> go to download asm manuals

> go to download asm manuals

rbt.asia/g/thread/59993745 (was banned from 4chan for this thread)

Other urls found in this thread:



Yes, its a photo of some random generic nigger millennial but how do we know wither or not that image is supposed to be within the context of the article and not just some random photo they chose for the article header? You're reading too deeply into this shit. I don't think anyone at Intel would've thought anyone would assume she was a software developer. She looks like a generic consumer, like Intel wants to convey that you should be developing software for dumb niggers like her.
Take a fucking hint faggot


if you scroll through the page, they are ALL women.

Give up trying to program in assembly boys, it's a womans game now.

Women have always been the rational ones, anyway. :^)

This is what an assembly coder looks like! Deal with it white men!


I mean the asian one is semi accurate if it wasn't for the sheer hipsterness oozing for that image whereas the few asians i met that worked with that stuff looked like this. How pozzed is intel exactly?

asians can program asm
asian women cannot

Yeah but it's a man

Shame, Intel, shame. At least they got the hair right.
their pics should be of qt aryan grrlz tho, it's advertising after all. Do you really want to see some fat dude coding on overtime only awake thanks to an unhealthy amount of coffee?

a couple years ago when I dl'd the intel asm manuals
there was no fucking pictures of people
it was just links to the manuals

Every Holla Forums fag better start figuring out how to combat these shits before they change tech talks into culture wars.

I'm thinking I could date that cute black girl if I read the manual. I'm also thinking she's a better coder than anyone in this thread. Not neccesarily because she is good.

That $300 million in diversity training has resulted in Intel putting images of diverse people onto their web pages.

I can't wait to see what Feminist Frequency does with her cut of the $300 million!


so your monkey nigger brain can't even read the text without getting stuck at a dumb photo?

Oh my god 4chan is really bad. Jesus top fucking Christ what the hell?

I have no idea how this is supposed to fit into technology, but if they figure it out, we're fucked.

Fuck me sideways.

top kek, technology has been the main cause behind "postmodern" society, it is what enabled the matrix that we live in
you people are so delusional, it's too funny


No this is what an actual assembly language programmer looks like.
Anyway, just learn ARM or MIPS instead, or maybe AVR.

Don't use powered by israel shit. Use this (AMD64 Architecture)