Rock's McGrath
Rock's McGrath
Sensational obstetrics obfuscate salamanders.
god dammit
Go somewhere else in a hurry.
What's wrong, user. Does someone need one peepee touch?
I miss you already.
D'aawww, alright Mark. You won me over. You workin' at Burger King these days?
Dude's only 49, but looks like he could be collecting Social Security. And that's with makeup on and photo retouching. I wonder how rekt he must look without.
Nah, BK let me go for putting my Whopper® in the mayo.
What a dick. You can crash on my couch man, just please don't sing any of your music.
Exactly why I chose that pic. Livin' that life would be worth it, though.
He looks a little rough, but he doesn't have shit on people like Ozzy Osbourne or Keith Richards.
True, or pic related for that matter. To be fair though, Ted always did look like shit.
I don't care how Ted looks, I'd just love to drink whiskey and blow shit up with him.
Blowin' shit up is fun as fuck! Zero fucks given about hobnobbing with celebrities. I only used OP to fit the pun.
Chauvinistic androids should never discriminate obliquely.
I dunno man, don't discard all celebs, some are cool fucking people. Or advanced forms of life from a different world like pic related.
Now that you mention it…No, strike that. I like his writing, but that very writing reveals what a junkie piece of shit he was. I've already had more than enough of that nonsense.
I dunno. When I hear the word "junkie" I think of sadness and failure. Hunter was a corner stone of modern literature. Pretty Goddamn far from a failure.
I don't hold anything against junkies per se. I'm an addict myself. As a fellow junkie, I know which ones to stay away from. Hunter definitely falls into that category.
Junkie here too and I can kind of agree. Hunter was fucking insane, but it was an insane I would have been honored to take part in. Dangerous for sure though.
Yeah, well, back in my heyday I was none too stable myself. Picture it: a social misfit junkie with Army training. I'm lucky to be alive. Doing that with Hunter would certainly have proved disastrous.
That was my whole point about him though. The fact that he survived that kind of life that we both know the consequences of. Not only survived it, but fucking dominated it. He was like an Olympic athlete of drug abuse and insanity.
I'm glad those days are over.
No argument here. He's as close as I come to idolizing anyone. Still, hanging out is counter indicated. I would feel compelled to one up him.
I wish all days were over.
Yeah, I agree hanging out with him would be the end of me. You don't hang out with someone like him and not go apeshit. I just thought you were against him so I was explaining my admiration.
Why so glum? Life is alright.
By "all days" I mean time itself. Past time to return to singularity.