Something is getting really fucky in the army

Holla Forums, I don't know where to start, but I recently was let out of the army because I was injured during the second week of white phase in basic training. I tore a muscle in my groin on the repel tower, I decided to leave and come back in six months instead of being recycled. I was talking with my friend about the absurdity of everything that is going on, mostly how the globalist regime's greatest treat is a bunch of shitposters.
The conversation drifted how things where going for the grunts, and how they would be on our side in a civil war.
Well, the kikes seem to have realized this and started to act on that. So let me start from the top.

Fort sill oklahoma 1st, 31st bravo
First thing first is my sgt told me to do my time and get out.
At first I thought it was because PC bullshit making it suck, but now.. Now not so much. Something big is happening and the old dogs know it. Like he was implying I am needed elsewhere.
Those history literate among you will remember the october revolution was started by soldiers. So I started freaking out. I ejected as fast as possible because muh Holla Forums senses where tingling.

I need to get this out, something fucky is going on, and who better to give this info to than you guys?
And can any other soldiers at different bases confirm if this is wide spread or if this is isolated? My friend is shipping to fort benning after we discussed this to see if this is a move on the globalists part or a lone wolf commie.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2014

bumping for interest

I wouldn't be surprised. Our enemies know how pozzed and susceptible we are to infiltration. I know many factions are trying to co-opt our military right now.

Here is where October revolution is different form USA

right to bear arms. Those grunts are fuckwits who wouldnt know how to tie their shoes if their Sargent didnt teach em. They couldnt quell a rebellion nor could they start a commie one in this country

Most of the foreigners are asian. Koreans and Chinese. Like all three commies on the honour grads.

The rest are from eastern yurope, most where based, Romanians aside.
Alot of these commies really triggered my autism and didnt sit right with me.

The problem is Army combat training is absolute shit teir, the drills cant do shit becasue muh sexism/racism.


Also most "Right to bear arms" folk are useless. This is from a Holla Forums point of view, not a soldiers. So both sides will be fucking incompetent. And It wont be us verses them. Dont think US civil war. Think yugoslavia.

Isn't the vast majority of the military right wing? I mean like only 20% voting for Hillary?

Not to mention an October revolution wouldn't work in the USA because American civilians actually own fully half of all small arms in existence.

Why is a fucking civilian swearing in soldiers?

Thats the problem man, and this is what I'm getting at, the old dogs, Sergeants and up, are but most recruits are bernie bots.

On Rebel Yell, they had an arms instructor who talked about a männerbund he was running. It'd be a thought to find something similar, or if you're /k/ enough and know some martial arts, to start one. We can't count on the military grunts to side with us. Shit like that is really scary. Even if the American army is poorly trained, their technological advantage is ridiculous, and the amount of current year coming from Ash Carter on down has to have a really nasty effect on even the fresh recruits.

Any other stories, OP? The thought of a commie-infiltrated US Army is a scary one, though it makes me wonder if it'd be possible to redpill them instead.

No clue it was after I left.
Why the fuck are those soldiers foreign communists is a bit more important I think.

This makes no sense. It's an economic depression(regardless of what (((they))) say). You have literal millions of teens and 20somethings looking to join. You could probably get huge numbers of people in without an actual lowering of quality.

Never doubt what even basic training and tactics can accomplish. Out of all the blacks the ones who always kill the most cops per person are the former soldiers. Both BLM shooters used to be military and before that you had multiple such cases where cops were thrown for a loop simply because even a dumbass ex soldier will always fight better than a "street soldier" because they understand things like cover and planning.

If it comes down to civil war of the hundreds of millions of americans, it'll fall upon the 22 million or so veterans and what they do. They'll have greater training and proficiency than the average citizen.

Ft. Benning - No pussies allowed.

I don't know what they're doing over in queerland, but I doubt it's happening down in Georgia. You have to realize the army has a shit ton of weird programs training foreign soldiers. They've been doing it long since before I joined (2004).

Nothing relevant, other than combatants is pussified, we arent supposed to win wars. We prolong them.

This is why my friend is going in. We need as many Holla Forumsaks in the army as we can get, basicly do what happened here but natsoc.
This is a single battery on a single base as far as I know. Thats why my buddy is going to benning. I really want to see if other soldiers have experienced this or if its isolated.

No I mean only 20% of the entire military is voting for Hillary

For now maybe. I came here to see if we can prevent a trend.

Yeah, I gathered from some stuff that I read that our generals are more interested in losing according to international law than actually winning. Fucking disgusting what we've become. I'd join up anyway, but I'm old and mentally ill so they wouldn't take me.

Sounds like the romanian was an agent for the communists. Probably an outside agent rather than US government.

Ft. Sill 1/79th

Now, don't take this the wrong way, but your story doesn't mesh with what I know from basic and being "let out" of basic.

We had a few injured guys. One broke his arm and another tore his ACL.

Guy with the broken arm stayed and was basically a platoon leader for the processing portion. He stayed for quite a while until his injury healed.

The other guy that was sent home was there for nearly a year. You see, they can't allow you to just "go home and come back." That only happens at Christmas time.

I don't know what kind of bullshit Fort Sill is going through these days or what fucked up processing they have, but you don't just "go home and come back in six months."

Second of all, if you were FA at Ft. Sill or in any part of the army, you wouldn't be caught dead calling yourself a fucking grunt.

You're mechanized artillery and you're not a fucking grunt. Holy shit, way to trigger my 'tism. A fucking grunt is a greasy dumb fucking marine.

I call bullshit on your entire fucking story. Soldiers never fucking call themselves grunts, least of all, you in a mechanized fucking unit.

The next thing you're going to tell me is that you were in a company.

You can convert or sync up with a shit load of people with similar points of view in the military. I easily managed to convert a platoons worth of people during my 5 years that it's the jews and the war is for Israel.

I'm not gonna like though, Hispanics and Blacks were always some of the best guys to have around when I was in the service. First time I ever met them and they were cool as shit. Really patriotic as well.

Right or Center. Libertarians are especially popular.

Its a communist takeover if you haven't figured it out yet.

Bix nood kill whitey.

This fuck is an agent for communists, but I didn't hear a single bit about how you were an agent for national socialists.

I also didn't hear the bit about how you knocked him the fuck out for spreading anti-constitutional ideologies in the AMERICAN MILITARY.

For shame, all of it.

I dont call myself a grunt, and I was discharged. I re-enlist in December.

Not arty either,35F
Want my fucking DD214?

Basic was the easiest shit on earth, all you do is workout and listen to what people tell you. And I went through before all the PC bullcrap and "stress cards"

So glad I got out when I did back in 2010. Obama pozzed us the fuck up.

I remember getting back from Iraq in 09, totally different feel from the Bush days. Sexual harassment and sensitivity training like every month or so (keep in mind this was an all male combat unit, almost like they were prepping us for female and tranny soldiers coming in), a lot of seasoned combat guys getting med boarded or ETSing (mostly white) and their replacements being more "diverse". I knew it was time to get out when my squad leader was some dumb nog from Jamaica and my team leader was a literal Mexican who could barely speak English.

I hate the Jews so god damned much.

You've already given out too much information if you are for real so just shut the fuck up.

Don't get baited by lazy intel gathering.

Doesn't matter if you're arty or not.

You're in a Field Artillery training base. You're fucking arty until you get to your first duty station.

So they just zipped you up a fucking discharge right there on the spot and told you to go home, eh?

Bullshit. Never heard of that.

Intelligence? Holy shit, we've got a fucking retard here. Most useless faggots anywhere in any unit carry the distinction of being "intelligence."

"Grunts." lol GTFO

Dodged a bullet bro, mandatory SHARP, EO, and just about everything else.

I had good experiences with the people I hung out with. Were you combat arms?

We call it "MI", faggot.

You're an Analyst. Well fuck my shit sideways. Enjoy your powerpoint.

I'm not gonna write out every detail of my discharge, it wasnt just a fucking discharge.doc said I could take one of two paths, recycle or discharge. I wanst fucking recycling. And I never went over the damn bridge to the ait, cadence and battery was as artillery I got.

We need weathermen dont we? :^)

All the larpers ITT trying to one up each other with military lingo.

Also, why did you get a DD214 if you're going back in?

This is making no sense, bro.

I hate commies as much as anyone but why did you get discharged if you're going back in?

Fuck commies, but your shit isn't adding up properly. I don't believe a word of your "experience" at Ft. Sill.

who's we?

I know that feel bro. We all knew what was coming (military, infantry is very racist lol) when Obama got elected. When I got back and out in 09 I started telling everyone to buy guns and ammo because the military is recruiting dipshits that will lose wars.

When they started allowing hand and neck tattoos I was finished. Lost 1/3rd of my platoon immediately coming back and another 1/3rd was due out within

I got out of the Marine Corps Infantry October 2015. 3/3 in Hawaii. We had a lot of openly communist and various liberal bernbots and open homo/pan/bi/queer/zoo sexuals. We had them in the rifle companies, in the Corpsmen ranks, in the Armory, among the officers. They were everywhere. Commies, degenerates and non Whites are flooding the military


Take a step into the woods you fucking government twats you'll be buried in the swamps.

Farm boys and good ole folks will take everyone of you on pound for pound and we will win.

Remember that these days the vast majority of the military is southern.

You better do it with lots of other good ol boys or you'll get Ruby Ridged

Army, sorry. Its an army meme.

alright well dont believe me man.
I'm not gonna shit up the thread in arguement about being in basic, at this point you could probably find exactly who I am and where I live If I post more specifics.

