Hi b
Ask me questions and shower me with attention
A h
niggers tongue my anus
Hi sagey.
I need feminism cause im a full grown male that likes pretty pink ponies
A H what went wrong in ur life tbh
i like u m8 so this is not bulli
Only 14 months in a year, nice try.
hi ah
What went wrong..i was born. Kek
Dunno. Ive had a weird life
Hi there
I think i creeped out discordio last night. I think he thinks i was hitting on him.
he was hitting on u by posting all those gifs of girls shitting tbh
Nah. He just knows i like shit pics
Yay brown pill
you are a soulless beast
Im just an attention farmin fool
Ask anything about my life
Back to page 1
Ask me anything
Bumping for attention
To page 1 or the unexpected Virtue of ignorance
Give me attention
what do you think about fugthelug A H?
Whats that?
u r 2 pure to know of her filth
Wouldnt say pure, lil
I like shit piss necro snuff vomit
u r purely disgusting tbh
when u say necro do u mean actually having sex with corpses
or u just like watching gore and dead ppl
Any and all necro. Like seeing em killed in diff ways
I like your little sister
I have no issues seeing a dead body fucked. Ive read of red rooms on deepweb. Id love to watch a live streaming snuff
Like those ppl from "coldbody"
is this our cam whore? I'm disgusted desu
Milipede high score
Get you emulators, get this gane and beat MY high score.
Shower me with attention and ask me questions
can you spread your ass for us?
you should go wash up a bit op
Some ppl like a dirty asshole
Why would you show your real face on the pedophile board? I bet you are looking for other pedophiles to be friends with.
this tbh
u stinky
This is no pedo board, thats the former masterchan(ccluster)
Sure i think kids are hot. Im no rape-o.
Im sure my shitty ass is a stink fest
Wanna chat with me real time?
Im on dal.net
Room name #attention
Ill be there
there is no dal.net op
Talk to me real time. dal.net:9090
Chanel name. #attention
Open. Talk to me real time
Give me attention
Ask me questions
Cate, travisposter
Ya there? ??
Hey, Ah. How goes it? Have you seen Disco today?
Hi there
No i havent
I creeped disco out last night. I think i chased him away
How did you creep him out? I'm sure he'll be back.
Disco thinks i was making a subtle pass. I was not doing such a thing
That's pretty paranoid.
No. Lastnight disco admitted to having a hard day and was feeling "very defensive" and last thing he told me was that im making him feel "uncomfortable"
So how r u.
Disco said your nice and laidback
Hi sagey.
Miss me?
I see. I don't think he'll hold that against you.
I'm alright.
Im sure ya know from seinfeld, georges character was based off creator larry david.
Ask me anything
What did you do today?
Went shopping. Watched the movie karate kid part 2 and had a nice laugh with my mom. Got some beer. Im ok. Hope ya had a nice day
Disco thinks i went gaylord. Please tell him otherwise
I'll be sure to tell him. Don't worry.
The george approves!
Ya can ask me anything. Im drunk bored
How many times have you been banned on here?
During the age of dys(the second grand pony purge)
Moar times i can count.
Once i took a pic of a McDonalds receipt that had no pony pic at all, just the name rainbow dash. No pics just those 2 words dys banned me.
Dys, i hate you with all my heart. Please die a slow death of cancer that wrecks your family
……loose the stash.. ;P
How long was the longest one?
What do you mean
The longest ban.
Year i think
**but during that ban i was king of ccluster(masterchan) the big fish in a little pond
A h
Love your avatarfag of that dude from dr.strangelove.
Geez. That a long ban.
Yea. Brutal. But with a sex drive ad high as mine, ill fap to anything
Hi cate
Theres no fighting in the WAR ROOM!?!?
I was permabanned from halh chan. But eventually my ip changed.
Cate, may i ask why disco said dys said that disco betrayed /pone/
pone is a mean place um afraid to go there
->attention whore
When i need a dirty fap i goto halfchan
Gore wrekt snuff gives my dirty micro pee pee the lift needed for fappage
He told me about that once but I can't remember what he said. You should post in the pony thread. they like newcomers. They won't know who you are.
I can never goto /pone/
There so mean. My first experience ever i tried to post on /pone/ was proof. I have tough armor but pone is so mean ill never go back. Fuck honor.
Attention whore
Nice moves
Not pone. The bread the have in /trash/. On half chan.
Do you identify as a trans-human? and what is your proper pronoun?
Call me fat thing massive gross obese chub
Just want attention
Wow. Scary
Too afraid to post there. Im gonna hide awhile
A h
god damn my eyes jesus christ
oh god help me
O. Hi sagey. Whats your issue now?
You want cringe just ask about my life. Enough crazy there to fill a zoo
A h
A h
Pedo bump
A h
A h
Hello there AH I was mad because of this It wasn't against you tho.
I go to school on the afternoon on this semester so I wont be in here at those hours and by the time I arrive to home it's always 10pm so I'm away from 2-14pm to 10-22pm.
Then if I'm lucky I can shitpost and listen to music till 5am
Am i in trouble?
A h
Yea i like cute lil girls
If you do some crazy nonsensical sick ass dance moves naked to this song it would be freaking awesome.
Like 0:39 on this video: