Yfw the rest of 4chan is rebelling against Holla Forums and calling for it's deletion


Delicious butthurt from Holla Forums follows.

Other urls found in this thread:



It doesn't work as a containment board anymore. Their followers use 4chan too frequently that spills into all Chan activities. The good thing about its deletion is that they won't fester the minds of new internet users

A man can dream

Hirohito wants that sweet traffic like greedy moot, he will never do it. But its amusing to see the rest of 4chan having enough of Holla Forums's bullshit hivemind cancer.

Holla Forums and /rk9/ foster some of the worst internet behaviour


I would welcome the decrease in shitposting that would accompany Holla Forums's departure.

Do we really want them all here? I suppose the extra traffic might make 8pol implode, could be breddy funny.

Sadly, it doesn't make a difference now because Holla Forums, and the Stormfront agitators that define it, are now cemented in a modern poisoned chan community. What they do not understand is that we don't actually care if they're a bunch of unironic racists and hypocrites. What irritates people is that they are the ultimate newfags.

It's ironic that they constantly called moot a cuck because it perfectly describes how he defended them at every turn.

Anytime their shit gets fucked up I laugh, just a bunch of howling monkeys that try to make 4chan their safe space by shouting "GOY!" to anyone who dares to disagree.

I can't tell if it's amusing or irritating that they don't know that they are basically Tumblr and think they are their literal opposites.

I had to stop using /fit/ because of the constant Holla Forums shitposting in threads whenever someone would post a picture of themselves and they were non-white.

I also stopped using /mu/ but that's because they are a bunch of self loathing faggots.

Case and point.

That's honestly pretty depressing. Banter is one thing, even extreme, but personally belittling someone is Internet Tough Guy tier.

ctrl+F "agenda"

another fantastic thread from 4pol

You m8s tried

fuck off you libtard cuck

sasuga stormcucks

Yeah I mean, your reputation as a containment board came from leftypol right?

No, you're a containment board because no one wants you autist in threads about fitness or music. You fucktards come into mu and talk about how Kendrick Lamar "hating white people" is somehow a valid criticism of his music. You people come into fit and post pictures of Hitler and talk about "duh genewacy" when we should be talking about fitness and sloots and steroids. You come into a and post about which anime is the least degenerate. Please just fucking kill yourself.

Everyone fucking hates you. You guys shit up every board with propaganda.

/g/ was my usual board on 4chan–the Holla Forumsish invasion happened around the time of the Snowden affair. At first it was nice to have an influx of people interested in safe and secure computing, but as usual they were only obsessed with the j00z and their black magic. There was endless memeing about how Intel processors should never be used because of their R&D in Israel, which is not a joke; discussion of free software became a pointless drudgery because almost everyone who cared was just paranoid about Windows being an NSA backdoor. There was quite a bit of doublethink over Stallman being ethnically Jewish, too, which created a sad little duality so the Holla Forumsyps could more easily astroturf with discussion only they could possibly care about it.

Of course, there were quite a few weebs on the board before, so unironic racism was not unheard of, i.e. nippon superior over smelly brownskins. But they took it to a new level. It got to the point where they tried to actively ostracize anyone without a conscious hate-boner for nonwhites, and then they had the nerve to pretend they were a part of the fucking community to begin with and that the libruls were intruding on their precious little safe space.

This is why I hate these people. Not their braindead ideology, not their perpetual angst driven by sexual frustration, not how they embrace the use of illogical rhetorical tactics. I hate them because they ruined a community I liked with their sheer, autistic dedication to acting like children on Internet forums. They are bigger degenerates than anyone they complain about.

It was inevitable! Glorious revolutions always eat their own children!

If I was an imageboard I'd take that as a compliment

No, a minority of users (namely leftypol) hates Holla Forums, you understand Holla Forums is typically the 2nd busiest board on both 4chan and Holla Forums right? The only reason Holla Forums is a containment board is because leftists couldn't handle the banter and moved on to form their own torture chamberes, there's a fucking leftyb on the top of my fucking screen right now for fucks sake, a fucking leftist random board!

And what do you guys do to help spread the joys of leftism? You go around shitting on Holla Forums as if people hating Holla Forums will somehow turn them full Communist

We have our own board on Holla Forums because every idiot does. I don't know why /leftyb/ exists, but it does because it can.

On 4chan, even people who otherwise agree with Holla Forums are tired of them because they NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT. If they want their own safespace they can go to VNN.