Yeah, I was 21B (changed it back to 12B when I was in). I loved so much of that job, the comraderie, the esprit de corps, staying in shape, the professionalism and traditions, the fun shit you get to do out in the field and outside the wire, the rush. But when it came time for me to re-enlist I peace'd out.

It's a damn shame my story isn't unique. The army could have been so glorious if we didn't have pozzed up kikes running the civilian administration.

Same. So many of our best, seasoned Vets got thrown out, nudged out, or just plain gave up on the army and left.

I know that.

This Idaho.

This ain't***

I don't quite believe people in the thread that had bad experiences with blacks or mexicans in the military. The guys I hung out with were total bros.

GI Bill is still good, and the service still toughens you up if you make the most of it. But it's nice to be treated like an adult than a sub-human.

I've done 4 years. I've never heard of this meme.

:^) Hello fellow soldier.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and this has something to do with not lower enlisted by their rank?

*not calling

Its late, so I am going to bed, I dont really have anymore relevant info, but I'll check the thread tomorrow morning and try and answer any questions.

Choo choo, Fall of Rome here we come. God please, let the Huns and Goths be Nazis instead of Arabs.


You'll catch on sooner than later.

I didn't know that was actually a thing. Either way. You're environment is going to be dictated by your job, and how well you can interact with the person around you.

Army is only hard if you make it hard.

This is the Romanian army?

Why so many fucking niggers?

I could careless about the Army.

Most people around me can out gun the Army.

They have lived of their land for generations, not much these fucking government windbags will do besides die for a cause they most likely don't believe in.

No op said something about it being a ex Romanian soldier

I've had terrible experiences with blacks in the Marine Corps. We only had a few in the Infantry but, almost all of them were shit bags. Go to supply for cold weather gear and its all nogs and spics being lazy savages. Go to S-1 to do some bullshit paperwork and its all nogs and spics fucking up our pay and simple paper work. Marine POGs are very non White. No wonder POGs fucking suck so bad.

Oh shit, captain shit for brains thinks he knows what he's talking about. 1, real life isn't your meme. Every soldier I every served with, regardless of race was patriotic, those that are, typically don't make it very far.

2. The army isn't grandpa brewer's moonshine famr. The army isn't summer camp. The army isn't setting up tents "cookin' cheicken' fried' stake'n'tatters, yah' boi' roll tide' ALIBAMI'" No shit, billy bob, and cletus can do their hilly billy Kentucky sharpshooting.

I could sit here and give you a rundown of modern warfare, but I'd be wasting your time, when you can find out what some units can do first hand. Drone Strikes in particular are a really cool process, and all the people involved in it.

Maybe you were just unlucky.

are not*

I had a Ssgt who was in for 23 years, I was 21 at the time and he could barely speak fucking English when that nigger from Ghana had been in the Marines longer than I had been alive. Of course he was a delusional loud retard like most nogs. A lot of the non Whites I encountered in the military were not patriotic at all. There were a few anchor baby spics in my Platoon. The niggers were always making up excuses to get out of training. Always making up fake injuries to get out of work then we see him driving back to the barracks at 11 PM from the club.

the infamous 20 year SSG. Bro, those are the worst.

I went in, in January 2011, surely the earlier you go in then the more based and patriotic everyone would be.

You said groin

Hmmm. Come on now then.

You and your scum will be left where they stand you fucking pos.

Keep talking down on rural folk but I guarantee your ass will be left where you stand ya god damned faggot.

haha, you inbred hilly billy motherfucker. No wonder you went infantry.

All I hear is that that everyone was getting a lot more money.

Why does the US keep losing to people with less training and intelligence than your average Appalachian hilljack?

I'd like to you see you walk away from an 8 gauge to your chest.

We aren't losing because we were never fighting to win in the first place. These are designed to be prolonged conflicts, not to be resolved quickly. Not that I'm here to defend the kike's ZOG military.

You seem to be able to talk down on White folk pretty quick faggot.

Your ass wouldn't last a day in a flea war.

I'd probably skin your ass alive and take your mother for booty.

8 years in myself.
35SM7 U.S. Army. Multiple postings, some of which I can only call OCONUS.
I got out in 2013. We saw destabilization coming, plus with everything that had just happened with Snowden, it was best for those of us in the know to get out quick and scatter.
When I got out, 6 of us got out at the same time.
1 went to Japan with his wife and is living there.
1 Left Arizona because he feared it getting glassed and is living in Rural Idaho.
1 stayed in the DC beltway and is working Lockheed Martin.
I went back to Ohio to be with the family and work quietly.
1 went to Florida and is living out in the Swamps near Okeechobee
1 is out in Montana he mentioned to myself and a few others that he was going to the Redoubt and would keep a line open to us.

Prior to all that, the notion was to stay in because we would be secure in work and even better placed for retirement post Army. However, when the cracks began forming in 2011, we began expressing worry. In late 2011, after we were officially taken off of Alert following the cleanup and recovery operations from the big quake (We were all there in Japan during it), a few of us began having meetings in private during the night shift. Trading our individual intel and looking at a bigger picture that was beginning to form. It became clear to us that whoever was really pulling the strings was planning on using people like us, who actually liked the country we lived in and would seek to corrupt us.

So yeah, something big has been coming for a while. Right now I keep tabs on the bread and circus to read between the lines. And Frankly, it doesn't matter what your political party is, something nasty is brewing that makes the last few years look lame in comparison.

County by county next time.

Quit your god damn dick waving. He'd get vaporized by an IED and you'd get exterminated by a drone. Thats how those wars work.

If we fight each other, the jew wins. Focus on the real enemy, and spent less time acting tough, and more time preparing.

t. basement dwelling neet virgin who can't even lift 40 kg

You dont, eh?
Alright, cancer branch Navy here. I have fucking nurses who can barely speak English AND THEY'RE OFFICERS AND THEY'RE TREATING PATIENTS.
Filipinos are corrupt Lil twats.
It's so bad in oki if your upper chain is Filipino and you're not, yer fukd.
Holy shit. Nigerians and Ghana fuckheads.
Biggest group of pos' I've ever dealt with.
Fuck. I spend so much time cleaning up their literal and figurative messes.
Black Americans are pretty cool bros.
If you're Chinese yer pretty much a spy.

This makes no sense.





Missile silo installations get nuked first?

That's why it makes no sense. AZ has no nukes while there are nukes nearby Idaho (in Montana)

This fucking bastard would fry like an egg on an open fire.>>7391942

Some of us are more prepared than you can imagine.

I'm not going to sit here and listen to some faggot talk down on Southerners like the pretentious Yankee faggot he is.

Get your drones ready because you aint flushing us out like some coonhound.

We don't. I've been in for 4 years bro. We lose more people to driving accidents, than any sort of enemy attack. This type of war isn't meant to be "go in, kill bad guy, leave".

Bro, you're making everyone cringe. Just stop.

You feel that as well? It's especially worrisome when you're in the intel community and you see everything is changing.

Globalization shadowy elite are making their movie.

Have you seen the new gas masks? It's like out a movie. When I saw that thing, I laughed.

I never quite understood why there were so many foreign women in nursing. Especially Asians.

Numerous military locations there.
Here are a number of missile silos. He lived over by Tuscon (Was at Fort Huachuca, training the kids who went through the J1 course. I did that back in 2006 as part of my AIT (pennsacola and Fort Huachuca back when we were still just 98Y (Freshly combined 98K and 98J).). So it would make sense to get the hell out of there in case if shit hit the fan.

Are you aware that what happens in the next 1-20 years will most likely completely determine the fate of all mankind? If there is an advanced human civilization in 10 million years now from it was have us to thank for it's existence.

If we win we will be the greatest generation in past, present, and future human history.

My drones? Budy I'm a Montanan before Im an american.
Down south you got bigger fish to fry than soldiers who could give a shit less.
Like, you know, niggers and mexicans?


It says right here on my DADT 4F that I have ten confirmed kills.

Funny thing is. We've had a massive influx of Russian and Chinese Mandarin linguists.





Just as long as the American people still want guns. Why do you think TPTB have been feminizing men and boys for the past decade? They want us to voluntarily give up our guns like a bunch of deballed sissies. Much easier than a second Civil War.

Why because some government drone said so?

I like being American. I feel like our true identity got smothered by the industrial revolution and later on by the Jews and their shenanigans.

Soon we'll be able to go back to being the mountaineers, frontiersmen, pioneers, and adventurers that we should be. And we'll fuck up anybody who tries to tell us what to do.

Cause you sound like an inbred moron who gets butthurt about being called a hill billy. So you compensate by identifying it as a source of pride.

I never talked down to anyone. You are just being a faggot.
It is true that these conflicts are not in the interest of the people nor are we fighting to win. We are there to destabilize and prolong conflict. Even in Vietnam we won every major engagement, got a peace treaty with the North AKA won the war, left, promised South Vietnam we would help if they got invaded. North invaded then we didn't help. Now people declare that we lost the Vietnam war to speak ill of the American military's fighting capability. We clearly were never in it to win it. If we took the gloves off in Korea and Vietnam then they wouldn't be communist. Not that modern kike global materialism is THAT much better

user… your numbers are the same backwards and forwards…


Not surprising. You been seeing the trends towards demonizing the Chinese and Russians? I once read some work by that guy who wrote strategic relocation and his sources indicate by 2025 there could be a 3rd world war afoot with those two as the main antagonists. The C&C is prepping along those lines since they represent the current threat operation area rather than the Mid-East as has been the case. China is poised to assert more dominance. With the Philippines trying to contest the Chinese water claims, the U.S. media has begun turning a negative eye on said former colonies (Interesting coincidence) while allowing the Chinese to continue building up their forces and weaponry.
Meanwhile you have Russia, who is constantly accused of cyber attacks against the U.S. and allies.
Now then, take all that and consider that there is legislation yet to be passed that makes a cyber attack an act of war in congress at the moment.
With the economic intertwining of Russia and China, you have the stage set for a potential stand off and crisis should Hillary get elected.

