Trump Sign Thief Foiled By Booby Traps

Some Trump supporter in Indiana knew that that anti-Trump cucks were going to be trying to steal his signs, so the absolute madman booby trapped one the signs with a fishing wire painted green to blend in.

Lets have a moment to celebrate based Philip

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the official news story about what happened.

Why are Drumpf supporters turning into fucking niggers now?

I don't see any booby traps here, just a cost effective means of making sure a gust of wind won't blow the man's property away.

Ouch, looks like you didn't quite get the first post, Shlomo. We're going to have to cut your wage per post in half…

the thief isnt the nigger, the homeowner is

mental gymnastics here

Mental Gymnastics Gold Winner Here.

Could you somehow rig m80's up to the sign?

The kike is lucky she didn't get shot like the nigger she is. Go shill on cuckchan.

What is private property for 1,000$ Alex.

Did he lost his fingers?

Hello JIDF, Freech, /int/, Holla Forums. You'll have to try harder next time :^)


Make up your fucking mind. For fuck's sake, Hyde's fanboys are a fucking net loss for Holla Forums. They make every thread more shit with their presence.

Maybe we should just shoot little kids for stealing lollipops from the Gas Station.

Didn't Best Korea enslave a faggot for a more friendly version of this Orwellian "prank?" (Stealing a poster to keep as a souvenir.)

Why fishing wire? If fine steel wire can take all that flesh easily.

So basically you're saying Drumpfcucks are just one step removed from irrational and retarded gook authoritarians. Great job!

It's private property faggot. The second you step on someones lawn to steal their shit, you should be prepared to get shot. Go spam your libertarian autism elsewhere.

If I catch you on my property without my consent I am going to murder you.

The only nigger is the one condoning theft/destruction of property. Hope that fatty broke it's legs too! Maybe it'll think twice before attempting to nab another person's property again.

Roast in hell, kikelover.

That newsbunny has a severe case of horse face.

I think we all can agree that this man is a low energy cuck (in comparison).

Why is it always anime posters who always have the most niggerish ideals of dealing with things like this?


The beastly looking creature does seem to move quickly. It's as if it's spotted a discount buffet at the Golden Corral.

That settles it then, my RWDS will be full of men that have their own waifu (Valkyrie). No fear of death, no fear of reprisal, just like a true Einherjar.

Memes have come true!

Lena Dunham?

I'd like to see someone try to put this together.

I've seen people tying their signs between two trees where I live. don't know if it's because of vandalism or if they just think it looks neat though.

Fuck off Shlomo

People caught stealing on private property deserved to be killed on sight.

They got off lucky, shooting criminals in the act is economical(saves millions of taxpayer dollars), philosophical(theft, especially with the intent to do harm and not to not starve is the initiation of violence), and keeps the neighbourhood safe.

You all spread shit over your loan. Electric discharge sounds more cleaner.


looks fake tbh



Fill it with horse or cow poo with some grass seed thrown in.


user, the kike you're responding to is suggesting some commie garbage; to be able to shoot a thief on your lawn leans towards libertarianism.

He seems like a nice old man that just wants America to be great again.

Why do people hate us daddy?



look at the way she falls, it looks fake and purposeful. Still funny, though.

You didn't even get paid for that.



Maybe we can figure out a way to manufacture the signs with acid-proof plastic or metal, and coat them with caustic gel that burns flesh on contact.

Would be pretty cool to identify the radical normies by the lack of meat left on their hands.

Fuck yes that's exactly what should be done.

just make metal signs and put heating elements in them.

Well considering the kid is probably a dindu works for me


But then again it could also be that this is the most physical activity the sweaty hamplanet has ever engaged in other than shoveling grub down it's throat.

Probably thought she was going to sprint seven long yards to the car for a quick getaway. But the 20lb test fishing line was enough to shift the enormous mass of her lardass, guaranteeing an uncontrolled faceplant.

Seriously our mods are coming just like 4/pol/'s. Both have done absolutely nothing to stop the flow of CTR shilling. If we had more board volunteers maybe things would be different

Dindulicisious of Dinduphonia is dinduing the dindoroad into dinduism for the dinduology. What diinduism would emerge from all this dindulike cocophony and dindophobia?

fuck off newfags

I bet if you stole a bernout sign they would loose their shit.

Look ma! I moved the goalposts!

Should've glued razor blades to the edge of the sign so when that person grabbed it they got cut up. Combined with a trap has potential to cause damage if landed upon.

