What's with the

What's with the

Let's have a look:
- Search "zipfile python" -> 1st result is Python 2.7.13 documentation
- Search "python struct" -> 1st result is Python 2.7.13 documentation
- Search "itertools" -> 1st result is Python 2.7.13 documentation

gee, I wonder why is that, Python 2 is supposedly obsolete right?

also, the fact that pretty much all libraries ("modules") support Python 2 and some of the newer ones don't even support Python 3 yet (or are never going to)

Python 3 was a mistake, admit it

Other urls found in this thread:


Python was a mistake

well, kinda
I wish Lua received all the love instead

Python 2 is still more common, but Python 3 is popular enough nowadays that it's usually not a problem.

Python 3 is a much better language than Python 2. It's worth it.

I agree completely.

I switched to R for statistical calculations, Perl for my shitty little scripts, and I haven't looked back.

RHEL is using Python 2.6 on EL6 and Python 2.7 on EL7. Other enterprise distros are probably in the same boat.

Muh corporate is why they can't totally kill it.

I use sh for everything scripting. Just werks (mostly).
If I need something more complex, C is here for me.


Is there anything wrong with that, besides being different from most other languages?

What the fuck kinda "test" is that. Really low quality bait.

You might like awk. You probably already have it installed, as it is in POSIX.

The AWK Programming Language is a good book on awk.

Come use perl user, we'll let you use whatever the fuck version you want and code written for 5.8 will run forever

I see what you didn't do there.

Getting so many mixed signals here. Should I learn Python or not?

Do what this user did. Perl avoids the whole mess completely. You lose nothing, and gain a lot.

Learn Awk *first* (it won't take long), and then learn Perl; you'll understand when to use one (simple text filters in pipelines or data aggregation) and when to use the other (almost everything else).

I like to think of it like:

awk/grep/sed: Filtering/processing
m4: Templating
make: Automation
ed/vi: Writing
git: Tracking
sh: Gluing it all together with file-level logic

From then, you can just start thinking of stuff that came afterward like Perl or R as extensions on one of these ideas. You'll find you only have to resort to C when you absolutely gotta go fast, or to talk to hardware.

You can tell you've arrived with these tools when you start kicking yourself for not having learned them properly ten years earlier. They make you so powerful and so quick to prototype a working program that it's kind of ridiculous.

You don't even need GNU or BSD extensions. Just POSIX features is more than enough, and you gain portability as an easy win that way too.

Side note: of all of the above, choice of editor matters least. I like vi and ed. Emacs is fine. Nano is slow but will do everything you need if you know the other tools well to do batch editing. Focus on the other tools.

(Yes, I am deadly serious about ed. LEARN IT)

... is what you would say if not for Perl6 ruining everything

Does lua still rape cache?

Sure, why not? Python is good, it has its issues, but so does everything else. One big advantage Python has is its large ecosystem, there are a lot of libraries for it, so if you need something chances are you can glue together a small script in no time.

Sorry, that was meant for

That's like saying "don't use C, because C++ ruined everything".

Python2 is not obsolete, but if you're starting a new project now you should use Python3, it's a better and more consistent language, and it's where new things are happening. Most of older external libs have already been ported to Python3.

I'm sure it depends on the implementation

Welcome to Holla Forums

Yes, you should, and you should learn Python 3. It's a great language, and more pleasant than Python 2.

If you do end up having to use Python 2 for something it doesn't take long to learn to deal with the differences.

every time i try to dive into python i recoil in horror for one reason or another
that and i don't see the reason to learn it when i already know perl which does literally anything you ask of it

I agree that learning Python is not important if you already know Perl, but out of interest, what about Python makes you recoil in horror?

my main beef with it is the whitespace indent nonsense (does it still allow a mix of tabs and spaces?). of course perl is on the other end of this spectrum allowing you to do w/e the fuck you want which can lead to unreadable garbage if you are not careful
an actual issue is the fact that there are essentially two different versions of the language and both are supported but not compatible, a real clusterfuck imo
it doesn't feel right, syntax is strange
terrible userbase (perl keeps retards out because it's hard to learn)
performance, python still performs like shit compared to other scripting languages (yes you can use cython or some other implementation but i am talking about the base language interpreter)

just my two cents on the language, please feel free to prove me wrong on any or all of these points

for obviously, thanks 8ch for being shit once again

I like it. If you're going to indent anyway, why bother having additional syntax for it?
You can't mix tabs and spaces for indentation within the same top-level block, so if there's any chance of ambiguity it refuses. You can still indent with tabs and align with spaces, of course, and actually mixing tabs and spaces for indentation within a single source file will make any linter complain.
It's better than sticking with Python 2 would have been. There is no way to fix it while staying compatible. Doesn't Perl have the same thing going on with Perl 5 and Perl 6?
It's certainly not like Perl's, but I like it. It's not very cryptic.
That's a sad consequence of being easy to learn. It's outweighed by the obvious benefits of being easy to learn.
True. Programs that do heavy processing usually shouldn't have the bottleneck implemented in Python. But numpy is very helpful, and with solutions like that Python's performance rarely ends up being a problem for me.

Perl6 is a meme and will never go anywhere. Perl5 is backwards compatible all the way to the beginning for reasons that only Larry knows.
The python community is however split between 2 and 3 with no end in sight.

Nice deprecated software, moron.

If you are still using POSIX, you are going to be replaced soon.
Polite sage because this is not related to Python.

Fuck yeah, Perl. This tutorial teaches you the basics, sir.

