The answer to radical islam is radical Christianity

The answer to radical islam is radical Christianity

modern Christianity for the most part has its power base stolen away from it thanks to section 8 programs ebt etc. It appears this way in Europe as well.

It used to be the Christian Churches that provided American Society with a safety net. A group that would teach morals ideals goals etc to the people who had fallen on harder times.

Now the government controls these people and gets them on the middle class tax payers tit.

Modern day Christianity will not be able to deal with the influx of the swelling poor masses … just take a look at Los Angele's Skid Row which has spread to Santa Monica and other pocket areas with its many tent towns.

Do your part in spreading what the Jewish Media will label as Radical Christianity (or just Christianity, not to be confused with Modern Christianity) as an attack on all Christians.

A Christian Church Group that is prepared to provide for the growing poor masses will wield massive power in the future.

Other urls found in this thread:,_to_each_according_to_his_needs

Doesn’t exist. Only Islam exists.
Doesn’t exist. Only Christianity exists, which says DEUS fucking VULT the death of all kikes and dune coons.

Any sort of counter radicalism would be able to take it on. Christianity would be the easiest to do it with, though, considering how many of them there are already.

Enough with Abrahamic sandnigger filth




The rope is what you get for putting the kike on a stick before your Volk


No, thank you.

Answer is removal of muslims from Europe and isolationism.

How ridiculously sentimental when one German grasps another hand and presses it with sacred awe because he too is a German.

But atheism believes in god, a deity they worship called science, therefore even if you say god doesn't exist, then how come science exist?

It's not though. I'd only argue christfags have become more tolerable lately because you've fallen on hard times and no longer have the ego to swing your weight around, but even that's counteracted by you calling anyone who doesn't listen to everything you say a fedora. If the pendulum ever swings back in the other direction once more, I know you'll be as obnoxious as ever.


There is no dogma in science. Or sacred text, or divine power, or deity.

Science is simply a world view based on experimentation and observation. If new data emerges, then your worldview must also change.

The answer to radical jew based religions is Europeans.

Fug forgot to be spooky

National Socialism above all. If the church can accept second place and serve the state, fine. If not, it must be destroyed.

Does it matter? Do you see atheists pushing women to not remain virgin? Do you see atheists encouraging having children? Do you see them unifying with Billions of other atheists against our enemies?

Yeah, neither do I. I care about results. I'm not getting them from the thoroughly cucked atheists.

I see those that are good, but they are rare and surrounded by cucked SJWs. The party of atheism is the Democrats and Commies. You can guess how they are helping the white cause.


The answer to "radical Islam" and "radical Christianity" is a shovel to the face, again and again, until the world is finally free of Middle Eastern influence.

How? How could long defunct religions unable to retake hold under a Roman emperor EVER hope to sieze power now?

Islam and Christianity are puppets of Judaism. They both branched off from Judaism for the purpose of fighting against each other so that the Jews would stay safe.

The answer to all the evil desert religions is THE OLD GODS.

I don't know OP, .556 seems more trustworthy.

Really, which branch of radical Christianity?

Traditional Catholicism?
Evangelical Protestantism?

The church never should hold any sort of political power, and that's according to the church itself.


You don't even need white soldiers. Risk Latino lives to save Europe.

Is this statement also the case for Jews and Leftists?

Only Jews could pull that off

Nigger you are 2 spooky for me

Most supposed atheists are really pantheists, because they belief that there is a order or lawfullness in nature.


First post best post.

Islam = radical islam. Might as well stop calling it radical, because everyone who practices islam is radical. They practice what they preach.

Who cares? As long as they agree enough to fight the enemy.

Did Democratic Republicans or whigs fight the revolutionary war? Fucking both.


Yes. Just because someone shares a common heritage or ideological position does not make them inherently useful to you or the perpetuation of your own happiness.

If being friends with a white man who agrees with you causes you harm, it is bad, if being friends with a nigger who you disagree with causes you great fortune, then it is good.

You're an idiot.

If Christianity were bad, kikes wouldn't be trying to destroy it so much.

The Talmud doesn't say "DESTROY NORDIC PAGANISM", now does it?

Nope… It specifically attacks Christianity.

If you're not a Christian, then you're right where the Christ-killers want you to be.

You should tell that to the cucks in this thread advocating for loyalty to the church.

That is all fine if your intention is to unite Christians into somekind of seculiar and humanistical entity, but the word being used is radical.

Bringing together Christians of many persuasians isn't very radical.

Unless the definition of that heritage or ideology, is one of usefulness.

The closer we get to the end times and Jesus' return, the harder Satan is going to try and rally people against Christians and Christianity in general.

You can already see the results here on Holla Forums. You think the massive boom in anti-Christian sentiment is just a (((coincidence)))?

Don't fall for Satan's tricks Holla Forums.

Wrong, just because Trotskyists and Stalinists hate each other doesn't mean their not both dirty commies.
Why would they, do you think they where even aware of what was going on in Europe?

The Talmud does attack paganism though, so weird again.

It doesn't though it attacks all kinds of cult, if they focus on Christianity it's because Christianity broke of from pre-talmudic judaism and because they where the largest group.

just because kikes hate Christians doesn't make Christianity any more valid. Kikes hat Muslimes too, should we all convert to Islam?

Our returning savior is Hitler, not Jesus.

In the mind of deranged Christians, the end times are always here, you would have said roughly the same thing a hundred or thousand years ago.

You should know by now that any ideological position or claim to a common heritage is always subject to constriction and change.

How long until the white race is no longer everyone lighter than a Turk and the Russians are once again not considered white. How long until all Southern and Eastern Europeans are excluded? How long until the only whites left are those of pure German stock?

How long until the reigns of ideological purity become so tight that even the slightest deviation makes you an unperson, a heretic, or a class traitor? How long until you fall outside of the acceptable pervue of who is "truly" part of the in group.

All collectivist thought is suicide, because you are an individual, and your individual success and happiness is the only thing you can truly make a legitimate claim to.

Needs to be more spooky.

I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.

Kikes use muslims as proxy warriors to destroy Christianity. Rabbis brag about this fact. How did that go over your head? Are you tarded?

The more I see this meme the more I feel it's about killing spades

We all know this, it doesn't mean that Jews don't hate mudslides. Christianity is only the first target because whites pose a greater threat.

Even argumentman has thrown away his fedora and is now a full blown catholic supremacist.

forgot link

Mulitculturalism is the enemy. In countries where christianity was the strongest religions, they have been marginalised by multicultists who think buddhism and christianity are basically the same

"Don't believe in Satan's tricks" because Satan isn't real. Pure evil vs. pure good, black-and-white thinking is the stuff of fairy tales, not reality. Satan exists so that people can blame their own weakness and evil desires on someone else. Each man is a mix of both good and evil and it is up to them to control their own animal instincts.


Your point?

Your saying I should become a cosmopolitan autist, because somewhere in the future, we will be slightly different?

Face it, there is nothing more useful for networking, support, building friends, finding work, or feeling fulfilled then being part of a group.

I don't belief in the Christian god Satan.

Its about rejecting ideas relating to intangible concepts such as morality, nationhood, class identification, race, and god.