Yeah but they could feel the heat before grabbing them - we WANT them to grab the signs.

Maybe they could be electrified "accidentally" by a "mistakenly" ungrounded power line.
You could do a "bad" set up with a lighting rig for your sign, and still walk away with plausible deniability.

I can see the headline now: "Tragedy strikes anti-Trump protestor"

At the very least, you could coat them with carcinogenic or human toxic pesticides, so at least you know they might get cancer or endocrine disruption out of the deal.


If you want to blend in, spend some time checking the board first you mega faggot shit-eating sellout loser shill.

You fucking nigger. I can't wait for trump to get in office and you all to show your true colors.

Not that I disagree with blowing to hell anyone trying to mess with my private property, but is this considered man trapping?

Perhaps coat the signs with a generous rubbing of poison ivy oil? You can buy the plants online here

We value property rights and hate no platforming, doing this in our homes is no joke. I would shoot anyone who attempted this commie shit on my property.

Setting boobytraps is technically illegal because it could involuntarily injure police and rescue workers.

But shooting thieves who try to steal property off your lawn is perfectly legal in most states

Do you think the town chief of police would consider coating the signs in poison ivy oil acceptable or not?

Is growing poison ivy on your front lawn illegal?

Let me get this straight, It's OK to steal if it's just paper? I think you should give me all the paper in your wallet then.
How about your bank account? It doesn't matter if it's digital, all those ones and zeros are just social constructs anyways, they aren't real.

Why do shitskins, faggots, jews and niggers think everything is theirs?

It's called private property, and if you weren't a shitskin, faggot, jew or nigger you'd know the old saying here in the USA "property is 9/10 of the law".

Remember when niggers were property? Ahhh the good old days the good old days. They are coming back soon, and this time around faggots and jews will be on the menu.

I wish this were actually true

Let's not make the same mistake twice. Ship those niggers back instead. You can hire the help of one white person and save yourself from having to support 6 niggers and their families.

Shots fired.

weebs are innoculated against liberal 'humanisation'
We are gonna spill the normies' blood on the curb with no regrets REEEE

I thought so too, but it seems to move faster than her.

Did he have the line doubling back to raise a trip trip wire when yanked?

Stealing two Trump signs valued at $40 )$20 each) is petty theft and is a misdemeanor, this girl will be crying her whale eyes out in court and the video will be Exhibit A

No shilling will work here, this is a misdemeanor offense with the robber caught on video



she looks lesbian

It's true.

The mistake was listening to jews twice: setting the livestock / beasts-of-burden free, and not sending them back afterward.

The plan is to enslave the jews along with their machinations: the degenerates, niggers, and shitskins. Then, as White men do: we treat our livestock humanely, and never release them from captivity.

There's no reason to ship perfectly good slaves back when you can have them do manual labor until they expire.

The concept of family doesn't apply to domesticated animals. The proper term is "breeding stock". No more teaching animals to mimic our language, thus giving the Jews an out to subvert us by anthropomorphizing niggers.

There is literally nothing wrong with attaching wire to your own property.

Off yourself, CTR.

Watching that video is fucking glorious.

Any webms?


Apparently, OP is a lazy cock sucker! Learn how to properly make a thread, faggot. Here is the video converted to MP4…

Just say someone stole it before and threw it in a poison ivy patch

I like to be honest and tell the truth though.

I like how you think. However Giant hogweed and wild parsnip sap can cause 3rd degree burns, makes poison ivy look like a joke. They are invasive plants from asia, and can be found near railroad tracks.

They can take months to heal and can scar for life.

The seeds can be bought, and the plants can be found easily before winter hits. Not sure about buying the sap or oil though.

If it's on your property, why the hell not? This bitch was trespassing and stealing. Fuck her. I hope she steals your poison ivy sign and rubs her clap-infested snatch shortly after.

That's the most hustle that fat bitch has ever had, and it's all thanks to Trump.

Gonna have to check those thoughts guys.


Yep. Anyone attempting to steal from someone's private property should be prepared to deal with consequences including booby traps and even violence, but we must remember people who do this have the mental capacity of young children and don't consider the consequences of their actions.

MFW don't live in liberal neighborhood anymore…
MFW I'll never get to try this.


Can you imagine a van or truck just screeching through neighbourhoods and masked guys jump out and start shooting shit up while music like this is blaring? Holy shit, this has to happen.

I stopped watching that show because your pic died.

What a filthy marxist display of propaganda it turned out to be…

I volunteer. I want this to happen so badly.

