Is meme magic real?

What does Holla Forums think? Is meme magic real?

Tell me more…. about this power, before the kikes use it against us

Pointless thread with no content. Most likely for sliding. Hide and report.

NIce try FBI

you will never figure out our meme magic.

This is now a dubs thread.

Nice try but don't check out these singles


Check em.

That's what you deserve.

czech em

I wasn't sliding, Shlomo doesn't pay me enough to do that.

I'm just bored, no news lately.

One a deez dayz

So not a Jew then, just a nigger who is to retarded to make a proper OP and also too retarded to realize when he's unwanted.

kek does not grant dubs on request

This low energy singles thread proves kek is real.

Only if you believe.

Man Holla Forums Holla Forums is like no fun allowed, compared to the other boards on this site. We at Holla Forums have more fun with Todd threads.

whatever, if it bothers you that much here is a sage.

.Of course it is real. The spreading of ideas is a powerful thing.

Though, I do wonder how many genuine practitioners are making these, vs how many regular people are spreading thm. An odd thing, this.


General KEK threads don't make much sense to have. Especially when there are much more important things to be paying attention to. For instance, ICANN, the current election and kikery.

Go to cuckchan if you want to have threads just about posting pepes and getting fucking singles.


Shitposting responsibly and with regulation is strongly encouraged, user.

I like the idea behind the thread.
& I like the frog Picture… Only if it's recent.

But frankly, its a shit-tier thread with little effort in its making.

yeah its fucking real. Been going through some deep personal changes and have been channeling no fucks given power. During my walk when I was relishing this in, a good sized kek jumped out from a wet bush. Greeted him and went on my way and took it as a nice slice of synchronicity.

Meme magic is producing insane amounts of synchronicity. Getting pretty unreal, I'm loving this reality shift.
