They are officially 100% hivemind now. Now alternative views allowed anymore.
Pol basically became nu/pol/
Other urls found in this thread:
oh and I forgot to write another thing:
- Trumpsky also wants to officially condemn white nationalists from now on (or whatever type of paper he signed about this shit)
but hey, I guess this is just one of his 5D chess moves, right?
Welcome to the party, slowpoke.
ikr but Holla Forums does it too
trump is bowing to his kike masters
Holla Forums went to shit the moment he stepped into the oval office. i thought we would be his cruelest critics, but we opened our mouths as wide as possible and sucked his shit like there's no tomorrow. Sad! maybe one day we will correct our ways. he's a fun president, though
Are you trying to be unconvincing? Is that the point? I'm new to Holla Forums, someone pls explain.
>condemn (((white nationalism)))
Maybe if they didn't exclude other people from being considered "white", I would care
Raid is definately a bad reason for that ban
Rp or spam would be a better reason.
goddamn. i'll be damned if i lurked for 2 years just to have a faggot like yourself ask for hints. re-read it, and think briefly. that's how (You) should understand it. if you didn't, lurk more.
> OP is probably against esoteric immigration (despite been a net positive in society) and wants to (((deport))) them
Build bridges not (((FEMA walls))) faggot
This, mods only ban faggots. They might overban, but what did OP think would happen after the esoteric immigrants that made up HALF of Holla Forums left?!
lol, you thought I was serious? I was only pretending to be retarded.
While your post sounded like a shill at his first day in office, you are right. Mods have helped on subverting Holla Forums into a neo conservative place. This is what we get for creating a cult of personality around a man who is a kike lover businessman. this is what we get for thinking (((democracy))) would fix this rotten society
This is Holla Forums
What about this ban?
Spics aren't white.
You know a board is shit when people constantly complain about its shitty moderation on other boards.
It's fucked up how the only board I haven't seen gotten any worse is Holla Forums
Bombing Assad was a good and bad move - it could escalate things but also intimidates other countries. He called Russia and gave them time to move their troops from there, avoiding conflict with them. But yeah, pol is full of closeminded cunts. They are capable of impressive complicated feats, but only if it fits their narrative. I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
If you're white nationalist then get the fuck out of America. Ethnonationalism belongs in the old kingdoms, not the Great Experiment.
I used a VPN for a little experiment. I wanted to see what would happen if someone would actually try to have a non-one-sided political conversation. No matter what, you find kikes EVERYWHERE.
most on Holla Forums know that the mods are kikes, there just isnt anything we can do about it.
What do you expect on a site ran by a masonnigger?
Not a bug, a feature. Working as intended.
Nigger what?
he means you went there the the expectation of getting banned- which affected your behavior which affected the outcome of your little "experiment"
shitskins, niggers and jews are too stupid to live.
really makes you activate those almonds…
this has been going on for years now, newfag.
Ever considered doxing them?