I want to be anti-ID pol. Where do I start?

Pic not related, but I'm in a hurry.

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Step 1:
Everything is about Class. "Identity" is bourgie faggotry.

Step 2:
PoC is a racist slur. At least nazis are honest about it when saying niggers.

Step 3:
Everyone is equal. You don't deserve more or less for being gay or whatever. If people have problems with you being gay or whatever, fuck them. They are idiots.

Step 4:

This exactly. I dunno where the shills get the impression that anti idpol is 'hurhur fuck everyone but white males', it's that everyone should be treated equal, not pandered to with affirmative action and Holocausts and shit.

Kill yourself. That's the best start for someone in a hurry.

Point out that safe spaces and gay rights dont really matter when people are dying from hunger and war.

Point out that wage inequality and the working poor dont really matter when people are dying from hunger and war.

You realise how reactionary this is?

Ignore evolutionary theory and you're good.

You are right. But poor working conditions and poverty are much more important than safe spaces and faggots.

I'm right that the poor and working conditions dont really matter when people are dying from hunger and war?

Hunger is related to poverty but yes workers dying from war is more serious matter.

but srsly read zizek.
His books are great.

Read Adorno.

I should've said "I want to understand anti-ID politics".

what books by zizek?

How do you explain the racial division of labor then? Slave labor in the US?

don't get me wrong, class struggle is the only means to achieve our goals but to say that only class matters is reductionist and no serious marxist would argue that.
And this is coming from what people call an ultra-leftist

Classes will never not exist. You're retarded.

communism is literally a classless society though

you meant to quote me?

Ahh but you forget comrade, most of the people on Holla Forums aren't even serious Marxists or anarchists. They're just a cult of imageboard users who have a leftist - gasp! - identity.

Communism will never exist.

It will exist once the proletariat revolts and hangs all bourgies, capitalists and counter-revolutionaries like you.

Also reported for shitposting.

pls go

That's what the native americans told my ancestors.

Sounds like you're going to have to kill everybody who doesn't think like you. Not a very popular thing to do, you might get killed!


Creating a subclass of compulsory laborers undermines the working class in numerous ways, particularly by depriving them of resources. Racism was a justification for it, but thousands of years of european history shows that the ownership class isn't particular when it comes to who they make to work for them, whether it's Irish or Slavs or Africans.

Come home white man

>>>Holla Forums

Racism was used to justified it, it started in Europe but went out of control here in the US.

Both black and white workers were close to uniting much later, but porky can't have that now can he?


Isn't this a bit dumb coming from a post-leftist, they are literally LARPing as leftist.