The only thing that is real is you and your own. Those individuals and objects which you find personally important.

Stirner poster is best poster.

That's an American spook, my friend.
"White" is just a handy categorical marker to differentiate from red people (Amerindians), black people (Niggers), and yellow people (Asians) without any real thought put into culture, language, shared history, physiology, etc.

You need to go deeper than skin, bud. Look to the nation.
Hell, look to the tribe.

I think all those things are real, I am real, therefor it is real.

Only so far as it increases your own personal ideal of happiness and success. If it does not serve that goal it is meaningless and is a detriment to you and your life weather you believe it or not.

Meant for

I always laugh when you theists do that. When you try to insult atheism by calling it a religion, you are insulting yourself as well.

Except the best way to do that, is to join a group and unconditionally support it, because if you don't, you will no longer gain support from all the members of the group anymore.

this is sociology 101.

Same as the answer to a rabid dog.

It is religious though, it directly deals with the question of Gods existence.


Tell that to the people who died at Jones Town, what did unconditional loyalty to the group get them? Death and the death of their families. these people lost everything they had and everyone they had because of loyalty to a fictional group, fictional, because all collectivist identities are fictional.


Now, I hate Islam quite a bit. So much that it isn't obvious if I were to prevent the existence of Mohammed or Marx…
But the entire idea that we should just lump them all to one category is absurd. Shia muslims seem far more cooperative, and I'm fairly certain Sufi is a faith nobody bothers to attack (beyond the other groups).

It is just another black/white division - the Muslims should stick to their own lands and we should rule them there. That's best for all of us. That said, we should close the borders and have quality checks. The muslim nations were undergoing westernization less than a hundred years ago. The fact that escapism has uprooted our generations should not mean we can just ignore history.

We should not forget the big picture. Yes, muslims will betray us, yes they will want to conquer us and yes, they will lie to us. However, the Muslims are a smaller threat than the jews.

Here's my proposal
Meatshields are shields, we have to go through, however.

Bosnian here, and ex muslim.

I'm afraid I can't become christian. It was already a big step enough for me to just leave this religion. I don't feel like joining any new religion.

Sorry OP.


According to Sharia law, you're already condemned to execution for leaving Islam.
Why not take the next step in become a full Kaffir?

Greek here. Let's find out, commie bitch!

Daily reminder that pagans converted their places of worship and built churches left and right.

Fam, if you're Catholic, listen to this song. Read the lyrics.
If you were ever at crossroads, if you're being tested, this song's for you fam.
Rise up my brothers

Glory to God alone

Bad argument, just because some groups are bad doesn't make all groups bad, equally the same could be said about associating with individuals, some could be bad others could be good.

Try again.

The truth always matters. Only a liar would say otherwise.

No you don't.

The worse thing you can say about atheists is that they aren't helping.

The worse thing I can say about christians is that you are actively helping the muslim invaders. Picture related.

You completely failed to name any.

The commie Pope, Obama, Clinton, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, etc, etc are all fucking christians. Take responsibility for your own christian degeneracy.

Alternately, just because some Christian groups may be good, doesn't make Christianity itself good.

You are not real nazi-frog!



The core of the modern left is atheism, not warranted.

Any group or organization that requires you to sacrifice your own personal success and happiness for the success of the group is a bad group.


Ever considered that you might just be a sociopath instead?

Unless it gives you a sense of satisfaction and self-worth.

Again, your projecting your own autism on other people, not everyone is like you.

Let's totally disregard that the whole bunch of them identify as (((humanitarian universalists))).

This is the actual mindset of the vast majority of leftards and the main reason I stopped being one. They all claim being "altruists" and servants of "equality" and "social justice" but actually they are just sort-sighted rootless egotists that cannot grasp that comrade Tyrone will come after their wallet when he's done "redistributing" the ebul 1%'s wealth.

Aim for the truth that demands good and is good. You'll find God - religion or not. With God, there is no losing.

Indeed, but in order to have a real issue with lying, one needs to base morality to something permanent. Have it fickle, and merchants will buy and sell it. Have it permanent, and they will try. If "truth" by itself is just the arrangement of data, it is all pointless. (since, you know, everything is just a rearrangement).

Those images are clever, yes, but do you take them seriously?
Indeed, but the wrongdoings of Christianity are a result of disobedience to the way.
Especially Paul and Christ are ignored
Then there are the cases of homosexuals, pedophiles, women as priests… It goes against the core teachings. I'm not sure what kind of God they think they serve, but it isn't the one Jesus spoke of.

But that is not an argument now is it?

Just because you seem to identify my points with leftism, doesn't make them invalid,.

Please tell me, why I shouldn't sacrifice my happiness to get a feel of fullfillment, or to invest into the future, I am waiting.

Based Pike

The spirit of Anti-Christ is strong in this thread, just like it has been on Holla Forums lately.

God bless and keep us all.


Are you arguing against your own position now? You SHOULD sacrifice your happiness if it was mutually exclusive with betterment aka whitening of the future.


Kindly gas yourself.



That's a very crooked sentence. But yes, I would sacrifice my happiness to make the future white..

You still haven't awnsered my question, so I will repeat it again.

Please tell me, why I shouldn't sacrifice my happiness to get a feel of fullfillment, or to invest into the future, I am waiting.

Carthaginians were white, not European.

I said it before and I'll say it again. You completely failed to name any.

False. If willfull, then it's heresy.

Death is only if they refuse conversion. Should they convert they can be spared.

That's why Inquisition comes after, to police if they pretended or converted for real.

Are you saying many people destroying our society are not atheists.

Turning them into spies in the church of Christ.

That is fine too

Can you name any non-leftard atheist?

Friedrich Nietzshe

Since Christians allow themselves to use no-true-Scotsman arguments, consider this:

(((Organized atheism))) is full of (((humanitarian universalists))) whereas true atheism doesn't organize at all, they simply disbelieve in God.

Does anyone take memes seriously? They're jokes.

If you believe this, then you should also believe that No True Atheist is a part of organized, leftist, humanitarian universalist A+ atheism. They put the plus there for a reason, because leftist values have nothing to do with atheism in the first place, and they knew that.

Also I can't really blame people for disobeying Paul, he was a Jew-turned-Christian who subverted Christianity from within. Why anyone ever listened to him is a mystery to me.

As for Christ himself, we don't actually know what he had to say, since he never said anything for himself. We only have second-hand reports of what other people said he said, and who knows if those people were accurate reporters or what their agenda was.

On top of this I'm just humoring the concept that Christ ever existed in the first place for conversation's sake, since there's no evidence that he existed at all.

read the entirety of this image

You think it's fine having spies in the church?

Revilo Oliver.

This is about rapefuges and white genocide.

Literally the source of all leftists' semi-contextual arguments when it comes to conversing morality.

Just memeing with you, user.
Freddy's ideas are interesting, but ultimately unsatisfying.



That's the only reason you made this thread. That's why you're a (1). Nicely trolled, user.

Good. Now pick a random leftist personality and identify his/her religious affiliations. ;^)

==Y==es g==O==yim, keep arg==U==ing over chris==T==ianity and paganism. d==O==nt put y==O==ur differences behind you. ==K==eep calling each o==THE==r shills and ==B==e divided ==A==nd don't un==IT==e.

