Please guys, I beg of you all, save halfpol. The shilling there has increased tenfold and there are only a few of us left to combat zionism and neoconservatism there. However, it is not all lost. There are so many newfags to educate, they must understand that not everything is about duh mooslims, they need to know. It has become the center of the (((alt-right))), and it has to be saved. So much content here is full of well sourced information that would send kike shills staggering. There jobs couldn't be easier now, but if our info can be successfully administered to halfpol there would be so much more publicity of the truth. It would be like /new/ all over again, and how newfags would discover the full truth as opposed to alex jones tier half truths. I almost never see any holohoax information posted there anymore, but it does come up in the sea of shit and shilling. It will spill over here with more intensity than before if it is not stopped. Mark my words.
Please guys, I beg of you all, save halfpol...
Halfpol is a sinking ship. Let the idiots get halfway into the water, when the time comes the worthy will do their own digging. Holla Forums is a hark back to web 1.0, and the amount of publicity and attention 4pol gets is to its own detriment. The trump fans and those disillusioned with the state of today are still taking steps in the right direction.
Tldr no
Flags completely obliterated the purpose of halfpol, now it's /int/ 2.0 with banter and country roleplaying
I go to halfpol for funposting and memes, for serious talks i go here
I thought that you faggots successfully fought off the CTR invasion?
Why don't you all just go back to save it yourselves? If you weren't all here shitting up our site then maybe it wouldn't need saving.
And flags are useless when you have VPNs. With one click, I can appear to post from Israel and derail an entire thread.
Polite sage, because no one here cares for 4/pol/ anymore.
And we’ll whisper….
Check my dubs
silly cuck, there was an exodus in 2014 for a reason.
Why contain it?
Nice get, also very true
Sick burn and sicker quads.
They came for Reddit and I did nothing because I'm not a faggot. Then they came for 4chan and I did nothing because I'm not a cuckold. Then I celebrated because they were all worthless and we're clogging up my internet tubes.
Fuck you auto correct. Now I'm the faggot.
Looks pretty normal over there to me. About par for the course that 4chan usually serves up.
I don't know why I laughed so hard at this. Probably because I didn't expect it.
No, we need cuckpol to be the distraction while us fags on here uncover the real threats and shitpost like adults.
The 4th Reich starts here, on h8chan.
1/2chan deserves gas. OP is a Faggot. Leave us.
I understand your concern OP, but that place is our past. The cancer has overtaken the host. What can you do when the mods are basically one of them. I don't want to come off as defeatist but I would say at least half of us came from the exodus there. I don't really like the D&C 1/2 chan vs fullchan because we have a lot of common ground, but we aren't going back user.
I went there for a minute to check it out and found a thread literally full of kike shills convincing each other to not have white babies because sportscars n shiiet. Fuck that place, never again
When I first come over with the first exodus this place had a variety of good threads and good posters. There were threads from the smarter natsocs, threads from neoreactionaries, threads from the more red pill nationalist libertarians. It wasn't just 24/7 Trump or low-info natsoc retard posting. They were a wealth of new information and indepth discussions. Space elevator threads, books/papers threads, and a variety others. Some of my threads are still saved in the sticky.
This is not the case now.
The later exoduses proved to me that the people that didn't come over at the start are full blown, low IQ retards who give no fucks about maintaining any sort of standards or actually care about their online community. This is fucking hilariously inconsistent given their gripes about their physical IRL communities. This is probably why they've continually lost for the last 50-60 years, and why it is so easy for the Jew to infiltrate and ruin whatever it is they're doing.
Fuck halfchan. Fuck the retards. They aren't worth saving. Part of being on the right wing is knowing that you are better than certain people and groups. Continually calling for saving cuckchan, or calling for exoduses from there to here, only makes this place worse than it already is.
screencap it all, compile, turn cuck/pol/ into a meme
tadah. saved.
Same memetic wave length. nice
Holohoax threads get shoa'd and astroturfed hard there, as does any other legitimate advanced discussion. The final straw was the mods siding with CTR. Unforgivable.
