Ask a linux artist anything

Here is my list of software I use daily now that I've made the switch to linux mint.

Since my goal is to make games using only FOSS software on linux this maybe of interes to someone.

Personal shit:
Chrome, RadioTray, Thunderbird, qbitorrent.

2D painting:
GIMP with gmic, extra brushes, blender link plugin, animation plugin.
Krita, mypaint.

Vector drawing:

Pixel art:

2D animation:
OpenToonZ, Synfig.

Blender filled with addons and plugins.

Kdenlive, Jashaka, Cinelerra.

Music composition:
Milky Tracker, Lynthesia, LMMS, Ardour, rosergarden, Musescore.



Eclipse, SFML/OpenGL/Codeblocks, build essentials, git, git-cola, monodevelop, monogame, libgdx.

Come at me faggots.
I'll answer any question you have regarding multimedia creating using only FOSS.

Other urls found in this thread:

art or gtfo

Yes user, show us something worth seeing/hearing first!

That's pretty cool, user. I've used most of the things on your list in the past and found them sufficient for fucking around, but it's nice to know a real artist finds FOSS solutions usable too.

You are a real artist, right?

I don't have a question so much as a statement.

FOSS Plebs can't touch [pirated] Adobe Masterrace!

Nice b8

Testing dashchan posting, sorry for shitting up your thread.

rate my masterpiece, lmao.

breddy gud

Absolutely proprietary.

Absolutely more secure than Windows

The Linux Mint is a jokeware, you might as well go back to Windows XP.

You have to back up your assertions with facts or sources user, don't they teach you logic in the chinese circuit sweatshops?

Not up on your vault7 eh, user? Mint is good enough for the CIA.

If you need to use that many pieces of software to get your job done, then I'm going to take this as an argument against using Linux.

I meant fucking chromium, since is the same shit, retards.

is a baby system, feels comfy as fuck.
why should I install less usable, more obscure neckbeard distros.

I do multimedia for fun user, every software brings something diferent to the table.
I simply like to use more than one software to get the job done.

In Superman 2 what is the story with the cellophane S that Superman rips off his chest & throws at the bad guy?

It was a conspiracy plot made by the marxists to destroy western civilization.

I guess that is basically the best choice anyway, now that SJWfox is becoming more and more retarded by the day. At least Chromium never shoves SJW propaganda in my face.

Many of those are mutually exclusive, retard. If you knew a little bit about the software being commented on here, you would realize he uses both monogame and libgdx, which fulfill the same purpose only for different languages. Needless to sayn you only need one or the other; using both in the same project would be technically possible, just terribly obtuse and stupid. Just like you.

how does it feel to be mentally inferior?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

nobody cares and Linux BTFO you on facebook regarding this.

t. Linux 0.0.1 release notes :^)

Is it possible to use these tools to make better interfaces so that normies feel a bit more comfortable in using the Gnu operating system ?

What blender plugins

you need an understanding of graphic design, color theory, some basic drawing skills (enough to make nice icons and logos), being able to use a tool like inkscape.

Don't see why not, most of the shit you need to make interfaces fall under graphic design.

Install KDE

Then why are people using GTK or QT for interfaces ?

because coders are engineers, not artists.

thanks for using foss software for your art, my main dude.
people like you prove that those artists who use art software on other kernels are just baby ducks

mypaint is pretty shit it almost made me give up making art on my PC. I sent the devs a list of reasons why but they told me it was all by design. Krita is 1000% better.

I'm in love with gimp with its easy as heck shortcuts and justwerks feel. Honestly prefer it to photoshop plus it's free as in freiheit.

what's wrong with mypaint?

The brush engine is pretty good, I usually use mypaint as a brush engine.

what's wrong with mypaint?

The brush engine is pretty good, I usually use mypaint as a brush engine.>>739610

maybe it's my fault for having gotten used to photoshop but the way it handles opacity when you double back over the stroke you're painting is super annoying. Just a hundred things like that.

maybe, but still is a good brush engine, feels super comfy.