What I fear, is that should the situation look like it won't play in Hillaries favor, they might commit another FF in order to secure engagement and emergency powers leading into the election. Keep in mind, Trump wishes to bring the Russians, Chinese, and U.S. closer together economically and diplomatically. Thereby reducing the probability of said war.

Oh you mean you saying this..

I love how this is the sentiment you carry towards us. It just lets me know that you can't trust a yankee as far as you can throw em.

DUDE….You got the freakest numbers. I don't want you to be right bro.

Fucking amen.
Cheer Cheer, the green mountaineers!

And apparently the south loves killing fellow white countrymen for the jews.

Not at all. I won't be degraded by some fucking bastard talking down on rural folks and Southern living tho.

Has to be something funny going afoot.

Don't take banter seriously Lee Herbert Walker "The Gambler" Junior the 4th

Colour me surprised.

(palindromatic chehc)

Can you elaborate on the things you were noticing that were causing you concern?

Then just drop it man, grow a thicker skin, if you cant handle banter how can you handle war?

I've always felt a bit guilty for not joining the military, just because it seems like to be a great man, to have the discipline and will to really help our cause IRL, you have to have the training and attitude the military provides. I mean every single great man, from Hitler and Franco to Pinochet were in the military. I'm in college now, what can I do Holla Forums? I want to do something worthwhile.

The kikes miscalculated with their agenda. They pushed too far too fast. There are still a whole lot of real men who are armed and ready to die for what they believe in, and they are not giving this shit up without a bloody, bitter fight. I have had the privilege of traveling our great nation and meeting countless scores of American patriots. If these fucking kikes think this will be easy, they are sorely mistaken.

Aye, brother. We are on the cusp of strife but we will persevere through it and reclaim what is ours. I am an unapologetic American and I will give my life to protect that which I love.

Bro, I've snorted Pre-workout before. If you have testosterone, then only your imagination can stop you.

What does that even mean… You act like I'm spazzing out shooting holes in the wall.

I'm just saying don't talk down on us like saying whatever the hell that cuck typed out said.

Join up, plain and simple. It may suck. It may be full of commies, but the only way to change that is to get in there and beat commies to the punch. Inspire, lead, and be a man amoungst monkeys.

Obviously he knew something that you/we don't. What else is in Arizona?

000 is the emergency number in Australia. Jews played the c&c game so much that they are projecting them into reality. Please you put me to sleep permanently?

I'm saying just ignore him. Thats all, no need to get worked up over an anonymous image board.

Enlist in state defense force.

Thats our advantage, yankee. You boys dont know our kind, our kind are thick as thieves.

You're not Southern, you're a kike.

Not worked up at all.

We have better men than you also more guns.

I live in a white town without a synagogue in sight, how about you?

The most important question is what will you do when Mrs. Hillary win? She said she will go war with Russia and wise Americans are not going to be loyal to her due to her behaviours.

I'll give the vague versions so as to not violate Classified.
Certain countries began receiving more scrutiny than they used to.
A specific target area was no longer under surveillence, operations within that region stopped happening despite it still being a hot bed.
When we noticed this, we expected to pick up along their target path, but they failed to. Syrias destabilization coincided with this.

When it came to tasking certain assets, the more important things were being deliberately ignored in favor of eastern operation information.
Certain birds we hadn't been monitoring became more heavily scrutinized.

As a side note, one night a few of us got into this long debate over the relevance of one particular piece of information from 2001. I won't say too much but our favorite nutter (Alex Jones) was right about a shoot down on that day.

We saw this change in long term tasking and realized that the mid east thing was being propped up artificially as a region of major importance. Our targets had shifted from that region (Where we should have been paying the most attention) to the east. Especially bases along the pacific that were Chinese and Russian.

This has been on the plate for a while.

White town surrounded by Trump supporting firearms enthusiasts.

Why the North vs South D&C, faggot?

If you're not a kike, then you know that's unproductive at best. The Religious D&C is just as bad.

Kikes are always trying to divide white men. Why would you engage in such behavior?

The current US military would be unable to invade iraq like it did in 2003.

Quit acting like a 13 year old attention whore and trying to make the thread about you. You made your fucking point.

I don't mean t to be a dickhead to you bro but don't derail this off. The commie foreigners replacing the american military personnels is a omen and should not be ignored. Obama purged many military guys so that must be what happening.

Quit saying ou like we are one person out to kill you. I can say the same thing about you dixiechick, you wouldn't last in Montana.

But unlike you, I don't fantasize about killing whites.

Montana is a cake walk.

Yeah, thats a fact. Do you know the reason behind this tho..

more like correcting the record, that user thinks we are like them, but we arent.

southerners are raised to love their land, yankees cling to materials instead, nothin wrong with it, but im not gonna play like we dont have a stronger bond with our neighbors, im not letting a guy suggest well turn on our own.

are you joking?

Because they don't trust him and obama need the loyal puppets to do his dirty biddings. Look at the faggots in charge now. They suck! Politic should stay out of military and politicians are not the right people to lead the people.

Will you guys just kiss dicks and make up already? Jimminy Christ

No shit but the military is ran by zog agents leading us all to the slaughter.

Yeah I'm done talking on Souther vs Northern shit.

Us as Americans need to prep up and be ready to bug out.

They know that the biggest threat to the US is the conservative attitudes of the military. So they've made a three-pronged diversity attack on it: Gays, women, and trannies. THe whole point is to push these 'problematic' people out. That way, when (((globalism))) kicks into high gear, they'll have a completely obedient anti-white military force.

It only gets worse. Good luck, everyone!

Yea it is better to enlist in state defense and milita groups (you might want to be careful as not all of them are good).

I'm getting freaked out here, not because of the reason you might think, which is a governmental coupe a-la bolshevik revolution. No, this is a literal carbon copy of the decline, and collapse of roman civilisation.

To give you a tl;dr on how it collapsed no, the barbarians were only the last and finishing blow, and rome would've fallen without it anyways

People pull out of civilisation, stop being productive members because it's simply not worth it just like today

The government dilutes it's own currency till it's worth jack fucking shit just like today

Government has no citizens to fill the army with, so it hires mercenaries this is what OP is describing

Mercenaries try to get their wages from the government, they fail since the government has no money just like today, as they all are in massive debt

Mercenaries turn on the government, eroding it from the inside out. and massive pillaging ensues.

Haha this is like one of those stolen valour clips on YouTube.

Regardless of the auntenticity of the OP, I am sure (((They))) are very wary of any military in the West, but mainly the U.S, wielding political influence or perhaps even seizing power. So they weakened the military by inserting women into it and all sorts of other shady methods like injecting soldiers with mind destroying chemicals, evident from 'Gulf War Syndrome', which was a severe side effect from vaccines.

Joining the army now means you are a soldier for the Zog machine After they discard you, you will be shattered both mentally and physically and can be living on the streets for all they care, just like tens of thousands do. They prefer weak demoralised veterans or ones that an hero. They don't want a repeat of 1920s Germany where disgruntled young veterans, including Hitler, seized power from the Jews.

Interesting story OP.
But I'm wondering a couple of things.
Firstly why you included enough information that you can easily be identified.
Second, why you call the rappel tower "repel". How can you not know the correct name if you've just been through training?

Patriotism is cancer if you want to survive as a people.

Aside from the strange mistakes, this was the biggest give away.

OP is a straight up NCO that all the other recruits listen to? hahaha, right.

This is why you're a kike. You have a neurotic Jewish idea of how Southerners think about Northerners but in reality you have no fucking clue.

You're just here to break up solidarity between white men.

Yes. History is cyclic. Except this time is a bit different. The populous is armed to the teeth and have instantaneous communication capabilities, not to mention a deeply ingrained motivation to shed blood for liberty. American identity is steeped in liberty and shedding blood for the land we love. This is just another moment in which we may have to step up and act again.

Kikes are cancer if you want to survive as a nation. Glad people across the world are slowing turning back to nationalism and waking up to the problem. It's going to be bad for the Juden. Worse than before.

Typo, posted after he noticed it.

He is not an an NCO, but people tend to listen to their friends. an not all the others listened to him, clearly. He means my guys as in "my buddies", not as in "his guys he commands"

He is asleep right now, so I cant answer specifics, but all this really is he told me about commies grouping up in basic, and I told him to tell Holla Forums.

He was still a fuzzy private, who made the dumb decision of discharging instead of recycling. This isn't some bragging thread, he didnt even finish basic. He felt the need to mention the fact that even down to the lowest ranks things are getting fucked up, and to find out if this was isolated, or wide spread.

Delta 1-19. 1st plt. sand hill. Fort Benning GA.
Week one of black phase. My knee got fucked up. Choose the chapter 11 as well. And that lib shit happen the whole time I was there. One of my drills told me to gtfo if I could. My pol senses tingled hard after the first week or so.

As a side note… Everyone with their head on right (at least 3/4 of my platoon) said they would take the people's side if a civil war ever broke out. Also found a fellow Holla Forumsitician while I was there. He bunked across the kill zone from me.