I think it would be better to save this board from the lolbergs and other jew shills first before thinking about a board that most of us havent been to for over 2 years now
I tried reading 4pol the other day and at least half of the threads were obvious shills posting discredited marxist image macros while saying "POL BTFO". They cannot be saved.
No such thing
This is the quality of the threads on cuck chan at the moment.
Most of them are probably just regular posters baiting for shits and giggles. Same goes for "really makes you think" and "what did he mean by this" posts.
Halfchan/pol/, now cuckstantino/pol/
Was halfchan/pol/, now cuckstantino/pol/
Been a long time gone, cuckstantino/pol/
Why did halfchan/pol/ get all fucked?
That's nobodies business but the cucks
This. 12/pol/ mustard race.
I thought of this scene the second I read the OP.
I still go there once in while, natsoc general threads are actually pretty good most of the time. I'll stop shitposting so much there and actually try to compose some productive posts. There's no getting around that the mods are awful though.
naw man, fuck 4chan
i hope that entire website gets shut down
I don't trust websites that are run by yakuza.
Literally this. Good luck OP
The mods here are compromised too.
They kill anything that gains momentum against their interests, like if threads about their behavior get one too many responses.
Still better than 4cuck I guess but a problem we need to before November.
That should be
Nah. cuck/pol/ is a lost cause sheerly by virtue of its own mechanics; even disregarding the shitty userbase.
MOVE ON or GO BACK. Yes, it's that simple.
Haven't been there in two years and I don't regret it for a second. Even if you got here only six months ago, you should have the same mindset by now but that's asking too much isn't it?
I do hope they at least disable the flags, that way some of you plebs will most likely go back permanently. I'll accept a small improvement in quality if that's all we can get.
If you're interested in propaganda halfchan should be the first place we target.
We already know how it all works, we already know the memes, we could easily take back control of the narrative there.
Following this, we should take down reddit. The_Donald is doing a decent job of shifting the overton window. If we could find a way to 'brigade' without making it obvious to mods, we could do a lot of damage.
At the same time we should be making independent news websites where we can create persuasive, well researched content intermixed with humorous/emotionally convincing propaganda.
Honestly, a group of 10 or 20 committed people could probably take it all over.
We've got our own issues with anti-Christ shills in every thread as soon as the word is merely spoken, granted it's the only thing that works as D&C on our board at this point as we've become mostly immune to anything else. Good luck faggot
This guy gets it. Just wish I had the time to invest into that.
I do go there from time to time when things are slow here. My biggest problem with cuckchan isn't dealing with shills or lolbergs etc. it's that the threads all move too fast and after opening a few threads out of the catalog they all 404 before I can read through the first of them and compose a reply. Which is the reason I came to Holla Forums to begin with.
The kikes are followers of this man.
Only came to chans after the Five Guys fucked the fan so this is the only place i've known.
reddit belongs to a jew
unless we launch a very fine propaganda, how can we get through?
100% this
archive for people who dont want to click that shit
They don't outright ban content they don't like unless it breaks the rules.
The main way that the narrative is controlled is through downvoting new submissions so they never reach any of the front pages. Left-wing groups basically hang out in the new section of most subreddits in order to screen out content they don't like.
I have had some mild success with content that most people would find abhorrent (young transgender children is a good topic). At this point reddit still has a long way to go but can be slowly prodded in the right direction by submitting centre or moderate right-wing material and downvoting/removing left-wing material.
Another good way of gaining traction there is creating our own subreddits (look at The_Donald). Keep in mind these subreddits will still have to be fairly tame compared to what is posted here.
we have lost this place to anti christian shills and now you expect us to save 4chan?
You mean apostates?
Underrated post.
Thank you friend.
I'm sorry mate.
The Chan structure, as a public forum, is not secure.
Shills and Bots can post 10 shit-tier threads per minute
There is no point in defending it.
The Chans were NEVER for educating people.
The Chans are for educating the enlightened…
It is our job, to become the stefan molyboos and black pigeon poos of the world.
Learn video editing, video graphics design, and public speaking.
Take these skills, and bring them to the normies through talk radio and youtube.