I stopped watching then too.

Kek wills it

sounds like it should be an mde skit

call sam hyde

that's not so bad, I myself would have driven a bullet from my .44 Henry into the child's skull. Done so for less, did it just for trespassing once myself.

yea, sure, it was


Nice dubs but don't even go near these plants without some serious protective equipment. Goggles, rubber apron, and shoulder length rubber gloves at the very least. They can permanently blind you and just brushing up against them is enough to burn you.

they have to go back.

Rick ends up oildrilling with Michone after his qt 3.14 blonde blue eyed gf is eaten by walkers

Of course…

I missed it, does someone have them still open in a tab

I can now.


I R8 88/88

Couldn't agree more with ancaps on this, can't resist posting these memes though.

t. Holla Forums mod

Suddenly I felt a little more respect for you guys. Godspeed weebfag.

Adding another option to the list.

A serb in a beret playing remove kebab on the accordion would be a nice addition






welcome to the NHK


t. ancoms everywhere

Anyone have that vid of ancoms who try to occupy a city hall meeting and call the cops when they are being physically removed?

Found it.

Spot the feminist: sign stealing addition

they could just spray-paint it..

i need a solid steel sign
someone take my money


that could also double as a tactical vehicle barrier

To play devils advocate, a sign doesn't really cost that much. It's kind of petty to shoot someone over.

Someone tell me why I'm wrong.

They're golems laddie. Their thoughts are implanted into them by pop culture and the news media which they conform to.

Resist harder you fucking faggot.

That sign is basic man stuff.

Five pieces of steel from your local yard, budget arc welder from sealey or harbor freight, few tins of paint and a stencil.

Leftists aren't people, so shooting them is like shooting vermin.

While that's funny and more than likely true, I'm going to need someone to logic this for me. Because I cant see any reason other than go fuck yourself it's my property. Which is good enough for me, but probably not good enough for court.

Why not just mildly electrify your sign. Not enough to kill anyone, just enough to give them a good jolt.

Multiple small traps executed correctly could be humorous.

Steel signs, pits, nets, tripwires, paints and dyes.

Your trap has to be somewhat proportional to the threat. Claymores and shotgun tripwires are probably out.

My idea was always to coat the sign in highly-flammable grease of some sort, plant a lighter at the bottom painted to blend in, and fishing line attached to the lighter running down one leg of the sign into a stake in the ground. When pulled out of the ground it would activate the lighter, causing the sign to burst into flames in the hands of the thief.

Or you could coat it in bear mace, awaiting them touching their face or something that they'd touch later, such as a car door handle.

I don't understand the USA.

I've watched a couple of those preppers shows based in the US. I wouldn't want to be going onto anyone's rural property uninvited at all.
One trap I remember was made from a mousetrap, a nail, string and a shotgun shell - designed for kneecapping. Pretty neat though.

It's barbaric not to show the common courtesy of giving people a chance to explain why they're there and surrender. Unless you have serious suspicions about them or are expecting trouble to come your way. Otherwise you're a paranoid uncivilized degenerate tbh.

Let's adopt Talmudic ideology, what could possibly go wrong?

Never seen a case where you can't figure out why someone is trespassing on rural property just by looking t them.

usually it's illegal hunters/trappers, hipster backpackers that think every piece of ground with a tree is state property, kids fucking around with substances, illegal dumping, metheads setting up a lab, or some scumbag stripping a bike/car.

seeing a bunch of people with nothing standing in the woods would kind of scare the shit out of me tbh.

traps are pretty much illegal in most states (ones meant for people that is)

It could probably work with razoring these signs too.

it keeps it from happening again and again and again.

though i'd probably shoot at the ground just to scare the shit out of them.

hello Peaky Blinders

Ridiculously fake but of course, Holla Forums laps it up.
Eventually some of you will realise how easily manipulated you are by staged media propaganda.

I have no idea what their objective is with this but if you can't see it's staged, I don't know what to say.

fuckoff bernout

What has the fact of Trump signs being stolen got to do with this being blatantly staged?

Who paints their fishing line for wind tie downs, much less runs it so long?

what part of fuckoff bernout do you not understand?

Did you have the man present his Comrade Sanders papers? If not, you are making a grave unsubstantiated accusation, and are guilty of being a D&C shill.

If anyone has more trap setup diagrams I would love to see them. Right now I just have my sign in the window…second story apartment. If someone breaks the glass idgaf, landlord's problem, not mine. There's probably a security camera around, too.


here you go

*are fake

Ancoms are literally animals and should be executed on site.