Yes. The fact that you still have completely failed to name any, proves it.

Take a good look at this fam.

Does this d&c infuriate you as much as it does me?

They try to weaken, but we are strong. Stronger than ever. Help your fellow man. But don't let him mistake your kindness for weakness.

We rise again

But you agree atheists are a part of the problem right?

Hillary Clinton, Methodist
Tim Kaine, Catholic
Barack Obama, "Protestant" (((muslim)))

there ya go

Molyneux. Was that suppose to be a hard question?

It only takes one to ruin my country, fam.

get out newfag



Spies for the Church can't appear as openly Christian.

Spies in the Church can be easily made use of. A matter of feeding them disinformation.
Useful Idiots.

Go home Pope Francis, you're drunk.
Your god got punked hard, deal with it.

Let me get this straight, you actually think it's a good idea to force people to join the church so they can corrupt it from within.

Am I suppose to know who that is?

Isn't the Pope a living radiant proof of it?

If you browsed Holla Forums for more than a year, yes, newshill.

Donald Trump, Presbyterian
Viktor Obran, Hungarian Reformed
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Romanian Orthodox
Ferenc Szalasi, Roman Catholic
Jozef Tiso, Roman Catholic
Leon Degrelle, Roman Catholic
Ion Antonescu, Romanian Orthodox
Draza Mihailovic, Serbian Orthodox
Ante Pavelic, Roman Catholic
Francisco Franco, Roman Catholic
Konrad Henlien, Protestant
David Duke, Christian
Noua Dreapta, Romanian Orthodox
Srpski Obraz, Serbian Orthodox
Ku Klux Klan, Protestant
Jobbik, Christian
I can go on and on.

No. Atheists are the vast minority. We are not elected to positions of power, much less heads of state. Stop blaming us for christian degeneracy.

If you ever get close to a point, then make it.

It's greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras. Sell-out & traitor to his people.

lol kill yourself.

Post-Ottoman would be a more suitable title, especially given that he practically encouraged Erdoghan's infiltration into Mudslime-affiliated political parties in Thrace to the point a fucking muslim-gypsie woman called him out on it.

Honest question to nazis, pagans, jews and shills:

Does it pain you that no matter how hard you try to divide us, you never succeed?

We grow stronger, our faith remains inside us. No mather what you do will possibly change it. How does that make you feel?

Wow, intense stupidity, alright, let's bring millions of Jews, Muslims and niggers into the church.

What kind of logic is this? Do you think someone has to be the majority to have power or influence, do you think bankers are the majority of a nation?

What the fuck are you talking about?
You faggots show up and bitch and moan about people not worshiping your god, then when you get told to fuck off because you're a faggot, you cry persecution.
Sounds pretty jewish to me, m8.


As an Orthodox I have less beef with Pagans than I have with cucktholics but yes, it's sad how (((felow-Holla Forumslack))) (((pagans))) are trying to constantly bash Christianity often assuming that we actually believe in Sky-daddies which is english for Dyeus P'ter.

It's not D&C when Christianity is likely more of a liability than an asset. If it is then we need to cast it off. It's certainly worth a discussion.

Christopher Cantwell in one of his last 2 shows had a good point. Hitler and El Duche both were not really religious, but saw going to church as vital because it grounded you to your culture and community. Religion is irrational and the irrational has less and less of a place in modern society. If we want to be rational and live in a rational society where science wins in the areas where it conflicts with religion we'll end up with a bunch of people sitting in church and lying to themselves because they know it's all BS.

Judaism is a religion of lies. Islam is a religion of war. Christianity is a religion of weakness.

We'd be better off if we could replace Christianity with a religion of strength.

Good logic.

Can you name an atheist banker that's helping muslim invaders? Answer the fucking question.

We "never succeed" because talking to you people is like talking to a brick wall. Communists and feminists are the same way when you show them that their ideologies are bullshit, they just deflect or double down.


I give no fucks what god you pray to.
It feels like nothing.

Is that a christian rock music video? I ain't clicking that shit, nigger.

What's next? "Chanculture was never about chinese cartoons?", "we always were reddit" and "kill yourself weeabs"?

Mormon, I am not in the mood today.

Oh look here we go again. How about no.

Go take your d&c and smoke it. Europe is based on Christian values. You're subhuman larpers, you'll get that treatment too. Remember crusades? Take your d&c and smoke it fam.

WTF? Soros is so jewish that we don't even have to use parenthesis on his name. Don't you know anything?

Just off the top of my head

Christopher Cantwell
Lincoln Rockwell

Nazis, pagans, shills = subhumans

This is new and impressive levels of delusional self-assurance.

Your triggering is funny when there's a great deal of Christians eagerly listening to self-proclaimed Satanist music.

Guess good conditioned goys can't behold something that is culturally appealing to Whites…

His race is Jew, not his religion.

But keep looking at the world though the glasses of your religion.

Third Reich did try to co-opt christianity with positive christianity like Saudis co-opt islam with salafists. I think that since many people are already christian, they won't just let it go. It would be better to create and promote sects that dismiss the cuck interpretations of the bible and instead aim for parts promoting strength, self-perfection, belonging to your folk and blood & soil. Trash like "human is imperfect version of god" has to go, because it's self-defeating and ultimately assumes that humanity is a failure.

We don't have to promote religions user, just promote the right culture and values.

I personally know a pretty big nazi crew. They're useful idiots. They're good for the current cause, i.e. against muslims, but otherwise they're god awful uneducated degenerates. I pitty the.

Go home

He probably used to be Roman Catholic until muh ancestors "beat the faith out of him" *local idiom

radicl christianity = licking nigger feet

op pisstian fag

christianity is a jewish sect

What's your first language?

Not all Metal is Satanic. And the ones that are "Satanic" are just trying to be edgy.

In all honestly, Christianity as a whole shouldn't be opposed, the modern state of it, however, should be corrected. St. Codreanu is a good example of a Christian.

Mussolini was Atheist during his days of Leftist Socialism. He was good friends with the Pope when he was in power.

Typical, a Christian looks down on other people, because they don't share his religion.

We should simply do what is right and then force the whole of society, religion and all to conform to it or die.

Degenerates with no sense or purpose in life. Some I consider "friends" but really they're brainwashed misguided idiots. Europe is Christian. It will forever be Christian. Anything else is not even worth discussing

I see Christians vs Nazis is the new D&C tactic.

You can sit around and talk shit, meanwhile Christians have been defending Europe from the Islamic hordes for centuries

Ottomans would have broken through the gates of Vienna if not for the Poles coming to defend Christianity. But hey, I'm sure shouting Christcuck on Holla Forums will make us all forget that

Dunno, man. Both the Crusaders and us Balkanshits managed to fight and win against impossible odds using the crucifix as our banner and token of our ethnic pride.

Problem with you full-westerners is that you had it so well the last couple of centuries that only view history as barely anything more than a boring grade-school course.

Not an argument.

Christianity just doesnt speak to the alpha male. I've never had any interest in groveling and begging for forgiveness because I was me.

Agreed to an extent.

