More like Mother Theresa was a religious figure, and we all know anything automatically Christian is bad.

Well, it would be silly to argue that Boudica was a feminist. She was just a woman who happened to be pretty tough. That doesn't make someone a feminist by default.

This is a fair assessment. Feminists that often demand for representation and diversity are often very ignorant about precedents. Like folks declaring revolutionary that the next Star Trek tv show will have a female protagonist, even though Captain Janeway in Voyager already existed.

I never said she was a feminist. But the idea of women being equal and being able to do jobs that men typically do (like slaughtering their enemies) isn't something that magically appeared in the 1940s.

But this time she's only the first-officer with a minority Captain. Oh, and she was casted to specifically be a minority. Oh, and they're not revealing her name for half the season :^)))))

Of all things they announced before, this is the most baffling.

I may be banging my head against a wall trying to understand feminists, but why is her being called Number One a big deal? It's a fairly common nickname for first officers.

every fucking face worst than the last.

Mother Theresa didn't help anybody, unless you count giving them a place to die as helping.

I'd fault feminists for not liking a lot of positive women, but not Mother Theresa. I think more people should be made aware of the fact that Mother Theresa was a fraud.

They don't hate her because of the controversy surrounding her, user. They don't hate her for being a fraud. They hate her specifically because she's a white woman who dared go and help minorities.

Do you believe everything you see on Television?


Original feminism was all about everyone being treated equal and that's what Boudica stand for. She led the army after her husband died and became General Queen. She treat her enemies the same as in slitting their throat, men, women and children.

The new wave feminism is the bad one. Rather than equality they simply want to be queen bitch. They want the comfiest job in the world while surrounded by hottest men or women and shoveling fattiest food in the world while keep getting praised as reborn Aphrodite even when they have enough fat reserve to supply a Chinese food restaurant for 30 years.

I remember a real feminist that build a help center for rape victims and she accepted male rape victims. She got treated like shit by new wave feminists because for them only women can be rape victim.

Fuck this feminist propaganda


Erin Pizzey. She had to flee the UK because 'original feminists' murdered her dog and the cops had to open all of her mail. She's a MRA now.

I wonder why….

I know, right?

You can't expect too much from people who can't even keep a straight line down the middle of the page consistent.

Is that Clark Kent?

Latinos are the indigenous people of latin america, that's like saying she could pass for fucking navajo

She has blue eyes you dumb fuck

technically these people mix all of south and central america aswell as the caribean and spain in one single bag.

I met many "latinos" who hate that label

I…actually think that's kinda cool looking. Not as a Wonder Woman costume, but…it's pretty cool. Someone should wear this, it just doesn't look like an Amazon war princess.

In what sense? For once, I hate my country and all it represents. It wanted to be a better US by copying everything US did without the actual competent people, just a bunch of degenerate drunks and whores, like any spaniard colony in America.
Latin America needs a bomb in general, really, there's just no good place left here, but you could say the same about the rest of the world. Not wanting to sound edgy. but everytime I think about an option to leave this piece of shit, there are a lot of reasons not to. We're really bad,but other places aren't all that better. They're better, though.. Also
I seriously hate this place.

summon the Meteor man, lets go back to the stardust

I didn't know, now I wish I never had

I wonder which butt monkey they'll get this time

She looks like a South European.

Please. Feminism from the start was classic leftyfaggotry that made women the eternal victim group.

Tell them to list all these beautiful women who aren't White women with tans

And what was the start of feminism?

A fanfic history of being the biggest victim ever.

I guess either the suffragettes or some dude in the French Revolution.

You know what's funny? One could cite you specific history books that recount the beginning of women's rights activism, but you would just claim they've all been written in the last decade by Anita Sarkeesian and aids skrillex.

Like says, it starts in the 18th century as an offshoot of enlightenment humanism. In the U.S. and UK at least, feminism (as the suffrage movement) becomes an effort to give women the vote without demanding of them the same contributions (landowning) or risks (military service) as men. In the postwar era, feminism leads to no-fault divorce coupled with alimony laws and biased custody decision patterns, as well as abortion on demand. Affirmative action and campus speech codes also grow out of feminism as well as ethnic identitarian political movements.

Let me guess you are BR HUE too?

you ruined my favorite childhood mmo, faggots

Feminists Dindu Nuffin.

It's like watching a cage full of hungry dogs eat each other.