If you don't know what I'm talking about you are probably a colossal newkid and don't know two shits about chan culture. As such, you should fucking lurk moar.

and yet Holla Forums is so triggered by different opinions that they formed therightstuff and my posting career so they can keep out anyone who so much as criticizes them

No you fucking imbecile. I don't want your political ideology leaking into boards that are NON political. I come to Holla Forums leftypol because I'm a leftist and I want to discuss politics and I like chan culture.

You're a newkid and it's showing. In 2012 a Holla Forums poster shitting up a thread with nigger memes would get called out and told to take his shit back to Holla Forums and that we were discussing X and not politics. Now you guys have invaded every board and turned 4chan into your Holla Forums safe space.

Ikr? That board finally had me get off my ass and take care of my body. The "we're all gonna make it brah" vibes were fucking great.

Now there are constantly threads about chad who gets all the girls and eats pizza so you may as well give up, or thinly veiled Holla Forums threads like "y r pajeets not able 2 make loo gainz lol"

Its honestly sad

/qa/ has this thread every other day. The sad part is left/pol/ has s thread on said thread a couple of times a month.

4pol can't die./ Suck it up faggots.

Holla Forums just shits up every board they come across. They're like a virus that keeps spreading.

Because you shit up the board culture with your dumb memes. When I'm on /mu/ you can call me a nigger and I'll call you one to. It's fine. I don't want some faggot to come on and start posting links to TRS about how blacks are useless and how nigger musicians suck because they're niggers and how jazz music is a jew trick.

Holla Forums has just become infested tumblrinas and Holla Forumsyps duking it out for supremacy.

I don't generally chan-outreach short of taking big news stories that go under-reported to Holla Forums. Redpilling them if you will.

If you honestly think our gripes with Holla Forums are because of chan outreach on Holla Forums you aren't paying attention.

Nah man, pretty much everyone hates you. And I lurk Holla Forums a fair amount, and it seems like half of you hate yourselves.

It's because you're all self-styled lefties and the left is nothing if it doesn;t have a right wing boogie-man to fight.

Or maybe it's because you shit up board culture with stupid nigger memes and derail threads.

You're a newfag and it's showing. You were a containment board for a reason. But now you keep bringing in newfags who think they own fucking 4chan because of Kek and shit up every 10th thread on an unrelated board.

Yeah, just look at all those bans for dissent on 4pol.

Was there a part of I don't post elsewhere that you didn't understand? And kek indeed at this talk of newfag from a board just coming up three years old.

I'm not referring to you specifically I didn't know you were the person I replied to.

I don't care if you shit up Holla Forums. My point about being a newfag is Holla Forumsyps thinking shitting up unrelated boards with far right political jargon was ever a part of chan culture until GG

My bad. Sometimes I forget this is an anonymous board.

Holla Forums never asked for all the newfriends. Moot is at least as responsible for his captcha-free posting on Holla Forums that he left in place for like two weeks. That's basically when the damage was done.

I used to be a Holla Forums tard so I know how it works. You guys are very welcoming to new friends. It's gotten to the point where the conservative party of Canada is posting "ITS LE CURRENT YEAR" pictures and the top comments are normies talking about meme magic

Come on man that's pretty funny. But really if it's got to the stage where people unironically quote Holla Forums on FB then maybe there's a lot of frustrated people out there.

I don't care about the semantics the point is you can't say Holla Forums isn't importing newfags in when that shit's going on.

Personally I've never seen comments of forums saying 'come to Holla Forums guys, we've got the dankest memes'. But it really doesn't take much savvy to track down images these days. Don't know what to do. But deleting Holla Forums would likely be a mistake.



It's not as if Holla Forums isn't already full to the brim with cancerous Holla Forumstards.

Usually people are invited to places like r/the_donald, and then they get linked to 4/pol/ or 8/pol/ from there.
The funny thing is that they genuinely think they are filtering for quality posters when they do that. They just define "quality posters" as "anyone who supports Trump". Holla Forums seem to be under the impression that all imageboards are their right-wing safe spaces where only right-wing discussion is allowed.


We can only hope comrade

The eventual payoff could be great, but that initial transition period would be hell on earth.

Never forget the glorious revolution.

Man I forgot about /ref/ - great times.

We already passed through two exodus and the result was that 8ch just became Holla Forumschan.

Was 8ch not essentially formed for exactly this purpose though? Hotwheelz set it up after the first time 4pol got fisted.

Holla Forums is a board of peace where everyone is welcome. Don't project the misdeeds of a microscopic minority on all Holla Forumsacks.


Do people really think 4chan was never before Holla Forums? Really?