If you can't fend for yourself, you deserve to die and go extinct. Cuckchanners don't deserve anything better than undignified and slow death
There are certain parallells to Zimbabwe here.
Cuckchan allowed the niggers to breed and decide on policies now the culture of the place is niggerfied. The only way to reclaim it would be by mass-immigration of Whites/reasonable posters.
I have these skills. How do we get together without being infiltrated?
Shit thread, shit OP. Posts only once, starts a thread with a lot of >implications and then fucks off.
Because a community that has moderators against the very foundations of your ideas, but in favor of racemixing, cuckporn spam and shilling can be saved in any way shape or form. You can't change minds if you cannot speak out at all.
Alt-right memes aside, TRS is more "alt-right" than 4/pol/ and it will always be.
Shills don't care for facts. Nice dicksucking towards 8/pol/ in an attempt to humor us and send us wasting our time on halfchan, though.
Oh like this thread?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Holla Forums can win when the battlefield isn't overwhelmingly against our favor like on 4chan. It is a more normalfag friendly zone by design now. Fighting these useless internet wars is a waste of fucking time and all we have in this world is our own time. Shit will go down at some point and there is still more to do, wasting time trying to educate kids on a washed out imageboard is on the bottom of the barrel of important things.
Just dump red pill images.
user.. i-it's terminal. granny isn't coming home this christmas.
we can't spare the resources tbh
OP is right
You guys just don't understand. 4/pol/ used to be and in some ways still kind of is the hub or source of the ridiculing, meme aesthetic that worked so well for a few months. The effectiveness of this aesthetic is dying now though and 4/pol/ is becoming more of the laughing stock of the internet rather than the one making the jokes.
We don't have to go back there to change it. We just need to push certain narratives and create new subversive memes so change 4/pol/ into a more radical and right-wing hub.
This guy gets it. All you need is a few people from TRS forums to shill on 4/pol/ constantly until change is made. In fact really shilling 4/pol/ to be more radical would be a good experiment on how to shill communities to be more on our side.
The TRS forums are a perfect place to organize for this shilling because its private. No one would know where we came from.
You guys like complain and theorize about shills taking advantage and diving and conquering Holla Forums and shit but have we ever tried to shill and divide and conquer a community?
Just a few people on a private forum could do this over several months.
One of problems of Holla Forums is that it is always on the defensive. Sometimes an offense is the best defense. Strike them where it hurts them the most, and they will be too busy doing damage control to shit up our boards.
That's what happens when your admin openly admitted that he was fucking you over and decided to quit. Die in hell you filthy nigger lover.
hahaha no
Stay there and shill back at them.
Happened here too and I still wonder the fuck happened within the last week to trigger this.
nice oathvoid quads
The only reason we're winning the narrative is because young minds are exposed to half/pol/. Give that to the Jews and you can kiss whatever hope you had for the future goodbye.
Why dont you just gorepost and ban evade, oldest trick in the book for anons trying to get rid of shills.
Or make good threads, fighting the good fight.
I was never one to go on 4/pol/ since I only really took the redpill after getting to college. I mostly came to fullchan since the 4/a/ community turned to absolute shit. Not that the /a/ here is much better.
the only 2 that still have some kind of effect are the religion-shills and anime-shills
but some times when it looks like shills replying to shill post to look like this place its shittier that it looks.
i trust you guys, we can endure this
this post may trigger a useless shill discussion, so plz, dont respond to any shill, not even this post
A chance for me to post this, finally!
Oath status: officially voided
Cuckchan is ripe for Aktion T4.
It's the merciful thing to do, really.
Their interests are at least loosely aligned with most of ours though. For instance stickying things attacking jews and Clinton. I have some major issues with our mod team and I'd jump all over a superior alternative but they're a hell of a lot better than halfchan's mods.
All hope is not lost.
why so much hate here though? If white nations should eliminate internal strife and fight for one cause, why should chans keep hating each other?
cuckchan is overflowing with shills, but its because its best known amongst the normies and sjws. Cuckchan is the battleground now. If you dont even bother to fight, you might at least cut that elitism and show some solidarity for fellow comrades
this place is almost lost to good-goy christianism
if the jews succeed in christanizing the chans
you can kiss goodbye to any opposition to kikes
standard christkike attacks:
Christians always will be and have been your enemy, Jew, and if the revolution ever starts it will start in fucking churches, where good non degenerate people of all communities come together to be together every Sunday.
