Personally I agree with Obama, work with moderates to root out terrorists, kill ISIS, and up gun laws. Not sure were to go after that though, do you agree with the LGBT culture war against Muslims back home? Feel like that would turn the younger gen to our side and give us more ammo in turning moderates and ratting out extremists.
What is the Holla Forums response to Islamic Terrorism?
Get off my board liberal
you don't belong here
The answer to all issues is socialism.
Okay we can bring about revolution with sticks and stones.
t. 21st Century "Socialist"
t. 21st Century tankee
people on the left who support gun control fucking astound me, how can anybody be this historically illiterate?
The times when guns have been used it has always been secondary to and in defence of broader social change, it is a means to defend an ultimately social and political goal. Do you honestly think those striking miners who fought the Pinkertons were planning on marching on Washington with their rifles?
Spreading degeneracy to the 3rd world, sounds great.
tip top kek
gun laws wouldn't affect violence at all in at least the first 5 years, they'd simply go to into the black market, you'd have to cut down production and make them unnacessible, not that we have any interest in disarming the proletariat anyway.
what are you gonna do instead? vote in PRUH-GUH-CIV candidates? all they'll do is give out handouts and stomp out any class consciousness from all but the radical leftists.
"Political power grows out of the US Senate" - Mao Zedong
gun laws are a bandaid on a broken socioeconomic environment both domestically and internationally
the solution to islamic terrorism is to promote reworked borders for the benefit of all cultures within the middle east, promote economic systems that help the worker and spread technology that can raise quality of living within the region
of course this will never happen because nationalists believe in never helping other countries and globalists believe in making the whole world's workers equally shitty and incapable of fighting back
Stop bombing their countries tbh
How does it feel to be this neo-liberal?
Worst idea anyone has ever had. To be a "moderate" in the Middle East means looking at a house blown up by a US drone, watching your neighbors get dragged away and tortured by some US backed dictator, hearing about Palestinians living under seige from Israel, and thinking, "You know, if we just rearranged that pile of corpses over there, maybe put up some new drapes, or painted the oil wells pink, this place would really get much better."
Any moderates are either complete fucking psychopaths or moronically detached from the world around them.
The first step is the US needs to pull its support from Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and all the other little shit-eaters its propping up in the region.
how does it feel to turn a consistent economic policy into a buzzword?
read the last paragraph mong
You need to learn to interpret the neo-liberal newspeak friend. Extremists are not extreme, moderates are not moderate. When we armed ISIS they were moderate rebels, when they fought against us they were extremists. But we never arm extremists only moderates. Get it?
Pretty good.
He refuses to address Wahhabism
Wahhabism is the driving ideology, prevention a reformation of Islam to become compatible with other cultures.
Moderate currently denotes a liberal, someone who subscribes to most ideas that came out of the enlightenment, private property, the invisible hand, all the babbies first economics shit.
As the last 400 years tells us, nothing in the this system is moderated besides the daily lives of the working class. Moderation does not apply to the capitalist class. The word moderate is a euphemism to normalise the system of exploitation that is liberalism.
Build a coalition with the progressive anti-imperialist forces of the Middle East (Assad, Iran, Palestine, Hezbollah) to eradicate the nations that finance and host Islamic terrorism like $audi Arabia and I$rael. Then finally crush US imperialism like a cockroach with a global revolutionary people's army that will include Russia and China.
If we could bring down Nazi Germany with a broad united front, we must do the same to smash Imperialist America.
Why would we pull our support from Israel? They, as one of the few countries in the region that respects things like gay people's rights to not get beheaded, would be immediately overrun and turned into yet another theocratic salafist shithole should the US stop guaranteeing their security.
Russia and China totally aren't imperialist or anything…
1940's US and UK were imperialist nations, are you now going to cry because the USSR allied with them to defeat Germany?
Modern China is definitely imperialist but this is because they have moved hardcore in the direction of capitalism as we intended for them. They require a revolution as much as the US does, as can be noted by them already reaching a massive economic crash despite only recently turning capitalist.