Has anyone really been far even as decided …

I doubt 4/pol/ is going anywhere and it doesn't matter either way.

ITT: Butthurt ledditors. Fucking kill yourselves, cucks

OP here, the irony is that I pulled both the thread and the second pic from halfchan Holla Forums. Even before I posted the link there were dozens of posters calling for it to be deleted.

It seems you traction with rest of 4chan is over and everybody is now sick of your shitposting which Holla Forums 2.0.

Deal with it stormcuck.

Any day now…


The only people who hate Holla Forums are newfag redditors like you faggots.

Ha ha good one m80


Btw, most of 4pol traffic comes from reddit, you shouln't be that hostile towards your own community

you have to go back

Why would SJW redditors come to Holla Forums? Aside from ebin raids, they're usually to triggered to come here

All me on the right.

I have been on 4chan since 2006 and I have hated /new/ and Holla Forums since their inception.

Maybe it's you who is the newfag

Reddit's new favourite board is /r/the_donald

Reddit also hates /r/SRS, objectively the only good board on reddit.

Is this the new d&c line? 4chan spiked in popularity mid 2015. Now it's back down to regular levels of traffic.

Y'all are just salty you don't psyop as well as Holla Forums.

Why does Holla Forums tolerate you nu-males

Maybe because you were a redditor who got triggered when your torture chamber got broken

Fucking kill yourself, you SJW faggot. the_donald is the last place on reddit where faggots like you don't censor everything that triggers them


You're right. Alt-right goobers delete everything that triggers them instead.

give me proof or just fuck off, cuck enabler

Reddit isn't just SJWs, m80. Sorry to pop your bubble. But hey, If telling everyone that disagrees with you "you have to go back huehue" and "newfag redditor" makes you feel better, sure, go on. You're only proving yourself to be a complete, true newfag. Aside of a butthurt Holla Forumsyp, of course.

Who's a redditor now? You're hilarious.

The only place I've seen censorship by the right has been on 8pol. 4pol is hard to get banned. Other forums that you idiots consider right are pretty good for freedom of speech. Then we've got SRS. And Revleft. and Reddit in general.

Reddit didn't exist in 2006 you fucking newfaggot, kill yourself.

Try it here.


The vast majority of redditors are liberal cucks. The only ones who aren't are in the_donald

Maybe because they were shitposting and added nothing to the thread?

Or you could just check the rules in the sidebar if you're still sceptical.

They've never been a bastion of le freeze peach.

So I went to the bottom of that thread. 3 posts removed. Have you ever seen a thread where teh liberal torture chamber is shaken up over there?

That's the hottest post on /r/the_adolf. Here's the hottest post of SRS.


Literally 0 posts removed.

Why does anyone here give two shits about 4chan? There has not been anything of value there since 2009.

Sorry, im not a reddit cuckold like you

Did you get triggered? Did the spooky Holla Forumsacks scare you?


Are you enjoying your free speech here, Holla Forumsyp? Or do you want to go back to >>>/reddit/ ?

Holy shit that place reads exactly like a thread here.

Honest answer time guys. How many of you are SRS? I always thought SRS was a parody. Holy shit…

You don't need to be one to know that the_donald is the last place on reddit where anything un-PC isn't banned


True, anything un/pol/ is banned.


Literally the cancer killing Holla Forums. fuck off back to tumblr, you SJW faggot

Good job I don't go on Holla Forums.

Got forbid I censor their delicate souls by point out what racist, sexist, bigots they all are.


You really are master troll huh? Now tits or GTFO.

Nah, think I'll stay.

Yup, Holla Forums are reddit. It just so happens that redditors are also bigoted neckbeards.

Bit sexist tbqh.

So what is the different between pol and SJW ?

I don't know where but there is an user in Holla Forums who is making you look like retards i think the mods deleted his posts i am not sure

We don't try to censor everything that disagrees with us and shitpost our opinions literally everywhere. The Holla Forums mods probably got triggered and tried to suppress any actual discussion

Except the vast majority who're you know… not?

You sure you don't post on 4pol? Anyway. I suspect you ain't got on tits. You're one of these 'male feminists'. How's that working out for you? Made it out of the friendzone yet?

Did you forget that you're on a board that isn't Holla Forums?

no you like to burn """Jewish""" books and ""anti-white"" media right ?
w8 for me let me try to find that fucker

Holla Forums = free-speech absolutists
SJW = the polar opposite of that

Close enough?

Try it. Go start a thread on any topic somewhat political on 4pol. As long as it's not a blatant shitpost, it'll not be deleted.

