Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump
Corporations can donate to campaign, but not you goyim!
Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump
Corporations can donate to campaign, but not you goyim!
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Fucking god damn site screwing up made me second.
Beat ya!
What about Clinton-Kaine?
non-murican here
Trump is an enigma at this point. I can't make up my mind if he is a puppet or not.
On one hand you'd be suspicious considering his corporate connections and his daughter converting to judaism.
But I'm more and more convinced he's pro-white the more I see these kikes squirm, first the media, now banks.
Like Trump was getting a bent shekel from the Nosebergs even before this ruling went through.
Chutzpah, if nothing else. I look forward to seeing how this comes back to haunt them after the inevitable coronation of the Unstumpable.
I thought political donations are anonymous?
Wtf will they do, spy on their employees 24/7 in case they open an alternate banking account for a 1 time donation?
How is that even legal? I'm pretty sure it's not.
Pure coincidence.
This should be spread to Normie, especially Bernie supporters.
If Trump does this, he can fellate Netanyahu on top of the Wailing Wall for all I care, because the kikes WON’T FUCKING MATTER once we get our nation’s racial makeup back.
Money is speech so its seems like a violation of the 1st amendment. But that probably only applies to corporations.
No, corporations are treated as individuals.
Money is also treated as speech.
So when a corporation donates to something, it's no different than an individual donating to something.
The jewish logic behind this ruling is that corporations were taxed, but they were unable to vote or voice their political opinions.
It's an example of the Jewish Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
BUMPING FOR JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
meanwhile all the governments own each other and all the corporations and back own each other and bla fucking bla bla bla
They're always infamous for donating the most to campaigns of both parties every time but if kikes are this asspained about Trump, he must be doing something right.
But Trump or any of his campaign reading this better take vengeance on these kikes when he wins.
Wait, is this even legal? I thought you weren't allowed to discriminate based on political leanings and actions.
I'm with you, except I am an American, and I will vote from the rooftops. I like a lot of the things Donald Trump has said, but his connection to "Israel" is just as fishy and untrustworthy as it gets for a White male. We White males can't trust anybody anymore. They killed all of our Father and throw us in prison at will. It's insane. It is insane.
Just deporting illegals and revoking/altering the '65 Immigration Act isn't going to fix our demographics. You'd have to revoke citizenship from every anchor baby that ever acquired it and from any children that anchor babies had. You'd have to make Asian import/export businesses completely unprofitable through tariffs and chase them out.
The demographics are much, much, much worse than some of you seem to realize. 11-20 million illegals is quite honestly a drop in the bucket and we will be subsumed even if they are gone and you assume no new immigration.
Banks have to follow a lot of rules to avoid the appearance of pay-to-play. Obviously, this complex web of rules is selectively enforced.
oy veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
Guess what, motherfucker? ANCHOR BABIES ARE NOT CITIZENS.
have more hwhite kids then phaggt
Isn't firing someone over political leaning illegal in the US?
Trump is going to be bragging about this for weeks to come and in each debate (as he should). Holy shit this is very nice for him. We should spread the news if true.
If so, that makes this all the sweeter. We need to spread this before they switch back.
No wonder most burgers are so fat and sick .
What that user is trying to say is that even if you go back to pre-65 immigration laws, you don't fix anything
Gen Z is minority white already and the majority of the white population is pretty old
Lol , they aren't even hiding it anymore.
if you deport them all that leaves so much more room for activities.
Yeah, I really don't see how a corporation can tell it's employees how to spend their own money.
No sure where you're getting that idea, but you've clearly never been to the US. All the obese individuals are black and hispanic.
Masters of forethought, these kikes are.
That's because Trump has already accepted them into his office.
Why spend money on something you already own?
thank you for correcting the record
You should have listened, Donald.
No dummy, individuals are individuals. You cannot set a rule that violates an jndividuals 1st amendment rights while-outside-the-workplace.
If you fire a teacher for saying gas the kikes that's one thing because it reflects back on her job and the state has a compelling interest in guarding kids from seeing damaging content from an authority figure (I know, I know).
But telling your employees who they can donate to is completely fucked, no way they can enforce it. It is more of a signal I believe, that first , if caught, no more ladder climbing for you goy. Second, if overturned, they will still have shown their masters who is best kike.
At this point it doesn't matter user. The leftist subversion is getting towards its endgame. Soon will come concentration camps for "political dissidents", see: "terrorists", then the purging of useful idiots. It happens every time. We need to swing right, and Trump already framed it with nationalism.
"The nation state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony."
Don't forget, he said this.
You're welcome, I'm glad you are willing to actually think in this election.
Campaign contributions are an expression of free speech in the United States.
Goldman Sachs can seriously be sued for this , since throw they're thwarting a person's First Amendment rights.
Previous ruling that campaign contributions are free speech:
In a phone interview McCutcheon tells State of the Union "I'm very excited that our First Amendment freedom is being upheld in the Supreme Court… The Constitution guarantees the very important First Amendment right to be able to promote political ideas and change."
I wonder if someone will file a lawsuit against them?
yea it would be suicide.
Does anyone have definite proof about private ownership of most european states central banks? It appears (((they)))'ve hidden the shareholder statistics about each bank, looking for the german Bundesbank in particular.
yeah, poo-in-loo, for you it sure does, not for the people you're replacing.
Nothing like minorities debasing the rightful white rule of a nation to elevate their own status. Fucking disgusting.
get the fuck out of here
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