KDE is shit. If you think KDE doesn't look like shit you are autistic and part of the problem. Autists have the vast majority of the GNU/Linux scene right now. If you want to attract normies you need shit like eOS. If you don't want to attract normies because they ruin everything, just be straightforward and proud about it.

If you think Windows/macOS and their flat rectangles don't look like shit you're even more autistic.


I didn't say "OS X". Have you seen a single picture of the OS since the CEO died of AIDS?

I've used every version up to and including El Capitan. No squares to be found except iTunes Music and iTunes has always been their playground. Apple loves rounded corners, and their HIG set the tone for the industry. Hop off the meme train, pal, it's not for you.

Anyway, the point is that KDE looks like autistic shit because the designers are retards who have never been forced to learn how actual methodological interface design works, having spent their careers blogging and churning out kaleidoscopic abominations that are gleefully gobbled up by twelve-year-olds and fatbeards who are just thankful to have something over the framebuffer.
The padding and sizing are all over the place, the "style" is like a Holo fanport from deviantart, and the entire thing is a crowded schizophrenic clusterfuck.
I would literally rather use vanilla GNOME for getting work done. At least it's consistent.
LxQt is the only Qt environment in active development that isn't total AIDS.

Elementary are the only people working to make something that is genuinely a pleasure to use. Read their HIG sometime. When things are actually designed, it shows.

t. someone who mains i3 because full autist is better than the pathetic attempts at normalfag-readiness currently available in the FLOSS community


i3 isn't particularly 'autistic' but your opinions on design are.
noone really gives a fuck about maybe 80-90% of that 'design' other than the people who took a design class.

doing it like people are already used to+basic cmmon sense about things like readability+add things/style that people think 'looks nice' and remove things people think 'look ugly'.
thats really all thats important. anything else and most any extension of this is masturbation on the part of the designers.


top kekerino epin memes my friend.

you sound like a real expert

design experts' opinions are worth about as much as literary analysis experts' opinions, or art critics' opinions.


no it isn't. search for "ungoogled chromium"

one minute in about:config and you have the browser you want. silly excuse

Read the post I was replying to, chimp.

I never mentioned using monogame and libgdx at the same time nigger.

But that's exactly what the first poster implied, not me. Were you even replying to the right post?

I'm OP fucking retard.

Is pretty obvious to anyone you can't combine some of the software I mention, fucking retard.

That doesn't imply I can use some of them and then switch to others in a new project.

Retards with low IQ.




Now go cry in a corner and think about your terrible reading comprehension.

I never mentioned I use all of those for a single project retard.

how I am going to use Natron and monogame together?




Give me one (1) reason why you need Gimp, Krita, and Mypaint all 3 to make graphics.

Oh and I forgot Asesprite was there too.

And 2 animation programs. 3 video editing programs.

Gimp is used to manipulate images. Mypaint and Krita are used to paint or draw images. Aseprite has handy functions that dedicate it for pixel sprite art.

GIMP = photo manipulation
Krita = Texture and brushes
Mypaint = brush engine that imitates traditional
Aseprite = Pixel art

They have diferent uses.

Do you know that when you install adobe software you become part of a botnet that will automatically share your resources to the adobe cloud/servers ? (or third parties)

peer or distributed network that allows a portion of your resources, such as network bandwidth, to be made directly available to other participants.
That's the 24 version of the EULA now in the 25 version it's

shit forgot to say the last one is the 25 version of the EULA
and link

Now I'm just answering bait, but:
Design is how it works.
If you shit on design, you shit on functionality.
This war between "functionality" and "(((design)))" is set up by subhumans who can appreciate neither.

im aware. You should know full well im talking about a few philosophies about design and ideas about it that get taught to 'design' students.
in this specific case, extreme autism over aesthetic minutia noone gives a fuck about.

if subway can have sandwich artists, if i sit in my basement can i be a linux artist?

Is there anything like Paint.NET for GAHNOO PLUS LOONIX?