Subscribers to /r/the_donald
Subscribers to SRS
Nuff said

I post on 4/lit/, I used to post on 4/his/ as well but it's been overrun with Holla Forums shitters since school's out.

Cool. Now do this one.


yes I can't work that site

Less than either apparently.

Its not my fault you SJWs are shitting on Holla Forums for no good reason other than it #triggers you

Why shouldn't we get rid of that shit? Should we tolerate CP as well?

This isn't Holla Forums tho, this is Holla Forums.


found him comrades
>>>Holla Forums9768781

what about the books that the Nazis burned ?
Holla Forums mods ban any one with different opinion and different facts

Yeah, except the exact reason people are fed up with ya cunts it's because you newfag retards shitpost your retarded opinions literally everywhere.

Thought I was looking for another number there. Yeah that's much less than expected. Sanders has a quarter of a mil, but I guess they're not all cucked.

I don't condone that.

8pol maybe. But this thread was about 4pol.

And two can play at that game.

delete Holla Forums is just a /qa/, formerly /q/ meme

Come on now…

Anarchafem is my waifu.

You'd have some politically confused children


That's fucking glorious

if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't even be here

whatever happened to Holla Forums ?

Removing Holla Forums now would only make everything worse, it's too late. Containment boards exist for a very good reason.

Just wondering: when did /int/ become /pol2/? I remember that when Chávez died, the janitor got rid of all threads talking about it for being political and told people to post it on Holla Forums. Now the janitor doesn't seem to be an autist, but the board is worse now.

CANTV (biggest venezuelan ISP, owned by the government) has been banned for ages (since 2008 I think), so I didn't get to post in those threads.

It will cause a lot of shitposting in the short term, but in the long term I think it would be a good thing. Holla Forums will ultimately migrate here or to other sites.

Go home, Holla Forums

pls no

If Holla Forums starts to stay in their own shithole across the site as a whole I won't have an issue with it. The problem is that Holla Forums has never stayed contained in the past.

Containment doesn't work unless the thing to e contained is actually contained.
/mlp/ works because ponies popping up outside /mlp/ are pretty quickly shot down. NSFW boards work because posting porn in SFW boards gets you banned.
Holla Forums would only work as a containment board if hotpocketeers actually did the same to Trumpcucks, muh degeneracy, muh jews and other Holla Forums trash. Instead they've been allowed a free hand, and so instead of containing anything, Holla Forums just serves as a point of entry.

fucking lel

Why do all Holla Forumsacks type like they are mentally ill?

What, why?

Because they are Jews..

And Holla Forums is a direct descendant thereof. For this board to complain and criticize under the pretense of being an outsider to it all is a supreme irony indeed.

We're much closer to being a descendant of /lit/.
The vast majority on this board has never browsed Holla Forums.

It's a bastard child of both


That's basically what Holla Forums does, though, except it uses "SJW" or "Tumblr" or "reddit" instead—some of the same scapegoats that Holla Forums uses, but that's surely just a coincidence.

Neither of you remember when /new/ was deleted and before Holla Forums was created

Holla Forums was hit pretty hard. news is on tv after all.

Laugh at your delusions. Cry in the face of reality/ The face of Holla Forums

Here's some nostalgia.

I know pol is way bigger than us right now, but I think we could become the main politics board of Holla Forums in time, and that would really change the whole character of the site; it would give the whole place a left flavour, maybe. Of course there will still be pockets of fascism, and that's okay really. But we could do this, we already see polyps coming here as their place becomes increasingly nonsensical and unpleasant. We must help the tides change.

That's not acceptable either.

The only people talking politics that I respect restrain themselves from labeling opponents immediately instead of addressing the contents of what they are saying.

I still post on Holla Forums because despite the namecalling going on, at least we're willing to go beyond blaming everything on Jews and Muslims.

I would love to see it happen, but the thing is with the Holla Forums-smoking ideology is that they believe everyone who disagrees with them is the literal enemy that must be silenced. It will take time to change the undecideds, but it can happen. Meanwhile Holla Forums gets swallowed into a black hole of its own hatred and is banished to its own website, like wizardchan, where only people who have always been Nazis are allowed to post.

There are unsure lurkers on Holla Forums. That's how most of them start out. They're the ones to win over.

Yeah, we're a pretty shitty board by just about any standard, but at least we have the decency not to shitpost all the hobby boards.





Grow up fam


How ironic. The envy in this thread is palpable.

I hate to break it to you, user, but these one-off threads aren't meant to change your mind or influence your discussions.