Go in any church and you will find people of the highest quality.
They merely need to be talked into purging the kikes, and it isn't even that hard. It has been done many times before.
So fuck off with your bullshit kike. White people of all stripes will soon come for you. We will punish you.
yes faggot
They're coming out of the woodwork, m8.
ah, i remember posting "it's time to come home" there. well, the there are likely few who can withstand the cancer that is 4pol, i only have it monitored for relevant pol stuff which often get dropped there despite it's cancer (the hacker known as 4chin tends to do that for some reason or another), but other than that it is rarely worth redpilling or god beware trying to get rid of the aids. that place is lost, op. deal with it.
jesus is and always be a jew
you're just jew-worshipping faggots on the wrong board >>>/christian/
this again. get lost you stupid jew. jesus was a judahite. jesus=judea , kikes=israel. now get lost!
spotted the fucking kike. kill him with zykon-b
faggot kike-lovers
If you didn't leave around Holla Forums harbor there is no hope for you
there are still some anons that try to fight the good fight, but its mostly shills and govt agencies, and its harder and harder to find something relevant in the poop put there by enemies. If nothing else, kukchan siphons manpower of the shills so that less of them find time to shitpost here
Fighting them back there would give them an even bigger problem, no? That "fight" between hundreds of shills and a small group of truthful individuals won't last much longer. They'll come here after that, and then there won't be another ark to flee to.
You're beating a dead horse.
If they truly care to know they wouldn't conform to any consensus or status quo.
They'd dig out the truth for themselves.
Let it go user.
I was once a cuckchan poltard here is some help on your noble endevour
Praise Kek
there are some ways to fight shills. one of them, for instance, is flooding a thread with gore and stuff. but fighting bots is harder. You can make threads with educational purpose explaining polacks to recognize shills and dont reply to them, but its usually to no avail.
It would be good if mods on cuckpol actually did something, but there are the same threads of shitpost appearing daily, and they often life their whole life cycle to autosage.
I still go there though. Here it is generally good content all around, but lurking on cuckpol is like searching for diamonds. there are vast spaces of nothingness with one very exceptional thread popping up from time to time. I think that amount of shitpost can even serve as a screen, discouraging infiltrators from realizing what is actually going on in the background.
last of my support post
You are either Jewish or hopelessly stupid.
Go inside any church and actually talk to people for once. Just by going to church I have a network of 30 well armed family men that I personally know and talk to regularly.
I have been working on the Jewish question with a number of them, it is going better that I expected.
However the most noteworthy aspect is the fact that they are ready and willing to follow somebody who will purge faggotry and nonwhites.
They simply need to be educated. In a church you are mere whispers away from revolution, alone or as a tree worshiper you are an entire community away.
We can "subvert" (of course I would say correct) the churches just like the Jews have. It is easy.
Now hang yourself kike. It will soon be over for you.
4chon here, half/pol/ was never worth saving.
Tell mook to burn it all the fuck down and make /new/ again, then I might consider saving it.
if you want to kill a jew
start with jesus
fucking hell they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. FEMA camps soon lads.
It's like you're not even payed bucko, literally do-it-for-free tier
Confirmed jew
retarded goy
yes faggoy
I bet it really scares you that we are starting to go into the churches calling for another crusade against the Jews, kike.
Soon your blood fertilize our grasses
Literally all sects believe this, it's written in the fucking Talmud. This has been the law for centuries. What fucking world do you live in? They have always believed there is only one Jewish people who have a right to Heaven from birth, based on blood. This excludes all goyim, making us in there eyes subhumans. Jesus taught the exact opposite, that Heaven could be for all peoples. They hated him because of this, it's not hard to understand. Go shill somewhere else and drown in your delusion.
no you dumb faggot
if christians started a crusade against kikes that would be great
it'll never happen though because christkikes are cuck faggots
no, jesus taughtthat only by believing in him - the stinking lying kike - can you know god
I ask you again, have you ever been to a church?