A Linux autist maybe

I only use Aseprite for tweaking color palettes on my pixel art tbh. For general use it's shit. I just couldn't get into it. I do most of my pixel art in Kolourpaint, which is also shit, but at least it's still better than MS Paint. :^)

How are the 2d animation tools, though?

I tried Pencil2D and couldn't get into it. Maybe I'm just too behind the times though, the only animation tool I ever tinkered with was Flash MX, and I actually liked it for the most part, but I don't really know what the norms are for animating software at all. I'd like to try again now that I'm older and less shit at drawing though. Just not with proprietary software.

also this

Pinta I guess, but it's not as good as


asesprite for pixel art
gimp for anything else.

just use gimp retard.

GIMP literally molested me when I was a child so no

How can I make some fucking diagrams?

Boxes and arrows.
Sometimes curved arrows so they don't go trough other stuff.

Everything is so clumsy for a task that should be completely simple.


OR you could just use real software that has a proper feature set instead of awkwardly juggling 80 different programs for a single task.



the problem with gimp is the way that the brush diameter jumps in discrete steps when you're using a tablet and using pressure to control the diameter, this is especially visible at small brush sizes.

my favourite drawing tool is paint tool SAI but it's only available for windows


Careful. The mods delete pro-adobe statements. Commie Holla Forums faggots can't see the shit efforts that go into things like inkscape and gimp. Yay they are free but are they usable ? Fucking no.

Fragmented system of shit if you gop the eclipse route.
Netbeans and Android Studio are much less broken in this way but suck in many others (((Google & Oracle))).

Android Studio sucks in more ways than just (((Google)))

[denko face]

Mr artist sir,

I have a Huion tablet that doesn't have the same format as my screen. It still works, however Huion only provides an auxiliary program for Wangblows and Cuckingtosh compu-tah's. Is there a way to resize the workspace of the tablet to match the screen?

Also, I siometimes wish for something more precise than Blender for hard surface--is there any KADlike, Linux-compatible program you'd recommend for blocking in precise mechanisms and the like?



Can blender 3d compete against commercial 3d software?

Wtf are you talking about? Of course it can.

It's one of the rare Free art creation programs that's on par with the very best (and very expensive) professional software suites. No freetard rose glasses necessary.

I would say is 80-90% of the features you need on high end autodesk software are implemented on blender.

check the blender foundation movies.

Kemono friends is made on it.

So, between Rawtherapee and Darktable, which is the least shit?

Krita is awesome. I just wish they'd ditch the furfag mascot.

How widespread is Blenders commercial usage? Have there been an feature films made with it?

GLFW vs SDL? Opinions?


You sound like a square person user.

Sure thing user, whatever makes you fit in.

Because searching for an image so hard... I don't see any reason to "ditch" Kiki though; she's one of the few decent mascots in FOSS.

>everything anthropomorphous is furry did i fucking write that word right?
rly nigguh?

Do you use a midi controller? If so, which one?

I want to fuck that squirrel.


We all do, user. Especially the people who claim otherwise. They wana fuck her more than anyone.

not all anthro is furry in the sase sense that "traps aren't gay."
they are gay but its not the same shit as gay pride parades.
y'feel me?

That's the most pathetic excuse for degeneracy I've ever heard.
kys fam

Holla Forums is for traps, Holla Forums



traps aren't gay because they don't look like men, you fucking idiot


The trap might not be gay, but if you want to fuck one YOU might be.

get out

That's not how it works, you retarded lgbt.

yeah but you like them more than/differently than normal women because they have a cock and are male.
Garuntee you people who like traps are vastly more predisposed to like twinks too, at least 2d ones.



I'm gay, I don't want to fuck traps. Only straight guys want to fuck traps.

Why is Firefox sjwfox? Enlighten.

They aren't straight if they want to fuck traps. They're at best mostly hetero bisexuals.

Out of all the examples you could pick, you just had to pick that hot garbage.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. That show does a lot of things right - but not the 3D animation.