Why would you do this

Reminder that if you aren't using PHP 7 or JavaScript (Node), you are using an unnecessarily slow scripting language for basically the same or an inferior feature set.


Or make pypy compatible code/contribute to pypy3.

I'm writing my web app in Lua with nginx and luajit, it's easily one of the fastest interpreted languages combo, on par with node.js

node.js has terrible memory footprint though; openresty does not

Well I guess Blender is clearly going backwards and the latest version is shit. What were they thinking??

But javascript was originally designed in ten days for something very different, and PHP was barely "designed" at all. I'd rather use a sane language.

It's more like saying "C# ruined C++". You'd have to be an Oracle shill to be that detached from reality.

If you need Holla Forums to tell you what and what not to use, you're a big faggot

what kind of shitty benchmark is this

Cool links, bro! Keep us all posted on your continued progress into meme technology (lol, redox) with any new glossy PDFs or YouTube clips.

My favourite part is how you can't tell a standard from a conforming implementation!


you guys are alright.
anyway, every feature in python 3 gets backported into 2.7 so it doesn't really matter. but we teach python 3 because, well, new educational materials use it.
if you know either one you can use the other with a little effort -- they're just different dialects of the same damn language.

Don't know about cache, but from what I understand luajit will get you pretty fantastic performance (for a scripting language)

luajit is no longer faster than normal lua. they caught up with jit in the normal version

It's mostly a problem for people who think in terms of the way memory actually works in the computer. In the context of this, one indexed arrays are a huge mindfuck.

I wrote a few Lua scripts for a work project a while back. Fuck Lua


You mean in the sense that C has a[b] as syntactic sugar for *(a + b)?
Why does that matter for Lua? If you're not actually working with raw memory I don't see the point.

citation needed

What ass did you pull that from?


Java is 150MB therefore it causes the most throughput and wins by default

It's been a while. The documentation was pretty bad and I think I ran into Lua-specific syntax errors that required me to keep referring back to said documentation multiple times per script.

Of course I could also have just been stupid.

Now show the plot with Luajit, a.k.a the real Lua.

All you need is PIL. It is Lua's bible.

We need a Holla Forums stack of obscure languages to use which keeps out the riffraff.


It's not 2001 anymore buckaroo.

obscure means no one knows about them. Everyone has heard of perl and they teach Lisp/Scheme in school.

Slightly off topic but quick question.

Why the fuck didn't the retard in charge of this shit show just make the exact same "front end" commands (IE, the same language) but with all the compatibility stuff Python 3 could bring to the table?

I see no point.

As an aside, where the fuck can I get an interpreter for Python 2? I'm a scrub and I can write some code in it poorly but I can't find a decent interpreter :(

Who cares if they've heard of them. I've heard of small talk, but never written a line of it. Most CURRENT_YEAR programmers don't know Perl, and most schools do NOT teach lisp. The majority teach Python.

Would have been easier for him to name his new language something else.

I'm not talking about freshman/sophomore level classes, famalam

Had never heard of that before. Looks cool, will take a look at it.

Go to Downloads and you get a choice between 3.6.1 and 2.7.13

Perl isn't any more cryptic than C, sed, or awk. It's pretty much designed by and for Unix hackers. Someone out of that background won't get it and might think that stuff was made arbitrarily complicated. It wasn't, everything makes sense in that context.

u wot m8

It's not. Anyone familiar with C, /bin/sh, sed, awk, and the other standard Unix environment stuff will pick up Perl easily.

So in short only people who are over 50 have a chance to be part of this ingroup you are describing

Linux/BSD are free for anyone who can afford a computer (pretty cheap these days). Many C compilers are also free. In the 80's and early 90's though you basically had to pay for that stuff. Ditto with Unix. And the computers needed to run Unix costed more. But now you get it all for free and cheap hardware, so there's no good excuse.
The big change is indoctrination, brainwashing, and demoralization with SJW and other crap. People are telling you how to think, what to like, etc. and you fall for it, hook, like, and sinker.

free = bad
only commercial solutions are good tahts why you have to use a mac computer if you are a serious devleoper and pay for sublime2


Because the language itself was fucked, that's the whole point. Otherwise they would just release 2.8 version.

Then I will buy my free software. I have no problem paying thousands to buy free software.

no one likes to talk about the red hat linux takeover but you can see it everywhere
they are like the jews of linux, find something strange? RH is behind it .

I shamelessly perpetrate this meme. I'd explain my reasoning but OP's complaints are about his search engines, not Python.

Python is a pretty easy and useful language. It takes very little to learn, so if you turn out to be in the minority that doesn't like it, you haven't lost much. So I'd say try it.

The main advantage is being high level. It's basically like writing pseudocode. If that sounds appealing, you should like it. The main disadvantage is being high-level, because sometimes performance isn't great (although it's fast enough 90% of the time) and some design decisions are a bit confusing and awkward, but not that many.

If you are a solo developer, you should learn Assembly, FreePascal, Dlang.

For a scripting/high level language, pick one which can do simple tasks properly. After all, that is their purpose. Be it UTF-8 or simple addiction, you shouldn't really think about those while scripting. Or should you?!.

No, being limp-wristed faggots and continuing to pander to snowflakes on the obsolete version was a mistake, also that shitter Zed Shaw memeing against it for no real reason besides his own babby duck syndrome.
FUCK Python 2.

fuck off back to your designated street, screaming monkey

That might have something to do with all the legacy programs written in Python 2 that still need to be maintained. New programs should be (and are!) written in Python 3.