I attend weekly meetings and have influence over some of the most powerful, hardworking and wealthy people in my county. None of them are degenerate, all of them own guns and hate degeneracy and it is regularly preached that the government is anti christian. The man who preaches has a fucking massive collection of firearms, and he buys and sells.
I am mere whispers away from a crusade against the kikes. Where you in your revolution starting, huh?
What are you doing to save the white race?
cucklord faggots
extricating poor goy from the fake semitic religion of Christianity, faggot
there will never ever be a crusade against judaism or islam for that matter because christianity is jew-lite
Where do you meet once a week with your community to discuss how to live and what to do?
The synagogue I bet, the way you debate
Regardless of how cucked the church is it is still far, far more powerful than you will ever be.
>I am subverting Christianity to save the white race.
Again, confirmed jew.
christianity is the thing that subverts faggot
won't you kill for jesus? won't you start a crusade?
no because you're a pathetic cuck faggot
bailing on this fucking useless thread
there is no difference between cuckchan and here
both are full of asswipe faggot christkikes
Lets say you believe in natural selection. Christianity was naturally selected to be the belief system over all other white European belief systems. Why? The others died and Christianity lived.
Because the others were weak and Christianity was strong.
It has weakened today because it is weak. It will become strong again if it is to live.
Every bone in my body cries out for justice against the kikes. If you don't think the majority of people here would really die to save the white race you are sadly mistaken.
The hard part is living to save the white race.
There will be a crusade or the white race will die, so you better hope I can help to uncuck Christianity.
time for synagogue
half/pol/ is a proving grounds. Those who are worthy pass the rite and move on and join the ranks of the elite where they will begin their ascent in either the school of the scribe or order of thule.
how about
get back to your cuckshed
If you are still there, you deserve it all, cuckold.
Since Islam won out over Christianity in the middle east I guess Islam is better than Christianity.
And by that same logic Jews are actually the master race since they are so wealthy and successful.
This is why your logic is wrong. I think Christianity and the non-cucked values are good, but they kind of died with the Orthodoxy in Byzantium.
Why don't we all just shit post alone? We need to individually make our own boards and totally isolate ourselves. Its the only way to be sure we don't encounter KIKE SHILLS and people with 0.01 degrees of separation from my own views.
No one gives a shit about 4chan, let it sink.
This is correct. In this environment Islam is superior.
Also within some semblance correct. I wouldn't call them the master race, but they are certainly better at doing some things than whites, otherwise we would be doing them.
Tell me why I'm wrong.
Can't save something that's compromised all the way to the top. Its also useful to have these idiots serve as our fall guys.
This thread is full of bullshit or shills, or both.
It would be superior in general, since it's now spreading over white countries and converting Christians.
Why not. Jews are practically the master race since they have beaten us in every regard.
Jews promoting Christianity in europe. Are you going to say Communism is superior to National Socialism because the commies won, next?
You Jews did it, though.
I thought the Jesus burning in shit was a different guy named Jesus?
That was your final straw? Jesus, you have to go back. I haven't gone back to that shithole ever since the whole five guys burgers and fries fiasco.
It refers to Yeshua, the name they use in place of Jesus as to not validate him. It is an insult, and the same Jesus that the Christians worship.
halfchan is a lost cause at least you have us user.
polite sage
Basically libertarians who are going to gas the kikes.
I would argue against that. When one is left we will know which is superior.
Because there are more successful white people than there are Jews. Because the Jews have one nation and we have many. So many reasons, but you seem to be going full retard so I won't spell it out.
Only forms of Christianity that benefit them. Jews promote atheism all over the place, does that make it completely wrong retard?
So, Islam, since it's already been crusades against by Christians and has not relinquished (Rather, it gained) territory and influence.
There are more whites than Jews. By rates, jews have far more wealth and are far more successful than whites :^) So they must be the master race :^)
Also, they have one nation that embodies the best ideals for ones racial success. We have none.
So, none basically. You can't think of any. How fucking disappointing, you don't even deserve to post here with that low energy attitude.
