omg it's 2016 and white men still haven't learned their place yet smh
i can't believe i have to keep typing for 75 characters i cant even right now
omg it's 2016 and white men still haven't learned their place yet smh
i can't believe i have to keep typing for 75 characters i cant even right now
is this cunt aware that most non-white men have an even stricter view about where women really belong?
Meh Howard is a fossil anyway.
Cunts on about Robert Menzies all the time, yet Menzies wasn't a globalist puppet.
*Menzies told the Brits to fuck off and brought Aussie troops home to defend us against the Japs.
*Menzies told some bigwig kike to fuck off after he tried to purchase a homeland for the Jewish people after WW2
Don't know much else about him, but Howard isn't worth one of Menzies toenails. Daily reminder its because of this faggot we basically can't get funz without doing a triple backflip.
On the Day of the Rope Tripfaggots will be the first to hang.
its not even anyone important just some feminist cunt
Maybe try talking about what the ex-Prime Minister said then, instead?
You know, what you'd do if you didn't have autism
Spit iced tea all over my monitor at that. gg
Man that guy is making the best out of a McJob, 10/10
Apart from being an openly gay turkroach, Fagtasm is famous for never having made a single interesting post on any chan.
nah they're bongs m80
You're a fucking moron.
Go watch some more television, you're already beyond repair.
Ffs, turkroaches really can't do anything right.
Fucking cuckchan.
That would have been a great webm.
You have to go back.
I thought it was sliders?
You could, and you did.
Your almost a woman now.