Israel doesn't respect the right for civilians to not get murdered via airstrike and artillery, I'm going to say Israel is at the very least in desperate need of restructuring.
The USSR was the 1940's was imperialist; they conquered half of Poland and subjected its intelligentsia to targeted extermination to prevent them from leading opposition to the Soviet conquest.
Nor does Hamas and Hezbollah; they're just less capable of dealing damage. I prefer morally questionable Israel to "behead the gays, stone the adulterers" Muslim fanatics, as does, I should hope, nearly everyone with a basic sense of right and wrong.
Our support has nothing to do with which nation treats gays better. It's about destroying the primary enforcer of capital in the world, which is the US empire. Our enemy is capital. Israel is America's puppet. The US should be the primary target of proletarian rage around the world, so should its allies and puppets.
Lenin, Mao, and Lin Biao wrote some great works on anti-imperialism that you should look into, since you have some difficulty understanding it.
I know that you value ideology over people's lives, rights and livelihoods.
The US empire is the ultimate destroyer of people's lives, rights and livelihoods around the world. This is the entire reason we are hostile to it, this is the entire reason we seek it's destruction above anything else. Is it really so hard to understand?
TOP kek
Israel is not some bastion of human rights. It's a terrorist state which constantly antagonises its neighbors. Its goals are purely imperialistic and fascist.
Arresting terrorists in the west.
Supporting liberal (as opposed to conservative) muslims everywhere. This includes marxist, secularist, feminist, libertarian, reformist and whatnot muslims.
Improving the material conditions for everyone, since living in a shithole makes you more susceptible to religion in general.
Challenging and criticizing conservative and islamist interpretations of islam, and making it clear that there are completely fine interpretations of islam, even if they are currently rare. Material conditions make you religious, but it's not irrelevant what kind of religion is easily available to you.
Being both honest and reasonable about the nature of the problem. So, not saying "islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam" nor "islamic terrorism has everything to do with islam", but that "islamic terrorism has something to do with islam".
I like the Chinese approach on islam. Ban it and gulag everyone who disobeys.
+ volunteer
I stopped reading at "I agree with Obama"
It's all class. Muslims kill and maim for the same reason black people in ghettos kill and maim.
this tbh. Obama is actively allied with extremist
>glorious uprising note: am not a polyp, 'g l o r i o u s u p r i s i n g' is what I originally typed lol
>putting murderous dictatorships on the UN Human Rights Council ends last few years iirc they were: China, Saudi Arabia or one of the other ones that still crucifies people, South Korea
kek, this.
As if China and Russia aren't Capitalist countries themselves. Why would state Capitalist countries like Russia or China which trade with the U.S. be interested in starting a third world war with America?
"realpolitik" is the liberals' excuse for their imperialst apologia.
The arabs who are actually allowed citizenship and residency inside Israel probably think they're getting a pretty good deal considering what happens to the folks living in the west bank and gaza strip. Those folks have no national identity that Israel will acknowledge since in their opinion they are on Israeli territory but they are also not considered israeli citizens. Pretty hypocritical don't you think? The country that bitches about how others are denying its right to exist is the one refusing to allow millions of people any form of citizenship.
No, moderates are usually just politically active Muslims who actually eschew military jihad and Islamism. Terrorist organizations do not deal in civil rights, and they organically emerge from the nations and peoples they do for peculiar reasons. The US can serve as a catalyst for bad politics, but not for the ubiquitous attitude that permits it to flourish.
Only because Germany threatened the material interests of Imperialist Britain and America. I see no way in which China and the Untied States which are massive trade partners have big enough conflicts in material interest to start a third world war. Neither does Russia and the United States.
Israel does not recognize the statehood of the palestinian territories.
Yeah, they are saying palestinians are their citizens. You don't know what you're talking about.
nobody does tbqh…
(also stop fetishising palestine, half of it is litterally governed by terrorists)
fatah is sort of ok tho…