A woman..

Has the cunt been identified or caught yet?

Why do they always look like genetic abominations?

I would pay to watch this happen to real leftists.

They are $25 for two. That's way more than some nigger is worth.


Will that affect the interest rate?

What song is this?

that's what pepe would do, though.


Can't you shoot people on your property in America

Especially since she's stealing something what happens if the owner decided to gun her down in the act ?

Do you not understand morality user?

Whew lad natural law time here we come!

There is one knowable morality upon which the basis of the entire west sets including what the social contract theory itself is based on.

Christcucks, satanists, etc. all need to fuck off for this discussion.

Everybody can agree with the "Golden Rule", it's why we call it the golden fucking rule. It has been the basis of pretty much every religion and culture ever before it gets corrupted by other frivolous bullshit because dumbfucks can't into logic.

Do unto others as you would to yourself. Do not do unto others as you would not do to yourself.

Violence is the unjustified use of force. Force is action against an individual.

What are some examples? Well, murder, rape, theft, coercion, etc.; but look at it this way.

Murder is stealing the life of an individual.

Rape is stealing a persons right to consent to sex.

Theft is stealing a persons property.

Coercion is stealing a persons right to consent.

Notice the word Stealing? Stealing is the force, the action of taking something away from somebody. Stealing your right to vote, stealing your guns, or stealing your signs from your yard.

So we can condense this all down into one simple idea, stealing without justification is violence.

Now comes the golden rule, would you steal from yourself? Impossible! You cannot steal from yourself as it is not stealing, just as you cannot murder or rape or coerce yourself.

And of course this begs the question if violence is an unjustified use of force does that mean force is unjustifiable? No, force can be justified but only if it prevents violence. You have the right to self-defense for starters, that is you have the right to kill (notice kill, not murder) in self-defense. You have the right to TAKE another man's life if he is threatening to STEAL your own.

Why is this important? Well, we cannot quantify morality. It is literally a matter of black and white. Yes you can say stealing a sign 'isn't the same' as stealing a man's life in that it does not cause him as much harm, but it is still equal to stealing that man's life. He worked for it, he created it either through working for money or some other means, it is his property and very much a part of him. He sacrificed some of his life to own that property making it equal to his life.

Stealing a man's property is literally stealing his life.

Attempted theft is attempted murder.

Sure, $20, no big deal. What happens when it's his farm or house or car, etc. Still no big deal?

This is the foundation of the social contract. You should have learned this shit in highschool if not before.


so… dont get your dick sucked?

You can have all my rees Dick Cumberland.

-t. Hobbes.

Social Contact? I don't remember signing shit!

Implied contracts exist only until somebody calls them in.

The State of Nature, although a state wherein there is no civil authority or government to punish people for transgressions against laws, is not a state without morality. The State of Nature is pre-political, but it is not pre-moral. Persons are assumed to be equal to one another in such a state, and therefore equally capable of discovering and being bound by the Law of Nature.

Of course you aren't "Bound" by the social contract. You are perfectly free to go on a killing spree right now, but by violating the social contract whether you think you are party to it or not you are an enemy of society and will be dealt with accordingly, in the case of a killing spree, shot to death. You would also be acting immorally by violating the social contract which is kinda a kike move tbh lad.

Or violates it.

Tldr; don't be a fucking dickhead. And if you see someone being a fucking dickhead, lynch them.

-t. Founding Fathers.

This doesn't work when you have schizophrenic inbreds who like to eat feces and inhale farts.

I think it's fairly obvious we are talking about humans here user i.e. fucking white males.

Depends on the state. A lot of states say you have no right to use lethal force until you are in danger and have literally no other option. I think in Texas you can shoot someone who is trying to steal your shit, though. Florida too, I think.

So is that a social justice warrior or bigfoot? I'm confused.

There is no such thing as "natural rights". The only "rights" that exist are ones that a people secure themselves through violence, and maintain with the threat of violence. Violence and force are intrinsically linked to the existence of rights. Without the force to secure oneself rights, those rights simply do not and cannot exist.

Morality springs from a racial/national/ethnic/cultural group's survival strategy. "Moral acts" are anything that improves the cohesiveness, unity, and cooperation of the in-group, while immoral acts are anything that works directly opposite to their interests. Morality is entirely determined by evolution.