For the most part, yes. What Jews promote amongst ourselves we should probably avoid.
Kill yourself commoncuckold.
I believe it is a safe assumption that at least 200 unique id's have dissapered from this forum and they are attempting to overwhelm halfchan with two forces of paid shills instead of having them split on each…
It would be in our best interest to keep them busy in half chan as long as possible, if it falls they will attempt the same tactic but here…
They recognize it as an easier target, and are spreading mis-information here speaking as if it does not matter…
Its the island that keeps alot of bullshit out of here…
You need to take your autism medication.
Whoa you've been talking to a fraction of 30 people, you're going to enact widespread change. Meanwhile, American christians are the most judeophilic subgroup of any in the united states. Evangelical Christians support Israel more than American Jews do. If that's not a condemnation then I don't know what is. Fix your own house before pretending like it's the only way to be redpilled.
Yeahno. Go fuck yourself, OP. You don't deserve a single bit of help or respect. The very fact you were still using that goddamn shithole up until now, especially considering everything that's gone down, proves you don't deserve any help from us. Go th efuck back.
4chan has become too popular and with that popularity came an influx of newfags who didn't have the same amount of experienced people around them to learn the culture like the oldfags had. A lot of us say that 4chan officially ended with Holla Forums harbor but really it died a long time before that. To me, it ended when they banned loli. Risque content like that is always going to turn off normalfags, so when moot took that position against loli he was obviously trying to expand the userbase similar to how Hotwheels wanted to attract the Reddit crowd. If you weren't aware, this site lost 40-50% of its posters throughout the site goblin days of error posting, and now that we are back to pre-site goblin levels that probably means the 40-50% of posters that we have gained back are made up of people that filtered in from 4chan, reddit, or voat. If you were wondering why every thread is now 'omg a guy on 4chan said this, IS IT LEGIT?' or 'LOL 775757575757575' along with a link, then wonder no further. We took a huge hit to our userbase then received an influx of fucking retards who don't know anything yet want to fit in.
Interested user, how do we start?
You're a fucking moron
This place is literally no different than 4chan. At least there's a straight up natsoc thread up on 4/pol/ right now. 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ are basically /r/the_donald right now. I can't wait until this irrelevant bread and circus election is over.
What do you expect anyone to do when the mods themselves are totally compromised and don't even try to hide it?
You lost, kid?
here make a thead about these
maybe some fag will open their eyes
kill yourself faggot.
don't you realize that you're just going to get blocked, banned, shaddowbanned and logged 4ever on 4cuck?
im not making shit on forpol im just sayin if any ya'll muthafuckas care enough use those
Tbh if it wasn't for the logging thing I'd still go there and qualitypost the shit out of those fuckers.
I got a yuuuuge archive of quality threads, ready to be copypasted and let everything else sort itself out. But it's not worth costing my IP and personal data connected back to me.
Quote for emphasis. Anybody still at 4/pol/ is a fucking cuck. I'm not in favor of reclaiming Detroit either.
I know the mods here get a lot of shit but looking at cuckchan, they're doing a pretty decent job. There's some areas they could be better at and there's some crazy obvious shills that have yet to be gassed but it's still coming along. Always remember: At least we're not cuckchan.
They're doing a horrible job mate, and they're doing it even worse now. Seeing bait threads (and the 250+ replies each got) prosper so much there are the reason I went nuclear mad and then decided to come here.
Sorry, I don't want to post on that shithole ever again. Last time I visited cuck/pol/ I wanted to gouge my eyes out. Anyone who stays there after joot cucked the board to oblivion deserves what they're getting.
what the fuck are you still doing there?
oh and here, don't go alone take this!
this will totally get you banned back at 4.
it gets people banned HERE
and this nice copypasta
it's/they are on every board giving bad advice on purpose.
be careful anyway.
on all boards they tell everyone to "take your meds" to which everyone replies "bake your breads" or "we already took the red pill"
anyone who disagrees with them or calls them out on their bullshit gets a bunch of scripted SJW type replies like "oh you are just intolerant/uneducated/too young/too old/too stupid/ too this/ too that/ not good enough/"
anyone else notice this trend?