That's convenient.

There is no black phase in Basic training. Not even in AIT.

Here are the phases:
Red, White, Blue.
4, 5, 5+

Infantry doesn't have ait.


All considered basic training. After you go straight to your Duty station. I'm was going to be sent to Germany.

Eh, Navy here but. If you have some dumbshit spreading a detrimental ideology like that among any command you'd have NCIS way the fuck up your ass in picoseconds.

In the whole time i've been in the military i've only ever met one "communist" and it was some dipshit kid that wore a dog collar and got kicked out like half a year in for smoking spice. With most of the foreign nationals i've ran into being some of the chillest fuckers ever.

Your whole "story" seems suspect as fuck.

Perhaps some people like to be asleep at 3AM?
If you would like specifics, wait untill later when he is awake.

Oh that's right. OSUT still does coloration since it's on site. Ours was basically from January until July and encompassed 2 different sites. At Pensacola we went 4,5,and 5+ but Huachuca we were 5+ from the get go.

Alot of the foreign guys are chill as fuck. The french guy in his platoon was really cool he said.
Honestly he worded this all a bit dire.

Another side note… 3rd platoon (nasty girls) had 6 nogs from Africa. All playing weekend soldiers (no offense to and NG here) so the could gain citizenship.

im not even accusing you of being a jew, im just pointing out you sound like one pretending to not sound like one.

As I said, nothing wrong with it, but there are different sets of values, our values ensure that we dont need to fear one another.

Southerner here, you have a neurotic hillbilly perception about the world in general. Hf jerking off to your rebel fantasies.

If a bunch of shitty people have volunteered themselves to be thrown in the trash, don't get in their way.

A fuck the reserves. Half those jokers will abandon their post the second things get stirred up.

Quit with the D&C, cocksmoker. I'll shove my boot up your ass so far that your dirty dishrag whore mother will cry, Chaim.

How did none of you notice this? Is this a separate person posting on OP's computer? Who the fuck are you?

New York is a very large state. There are mills and farmland in New York. Just as there are in all of the Northeast. Your yarmulke betrays you. Generalizing the Goyim is very bush league, Chaim.

You write like you're missing a foreskin.

One question for you, namefag. Are you a kike doing tag team duty or are you just a fucking retard?

Alright, I am the friend going to Ft. Benning.
Allow me to clear some things up, because OP is not very concise.

Now OP isnt some Ranger spec ops badass with insider info, he was a recruit who took a chapter 11 discharge after an injury.
None of this is very ground breaking, all of us know everything is fucked. Even the military.
What, I "think", op was trying to say in its most basic form; is that there is soldiers preaching communism, and people are buying into it.
Which is concerning reguardless of it being widespread or isolated.
We both, and I'm sure most people would like to know if its something greater or some lone wolf taking the opportunity to spread his ideology to fighters, instead of the cucked faggots most commies are. My bet is on the lone wolf idea, a soldier trying to put together a group of people to take seriously because he is dissatisfied with the fools that we make fun of all the time. >>Holla Forums
Non-soldier Holla Forums should keep an eye out for more incidents like this, and the soldiers should be careful.
He said the Romanian
was taken away as soon as the drill sergeants heard about it, so at least the army is trying to stay on top of it. For now, at least.
I wish OP would have waited until morning so he could make more god-damned sense but whatever. We said what we wanted to say.

History is cyclical, only because you're being barred from learning REAL history.
Remember that user.

Teach your children history, so they won't repeat it's mistakes.

Yes, there are a number of soldiers preaching communism. When I was stationed at an OCONUS site it was mostly the air force kids and a few of the ones who would go on to be big BLM supporters.

Funny aside. Back when I was still living in Maryland last year, a few of us vets got together at my place. At the time, I had some seriously Leftist housemates since rent was 2000 a month. We vets would sit around outside bullshitting, cooking steaks and shit and just sharing stories. Real politicially incorrect type of jokes. The girl I was dating at the time had come outside (None of us realized this) just as one told some story that was hilarious as fuck, and it triggered the fuck out of said girlfriend. We only realized what had happened after we heard a weird screeching and the door slamming.

Funny stuff. I need to find more vet friends. We always have a damn good time.

So the commies took over the "institutions" in the long march, right? Remember how all the media, universities, schools, basically everything that can be considered an institution of the elite, is communist?

Well, after they completely took over the elite some 30 years ago, they faced a different problem: The proles all fucking hated them. The filthy unwashed masses simply stopped listening to the elites, became downright anti-intellectual as the elites started spouting more and more bullshit.

Here you see the solution: Replace the proles. Crowd out the demographic least likely to be communist - White Heterosexual Males - with active discrimination, and import millions of brown people.

Isn't that two questions?

Youre clearly not a southerner, because you talk like a butthurt yank cunt whos more interested in appeasing his concrete jungle's jew lordship than actually stopping any arguments on the board

If you really cared like you claim to youd shut the fuck up right now and admit you over reacted to jack shit, but instead you continue on with an air of superiority talking down to everyone like a fucking kike

God I hope the confederacy resurges, I want to know youll not be allowed in, and you can die with all your semites in the kosher states.

Over my dead body.

They want the arrmy to be loyal to the elites and not the people

Fair enough, user who is two anons. It bothered me and I had to say something. Assuming what you both say is true, thanks for the explanation.

haha that is the most pilpul bullshit response i've ever seen

You seem upset.

Two posts, ten minutes apart, describing the whole problem of the last century, basically resuming the thread in two lines, and only one reply…

Nice get. I cant believe I missed these, trips of truth.
Do any of us realize the position we are in?
The absurdity of it all?
Egyptian frog gods, memes, globalism undone by smug anime shit posters?
How on earth will our future generations explain this without sounding schizophrenic?
Are we truely ABSOLUTE MADMEN?

This, but…

I don't think that's likely to go so smoothly for them any more. Not now, maybe if it were a decade ago but they've gone and wasted their credibility on stupid crap. Really depends what sort of FF you mean, if they just dropped a nuke on NYC for instance I doubt many people would actually believe it was the Russians, it wouldn't make any strategic sense (or at least, presumably most people can understand why it'd be a nonsense move for Putin to make).

I would hope that if Trump for his part notices something like that coming that he would pre-empt and defuse it, in much the same way he's been going on for the past year about election fraud in order to make it much harder for them to actually pull it off. The thing that should really worry you is that he's been unceasing in his warnings of a major economic crash. Maybe they'll crash the economy and blame that on Russia & China. That'd be a much more palatable casus belli.

how is that even possible?

OP I have a a scary experience too. I was working on a nuclear sub and our communications people would sometimes make everyone leave the communications room. Now this wasnt too weird but what was weird is that they would have the Russian translator come in during these times. Eventually after this happend three or four times I asked one of my buddies what was up but he told me it was classified. We were stationed near Russia/China keep in mind. Anyways one day this happens and the sub is eerily quiet and we are basically hiding. A group of 4 Russian frogmen actually entered in our sub and was shown to our commander, another officer, and the translator alone. They spoke for 2 hours. After that our patrols changed. We started intentionally letting Russian subs slip past us. One night my buddy (who might or might mot have been the translator) got really drunk and I asked him what those Russians were up to. He started laughing hysterically and just said "first strike." After he calmed down I asked if there was a bribe like diamonds or something (I am loyal to USA and was going to report it to command back home if there was) and he got real quiet. He took a 3 caret diamond out of his ear and tapped it against the sub wall. He tossed it to me and said "Russia is gonna first strike someone but not the USA and not a USA ally." I freaked the fuck out and I told him he had to report this to command and that I wasnt taking any bribes. He just laughed and said "command already knows… Were all taking bribes." I pretended to accept the bribe at this point and swore myself to secrecy. Later that day the captain and the other officer spoke with me and gave me another diamond as a confirmation bribe. Wheb I got back to port I reported it to command, and they immediately reassigned me, took my two diamond (which was proof). I thought I was gonna be liquidated for a day or two and I qas about to leave the country. I logged onto my online banking the next day and there was $50,000. Then I learned I was promoted to a different position, which was odd because I was a slacker. I reported for duty when I was told I was going to be commanding officer for basically an underwater sonar type station near the far east without giving away anything classified. And I understand why they put me there now. I saw subs slipping through routinely… Nations working together that aught not have been to destroy a certain nation that is threatening us all. It is going to be a massacre.

I am using civvy words so they dont pick up me on echelon or some shit and just thinj this is some stolen valor post.

Franco only sucked America's cock.
Primo de Rivera was way superior.
t. Spaniard.

Well sheeit, spooky quads we got right here. Have an anti-slide bump

Well hello there Shlomo Op, here is where you fail.

1 st off Romanians are white, no surprise there since your always trying to turn whites against whites.

2 we never had female leaders and we never want too, so clearly that's not a Romanian who would want Shillary.

3 any white person is more american then half the shit skins you got there, whatever your shill papers tell you.

I am out.

After 15 yrs of (((GWOT))), it sounds like an increasing number of vets are beginning to question those "on the other side of The Oath." Many are still cucked, but hopefully that changes. They'd be a great asset and are filled w/a lot of good dudes whose loyalties are being betrayed. (Attached vid f/a recent Red Ice interview w/a vet who sounds like he's dogwhistling AF)

I watched enough Girls und Panzer to know what im talking about, you're being rude.

I don't want to believe.

There's an open effort to fill the bottom ranks with degenerates and malcontents.