People shitpost threads on your board because it's funny as hell and the bait is always taken.

It might be hypocritical to do so while complaining about Holla Forums shitposting outside of the containment zone, but it's not like this is done by the same people.

Why are leftists so weak, effeminate and pathetic

That's not a leftist its a dog

why do people act like this matters…

once you are red pilled, there is no turning back. you can take a break from it, focus on other things, get distracted, not follow politics, but those beliefs that redpill gave you - they'll never leave you.

don't these fucking morons realize that it's too late? we've redpilled hundreds of thousands if not millions of individuals (talking about those that our ideologies have touched outside of the alt-right)… those are all people who will always hold those ideas and will always talk about them…

if pol went down we'd find a new place. the other pol is just an example, this place is filled to the ass with shills yet we're still gaining converts on the daily, luckily r/the_donald is pretty red pilled and they've gotten 10,000 subscribers in the last week alone. fuck, liberals do plenty of our redpilling for us simply by being the deeply triggering and problematic faggots that they are (they think they can start being openly deeply triggering and problematic now that the west is so fucking degenerate, and they keep getting surprised when this bullshit backfires on them).

nothing to worry about boys. we're winning. even if we lose, we win via the collapse of society (an empty victory, but we still get to say "I told ya so").

never forget: the reason all these shills exist is because they fear us. never, ever forget that. they will mock you, laugh at you, call you names, say you don't mean shit but in the end if they really didn't think you had the power to convert political minds to the truth they wouldn't bother with you. they. fear. us.


It didn't happen all at once. Like all of Holla Forums's invasions, it took some time. I'd say it started in 2013, however. That's when the Holla Forums influence became very apparent and, as a result, /ref/ was created. By April of 2014, /ref/ reached its peak of influence, but it all went downhill after they failed to take /sp/ the way they took /int/. As /ref/ stagnated and fell out of relevance, Holla Forums took over. By September, /ref/ was pretty much dead and Holla Forums had made itself a second home on /int/.

That was the first time the users really fought back against the janitor. I remember it well, Chavez threads being spammed all over the board. It was glorious. /ref/ used those same tactics in the June Uprising.

That's because they know that /int/ will fight back against a corrupt janitor. They've done it before and they'll do it again.

You can thank the Holla Forums takeover for that. /ref/'s goals were to get rid of both the janitor and Holla Forums. Unfortunately, without them around anymore, there's nobody to challenge Holla Forums's influence.

what's pathetic is you and your ilk acting like internet tough guys.

You're the one who got triggered enough to reply, thanks for the (you) btw faggot

The irony tho.

Do you only reply to things that trigger you?

Stay triggered beta bois

le cuck xD

Now you're just projecting because you know deep down you are a cuck

Oh good just what we need another shitty exodus to 8ch.

Fuck those Holla Forums niggers




Leftism and beta boi are synonymous my friend

remember when /news/ got deleted? that fixed everything and did not in any way make all other boards much shitter.

What, you didn't enjoy autistic nazi shitposting when you're trying to talk about warhams or singaporean shadow puppets?

This is true, it's basically mod-approved shitposting.


If bait is coordinated and slides decent topics into oblivion, can we call it shilling or sliding?

Hiroshima really did a number on that site, daily bot and shill threads on gun control and Hillary.

Holla Forums is such a cesspool Holla Forumstards are invading the rest of 4chan, making the rest of 4chan hate them even more.

this shit predates mook.

Racial agitation is the agenda.

d&c or just juciest of bait. Also the bit about blacks, as it was posted across all the boards, would have seemed a bit like a Holla Forums raid.

Quite a few of us migrated from /int/.

Does anyone know what happened to /ref/ btw?

We cant convince Holla Forums - but them having our analysis during turbulent events will, in the long run. For example, when/if Trump wins and then nothing really changes, our analysis of why, of capitalism and politics, will relate to their crushed utopian optimism. We can't hope to convince them in one go, we must gradually bide time until real material events direct them to the logic of our argument. What is most important is that we keep making these arguments anyway. And we must argue well; and that means with an audience in mind. You are arguing to convince, remember that.

Gee I wonder why everyone fucking hates Holla Forums guys

Most of the "bro tier" /sp/artans and tripfags left around late 2013 due to janitor babysitting moderation.

4/sp/ has been shit since 2010, when WC hit and Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums started pouring in.

It was bearable up until 2012/13, but I didn't epect it to be so shit right now. Literally any other post is Holla Forums or baits pretending to be Holla Forums. NBA threads don't seem too bad, but I'm afraid it has to do with basket being associated to black people.