Quads of absolution.
Die cuckchan, you will get no sympathy from us here. There is a good reason were all here, and not there.
You are almost a year late, this place is on the same road to the shitshow cuck chan has become.
Just post more threads and link to the juicy youtube videos that go straight to the point, the ones where the jews themselves state what they are doing to us. Like Barbra Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, Anetta Kahane etcetra… Here are three names, look those up and you'll find videos of jews admitting to it.
There's also one with a french rabbi praising the Islamic invasion of Europe as the prerequisite to the return of the messiah, stating that "Edom", which is Europe, must be destroyed completely. I don't remember his name or the keywords but someone else might.
Hitler videos have too many negative associations to them thanks to decades of brainwashing. If people see jews admit to it, they'll get it right away. Hitler speeches become relevant later down the line.
I went there when this place was all shitted up and you couldn't post. I lasted about 5 mins before I had to GTFO. Never again. That place is a burning pile of shit.
The only way to stop ideologue brain disease from spreading is by finding the lying neck and cutting it.
I look at the banlogs here i don't think that people are getting bannned for this on the big boards. And if some boards want to ban it, they can it all comes down to what the communities accept here.
I know everyone keeps complaining but the moderation on this site is overall much more consistent and much better than what we dealt with over on 4chan.
Copied to my notes anyways though.
people that still post on 4chan are cucks
people that crosspost on here and 4chan are moderators
kikes exploit that mentality to make their opponents eat one another, this is where the "christcuck vs. larpnigger vs fedora" conflict comes from, amongst other things.
Being to quick on screaming "shills" leaves you open to point in the wrong direction.
Well I have what mods crave right here.
That natsoc thread has about 15 different natsocs defending fighting a South African Jew and some Aussie churchill shills
how to hate jews in 30 seconds..
wtf im jewish now
The fact we have so many Trump chumps here falling for the relentless and obvious campaign marketing on this board is disheartening.
The worst thing of every election hype is the part where you have to say "I fucking told you so!".
That's because we've been targeted by Trump marketers for like half a year now.
I'm willing to wager about half if not more of the Trump cuckery on here is from marketers pretending.
Ban all goons.
thats cool op but check these repeating digits
Join OP and fuck off back to 4cuck.
the records been corrected
Fuck off then
4chan is long dead, even before Luggage Lad moot sold it so he could jerk off in front of his cucking girlfriend's phone camera.
Don't know what you're talking about, you got nigger hate threads, muslim threads, a lot of threads against shills, against global warming… seems rather "halfchanish" to me.
You're shitting me right?
That site died years ago.
There's nothing to save.
Don´t call them zionists, just call them kikes and cucks.
Yeah, we should raid from time to time, aren´t we supposed to be Natsoc trolls? -)
We should have a moderated Pol too, one were moderators goes all out in deleting all types of shillings and slide threads.
Go market on 4cuck or something.
In the words of your hero:
It is lost. Better to let it burn to the ground.
Butter made out of milk is degenerate.
Paid shills get paid to come here regardless… but we point out ctr shilling when we see it. It's not hard to spot.
The flawed thinking by OP is that a surge of quality posting would make a difference and "save" cuckpol, yet this is exactly what would encourage shit posting.
A shitposters delight is to spam and shill bullshit in a thread where serious discussions are taking place. Quality posting on cuckchan at this point is basically just begging for a surge of shitposters.
The only salvation cuckpol could ever experience is if the mods are purged completely and replaced with people who are willing to spend hours a day groundskeeping… by banning shitters and removing slide threads. You're not going to find people who can do a quality job of this because it's actually a lot of work, dangerous, and absolutely no reward. It's also not compatible with an actual fascists personality type, because spending hours and hours on the computer battling degenerates accomplishes nothing.
I could do 40-45 hours a week, but it would take 100k+ salary. I wouldn't expect anyone else to accept a dime less and put in a minute more, so you'll need 4-5 solid full time ideologically compatible mods. That is half a million a year in moderation costs… to essentially moderate a honeypot.
Do the math.