There are certainly more cucked sects, which ever very popular.

But there's nothing inherent in the religion which promotes needed virtues:


Christianity's core is that slave mentality. It'll always be a religion of slaves, not masters.

I much prefer Warhammer's "religion"

Do you know how dumb you sound?

Warhammer religion is basically Christianity Crusader Period but Sci Fi version.

The two biggest enemies of the Jew are fighting each other… who could benefit the most from this?

>hivemind and doubledubs


Crusaders havn't existed for hundreds of years. Modern Christianity is cucked to hell and should go into the trash.

Woe to you, Zion.

Be careful what you wish for.

Crusaders are demons unleashed. Pagans, atheists, etc, are also to go, not only Muslims and Jews.

Nice attempt, schlomo.

Pretty sure Crusaders got their name for conducting the Crusades, which were all against Muslims.

No. I'm not going to start killing members of my race because they are Pagan. As a Christian, I understand religion as being reserved for the Church and the Home and the needs of our race as being the primary focus in Politics and the public sphere.

I have some sad news for nazis. Christian Europe is waking up. Before there is a repeat of crystal night, there will be repeat of Crusades. Mark my words: Jan III Sobieski. Get with the program or get fucked

You're reaching levels of wishful thinking that shouldn't even be possible.

Murrican education. Teutonic and Livonian ordered killed plenty of warrior minded pagans and defeated them.

Crusaders are not your personal anti-muslim Army. They are Vatican RWDS to make a comparison.

If Jesus was the Son of God why didn't he write his dad's novel himself, why did he leave it to a dozen semi-literate Jews?

It's History. All the folks here think that Crusades is nice guys who make muslims go away.

No, they snowball into a huge destructive force that Papal States risk losing control of.

The Teutonic Knights were mobilized at Kingdom of Poland request, only to later be the biggest tormentor of said Kingdom.

Seriously go study some History before you non ironically try to meme Crusades back.

It is 100% a liability.

As soon as you deconstruct the myths that Cuckstians have spun such as history beginning ~9000 years ago in Semitic lands or that Europeans were barbarians before converting to their inferior ideology, it becomes apparent that the acceptance of a foreign tradition in place of our own race's heritage was the first step on the path to the problems we currently face. The top of the liberal slope is at that place where brother killed brother in the name of a foreigner.

Cuckstianity is a religion for race traitors, an ideology of slavery to a foreign god which requires its adherents to convert or murder their countrymen. That's all there is to it. No European ethno-nationalist can accept something which is foreign to our blood and soil to have control over our spirit. To be comfortable with such a thing is to be weak, to promote such a thing is to become a race traitor.

That's why it is truly not "divide and conquer" to spread the truth about Cuckstianity. That abominable religion is the division which has caused us to be conquered. The loathsome cucks who promote it take pride in its history of murdering traditionalists, destroying European culture, and promoting Semitic ideology.

You are still carrying their full genome. The only difference is that your boomer filth parents allowed kikes to subvert the legacy your ancestors earned for you.

He just keeps going. It's like a scripted bot.

He dictated. :^)

I wouldn't be surprised if that's true. Education about the Crusades over here is "they happened and that's why Christians are mean >=[ ".


but in a way yeah your stating the obvious. You need to tell jew on a stick worshippers this and convert them to jew hanging, kebab removing crusaders


He died in front of everyone, and came back in front of everyone. A lot of people died because they said that. People won't die for a lie. Having someone else write something like about yourself sounds a lot less autistic.

Yes, user. But not everyone is like you and I. Usually when you take religion out of state and life, it still continues to show itself but on a much more disorganized primitive matter. For example, during Soviet Union many pagan religions were secretly reviving and practicing. Christianity was also practiced in secret. Cults sprouted left and right post-dissolution. People feel safer and more united when they believe in the divine. It gives them comfort of that what they are doing is right and they will be rewarded in the end. Normalfags are too dumb to accept that ultimately, they'll die and rot in the ground regardless of what they did in life or how bad or good a person they were. It's demoralizing. Religion is the opium of the people and so on. However, opium does not have to be a pathological addiction.

That's where social engineering comes in. You can promote several sects with varying degrees of extremity over several decades or centuries. Eventually you could turn it into something worthwhile. Dismantling religion is harmful to cultural and social fabric, it leads to unnecessary sectarian conflicts. Leaving it as is cannot be. Creating artificial religions is hard if you don't live in street shitter lands or Apefrica. Something has to be done and I don't see better course of action than co-opting religion with huge support base and long track record. Eventually people will forget slave mentality of yore and by then they couldn't care less what the cucked christianity was.

No, Crusades happened after 500 years worth of accumulated Christian Kingdoms being raided by other Religious Warrior minded forces.

Simply Jihadists from Umayyad Caliphate were one of them.

It was paid back with huge interest. Way too big, at some point Papal States had trouble in controlling the force unleashed.

Who were basically being niggers and kept raiding nearby Poland who in turn got sick of their shit and called in the Teutonic order to clean them up.

How many nazis are there? How many Christians are there? Calculate you subhuman shit.

Get with the program or get fucked

Gas yourself commie.

And Poland got sacked, weakened and pillaged by Teutonic Knights despite being the summoner.

This is why I say you guys don't know what you're wishing for.


bible tells jesus to be from the house of david


Proto-Crusaders and pagans fought together to drive the brown mudslime hordes away from their clay.

Blood is thicker than wine.

If paganism is so great and protects your race, religion, and culture, why did pagans lose?

How is it that a bunch of soft, meek "christcucks" destroy your great religion?

Later they basically eradicated their homeland, Grossdeutschland. Then became Christian, defended Europe, died some couple times, stood back up, and now have this Messianism Polski thing going.

Ebin buzzword m8, please tell me how I'm wrong.


Correction: they may have been Christian a lot earlier.

You call that bait?

The Bible tells me that Joseph was related to David but that Christ is the son of God.

God ended the line of David to produce anti-jew messiah. Seems like Jews got cucked to me

I agree that throwing it away entirely will leave a gaping hole in society.

But why promote sects of a broken religion instead of just replacing it with something that hasn't been bastardized over 2000 years.

Setting up a set of virtues that are timeless celebrating strength, vigilance and unity then build an easy to understand, hard to subvert dogma around that.

No, Teutonic Knights were biggest force in driving away Ghengis Khan.

Crusaders in Baltic had #1 priority to eradicate paganism, either by the Sword or by conversion.

Since it happened Mongols invading had converted to Islam, they were enemies to wipe out aswell.

Yes. Thing is, had Poland assembled its own army to deal with pagan raiders, it would've suffered a lot less.

Crusades is last resort strategic weapon

Calculate what? You seem to be operating off a set of facts that exist only in your head. We can't make the same logical leaps as you.

Opium has one effect. Religion has as many as you can make a case for. You can't talk opium out of its chemical function. Modern Christianity is only as bad as it is because of (((who took the reigns.)))

What is (((the program))) exactly?

Aka leftypol likes to relax around blacks and loves to loose wit joos.

ps - by driving Ghengis Khan forces I mean in Europe, not Asia.



Fucking Christ-Killers are afraid of having Crusaders wiping out villages of Jews again heh?