It's a long, autistic story, but the recent chapter is:

Why is it that Holla Forums in particular hates HPM?

Not necessarily Holla Forums, just a bunch of autistic shitposters who were once under the command of a butthurt modder who called himself "Turkslayer"

Meant for

Literally nothing wrong with the right side.

Everything on the left side should be nuked tho.

tbh the feminists are the only people on here that aren't autistic edgelords.

Fuck I wish I didn't miss this.

Anarcho-fem might be one of the best posters here. Xir grace and naturality when it comes to trolling Holla Forums is something I really envy

We have one with anarchofem flag and iz ok.

We get raids by plebbitors that are idiots.

We have a stable populace that are not idiots.

I guess you are from the plebbitors?

lol Holla Forums

Maybe I am tbh. I started with 4chan and got caught up in the initial autism about SJWs and gamergate bullshit, but since then I've sort of realized that most of the Tumblr crowd are actually pretty decent people, and easy converts to leftism.

I know leftypol hates /r/socialism and all, but I think most people here would agree with like 95% of the posters there. Holla Forums managed to manifest itself pretty successfully with /r/the_donald, we should do the same by encouraging the kiddies on places like /r/fullcommunism to actually join unions and worker's parties. I'm honestly convinced that most of the tankie shitposting about SJW boogeymen is just Holla Forums agents trying to incite sectarianism.

You must not have been involved in many American political organizations. The idpol crowd has made most groups totally focused with fringe issues.

leftyb simply exists to give leftist memeing its own place rather than mess with the quality of leftypol

This. Polyps are worse than furfags were back in the day. They are worse than the guy who sperged about The Passion of the Christ at the local adult bookstore.

It's not so much about us hating r/. It's about them being entrenched in their ideologies and not allowing any influence.

I'd gladdly go to r/ but, if I have to accept ever faggot that complains about "an old lady didn't like that I wear a skirt, cause I have a dick. The world is terrible", when we should be caring about the future going full coproratocracy.. .. sorry.. FUCK PLEBBIT!

No, I don't have a problem with anyone, regardless of who they like to fuck or how they wanna dress. I only have a problem when we have to make everythign about it.

Same goes with race. race is a spook anyway

You know man, getting increasingly engaged in the real world and is more correct. These people are easy converts, really.

lmao what

Sure. In the real world. Where you are allowed to talk.

The things keeping most idpolers back are 1) the whole "it never worked" meme, 2) they think the economy would be controlled by an authoritarian state, and 3) general lack of understanding of socialism

yeah fucking moot playing a fucking joke for two fucking weeks who does he think he is

So… why are they any different than pol?

Less irrational hatred, more desire to see some form of equality, fewer negative preconceptions of Marx et al.

While they do have some Holla Forumsish views on socialism, they still have some grievances with capitalism even if they don't know it's capitalism. Also Bernie had admittedly made the word socialism easier to swallow for some people, which can help broaden their views past socdemism

And all 3 could pretty easily be solved if we pushed harder into idpol circles on sites like tumblr. We should all be making a collective effort to shill for anti-capitalist candidates like Stein and Moorehead, socialist parties that

a) Dispel the myth that every anti-capitalist movement is necessarily authoritarian

b) Completely discredit the brocialist meme, which would also completely disarm 90% of Hillary shills.

They're easier to win over than Holla Forums, but I don't see why that justifies involvement in their polluted organizations.

They aren't anti-capitalist. They will betray us the first opportunity they get. Never trust reformists.

I thought the green party adopted an anti-capitalist platform or something. Also, learn to take what you can get. Socdems are still better than neolibs or fascists

To win them to socialism proper, of course.

If we don't try to convert them, the left will never grow or get anything done

Think of them more as "misguided" than "polluted". These people could be extremely valuable assets if their energy were turned to real political/economic issues rather than petty social reform. If even half of the "SJW" crowd were concentrated into a solid leftist party, it would be quite a force.

The left is necessarily a populist movement. What we need is more bodies and more participants.

They're more socialist than Bernie ever was. Plus the whole Worker's World platform seems p revolutionary to me, I haven't found anything to disagree with.


They only adopted the platform to boost the party's popularity with Bernie voters. SocDems are just as much establishment as any other party. They will fall in line with the neolibs and Fascists. Remember it was the SPD that betrayed German workers and enabled the Freikorps. It's also socdem/demsoc parties in Europe that are pushing through austerity and cracking down on opposition.

Don't waste your energy empowering reformists. Your time would be better spent contributing to the revolutionary left.