They're changing the makeup of the officer corps with fellow travelers…i mean "civilians".

Obama has purged most of the problematic leadership at the top.

(from 2013, the list is much longer now)

And most recently, they're trying to fill Special Forces with diversity hires…

Can confirm PA is old Prussian industrialists.


Why are there legitimate foreign-borns even allowed in our military? Did I read this all wrong, or were they sons and daughters of Romanian or Asian immigrants?

We had a Russian guy in our company. He gave everyone pink eye.

One path to citizenship involves enlisting in our military. Australia has a similar program in play as well.

'None of this is a secret.

The middle East has a D&C map made by the great game 100 years ago, so when Communism fell, the USA took the opportunity to redraw the map, before a new coalition would form, and we would have a semi-cold war again.

The big fuck up is that diversity-hires can't win cold wars, while the future Whitey will have no loyalty towards a government that see them as the source of all evil.

That's insane. How could that not lead to potential security breaches?

Our Slinky tanglefoot will stop them

I might know your guy if hes out west. Everyone out that way is feeling the unease.

This guy is full of shit.

Those are the 2 worst groups in the fucking army, constantly shitbagging everything, dodging work, disobeying orders, etc.

They are not patriotic. As long as they have their rap music they could care less who is in charge.

There are a few exceptions though, one of the most redpilled guys I met was black. I heard him preaching about the medias corruption and how 9/11 was an inside job.

I refer to specific missions and specific assets being targeted when I mention "So as to not violate classified". You can say all you want "Oh we were picking up signals from terrorists over in the 'stan" until the cows come home. But don't you dare mention specific technology used to collect it, or databases and analysis tools. So when I say keep it vague, I mean not going more into depth about the how and why. That's all.

The vast majority wind up in uncleared positions due to the requirements for access to TS materials. Essentially, if you are doing U.S. Army for citizenship, you won't likely be working an intel or signal or any of the 'int fields at all and instead will be on any of the other more mundane jobs like driving a truck or working as part of an artillery team or being a bullet catcher.

So since they tend to be shunted off into jobs that won't hurt anyone,the jobs like where I worked tend to remain rather pure.


What does that mean? How would Maine take that territory?

The US military being a garbage of communist faggots is NOT a new development. It is a hostile, invasive cancer in our society and the level of support it receives around this board is hard to believe.

They ask really nicely. Given that the regions indicated are complete fucking betas, they'd roll right over and do so.

Because they're a bunch of pussies.

Pic related

I'm not too sure. I'm ignorant of Vermont and New Hampshire, but Maine is a mixed bag. Moreover, I don't think any state would willingly cede to another.

I was in the usmc infantry. Those 'will you fire on civilians' surveys that 'are a hoax' were absolutely real I don't remember exactly when we were given them but it was some time between when we returned from Iraq and when I was sent to another unit pending medical seperation October 08-February 09.

We were forbidden from taking photos of the survey… I wish I wasn't such a Long Live Holla Forums! at the time or I'd have more evidence than an anecdote.

If op is legit about the actual commie subversion going on, which I don't doubt, there is a silver lining to this. All the quality infantry are always unanimously conservative. And if the worst case happened and they replaced the entire military with brainwashed commies they would be far outnumbered by recent combat veterans who have a real good reason to fight so they will be orders of magnitude more combat efficient.

There isn't a single scenario where (((they))) win. Only question is how large are our casualties before we vanish (((them))). And knowing that we will win no price is too small and the game of it will be trying to get an SS score instead of an A+

Why would that information even be helpful for pro-whites?

Our story is that the USA is trying to genocide white people, and when Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Yemen all end in civil wars and tsunami of mud for Europe, it was planned this way.

I was kidding. Actually New Hampshire has a strong libertarian edge to it, and was found by the cato institute to have some of the strongest civil rights records around. Granted it is actually something of a low impact region, in fact, most people forget about the three states because they just kind of exist in a non intrusive manner compared to the rest of new England.

It will be a combination of civil war and Yugoslavia Balkanization

As for being useless. Murphy's law exists for a reason. Save for small elite units that recieve multiple millions of dollars worth of training all soldiers are 'worthless' because it's not a video game. Having been in a line unit deployed to a war zone I couldn't believe how incompetent we functioned as a unit. Mistake after mistake after mistake. From the privates to the captain. Non stop retarded decisions.

It's amazing we didn't have more casualties and that boils down to being because the sandshits managed to be more incompetent.

Every single mission we went on was a failure of comical proportions but they were always chalked up as a win. Hell the closest intelligence was ever able to get us to our given objective was off by about 2 miles with a canyon in between us and the weapons cache we were supposed to be finding and they sent us right into an ambush

Yep, we do keep to ourselves.

Maine also has a libertarian edge that I rather dislike for Holla Forumsish reasons.

That's cuz the military screens with an iq test

You're watching it unfold right now. All they do is wait and import and they win without ever firing a shot because those who are "unanimously conservative" [whatever "conservative" means] will never fight.

No shit.

How the fuck do you pull a groin muscle rappelling? What kind of shit genes do you have?

Wish I could say that about Ohio. We try to keep to ourselves, but every 4 years people remember we exist and suddenly we are super popular.
Problem is, that it goes to peoples heads. They forget to shower and frankly wind up smelling funny by the time the elections are over and we resume being forgotten.

On the bright side, Ohio does have a great contrast between urban and Rural. It's one of the reasons I settled down by one of the famous lakes after I got out.

…And yeah, I consider myself a libertarian. I'm not full Holla Forums yet

Except for the matter of (((Them)))

No what's happening is they are suffering setback after setback. It is no longer just 'fringe loonies' discussing the necessity of civil war. And we can thank Trump for that.

I'll save you having to reply and just write out what I know will be your response:

The book of my family (dating back to around 800-900 ad, in Wales) shows the direct lineage of my father being involved in the Revolutionary War, the fucker got a lifelong pension and land for his effort.

I am ready to do my duty as my forefathers did for this land and country.

I'd read some in-depth information about people undermining the civil admin (and surrogates), who in turn undermine the national interests. Been wondering these days hypothetically how far an unrecognized, shadow hierarchy could safely operate, and what kind of future would lie ahead for it?

.3 shekels has been deposited into your account

this whole thread is full of larping and fear porn

Army CPT here I can attest that combat arms is overwhelming conservative white and with trump, most of the pozzed faggots are combat support still they are like 70% trump with the rest independent

There's no way in fuck I'd join the military these days. Look at those units. You're going to trust your life to a group of niggers, beaners, and women?

Fuck. That.

I don't see too many setbacks in the local school system. Nothing but shitskins.

Speak for yourself cupcake.

I've lost count on how many useless as fuck washout/reservist/ex army I've met.
Not saying all, but a good majority.

Also not saying every as you put it "Right to bear arms" person is useful… But there are more of them than soldiers, and even the shit ones can put the fear of God into even the best soldier moving on an area that locals know better than they do.

So how about not projecting your own failures and insecurities on a group it sounds you've thrown your support for.

Add in the fact the pozzed grunts now would crap and run in any real conflict and you have disaster coming for any group to take over america with force.

This is a great set-up for a film, where you are putting pieces together and need to get in contact with each of these guys in their post-military lives.

And you don't see people starting to see the problem for what it is? If you say you don't you either don't leave the house or are a gas lighting shill

.. What the fuck over.
maybe I am an old timer..


Might be a good idea. Like infiltration of shillary campaign, infiltration to counter op leftists.

Honestly if shit goes down later civil war wise, even suspecting a person being a sjw or leftypol should be shot dead like democrat or neocons.

Maybe this is the cause of the extreme high out-ing rate on SOF comunnities. I remember people there used to spend 10~20 years, now it is between 3~5 years, and a bunch of those guys end up here too.

SOF, all of them, are going to the shitter in 3 years, they are already crap in the last 4… sad sight to behold.

Can confirm. They are purging officer corp of anyone who doesn't believe their loyalty is to executive branch. This is done under the guise of "professionalism" training.

The actual Americans they are putting in are low-test betas that they send abroad to do fuck-all.

I was talking to this numale with a beard and he was talking about the places he's been to like S. Korea and all sorts of foreign places that I wouldn't expect a numale to travel to (instead of France or Fagcisco). Turns out he was overseas in the army. Guy was fat as fuck and looked like he could barely run a lap, never mind get through basic training. Pussy probably never fired a gun either but despite this, he had the pictures with him to prove it. He's getting his education paid for by the tax payer for being in the army but he never 'actually' served in any real capacity.

Here is the white papers page 16:

accordance with the guidance, laws, and regulations passed by those with the authority to do so. This chain of authority argues against the idea that the ultimate loyalty for Army professionals is simply to the Constitution. Rather, Army professionals are loyal to the Constitution, and thus to the people, by being obedient to elected and appointed officials and the Commander-in-Chief.

You can confirm this yourself? Give us something concrete about it then. Are they secretly building cases on people based on everyday observation or is this just retards not being able to act PC?

I know the highest levels have been getting purged directly for excuses like bad language. That's the highest levels. But what else is going on here.