It is the closest thing we had to a successful DnC tactic since 3rd exodus. The shills are just louder now because they found an audience in our recent r/trump and consequent r/atheism arrivals.

It's in mein Kampf, guess you've never read it

"Pagans, atheists, etc, are also to go, not only Muslims and Jews."

This exactly. Someone might wanna crunch some numbers. I pitty the larpers. In that sense, nazis = commies. You are gonna feel the fury subhuman shit. Get with the program or get rid of, along with everyone else who doesn't belong here.

Funny that i don't remember that part being in Mein Kampf.

The answer to everything is Hitlerism.

Altruism. Christcucks are willing to stab their countrymen in the back. What defines the traditionalist is love of his clan. Those who are natural to treachery and treason are always the greatest threat to the truly noble. That Taqiyah filth that the lunatics teach, it's standard procedure for every Abrahamic cult.

There is no reason for infighting. This isn't the 1200s nor the 1930s.

NatSocs if respected the Cross would be no target for Crusaders.

They fought Bolshevism in East Europe and liberated Churches.

Thule Society personel could be a target though.

which page?

I'll say it again. Gas yourself dirty red.


Hey, lolberg, your ebin lolyneux maymays are showing…

underrated post

Taking Warhammer 40K seriously as an inspiration for a functional religion should probably have been your first hint that something was wrong.

You just said that Hitler failed at it. So did Thomas Jefferson and the Mormon guy. How many times will you fail before admitting that it's hopeless.

Just start over with a new ideology that uses good old ideals like nationalism and masculinity.

Well, the knights did what was asked of them and even more. They went on to create their own state in the baltics, however that state was eventually defeated by the united forces of Poles and the newly Christened Lithuanians and made into their vassals.

This graph says all you need to know about the future of Christianity as a religion.


"Those who worship the gods of our ancestors and work for the greatness and nobility of our race are targets because they deny the Semite spiritually!"

What more do you fucking need?
All Christcucks are race traitors.

this graph tells us to kill christians same as muslims and jews

Such a rootless existence is death. There is more to life than desire, like it or not.

I'm not sure what point you're making. Of course the places Christianity hasn't existed ubiquitously are growing the fastest. The others hit market saturation centuries ago.

Is it? I don't see it. Although I wasn't brought up Christian, I wanted to give them a chance once. The point of joining a religion would be the community as far as I'm concerned, so that's what I did. I checked out all the denominations I could find where I live.

Ok, so I figured the majority were obviously pretty pozzed, had to check out some more radical stuff

Ok, the somewhat known Christian fringes weren't cutting it. Had to look in even more radical places.

So, what I'm wondering is this. Where is this radical Christianity that's compatible with Holla Forums ideology? There must exist some, because you Vults are here all day raiding, claiming it exists. But where does one go to find some community of you guys?

I can honestly say that 100% of Christians I've met in real life were complete marxists in everything that counts. Every single one of them. The ones considered radical as well, only they had some seemingly unhealthy ideas about demons added to the mix. So for me at least, no. Christianity appears to be no solution at all to me. When 99.9999% of them easily went along with the cultural marxist agenda, then it should be obvious the dogma doesn't provide any sort of defense against degenerate ideas.

To be fair, the organized pagans here aren't much better. I try to create some sort of spiritual framework for myself. A lonely endeavor. But there's not much in alternatives right now as far as I can tell.


They formed core of Prussia, who would attack Poland again and again.

Prussia would then be the core for Germany, which would generate NatSoc Germany.

The Iron Cross is the symbol of Crusader Teutonic Knights for a reason.

I'd just like to ask my fellow Catholics not to fight with subhuman scum. It's below us. They will feel the blade when the day comes.

Soli Deo Gloria

You don't understand.

Crusader is last resort option. Crusader isn't normal Christian. To say otherwise could be indirectly flattery.

Crusader mindset: Respects the Cross? Let them go. No? Time to fight to the Death.

It's this simple.

How are you any better than the kike tribalists? You people are literally the same as the kikes. Advancing your own at any cost, even if it means your own damnation.

Using radicalism against radicalism is going to create a bigger problem.

We need to build a narrative in the East that resembles the Western world's transition during the enlightenment.

Muh Renaissance > Muh Crusade

the old testament is a jew construct and because jesus is of jew blood the new testament is a jew construct too

-it turns people into working slaves while jews acquire all the wealth and own the money control

When was the last time radicals were supressed by moderates?

If God knows everything, why would he do that knowing that there would be errors, misinterpretations, and purposeful misrepresentations if he didn't either write it himself or at the very least have Jesus write the New Testament?

I suppose an answer would be "because Faith" but this would be asking people to have faith in other men, not faith in God. The only way that "Faith" is an answer is if God wrote the scriptures or had Jesus do it while he was alive and corporeal.

Being demonized, purged and forever remembered as a heretical witch is a only a minor sacrifice for the sake of the survival and prosperity of the European race in my book.


Strange, I thought Christians claimed the father of Jesus waa God? Where exactly did he get this Jewish blood from?

Pretty sure the prussian core was in eastern Germany. One of the dukes named the state "Prussia" despite it having nothing to do with Prussia because he wanted to have the title of King inside the HRE.

Mary was a Jew and Judaism is matrilineal, ergo Jesus was definitely a Jew.

Literally nobody denies that Jesus is jewish. Point is that it doesn't matter, since God wants to save everyone, not just the jews.

Well, without Crusades, Thule Society could be let be without agression.

With Crusades, if it stayed as a secret society and off radars, could avoid fighting them.

probably from his (((mother)))

half jew half self declared (((god)))

Yes, Teutonic Knights started in Eastern Germany.

Devil's advocate, but we both know that's not true.

WH40k's maximum overcheese lore is still more respectable than useful lolberg clowns we use as fronstmen in public debate.

On the contrary, it very much matters.

If you bother to notice, plenty of Space Marines use Crusader symbols in their outfits.

It's basically Crusading period Sci Fi version.

thank you. i check later some own sources

maybe this is why nazis lost the war?
they were also allies with islam

Is this your first day on Holla Forums?

if pisstains talk about jews they mean the religion
if we talk about jews we mean the race


this is why pisstianity is not compatible with Holla Forums

Christians already beat pagans once and eradicated the "religion", do you really think paganism would have saved the reich? Laughable.

Stronk independent pagans got their shit pushed in by Christians, just saying

Not failing once in the times when victory is essential for your race's very existence is infinitely more important than failing six million times in times of peace and prosperity.

How is anything I've said indicative of damnation? All I have done is identify a group who are known race traitors. I haven't even advocated killing them all except by the implication of the proper punishment for treason. So how is it damnation to imply that those who are willing to sell out their countrymen for foreign interests should be labeled and treated as traitors? If they were spying for Israel, they would be traitors. If they were assassinating our citizens for Israel, they would be traitors. If they were subverting our culture for Israel, they would be traitors. So if they are preaching for Israel, why are they not traitors?

Tolerance of race traitors is the absolute line. The moment you let a single one escape judgement, you've lost your whole civilization. Once it becomes acceptable to worship foreign interests, there is no stopping the subversion which is possible by those interests.