SocDem leads to fascism, once the system fails. Cause it's Capitalism with a human face. And once the facade is gone, someone has to be blamed. And it sure as hell won't be capitalism.

Anyway, sure. Ok. You can try. We could even make and organized effort. … not sure how much time we have till we get banned though…

If you don't see any disagreement with a Stalinist party then you still have some growing to do. Still, you're certainly right about them being better than fucking Bernie.

And how do you plan to grow the revleft without converting people to it? It's a lot easier to convince a socdem tumblrite than a street fascist or neoliberal

Sure. Ok. We can try.

Start the organization and am with you. I'll even hold my "it's not about race or gender, it's about class" thing back.

I wasn't the guy advocating a shilling organization, I just mean the left will go nowhere without new supporters

Don't hold it back - explain it slowly and patiently and carefully.

You look for people without any set political affiliation. Revleft and r/socialism are set it their ways. They will convert us with their sheer numbers not the other way around you deluded twat. You're making the same mistake everyone does.

And I agree. But again, you can't do it on r/ cause they don't let you do it.

You think we don't try all the time?

I know right, let's just stop trying and bend over

It's okay to convert SocDems, but participating in their parties and promoting their candidates is pure retardation.


Radical Yugoslavia steamgroup also took part on this, but only because we are shitposters anyway.

just look at this thread to see how good anfem is at triggering other people just by existing

Leftsm is too weak and fractured to dominate an entiry board culture, it's how libertarians were displaced by stormfags from Holla Forums.

It's Anti-Capitalist*

*but prioritizes identity politics over all

It's fucking garbage


The weak hate the strong.

The socdem and liberals, you're describing are a small and almost universally despised group. The political ignorant masses are who we should try and covert. The group you're interested in are very set in their ways and very aggressive at pushing their agenda on to others. They convert you not the other way around. Same with all idpol groups.

Even though Holla Forums is a cesspit and its deletion would only cause the cancer to spread throughout the chans, I nevertheless think it's actually the prudent strategy to kill Holla Forums off and keep it off 4chan (and 8ch). Regardless of whatever lofty intentions of Holla Forums being a containment board, it obviously failed to do so and only served as an echo chamber wherein Holla Forumsack degenerates weaponized their alienation-induced malcontent into the alt-right scourge we face today. By keeping Holla Forums and its related boards, the entire chan community is essentially providing the alt-right a safe space wherein they could collaborate, organize, and plan expeditions and campaigns on other boards which promotes and normalized their agenda.

Holla Forums is no longer a containment board, assuming it ever was. It is not a breeding ground for reactionary thought where gullible and otherwise apolitical individuals are radicalized by alt-right propaganda. No matter how much of a problem it might cause for Holla Forums, this board should be unanimous in its support for the shutdown of Holla Forums on both 4chan and 8ch. Doing so would not only serve our interests; it would benefit chan culture as a whole.

*It is now a breeding ground

Holla Forums is stronger than you and only growing stronger. your revolution will never come, on the internet or IRL.

Get over it.

PS. if it does come, it'll be niggers and spics, and they'll kill you.

By posting dank screencaps to reddit?


What a LARPer

More delicious irony.

You figure if people really put the screws to Hiro for hosting a bunch of people who hate him and any other fucker who isn't lily white, it'd be easy to get rid of Holla Forums for good. Like, every time people protest 4chan it's "let's go there and try to out-shitpost an anonymous imageboard! THis will work!" Fuck, just pressure the site owner into dropping it, that's how Something Awful made Reddit drop all their child porn subreddits; they just went on an e-mail campaign and also told journalists that Reddit had a punch of pedos on it for years and they didn't do anything about it.

Have you learned nothing from cuckgate.

Holla Forums already spews and taints everything.
The idea is to get rid of the source of the cancer.
In the short term there would probably be an increase in the spewing and tainting but after a while without its main core source the metastasis could cease to exist.

The whole site has become the source of their cancer.
The real issue is that 4chan's mods are fucking lazy elitist retards, some of which have probably become closet Holla Forumsyps by now. "Keep Holla Forums in Holla Forums" is a global rule but it is never enforced and the stormkids know it. There used to be porn dumps on /g/ that went so untouched that people started finding them funny instead of rude.

so just like now?

The majority of the userbase on halfchan would end up here. It would probably be best to leave it as it is.

>lose the ability to >>>Holla Forums which is usually the only possible argument most of the time

See above.

>lose the ability to >>>Holla Forums which is usually the only possible argument most of the time
it would just be replaced by >>>/4+4chan/, I don't see a problem.