Killing is considered an immoral act not because it's "stealing" something from someone, but because it reduces trust in society, creates conditions where violence and fracture points can grow, and reduces the overall efficiency and function of the in-group. An immoral nation will collapse and be subjugated by a moral nation, because immoral nations are inherently dysfunctional.

This same reasoning can be applied to any "immoral" act. Sexual infidelity? An immoral act because it is not conducive to creating healthy families or raising children, and creates an environment where too many "excess men" are left without wives. This is bad for social cooperation, and can lead to sexual violence like in arab countries were polygamy is a regular practice.

The list goes on and on.

By your own fucking logic Holla Forums is immoral because our actions decrease the societal 'cohesion' of our wonderfully unifying kike culture.


Get gassed you moral relativist scum. Your kind have never been and will never be welcome here.


I am implying with this that you are a bootlicking faggot.

Who the hell said killing was immoral? Murder sure but there are plenty of times when killing can be justified.


Trying to occult knowledge on Holla Forums of all places is like dumping water on a grease fire. These autists practically are the Trivium.

SJW fishing is fun. The big ones like this often break the line and get away. Such is the nature of sport.

not an argument
What kind of fucking retard are you? Holla Forums is advocating inherently moral acts, because they ensure the survival of the white race and form stable, functional societies, which the current "kike culture" is actively working against. The current multiracial, self-destructive "kike culture" is inherently immoral, since it is resulting in the death of our race and nation. Moral acts are anything that promotes our evolutionary survival interests, while immoral acts do the opposite.
This isn't an argument, you incoherent nigger. Morality is "objective", yet at the same time relative to which group you're looking at. An objectively moral act in the context of white society will not be equally moral for non-whites. For example, the extermination of non-whites for white colonisation is not "immoral" since it is line with our racial evolutionary survival interests.

"MUH BOOTLICKER" is not an argument.
I'm referring to murder here, dumbfuck. I thought you might have picked that up in the context. Clearly I have to be autistically specific in my terminology.
Sexual infidelity degrades a society's ability to produce functional families and raise healthy children - it also results in disproportionate allocation of females, which is directly proportional to the decline of civilisation. As a society becomes sexually "loose" it begins to decline. This is an observable and historical fact.
Not an argument.

I would have set up a punji pit in front of the signs

Nah, its bigfoot, he shaved lately to try and blend in.

I would have laughed harder if the string triggered a shotgun or something.

Neither is your bullshit "Lol this guy still believes in Natural Law"

The fucking tenant of white civilization, yes I hold that above your moral relativist kikery.

Sage because kek has shown himself

natural law =/= natural rights
Learn to read, nigger.

Also, if you were searching for my argument, you would have found it literally right after that greentext. Maybe you should stop being a disingenuous cunt.
not an argument. How about you refute what I said?

I don't remember denying natural law, in fact it forms the central foundations of my understanding of morality. Evolution is an aspect of nature and subject to natural law, thus morality must also be linked with our evolutionary interests.
Nice fucking copout

Don't forget friend, we're going to be kitted out weeb shit too, poor communist are going to be confused why we're all wearing tactical plaid skirts.

Maybe the keychain user will come. Perhaps the woodland critters will eat him first.

There is no copout, you are just pushing bullshit.

No it can't or it ceases to be morality.

What part of "Moral" and "Immoral" did you not understand?

Something that is moral is a universal good, it is universally accepted as being right, decent, not evil, etc.

You can not sit here and argue that there are 'levels' of morality. It is either good or bad, right or wrong, black or white. There is no 'in-between'.

If it isn't applied universally to all humans it is moral relativism and you can try all you want to kike your way around that but it's not going to fly with me here faggot.

Now take your solipsistic theology and lodge it straight up your ass.

Still no refutation. I'll accept that as a concession of defeat.
I think you didn't read what I wrote, you cunt. "morality" is objective, but is determined by what suits the evolutionary needs and interests of the group you're observing. This is why exterminating non-whites is not "immoral", because it is in our race's best interests. There is no universally applicable morality, but morality is nonetheless "objective"
Please point to the place in my argument where I said this?
So how come you can't find any two wildly different groups with equatable morality? There's no such thing as a "universal good", since different racial groups have different survival interests. A "good" act for one group will not be necessarily good for another group. Universally applicable morality comes hand and hand in universalism, which is inherently leftist and egalitarian.
I never argued there were "levels" of morality, only that morality is not universally applicable to all groups of wildly different people.
I'm still not seeing an argument that refutes "moral relativism", only a spew of verbal diarrhea insulting me. morality within social/racial/ethinc/national units is objective and not relative, however morality between multiple such groups is.
Still not an argument, bucko

Any other good videos of SJWs being physically BTFO?