And that's all without mentioning that the religion's fundamental messages have to "interpreted" through a European lens in order to have any value. It's completely ludicrous that we would tolerate a religion which is wholly untrue, dangerous to the homogeneity of society, and ideologically inferior. We don't have to fucking scrub the name of Christianity out of the history books, many Europeans were born under its yoke and still strove to achieve the greatness of their birthright; but it belongs in no place else. We know its effects were ultimately catastrophic and a ticking time bomb is the last thing we should wish to leave to our children. That negligence is the very thing with which we now contend.

you stick to your paganism i dont believe in anything but science, DNA tests and the physical removal of all jews


a dying mindset

The Enlightenment, WWII, Boer wars, Sengoku Jidai unification wars.

The only way to fight ideology is with a stronger ideology. Christianity is not the best we have to offer.

he's not defending paganism

Nice try.

Science tells me the earth is overpopulated, goy, time for you to stop having children unless you want civilization to collapse :^)

I know. My first contact with the franchise as a child was a board-game translated to "Crusade in Space" in my language.

Nice maymays, bro. You sound upset.


I guess you are right about religion having as many uses as one can think of as opposed to opium being just a drug. In today's world, however, modern christianity runs entirely on feel-good trips into the white altuism. It's coopting whites like opium forced chinks into submission. I have yet to see a completely white religion at origin and existence, maybe they don't all have to be like that. Now, if you say that modern christianity is bad as it is because of (((individuals))), then do you agree that to fix this we'd have to reshape it back into something greater rather than (((their))) opium for whites?

Romans and Greeks had that with their deities. They weren't deities in the sense of modern god, but rather spiritual manifestations of virtues and cause for social activities, festivities and such. Of course, they got subverted by christianity and many of their colonies in ME and Africa fell to islam. Setting up virtues like strength, nationalism, unity and what not would be nice. Of course, to do that you need some sort of foundation. Otherwise they will feel fake and forced like these communist ideas of equality or females working. People simply won't follow them. On Holla Forums we hate niggers and kikes because we know what they do to us. We have reasons for turning NatSoc or at least nationalist. Normalfags don't care and hardly will - that's why they are normalfags. Religion is one way to make them latch onto these ideas and follow through with them. Who knows, maybe later they will really change foundation of christianity or create a schism.

1. Reported for intl.
2. Jews do not convert en masse.
3. Reported for intl.
4. Jews who convert expose the lies that jews tell and are some of our greatest assets. See: Brother Nathanael.
5. Reported for intl.

By your own logic, Christianity is stronger than paganism?

Reported for intl.

strange. scince tells me to have 10+ white children and then mutilate you sand nigger with fire and hot nails.

wew lad

No it doesn't you liar


You mean the Guillotine killing fest and Robespierre Terror?
Very moderate to use Nukes and firebombings on civilian targets and suicide European volk

Nothing says moderation like Nobunaga burning alive 200 000 Ikko ikki faction members trapped inside a castle, regardless if soldier, women or children.



Welcome, now fuck off.

Lack of spiritualism and positivism are the wells the jew uses to poison the water supply with subjectivism and amoralism.

The "Age of Enlightment" and its secularism might were the pinnacle of White achievement but the bad thing with being on the zenith is that it's only downhill from there..


lol sage

You're calling me new when you don't even understand what a sage is. Hilarious. Point at him and laugh

Welcome, now fuck off.

at this point who cares?
eat a brick and die you pisstian

(((Brother Nathanael))) is preaching to convert to a yid hanging from a stick. saying jews are not a race yet a jew is a blood thing

Enlightnment is overrate with wishful thinking of things the actual writers of the period didn't write

Pinnacle of achievment was Age of Discovery, Renaissance, Barroque and Industrial revolution.

You don't own this board, dumbass


your board is >>>/christian/

hello christ killer, how goes your day?

Welcome, now fuck off.

Christianity is not an enemy of the Jew. Jews did fabulously well in Christian Europe. They were given a monopoly on money-lending, which made them some of the richest people in Europe.

To give an idea of how much money could be made thanks to this monopoly.

lol sage

if it walks like a cuck…

They very much were.
Such as wild orgies, human sacifice, et cetera.
Christianity never subverted anything. Christians never infiltrated pagan institutions, they merely replaced them by swaying the public with their superior value system and morality. The majority willingly abandoned paganism and the minority that remained pagan due to a loyalty to tradition was purged.
This is all that is needed for the people to realize on a mass scale to resist. People are growing increasingly aware of kikes and their kikery, and thus more and more are turning away from the bread and circus, instead throwing their support behind nationalist parties.
Exactly why the anti-jewish movement must be centered around christianity, which the jews hate the most in the entire world, along with whites. There is no need to reinvent the wheel by creating some new half-assed half-baked belief system.

The "at any cost" attitude never leads to anything good, as you ALWAYS end up paying far more than what you get. Kikes being the prime example of this.

You sound like you came fresh from /r/atheism

I hate that /r/the_donald send you cucks our way, go back to Reddit and whine about Christians prosecuting gays. Hell, you might even fit in with the alt-right

I wish

That's heresy

If it walks like a Cursed race abandoned by YHWH 160 AD to rot in Ghettos and millenar persecution..

Fully agreed. The "Enlightenment" was more of the beginning of the end than the pinnacle.

Fucking "egalite fraternite liberte" plebeian terrorists.

These people are not christians.

I thought this meme had died out. At least you didn't redtext it

It's not a meme.

It's reality, and eerily fits the history of kikes starting to live lives bellow dog after that.

Should of seen that one coming

She was not only Jewish, but a descendant of King David.

>Little is known of her personal history. Her genealogy is given in Luke 3 (see below). She was of the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David (Psalm 132:11; Luke 1:32).

You mean except for the part they got expelled from every single European country and even thrown in a pyre in some cases?

Your "foundation" has completely collapsed. It doesn't work anymore. People can no longer be scared into religion with jewish fairy tales.

It's time for a new ideology. Morals and civilization need to be based on a strong foundation of survival, self defense, masculinity and nationalism. Instead of scaring people into things with the holy Boogey Man, spread good ideals using their own merits.

Not this shit again

religious jew, pisstians and muslimes reject each other yet they are the same.
3 main sects split into 100s of sub sects, some more some less popular.

jews use christianity to turn humans into working slaves so in the end they lose the control of their money and jews end up owning the banks and wealth


And here I was assuming they had a almost complete monopoly on media and international fiance

Tell me about it

Christianity spread the notion that Jews were not God's chosen people. And if they ever were, not anymore.

Of course, kike infiltrated groups won't follow this, but there's a reason Jesus ideas got him Death Penalty.

Except those times when they were expelled from countries, often because the Church leadership urged the local ruler to do so.

Fucking off Christcuck. The answer to Islam is white racialism

Your employers sure wish it had.

as a comparative theologist, I cannot agree.


Wondering whether this will go unnoticed.

Seems like a typical false flag to me.