A bunch of shit, including SJW propaganda, kicking some guy out due to his beliefs whom is now working on Brave, adopting a cancerous CoC, and changing the name of brotli to brtli because it contained the word "bro".
Probably missed a bunch.

Nobody cares what you want, faggot. Kys.

This would be a new low, even for them. Link?

Rawtherapee got gud again with version 5. Darktable will always appeal more to Adobe fags, since it apes Lightroom so hard. Personally, I prefer Rawtherapee, but they're both good.

Maybe you're not as gay as you thought.

That didn't happen.

So, Krita has been getting a lot of praise around here. But how does it compare to SAI? Can a free paint app really compete with a professional tool?

Krita is a tool for artists. SAI is a tool for artists.
One isn't a "tool" for "professionals", superior to a "free app" because its hawked by kikes and doesnt let anyone see what its actually doing.
The difference between how krita and SAI are made is that krita grants you the freedom to do what you want with your software, and the proprietary program makes you subject to whatever terms the kikes damn well please to offer for the use of their intellectual """property"""
download the program and try it for yourself. remember that "the interfaces/tools are different than the ones I learned and am used to" is not a reason something is bad.
and never write inane comments like that again, please.

I notice, nowhere in that block of text was there an answer to the question.

the answer to "is x software good?" is "download it fgt"

LMMS and Milkytracker are fucking awesome.

What is the best video tutorial for learning to paint with Krita?

Someone help this guy.

OpenMPT is much, much better – though you need Wine to run it.
Nevermind. In the end they just changed the short name "bro" to "br" (Used in Accept-Encoding) instead of changing the full name.
Still as bad imo, especially seeing how that thread is censored of dissonant opinions and it's not the only time they've done that.


What the fuck do all the hotheads ITT have against linux mint?

It's not gentoo with linux-libre for the kernel.

remember that autist is just how hebrew-americans pronounce artist

where did it touch you

Anything better than Synfig when it comes to cheap and quick raster animation a la TVPaint or Clickteam Fusion? Using GIMP for basic moving scribbles is p. fuckin time consuming.

Literally made by some neet nip shutin

Try tupi, you can get it from parabola or debian repo.

How can you unironically ask for animation software and then imply that you're currently using GIMP, when Krita is basically it's direct competitor and has actual animator features.

Krita is not directly competeing with the GIMP. One is a shit Photoshop and the other is a good SAI alternative. And if it's animation you wanting to do OpenToonzs is industry grade software.

Fun fact, tupi is a lot more easier to use for animation.

Toonz is also a convoluted piece of archaic shit that's torturous to use for anyone familiar with modern software design.

They're the 2 biggest FOSS graphics programs, and both have similar generalized functions.

Calling GIMP the free photoshop is misleading because Krita is actually better for image manipulation in many ways. The only thing Krita doesn't have that GIMP does is as many/as polished filters and a usable text tool, the latter of which is going to be fixed soon anyway.

I mean if someone ported GIMP's filters to Krita (which should in theory be fairly easy since they're pixel operations that are more or less separate from the software), GIMP would have basically 0 advantages aside from maybe plugins.

Draw tux.

Tell us something you can't do


I bet you'd prefer to paint with keyboard-only.

His childish eyes, almost as wet from tears of emotion as his tiny little dick was from drops of excitement, as he screamed with all the might and certainty a human being can have on this life

What's the point of LMMS?

I use Ardour as a DAW, and although it's mostly a great program there are some points that don't perfectly fit my workflow, so I'm always on the lookout to try something different.
Checked out stuff about LMMS when you mentioned it to see what it was about, but from all I've seen it just seems like a totally limited shit.

Basically, what the fuck does it bring to the table?

I used those programs for composing a long time ago and they just crashed and sucked ass in general. How does it feel to be using shit?


LMMS is free software.

I would, if linux had drivers for it.

And Ardour isn't?

I'll take the bait. Ardour has evolved a LOT since Ardour 3. It's now on 5.9 and it's very reliable for production. Haven't had a project crash in a LONG time.

It's very functional, and although it has some disadvantages the best (proprietary) software, it also has some nice points over them.