Hey OP how about you take that cock out of your mouth and read some godamn history.
-Before the October Revolution and eventual execution of Ceausescu. Ceausescu sent an entire batallion of national Securitate (romanian StaSi) agents all over the world at the behest of the Kremlin and the KGB's lobby group. These agents were not usually from the heartland of Romania itself but ususally originated from Moldova or Iasi region which borders Moldova. Romania right now is basically up shit's creek without a paddle as NATO is dumping it's nuclear arsenal into it's lap without any authority over the launch codes, thus making them glaring big red marked targets for Putin's Black Sea campaign. Furthermore as of October 2015, Moldova has been through a recent regime change as it forced their then reigning president to step down from office over allegations of corruption and fraud even though he was opposed to a NATO treaty AND another loan from the IMF. The new regime is controlled by the Socialist party of Moldova and they accepted the IMF loan and are negotiating with NATO about whether or not they are going to act as a satellite state for them or Putin.

The agents sent out by Ceausescu have been located in various regions thoughout the world, most notably Johannesburg South Africa, Manhattan New York USA, Oklahoma City Oklahoma US, Montreal and Toronto Canada, Damascus Syria. A lot of these agents were the typical sleeper cell type agents. They settle in the region, nationalise maybe even change identity under a new legal name, start families, etc. Most of them congregate around (unsurprisingly) local orthodox jewish communities, send their kids to jewish schools, are usually polyglots and prefer to work for money under the table (tax records minimised).

The faggot you described would never be Romanian because they are adamantly anti-communist. A lot of them hate the old regime and the constant surveillance and censorship that had been endured because of them. However Moldova has been quite resentful of the assassination of Ceausescu because a good number of their ilk were behind the trial of Marshall Ion Antonescu and the appointment pf the Ceausescu family into office again at the behest of the KGB.

Example of what happened to me.

I'll tell you some things that are fucky.

The military doesn't medically discharge you from basic unless it's a crippling injury that can't heal. They can't send you home from it in a worse medical condition than when you got there.

They also don't let you "leave and then come back in six months". They put you in the broke dick platoon and recycle you when you're healed. You say doc gave you the option of medsep. If you get medsepped, they certainly don't let you reenlist, because that means your injury was severe enough that you cannot perform military duties for the foreseeable future. They certainly don't let you come back "in six months".

The fuckiest thing to me though is that the Army is taking multiple platoon moto pics in basic. What sort of nasty faggot bullshit is that?,_2014

It's 2016

His buddy also said that he got a chapter 11 entry level separation

You ever read that book "Patriots. A story of the coming collapse"?
When a new edition came out in 2009 or so (Might have been 2010. I'll come back to this) a number of us poured over it and took what tips we could. If I remember right though, the segments about a counter attack against U.N. troops was heavily removed at our PX. I didn't even realize it was until I got my hands on a digital copy years later. Point is, we began taking some tips from that. All of us have each other friended on facebook and have a SHTF protocol in place. Though nobody has hit the panic button yet.

I will say that I kind of miss a number of them. They would fit in well here, though none think highly of talking down to mudskins and the likes (I tend not to myself. Just because I learned not to judge others. Heresy I know)

Yep, pretty much this.

I said it earlier. This is exactly how I remember things in 2001. You go with the broke dicks and you go back.

If they say you're fucked with a medical problem, they're on the hook to pay you benefits for life. They really don't want to do that and will make it extremely difficult to chapter you.

OP is full of shit and a faggot, as usual.

We've reached the point where it may not matter if anyone sees the problem for what it is.

psyops confirmed. OP is a faggot.

….Not tracking here. I was just talking about how we've set up an informal prepper network.

the whole Civil War 2.0 meme has been in the media since Obongo got appointed to office. Someone is trying to divide the country now that Trump is sure to wind the election and they will stop at nothing to destroy the United States.
pic related

History doesn't repeat - it rhymes.

Ah. No I just kind of tossed that in as an afterthought. It was an oddity in the version I got from the PX. Though to be frank, the country is already divided as fuck. So it doesn't seem like there would have to be much effort for this…
I say bring on Trump.
Which is kind of saying something since I always considered myself a moderate democrat. That is, until I found that the DNC had moved so far to the left I was essentially party-less.

I agree with this user. My friend broke his arm and had to wait until it healed to recycle back.
I Was almost sent home for pneumonia around week 6-7 but I would have had to come back. They don't discharge you and then re-enlist you

OP got ELS'd, probably refused to train after straining a muscle


Change U.K. to U.S. and it would be the exact same shit. Right down to the pregnancy rates…


Hi Steve,

As you know, I served in a command position at Joint Task Force Guantanamo. The detainee population was much larger when I was there, but not so large that the Command did not have a detailed knowledge base about each detainee. I could regale you with stories about many of these detainees, but that is not the purpose of this email.

Over the past several years, I have watched with disbelief as many of the GTMO detainees have been released. I can picture them as I read their names. I know their files and know what they did. I became familiar with their mindset while they were in our custody. While my memory is not perfect, I can say with some confidence that almost all of the recently released detainees had been classified as “Do Not Release”. Accompanying the recommendations were long explanations concerning their threat level (and capabilities) against the US.

Steve, you and your readers already know that over the past several years, we have been releasing men that should not have been released. Each successive release has become increasing egregious.

This is not to say that every GTMO detainee had to be locked up forever. Despite some of our early post 9-11 rhetoric, not every GTMO detainee was “the worst of the worst.” Some were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and CENTCOM did not know what to do with them, so they were sent to GTMO.

During my stint there, some of these types of detainees were cleared for release. The intel community on the island deemed them as low-threat levels—and for the most part, they were proven right. With that said, there was still a thorough vetting process. The Department of Detainee Affairs inside the Pentagon ensured there were numerous safeguards and protocols agreed to by receiving nations to ensure that “low-threat detainees” did not return to the battlefield. While not perfect, the system worked well and recidivism rates were remarkably low.

When the Obama Administration took over, there were disturbing changes in policy.

First, the former vetting process at GTMO was seemingly set aside, and it became evident that there was a shift from policy-by-procedure/results to policy-by-proclamation. For example, on one of his first days in office, President Obama signed an Executive Order directing the closure of GTMO. There was, however, no coordination either within US borders, or with foreign nations, regarding what to do with the detainees.

Those of us who knew the situation were stunned. How can a president issue such an order that has no way of being executed? Why hadn’t the political piece been put into place so the military piece could then be accomplished? I soon learned that this would be the standard operating procedure of the new administration—govern by decree/proclamation— with no coordination, accountability, or responsibility assigned….or even perceived to be needed.

Beyond this, the previous assurances of verified custody by receiving nations seemed to be absent from the new release agreements. We were now just opening the prison doors with no regard for potential future consequences. As you might guess recidivism rates soared…something the MSM has conveniently ignored.

Had it stopped at these revelations, I would have rationalized that America could handle even eight years of this nonsense. I believed America was strong enough to hold on until the next administration. As the years went by, however, I began to realize the situation was far more dangerous and insidious than mere administrative incompetence, inefficiency, and cavalier leadership style.

To my dismay, I have been witnessing what I deem to be the purposeful dismantling of the nation’s defenses…and at so many different levels.

· Spiritually, God is being removed from the military. For thousands of years, soldiers have prayed for God’s favor, yet the US has determined to go it alone. Good luck with that.
· Strategically, the purpose of the military is no longer national defense, but rather social engineering.
· Culturally, alpha-males are being bureaucratically neutered, while the organization seemingly morphs into something akin to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
· Intellectually, the military has lost focus. As our Secretary of the Army tours military installations giving speeches about transgender acceptance, the Russian, Chinese and North Korean (!) militaries are making technological leaps that most Americans cannot fathom.
· Operationally, readiness in the US military continues to degrade as units are misused, under-equipped, and assigned missions in slap-dash manner with no clear paths to victory/success.
Additionally, repair parts are getting harder to come by, and supply chains for vital equipment/resources are not necessarily under our control.

I could go on, but you know most of this and have reached the same conclusion that I have. The GTMO detainee release policy (or lack thereof) is just another manifestation of a much larger cancer that has spread through the military. Unfortunately, most Americans are ignorant of the predictable ramifications.

We are not as safe as we think we are. Americans still believe we bomb others, but no one can bomb us. I promise you, this is not true. We are far more vulnerable than we were only eight short years ago and I believe it is by design.

History will not judge us kindly. Future generations will sit back in amazement and say, “How could they not see what was happening? Why did no one stop it?” Of course, some do see it….and those who see it most clearly know the spiritual piece must be addressed first, but that is a subject for another time.

I hope this helps adds positively to the remarkable work you continue to do. There are many ways to serve your country and you are certainly doing your part.

Your friend in Christ,



I will now address the military. Why have you not acted? When we were pulled out from helping our boys in Libya, why didn't we say to hell with them and save our fellow brothers? Why are we training questionable "allies" our confidential and secret tactics for war? Why have you not stood up against our President Barrack Obama for taking God and the Bible out of the military? Why have you turned your backs on God? Will you so willingly turn your backs on your people if given the order to? God forbid, I pray that you would not.

Sadly I am aware of thousands of you traitors that would turn your backs on our people and you know them too. You drink with them, you break bread with them. You will be faced with a decision one day and I hope you make the right one.

If you are a military leader, Enlisted Non Commissioned Officer, Staff NCO, Officer, or Warrant Officer please read this and think about our future operations. Do you not find it strange that Officers other leaders are being forced out before the end of their enlistment or to an early retirement?

Have you been in the meetings with the Battalion Commanders or Regimental Commanders about conducting training excerpts that would involve the disarming of the US citizens? How about training for the suppression of civil disobedience, during those talks did you hear the words "martial law" being used?My brothers becareful what side you chose.

Please come to God and ask for his forgiveness. Then stand up in those meetings and say you will not comply with these orders. Remember your oaths. Don't be intimidated by rank and ribbons, stand up for the people you protect and stand up for God. Put the cross back in the chapel and pray before your training and deployments. Bind up those who try to judge you and expose their sins.