There is a need to rebuild the wheel which has been degenerated. We can rebuild it in the fashion of the Christcucks, whose treasonous and inferior ideology is what led to the degeneration; or we can rebuild in the pattern which led to tens of thousands of years of stable, homogeneous civilization. The "new half-assed half-baked belief system" is Cuckstianity. It's corrupted "paganism" latched onto Semitic mythology. A tree brought as a sapling from cursed, foreign soil which casts an ill shade with its greedy branches. The tree is rotted already, why nurture anew the roots of a foreign land when we can grow once more the forest of our ancestors?

Is that too hard? I suppose you have no faith.

Well you are in the minority among your colleagues

Only thanks to Napoleon liberating Jews from Ghettos, and as a "Thank You" Jews finance the opponents of Napoleon.

Like straight out of a A.Wyatt.Man Comic of "Serves him right, he trusted a Jew"

That's dumb. Crusaders repelled Muslim Mongols invaders aswell. So Muslims saved Europe? What a dumb disinfo imagemacro.

Actually, it says to love your enemy and treat them well, give them the shirt off your back, etc. You know, all that altruistic bullshit that got the West into this current mess.

Isolationism isn't a solution faggot. The mudshits will NEVER leave us alone. Ever. White expansionism and the extermination of non-whites is the only answer


Funny on how current mess starts in 60s when you are free from such "religious meek ideas".

What went wrong?

Daaamn! That's how kikes must feel when someone points out that Yahvee abandoned them back in 160AD…

Is that why he banned usury?

They prospered for centuries, many becoming extremely wealthy, and virtually all of them doing better than the common European serf.

Are you going to whine because they weren't able to do this indefinitely? Even noble families faced the ups and downs of political favor over the centuries, sometimes being wiped out economically or literally.

Mongols converted to Islam shortly after coming into contact with the muslims.

Just the average social "sciences" course on "medieval history".

He tried to.

Rothschilds, as you know being Holla Forumsack, financed big time Napoleons opponents until the day of his Defeat, as a thank you for Napoleon liberating jews from living in Ghettos.

"Serves him right, he trusted a Jew".

It's ironic really. Since only about a 3rd of them converted and started a giant civil war inside their horde.
Islam saved Europe from the Mongols, and the Mongols saved Europe by weakening Islam.

I'm getting a deja vu

Watching this now. I was going to make a thread for discussion but you seem to have posted it already.

I would imagine they would feel similarly seeing as they are both Abrahamic

What, are you fucking kidding me? Do you think Pagan Europeans gave a flying fuck about the Jewish religion or god?

KYS shill. I never defended Islam. I merely pointed out how it's ironic how the Mongols and the Muslims anihilated each other while mostly ignoring Europe.

How will you prevent your children from race-mixing with all the lesser races as the Jews want them to? What part of your platform does your philosophy fight against this great threat to whites as a race.

Once you invite even the amount of non-whites in most western countries to be exactly Christian, like you, that will still do irrevocable damage to your blood and genealogies.

The only reason Europe remained majority white through the times it was highly catholic was because of a need by their to keep their blood clean which conquered over your belief. They fought the Muslims first because they weren't Christian, not because they weren't as superior in blood and bone. When those Africans who are right now being made good Christians by your missionaries will fall on Europe as an army of paupers, even if we can avert this Muslim invasion, how will you galvanize the Volk then?

More disinfo. They reached Eastern Europe for Conquest and were repelled by Teutonic Knights.

Well they didn't incorporate the torah into their holybooks

That's because their practices did not seem so bad at the beginning. They only dared to pull their shenanigans in places that did not know them for the parasites they were. Muh ancestors had institutionalized ban of kikes from positions of influence for centuries until an (((unfortunate series of foreign invasions))) made their thousand years Empire crumble to nothingness.

Roman Emperors sure did. Go see conflicts between Roman Empire and Judeah revolts.

They very much started giving a fuck when the majority of the public turned away from their idols to worship the so called foreign God.

It seems like you have trouble reading.

That's alright with me, because some spic on youtube said white atheist women like to have sex with dogs.

Subtle persuation, but not good enough for me.

Without Teutonic Crusaders to fight back, Mongols would've spread Islam to East Europe.

Except for poo-in-loos and Africanized nogs of course

Eastern Europe that was under Mongol authority, mostly Russian duchies never had the intention of converting and were largely left to their own devices as long as their paid their tribute.

I suppose the minds of psychopaths are more akin than loose mythological affiliations.

You mean usury? The problems of high interest rates, or for that matter any interest rates among peasants who don't understand them, would be immediately apparent.

The Church gave Jews a monopoly on this, the Jews got rich. End of story.

You mean Christianity? What is your point?

They still didn't give a shit about their religion, only the terrorism committed by Jews.



christianity is with the alt-right
they are standing up for the christians in europe and the middle east

christianity says that the messiah is jesus who is also god
therefore the old testament is outdated and the message of (((jesus))) is the new thing jews should believe in.

initially christianity is for the jew. its a 100% jewish construct which accepts converts (non jews by blood).
first few followers of jesus were all jews.

obviously jews simply killed him.
but in the end jews ended up owning the banksd in western white countries while christians are owning a shovel and work for the jew

hispanic woman like to have sex with horses and they are all pisstians in southern america

Do you deny the battles between Teutonic Crusaders and Mongol Hordes?

that irony

That if the "pagan" (you fags always talk about pagans as if they were some singular entity) europeans didn't care about foreign gods, the majority of Europe wouldn't be Christian right now.

Said terrorism had as main motiviation that they were God's chosen people.

Regardless of what Roman Emperors thought, it was a source of unrest for Eastern part of the Empire.

Your reddit is already apparent as it is, champ.

You really really really should try and read and understand, instead of trying to find ways to attack my posts.

Sagebombing-kun is the saint Holla Forums deserves.

I think it's hilarious when they post these screencaps as if anyone can't go post whatever the fuck the want to produce "evidence" for a false flag or other subversive scheme. Notice it's always the christcuck's posting that shit too.

Your subterfuge rethoric is cristal clear to me.

Your new is showing.

Not only that, they think they are the victims when the mods either tolerate their behavior or outright help them

A funny macro for the Christ Killers


The greatest trick that God ever pulled (other than convincing people he's real in the first place) was convincing believers that he totally had an evil twin brother who was responsible for all the bad things in the world, even though this evil twin could only affect believers and was completely impotent against unbelievers.

What would you call OP?


i know the next thing you will post is a picture of your stones and leaf collection from under your bed.
please dont, not even your parents want to see that

If by that you mean "we really need more like him so that Cuckstianity finally becomes a banned topic with pro-Cuckstian posts deleted on site," I agree.

Are you saying that ban evasion isn't a thing? That'd be pretty disingenuous considering how often you cucks must have to jump IPs. I can only sort of trace what other shitposts are your work, but at some point all shit begins to smell the same.

Thing is, distinction from Good and Bad come from the Mythical Fruit of the Tree, not from Lucifer.

Lucifer (or Satan, Devil, Demo, or Fallen Archangel, or 666, pick your name) was simply a top Archangel Rightwingman who tried to De-throne God and take his place.

He was banished, but continued his rebellion in the shadows.

Good and Evil distinctions don't come/start from Satan.

That's it. The rest is mostly popular imagination.

The delusion of this fedora is astounding. Christianity spread through Rome peacefully.