So they'd just say gb2the_donald instead, the accussations of Holla Forumsyps being redditors are getting more popular even now

Bringing in the election will only intensify the shitposting as they'll accuse you of being a Hillary corrector. Destroying Holla Forums would be a pyrrhic victory. Until you're ready to censor the entire internet, you need containment areas.

Containment areas are supposed to contain something, like /mlp/ stops the flood of cartoon equines. /new/ failed at this, Holla Forums fails even harder, and whatever politics board you make, it will always fail at stopping the cancer because mods are lazy niggers

Holla Forums doesn't fail, /int/ was /new/lite when /new/ was deleted. You took those people and gave them an echo chamber.

The biggest problem with Holla Forums is the board's name. Having a board called politically incorrect implies that the rest of the website is politically correct which leads to people losing their mind when someone posts something that triggers them. It's usually never about politics that people complain about Holla Forums invading other places.

Someone on Holla Forums actually spent time in MS Paint making this

Literally 5 seconds later

The alt-right, truly the last purveyors of freedom in a cucked world…

Holla Forums isn't a containment board.

It's a goddamn incubator for shitposters.


Don't they just?

Of course, I remember that it got a bit fucked because of /new/, but on the other hand I recall a decrease of political talk on the other boards, even if by a margin. For example Paulposting seems to have decreased during that period.



meant for


I go on /his/ a lot, Personally i try not to sperg out about communism, but I will start shitposting whenever some Holla Forumstard starts positing stupid shit. As long as the Holla Forumstards aren't left alone to shit up the board, /his/ will stay pretty decent. We just need to ad hominem them till they fuck off.

Do you even know what the first exodus was about? 4chan is dead whether or not you remove the board full of people who disagree with you.

Just curious, where do you go now that you don't use 4chan /mu/ any more? I still use it, but I don't quite see what you're saying. I've discovered some great stuff and even, by extension, leftists via /mu/.

4chan and 8ch are private entities and can do whatever they please with respect to the suppression and censorship of content. These are unfortunately the rules of capitalism. We should use these rules to our advantage, however, rather than handicapping ourselves with empty moral posturing that is neither practical nor even respected by the rules of this system.

I am against violence and aggression in all forms, but I am not a pacifist who will refuse to violently struggle in order to make this world a place wherein violence is no longer necessary. Similarly, I am against censorship, but that doesn't mean I will debilitate my chances of helping create a world where censorship no longer exists simply because of those values.

I use the essentials for music but I don't use the board for discussion.

orright me mates!!! just an update from your ole pal kaiser willie on the latest willywagglin tips n tricks of the trade!!!
so i was reading the beano me mates and i read about a competition to meet dennis the menace in beanoland!!!oh man me mates i was poofed!!! i walked into me mummy and daddys room to ask permission to use the internet when i was setupon by a hideous sight!!!my mummy…was swallowing my daddys willy!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at first i was horrified!!!cant mummies and aunties let us boys have our willies?cannot a man waggle in peaceth?i was considering the pre-emptive genocide of all women when i discovered my mummy was just giving my daddy a "blow job"!!!!!!!oh man me matesnow this is a new development in waggling your willy!!!just use one of your mates mouths until you reach fulljoy and shoot willy juice!!!cumon me mates, lets blow eachothers willies in me treehouse.!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS PLEASURE 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!iM FEELIN THE WILLYFEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMY WILLYHASNEVERBEENSOPLEASURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!…..icum in your mouth matey…ahhh..relief!!!!

thanks for stickin around this update me mates, cheerio pippip!!Im off for round 2. w/ me cousins!!!

t. Alex Grandi


don't be stupid

Deletion? No.

Rebellion? Hell yes.

It's time to go to war with Holla Forums but on Holla Forums. (Then 4chan if we feel up for it upon success.)


Stop posting.

Cry more leftycucks, nothing can stop our march :^)

fuck off with your spam. You're as bad as that faggot who sperged out about how he wanted to suck off Joe McCarthy on crustacea/n/

Idunno fams. Quite a few of them are a real problem. It's mostly the views that seem oddly racially superiour, like pol, as well as scapegoating lestr8whitemenz like there's no tomorrow. There's also the fact many prominent ones are Beorgie asf and only care about changing the skin color and gender of the elites, rather then just abolish them all together. Liberalism taints leftism.

This pretty much tbh. Though I would call it deconverting myself.

Except for when Trump loses.

you should seriously kill yourself


It looks pretty shit to be honest.