If you are aware of such training that involves the disarming of our people that involves any foreign nation to include the United Nations, then you need to come out and spread that intelligence. That is patriotism. Tell us what is happening in your bases and your area of operations. Trust in your people that will protect you and shelter you. To hell with the loyalties to politicians and their promises of famous careers. If you chose the political elite over "we the people" then you are a traitor and you are committing treason.

My brothers remember your families and your homes and the people you protect! What happens when you get an unlawful order that breaks all bounds of trust and morality? Where do you draw the line!

If you are troubled by this the pray to God for discernment and direction. If you have a heaviness in your heart because of what our government is doing, that is sin! It weighs heavy on your heart! Go to God and pray to him for understanding! Be a real man and turn your trust to God!

How can we trust a godless military? We cant. And your leaders are the heathens who turned our military and our country godless. Brothers if you are praying then keep praying. Lay hands on each other and stay in the word of God. If you are not careful and yiu openly and willingly deny God, he will pull back his protection from all of you. If you have a leader who is suppressing the word of God then get him out of his command and ignore all of his orders. Jesus saves us not our military might.

Where are you going to draw the line? If we are attacked, what will you do? Will you turn on your people and betray them or will you turn on the commanding officer who is ordering you to disarm our people? If your turn on our people and turn your backs to God then you will be judge by God. His protection is with his people not with a country or a military.

Fuck these feels, Holla Forums

Hell, it wasn't just soldiers that were integral to the October Revolution, it was soldiers who fought on the Romanian front IIRC.

'Fema Camps'-I would state that if you get on a bus with government plates then you may have sealed your fate

I worked for the company that was supposed to go to Benghazi but was ordered to stand down, so that being said anything can be true. Especially if it is a DOD, DHS or DOS contract. We were just mercenaries that did the militarys dirt work, that was ordered to be done by politicians. I would state, that if you get on a bus with government plates then you may have sealed your fate. I would think that if a 'bus' were coming to collect bodies(living bodies) then it would come after a large evacuation notice was given near any effected town. Dozens of variables come to mind for this event. The gun owners names being in a registry is a no brainer. If you have purchased a weapon from a store, you are now in a registry and the government approved your purchase via a background check kudos to the ATF and FBI databases. When we run a back ground check we look at criminal histrory which will show us everywhere you have lived, bad things you did, to include emergency contacts that you had listed on your drivers license. This will include your personal bio information. I would take this weapon registry so far as to include air guns, knives, axes, bows and crossbows…also prep food, if you purchased these things with a credit or debit card. That's NSA type knowledge for your portfolio that will include your texts, phone calls, emails, Internet inquiries, social media posts, political voting history, known weapons, known affiliates, known family members and so on.

Every large airport, wharehouses, sports arenas, large churches, chain goods supplies stores, (i.e. Walmart, Kmart, Target, shopping malls, grocery stores) all have the square footage capacity and simple security posture capabilities for becoming large containers of persons, like prisons do. All I need is space for you and yours to stay and a fence with roving armed guards, calling it adult fun camps and Hillary will be visiting soon.

What I tell people is that when SHTF, move with a purpose and don't look back. Go find a nice place to camp, like at grandpa's farm or your cousins in the mountains because when it's time to collect the harvest, the elite will send the combines and mow you and your town over. Go deep into the woods, way deep. Don't go alone and be prepared to stay a while. Hope you know basic bushcraft skills.

That's why people should train to have multiple hide outs, plotted on a map, the distance from their house to those destinations, the amount of gas it would take to get to each destination if one of the hideouts becomes comprised, and make sure that you have rehearsed this several times. Do what we call a "dry run". Completely set up camp, bring out all your crap over and over until you have refined your packing list with what you need and ditch what you don't use. THE MORE YOU KNOW THE LESS YOU CARRY. Get your prepper friends involved and make it hurt and I mean rough it to the best of your capabilities. Chances are your gonna screw up leave what you thought were "essentials" later to find out that they were only luxuries. So 'suck it up snowflake' and practice your worst nightmare scenario doomsday plan until you literally memorize it.

Best bet for this scenario is that we're gonna get hit with something hard, like a knee to the groin, then the gut, followed by a Mike Tyson uppercut. What I mean is, and I'm just throwing this out prohibitions on self defense items, higher taxes on petroleum products and commercial goods, mandatory vaccinations for children then adults, voting audits followed by a huge scandal, multiple outside and inside agencies attacking our grid, the election of a satanist, the death of a rebellious patriot and a new war that may not be abroad but door to door. That's just spit balling it, there's hundreds more i can throw in there and I'm only referring to the next three months.



I believe North Korea has reached its fullest capacity for their military technology, their advancements with short and long range nuclear ballistic missiles and their impending threat to the United States, South Korea and Japan.


I believe North Korea has reached its fullest capacity for their military technology, their advancements with short and long range nuclear ballistic missiles and their impending threat to the United States, South Korea and Japan. We must either strike off the head of the snake or face a potential nuclear strike. Peace talks will not secure our freedom and the international community must recognize the need for action. If we do still have allies then it would be imperative that we cooperate and present a solution to this nuisance. The Kim dynasty must be cleansed from our world. The era of dictatorship must be eliminated and the people of North Korea need to act as well. We should work together in the spirit of freedom and rebel against such evil.

The Kim dynasty is a real threat to the security of the world. If we cannot reach diplomatic solutions with the neighbouring countries of North Korea then we must be prepared to do this by ourselves. If the Chinese and Russians will not help us then to hell with them both. We must take away the Kim dynasty's ability to inflict such a serious blow. This will be a military operation and not political theatrics.

We either strike and kill this plagued nations leader or we wait for the nuke to drop.



Wait a minute. Is communism a Ponzi scheme? Or a pyramid scheme

I'm in the same boat. Legally I can't join the army for several years, but I want some sort of career that has a set hierarchy I can climb and will reward you for the effort you put in.

The modern day armies probably don't fit this mold anymore anyway… what to do…

WTF is this shit? North Dakota is conservative as fuck, we are pure of the Minnesotan taint.

To be fair, the military does have a set Hierarchy that you can climb and get the rewards for the effort you put in.

Which country would you be referring to though?

U.S. I went in as an E nothing and came out as a Staff Sergeant. I'm not saying it's for everyone, and I'm not saying it's ideologically pure. I would argue that there are a lot of corrupting influences. But I will say that the training and education you get, plus free college, and the people you meet, will benefit you for life.

I recently moved back to Ohio and I put in for a data center position. Because I had a strong military background, I was pretty much hired on the spot. Even though I didn't have a lot of civilian experience, my military experience showed a lot of positives about my character that helped me edge out the other applicants.

I just want to forge an unbreakable bond with like-minded 18-year old patriots that will never break. I just want to be a fucking man and do what men have done for millions of years. I just want to serve the country I love. I just want to make my father proud.

Is this too much to ask?

The truth of the matter is that there is no communism and there is no communists.

It's one giant confirmation bias where authoritarian shitheads, who don't want to acknowledge that they're morons and they suck, rationalize every bad decision they make.

are you kidding me?! i did the bayonet course in 2004 when i went through basic… it should be a basic drill taught to all soldiers.

Liberals don't last long in the combat arms. It helps to know a thing or two and come prepared.

I only hope that this country you speak of is the little one in the ME consisting of Semitic individuals established in 1948.

Unfortunately for me, I'm tied in with here in Sweden. I've checked out the Swedish military website, but even that disheartened me greatly - they had menus for 'gender in the military' as well as a picture of a woman with a problem haircut interviewing a 'refugee' on an enlistment day.

I can put up with a fair bit of bullshit, I think before speaking and I'm not one to pussy out of something if I've committed to it, but I think that the indoctrination in the Swedish army might be more than I'd be comfortable conforming to.

Yeah, wink wink, off the street, they totally weren't handpicked and groomed by us as a backdoor means of circumventing the chain of promotion.

Ah. Sweden. Right.
See if it was Switzerland I'd tell you to make a career out of it. But seeing as how Sweden has enacted policies which make any kind of military discipline difficult as hell, to say the least impossible to advance in a purely merit based way, I can understand where you are coming from in that regard.

What's a stress card?

Okay I pledged I'd never tell this but I have to.

I enlisted in 2014, trained at Fort A.P. Hill, 25th Bravo battalion. Long story short, they put us through video presentations about online extremism. They would flash subliminal messages on the screen, very faint in the beginning but it got easier to see as it went on. Messages like white = wrong and we are all one. I got out of there after they put a fucking pepe on screen and talked about white terrorism. It was like they were out of the fucking Harry Potter nazi movie.

The military here has been castrated and the funding cut so severely that the minister of defence publicly stated that if Russia were to attack a particular Swedish owned island (Gotland) in the Baltic sea, that Sweden at full force could hold it for about 72 hours.

For a country so petrified of Russian aggression, they're quite ill equipped to do anything if shit did hit the proverbial fan.

But, Goy, we'll just join Nato! Yes, Nato is our friend, goy! You want to be able to control your country, don't you?

A doctor issued card so the faggots of the good boy club can get out of doing literally anything.

The way I see it, Nato isn't even worth joining. I'd rather see some form of Scandinavian joint military (with Finland ofc) if Sweden got it's shit together.
No point in Sweden joining any alliance when it has nothing but trouble to bring to the table though.