Now that's an Apocalypse that's easy on the ears!

Isn't a bit…excessive? Would rather use bird B gone. It's worse than super glue, & putting some on your sign to keep (birds) away is a perfectly legitimate use of the product.

BABYMETAL and semi-autos pls

They only hurt organisms by making the cells hypersensitive to light you can buy protective suits goggles and gloves for about 15 bucks online.

you would not use latex gloves for handling because of the thorns however so opt for pvc gloves. These are not dish gloves and are actually kinda firm.

Clearly this libtard landwhale tripped by stepping into one of her own footprints embedded deeply into the yard.
I have no doubt this hippo was in a hurry to get back to its river, as trying to lumber along without the support of a large displacement of water must have been quite painful to her knee & foot joints. If left above floating level for too long, the species "Droolus Libtardius Gargantuaii" tends to suffer hip displasia & severe deformation of the spinal column.

You just contradicted yourself.
If we consider some philosophy to be morally objective it MUST be universally applicable. So many philosophies have been torn apart simply because in one or two exigent circumstances they did not work out to a moral and ethical conclusion.

This is shit you learn in philosophy 101. If we claim something is moral it MUST apply in every possible circumstance.This is why you will see so many shit tests in philosophy books like "If 3 people are tied to a train track and you pulling a lever will save either two strangers or your wife from death the other people being killed is it moral to pull the lever and kill two people to save your wife?"

Did you read what I wrote? Did you not read where I outlined the basis of morality from which all cultures and religions sprout? The golden rule is the basis for all morality. In every single moral code that has ever existed only one rule has stood the test of time and can be seen in buddhist and taoist to cuckstianity to pagan, etc. etc. and that is the golden rule.


Have you considered the fact that not everyone is good? That by and large niggers, chinks, kikes, mudshits, etc. are evil?

Yes you did. Re-read your posts.

Because I don't need to refute it. It is a logical impossibility. It's like saying I need to refute an assertion that the sky is red.

You are willfully ignorant, if you were nescient I could see why it would be pertinet to be 'polite', but you are in the 21st century with all of the worlds information at your fingertips, on Holla Forums of all places, a place that only high-IQ individuals can stand to stick around for any length of time.

Now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now and assume you are a newfag. Let me explain how this works, you are going to be verbally beaten like a dead horse if you come in here posting stupid shit. Please reference pic related for further information.


Sage because I just realized we're derailing the thread. I blame you, gas yourself.

Anyone who lives in the countryside can precisely tell what the fuck is anyone doing.
If you can't tell what's the fuck is going on it's time to bring out the shotgun.

objective does not equate to universal applicability - there is no contradiction

I have been waiting forever to post this.

This is the day I can post this.

Stealing and going onto private property (with intent to steal) are both illegal.

However, booby-trapping your yard is also illegal.

Who is guilty here?

The fishing line "anchor" probably doesn't count as booby trapping though.

So close.

God damn, I fucking love this state.

put trump sign on top of flag pole and grease the pole up top ,not down low put a bird feeder or corn cob on a string up high on pole ,around base of pole put up your nice fake flowers with sharpen exposed wires ,stones , tall gnomes with pointy hats and have a small white fence around ,


Fishing line in this context isn't reasonably considered lethal to a grand jury unless it's somehow construed by a Jeh Johnson tier prosecutor that falling on your lard ass and dying in the commission of a theft is some kind of premeditated effort to kill an intruder. not a lawyer

Quite similar user. I'm suspicious. Those images should be forwarded to the DHS just to be safe.

Normally, I'll go catch & release.

But sjw-fishing, you have to treat as an invasive species. They're pretty much the same level as the zebra mussel.

Do libs just go fucking spastic whenever they see someone wearing a trump shirt?

How much of this pic is real?

Absolutely. One has to be a good steward of the watershed. The unidentified thing should be captured or humanely killed and forwarded to the nearest A&M for further study.

violate nap™️ get le fucked™️

more memes fellow anarcho crapitalist


for fucks sake, i love this maymay too much

More plz


Sir, I hope you don't own the rights to this meme, but if you do it would be a shame to give it away for free like that.

Also, I appreciate a meme that shows adequate disdain for ancaps. I would thank you for this contribution to society, but that would imply that I owe you something.