…Wait, Amazonian from Atlantis? Isn't that one of the origins of Power Girl before they settled with the Kara Zor-L from Earth 2?


Never seen that one before user. Good pic.

The one thing that bugs me about the design is that the tiara doesn't portrude high enough like it usually does in most incarnations. Good costume still hopefully the movie has a bright color to it. Seriously, the costumes aren't bad but the lighting is so dark that they make the costumes look dull. If they are brightly colored they look a lot better.


I don't think Boudica ever did what she did to make a point though. The idea of gender quality probably never crossed her mind. People didn't sit around thinking about things like that in those days. If you were tough enough to get shit done, you got shit done. You didn't worry yourself about the politics of it all.

Boudica point is for revenge. Pretty clear cut motivation.

Jesus fucking Christ I don't even know where to begin talking about all the things wrong with that image.


Exactly. The chances are, the thought of proving that women can succeed in a man's world never crossed her mind. She just wanted to kill some Romans, and she was tough enough to make it happen.

You can become transgender and in the future they may have artificial uterus' you can use.

"Racist colonialism."
Whites aren't allowed to help blacks because that's racist. That's literally what they think.
They'll also bitch about current-day missionaries and people who go out and help build houses in places like Haiti. Not because these people don't help that much and just sit on their asses and praise themselves so much, but because 'oh no its a whitey helping a black, dats racist'

Good thing we're still (mostly) free world so that kind of idea only contained in small space. If that idea got supported imagine what happened to places that got hit by Indian Ocean Tsunami.

It felt like new form of racism. I bet they applauding Ancient Japan from closing their border from foreigners and condemn Admiral Perry.


If this is a thing, why do white SJWs stand behind hate movements like BlackLivesMatter?

You should an hero

The short answers is because the huge incestual set of movements that make up progressivism don't all see eye to eye. They're all mostly if not completely terrible movements, but they not all the same, and they don't all perfectly get along.

Also because BlackLivesMatter is at least partly spearheaded by aforementioned white SJWs and it's okay when they do it

To be fair a lot of missionaries do harmful shit like discourage the use of condoms.

Remember, every sperm is sacred. So swallow em whole, right girls?

It is ok, Brs ruined it for me too.

And I`m also one of them.

You are not necessarily wrong about that (we all know how dumb they are for standing up to both gay and women's rights in the same breath as Islamism), but I think the reason is completely different: their stigma against Christianity and religious workers.

Feels bad, mano

You didn't actually read the rest of what I typed, did you?
You're missing the point here, user. They don't care whether or not these people are helpful. They just don't like them because they're white, trying to help "PoC".
They also get angry at white people saying that they 'don't see race.'

Ah, forgot this.
But yeah, this isn't about helpfulness or what. They even shit-talk "white allies." They're racists and black supremacists.
It's actually pretty interesting in a fucked up sort of way.

Christianity isn't inherently white. It originiated in Israel. I swear these people are so American-entric.



Isn't there a study that shows Jesus as a short brown man with Middle East origin?

We have more than a study. We have plenty of evidence Jesus was in fact an actual person who existed (wither or not he was a divine being depends on who you ask obviously)
He was a Galilean Jew and most likely had swarthy skin

Afrocentrists will never let people live this down, either. So I don't know where 'Christianity is the White religion' shit came from.
Especially considering Europeans went through a worse hell than anyone who was colonized by them did in regards to conversion. Many European pagans were forced to convert or else get maimed or killed. Have their breasts cut off, their cocks cut off, their heads cut off, what have you. That's where all Christian holidays come from. They're Pagan holidays edited to make the transition easier.
But. You know. 'hurr hurr durr whites ebil, so ebil whites were never oppressed'

They were converted by other whites.

The brown people didn't come invade.

It's really no different than Africans killing each other over religion today, which they'd still blame on white people.


Awesome song dude. God bless Christopher Lee.

Young Charlemagne is better in the album than in this video.

What did he mean by this? And why is the reference two weeks stale?

But that's correct, you fucking retard.

Why does this chick feel the need to put all sorts of unneeded lines on everyone's faces? Doesn't she realize that just makes it look like everyone SG hangs around are super fucking old?

Also she draws everyone with a cleft lip. There was a thread a while back before Powergirl autist wiped the threads off the board. The thread explained her flaws that she just transplants the same faces onto different characters without differentiating them.

The Black Pride faggotry is a product of American education. So is White Nationalism.