The US military is totally fucked, I would not be surprised at all if the (((international tribe))) aren't sending in gommie infiltrators.
Here's a nice little anecdote:

as a Tanker (Abrams), we had Red, White, Blue, Gold.


only if you're fbi


military has been subverted by first earth battalion communist cucks and satanic kiddy diddlers. we lost the cold war. absolutely subverted. same with the police forces.


here some

Why are you dating leftist whores?

I want to believe, that's pretty fucking funny.

lol, retarded shit like this is what makes me happy that no one understands us Western New Yorker's, it'll surprise the shit out of everyone, the Fed's included, when they realize, all too late, that we're some of the most Right-Wing people on Earth.


Kinda redundant user.


The only reason last gubernatorial that Western New York wasn't completely red was because you had the governor bribe Buffalo with 1 billion dollars if they voted him back in which being the cumguzzling fucks they help to get him re-elected. Then 3/4 of that money went to the solar factory that I'm certain is going to be another Bass Pro since they're clearly uninterested in hiring local even though they got $750 million and ten years tax free to do.

October revolution started because the government treated their military like shit so the military decided they didn't really like the existing government anyway. The Russians were so afraid of an uprising from the military that they forbid the Baltic states from voluntarily joining the military despite conscripting soldiers from their own country because of how close they were to Moscow, having pissed off and demoralised soldiers was bad enough but having ones with separatist tendencies on top of that was suicide. The latter reason is why the US government is trying to pussify its own military, they want less conservative and libertarian soldiers because having them ends up being a threat to security.

why is there this theme of obnoxious southerner autistic larpers on image boards. all the southerners I've met IRL were cool as hell, but the stereotype of the thin skinned big talking low-IQ southerner seems to come out on the chans? is it a meme or something

Eh, I was the only white dude in what was dubbed the "brown" section. A couple Filipinos and a few mexicans, best watch section on the boat hands down.

*tips fedora*

Only thing missing is Albert Pike's letter.

The country he's referring to is best Korea.

Please define the "pussification" of the U.S armed forces that you perceive.

That's fake.

Livingston. a White agricultural haven. everyone armed to the teeth.


It very well could be but I find such a senario to be possible, implying that such forces are powerfull and in motion.

What has been seen can't be unseen

They've been at this for a while.
A few years ago my fathers friend in the Navy told us how the new commanding officers were somehow making some communist graphic novel required reading and had huge boxes of them they were handing out to everyone.
We actually went out and shot it, but I now I wish I can remember what it was called.

That or pooland, which also has nukes.

Shit nation is not considered a major threat by NATO, only a potential economic one because of BRICS. Best Korea though is seen by everyone but China and maybe Russia as a fucking unstable batshit insane nation with leadership known for being trigger happy. I'm just unsure what are the nations who should not work together are.

ya right.

Take your beef on weck and shove it. That map was meant to be generalization.

Also a completely incompetent military too.

When was the last time you cleared a house using a fucking bayonet? There's a reason the training went away, we're not fighting in the trenches of WW1.

Can they shoot straight?

literally navy seal


Good lawk.

From what my dad who retired as a first sergeant a couple years ago told me at a certain rank it switches from promotion being based on some score and passing a board to them looking at your individual packet, at which in today's military its hard for a white straight guy to get promoted.

Your dad is a fucking retard then.

Yes, at a certain point it changes from score/how much you know, to how much you don't suck. Evals and shit. As long as you are able to hold your shit together, advancement isn't an issue at all.

Eh, also depends on if your job isn't overmanned as well. IE we got sonar techs out the fucking ass, to the point that they suspended CAPs this last cycle in an effort to raise the number of advancements based on the exams.

Are you actually trying to say that diversity promotions aren't a thing in Obama's military?

30-50% of the armed forces will turn against the American white people.

You should know better than to use racial insults against whites on this board. Shame on you for using the language of talmudvision. Haves some respect for your brothers.


That show was great. The Se ind season could've been absolutely amazing but (((they))) couldn't have americans fighting for what's right

Can you provide evidence aside from anecdotal?

Look at everyone he's put into key positions. This whole thread is about how they're pozzing up the military and you act like this is news to you.

US civil war would be so much of a cluster fuck I almost want it to happen.
only for trump to Bismarck us back together as a dictatorship, of course.

No. When food stops being transported, all that matters is whos getting fed, and who is taking the time to clean house.

US civil war ends in balkanization 100% assured. Way too many nations would intervene in it. Your government made enemies all over the globe.

Who do you think the 40% of the military who won't side with the people are?

She seemed cool at the time. Until the Mizzou protests began. Then shit got serious, and things began getting bad between us. One night she tried hitting me because I disagreed with her and had it not been for my restraint, she would have been hurt. As it is, she just had me get an inch from her face and yell at her in my Sergeant tone of voice. That made her recoil.
Shortly after that we broke it off and I went back to Ohio.
My life is weird…

Oh this fucking anime…(I like it)

From Staff to SFC is when that change happens. Then from Master Sergeant on, it's when the guy above you dies or retires. I didn't want to go into Sergeant First Class though, if I did, I would have had to just stay in my full 20. And I didn't really want that at that point.

as an american romanian i can confirm moldavians are the ones that are degenerate faggots and give romanians a bad name

tbh, the military, just like any other large organization has its fair share of shitbags.

Whether or not it is some form of "purge" I cannot say. Nor will I assume such just because it is in line with my ideology.

More evidence is required.

Look, OP, I have to stop you, I know (1) and shill and so on, but please believe me, I come from a military family and background. Everyone that has been in the military advocates not making a career of it. Hell if you look up anything about making a career out of it recruiters and people having been in military do admit that moving up the chain is based more on luck than hard work and thus you shouldn't plan a life and career around the military. That isn't news. Neither is it news that we naturalize foreigners through military service; it's to be expected that those kind of people are going to be in boot camp, one you get out of boot camp though nobody has time for those shenanigans and you can bet your ass it'll get kicked out of them. Plus foreigners still have to follow the path to citizenship within rigid time frames or else they get ejected.

Had one of my Senior chiefs sit down and talk with me about the political aspect of higher advancement. Mad respect for that fucker based on that, many of the higher enlisted/officer ranks are seemingly afraid to touch on that subject. Presumably for fear of reprisal as its not in line with the "core ideals" of the military.

It's a psychological thing, gotta get all psyched up to jam a gunspear into a motherfuckers gut. Kinda like body hardening. Then again I was Marines not Army.

Only if every region in the world doesn't descend into all out war.
That's assuming Chinese ICBMs aren't shit
China is too preoccupied, Iran is at war, only Russia can get involved, surely interested in getting an isolationist/non-interventionist goverment into power Aleksandr Dugin goes into detail about basically fomenting a civil war in the US along political and racial lines and propping us the more Russian friendly side in Foundations of Geopolitics, which apparently is a book closely studied and followed in the Russian military

Fuck you too, you fuckin hooah.

Don't worry the map is wrong in every way.

Isn't NY predominantly shit skin now?

Blacks and Mexicans make up more then 50% lol, we sure don't understand it Ubongo :)

I personally love that idea, even more knowing that this time it would be a total world war. Oceania and South America would also be part of it. In the end, the US is sure to be split if it's not outright totally destroyed. Israel would most likely be wiped too.



Australia just sits back and watches it all happen after removing those loyal to China and India

Hey OP why don't you quit being a pussy ass faggot pog and look up what a fucking Mavni is you dumbass. They all go through Fort sill for basic. You didn't even last 5 weeks Jesus fucking Christ, and then you come on here talking like you even know what the fuck is up. You know why your nco's were telling you to get out and stay out? Because we are winding down and garrison army sucks dick and they're trying to do you a favor. Smoke yourself pog. You would be 35 series you fucking autist. Also, as someone already mentioned, your story sounds like bullshit. Even at Benning the guys who got fucked up were allowed to recycle at least or even continue training with the cycle if it wasn't that serious of an injury. The only people who got "sent home" were quitters who refused to train or complete fuck ups.

Schenectady, Albany, and Buffalo are also filled with libshits and relocated niggers from NYC when likes wanted to boost property value in some areas. Can't just blame NYC for everything anymore

Fucking autocorrect changed k I k e s to likes

Can confirm. Passed through a mall in North Florida and saw a marine corps recruiting center full to the brim, good stuff. Being here in dc myself, if you see fighting men, and they're literally fucking everywhere, they're going to be white and speak Twanganese, and listen to country music.

Feels bretty gud.

More like they and NZ get annexed by one group of slant-eyes or another. China especially is going to want a new food source.

Entire thread devolved into muh dik.

Repeating myself again. Convince the men and women that transport goods around and within the country to stop showing up for work. This will crash the system, and LEOs will too busy defending their own family and friends to intervene.

These conditions break society down temporarily, and allow hell to break loose.

Afterwards, we can resecure the Southwest. Think.

I don't think you understand the nuances of Korean culture. There's no way in hell Kim little dick is going to launch nukes at anyone ever unless they're being attacked. Why not? because that fat fuck loves being the supreme ruler. If we go in there guns blazing then hoooboy get ready.

Sucks for the starving norkos living under his thumb… but Kim isn't suicidal.

The best option would probably be for the Chinese to depose him but that's not going to happen.

Chinese media is already calling for 'warning strikes' on Australian soil if they choose to back the US in the South China Sea debacle.

I did my four years and got the fuck out. There's more military personnel aware of the corruption than you'd imagine (unfortunately you find out after you join).

why theres men and women together? what the fuck?

It struck me how much Putin looks like Augustus, ignoring the hair…