There were some riots, and many persecuted/tortured Christians into martydom, but compared to Islam, yes, peaceful.

Its not really that hard

And the "pagan" and "atheist" shitposter finally shows his true colors. To nobody's surprise he's actually an (((esoteric))) (((((satanist))))) just like the kikes are.

Jesus fucking Christ, reddit! We are not the joo-spouting strawmen your tumblretta associates convinced you we are.

Then they are not pagan.

The main motivation was Jewish greed and self-entitlement. This would get into a philosophical discussion, because at the time it would of course seem this was simply an offshoot of their religion, but today, Jews who are largely agnostic or atheist have a virtually identical view of entitlement due to victimhood.

Religious books influence a people, but a people also influences the books. Jews are not a likable tribe from their scriptures.

They feel they are entitled to the best of what other tribes and nations have to offer because their God promised it to them.


Look. Even from atheistic perspective.

Christianity "main dude" is a charismatic cult leader who challenges Status Quo with his ideas, said ideas that he prefers to die in the Cross than admit them wrong.

Islam "main dude" is a Warlord who conquers everything he can.

What I said is OLD. Like, Millenia years Old. Did you hear about Adam and Eve just now?


The great white empire was conquered by 12(even less actually since some went off to preach in other places) guys preaching in squares. There was no army that came to Europe to enforce Christianity upon it's residents.

What about the OP was DnC? He did not even mention atheists probably since as predominantly leftists they are largely irrelevant to Holla Forums's userbase.

because its a jewish social virus
once people get infected with the idea of a jewsus in their head. they all develop a controlled form schizophrenia talking with a jew on a stick in their heads

They're absolutely right though. Why would anyone hate on poor innocent Christians? It must be a nefarious plot!

And Jesus spread the news that such was a Bluff to not only them but every other nation.

Of course he got Death Penalty for that.

And how did those shitskins learn about Christianity? Was it maybe because of a globe-faring White Christendom?


It spread because people prefered it to the corrupt instituions of pagan religion.

woops, meant this as a reply to said quote

900 years later muslims still mad
2000 years later kikes still mad


Make sure you know what christianity is before you utter these words.
Jesus rejected the jews. Jesus disapproved of things like the talmud. Jesus did not just passively accept society, he trolled the shit out of it and subverted it. Society at Jesus' time was roman corruption exploiting the colonies and complacency within rome allowing for the later "barbarian" domination.

Hoo boy, some nominally Christians haven't read their books, these heretics.

I wonder, are you even self aware? Or are you here simply to fling shit at christians?

Oh, really? This is about the emperor Theodosius:

Why does it have to be one or the other?

The average atheist is statically the most aware of politically danger pic very related. I don't know what would make you assume to a majority are liberal.

So you both admit its not much of a stretch to equate Christians with "a pack of shit skins"



I'm here to fling shit at kikes and (( christians )).

Any self aware Christian will know Jesus was a challenger of Status Quo to the point he had to be Silenced with Death Penalty.

So it was more than whispering sweet nothings, what he did.

I'd like to end things on a more positive note, so here's my message:
Fellow brothers, you already know what's inside, who you believe in and what your heart tells you. This thread with a very good OP message has once again been hijacked by insecure nazis, larpers, shills, whoever. Pay that no mind. Continue doing just what you do. Try going to Church as often as you can. Help anyone that you can. At the same time, protect your family, community and spread Christian values. Stay calm. If you feel the need, you will know when the time is to protect our homelands again.

Mostly christians though.

use the right terminology friend

Yeah, that's it, none of the 3 million members of Christians United for Israel have ever read the Bible.

Just to give one example.



"unaffiliated" probably means muslim

How much tangy tangerine do you own??

How is defending Jesus sacrifice hurting Christian feelings?

Should I pretend Crusades were a movement of Peace, Obama style?

Were medieval style crests like these even a thing back then? Seems like a giant anachronism.

Anyone throwing insults at all of christianity isn't really after worship of the truth or rejection of false gods. They just want disruption.
"Throw away ALL tradition even if it is only nominally tied to christianity because Jesus is jewish and jewish is bad in any case"
Christianity was against jews from the beginning.

Mostly true. Jesus started a rebellion against local Rabbis and Judaism.

Then it snowballed big enough that only by Crucificition His word would be silenced, but it had possibly the biggest backfiring in History.

It'll take only half the time :^)

read the bible and you will find out what they mean. the medieval people knew who they were

Zionism spread through Cuckstianity peacefully, then went to war to suppress nationalism. Christcucks converted Europeans by the sword, murdering priests without even asking about conversion. The only difference between foreign invaders and race traitors is that race traitors are more dangerous. An equal betraying is the superior peril over barbarians without the walls.

Sorry, the archaeology has long since proved that civilization began in Europe tens of thousands of years before anything which is related in the Semitic traditions. Their entire history is to be discarded.

If anything, science points us in a far stranger direction than Cuckstianity and which is also a nearer neighborhood to the folk religions of the world. The Semites were terrible with metaphysics, and those Europeans who used their tradition for their reckonings were working under inaccurate constraints. When examining the Abrahamic tradition in comparison to what we know of how expectation and observation shape reality, it seems a most hollow religion instead of the grand tapestries of folk religions which capture the nature of the superspectrum. Cuckstianity barely has a response to daemons, and is silent in the face of the more dangerous energies which wrack our world. I care little about the shitskins who have yet remained unarmed and cowering in their wastelands, because a foreign tradition has robbed us of much of the knowledge which kept people safe from hidden dangers. In a sense, that's the perfect summary of the social effect of Cuckstianity as well.

You mean by the time when the majority of the roman empire was already christian? Due to the efforts of a bunch of guys who only had the clothes on their backs.

Nope. Only modern atheism has allowed jewry to infect various "protestant" cults and created "kike loving christians"

Most self called atheists are nothing more than hedonistic antichristians. They are not explicitly against islam, just their society that happens to be christian. They are not the only but one of the many reasons that islam can even be a fucking thing in European dominated societies. As many major cities in Europe and United states as a whole, percentage wise, are becoming 60% or less "white" (EUROPEAN) this type of bullshit rises.

Can you support this, especially your claims about their motivations?

By backfiring, I meant that Crucifing Jesus didn't shut up his message up, rather amplified it to utterly behemoth levels.

I smell a kike defending zionism from the shadows.

Yep, great advice! Maybe you can get invited to a nice wedding blessed by the Church.

Provide source please. Wikipedia tends to censor everything pointing out the existence of something more than "mere" megalithic cultures in pre-5000BC Europe.


Why are you blaming the atheists


So, myself coming from a christian country that has rejected all modern shit like modern art and sjw leftism, including mass invasion of "immigrants, what do you have to offer from your anti christian perspective? Christianity works for me and it has kept my country safe from foreign elements for centuries.

Crucifying Jesus was the biggest mistake, since it fulfilled yet another point of the OT prophecies of the Messiah. Later His ressurection fulfilled the final point, making everyone go apeshit.

What's your objection with this picture? All I see is a beautiful White couple. Is it because he's a manlet?

More or less.

Oh I agree. Kikes are angry that being God's people can not possibly be kept to only their own kind. They are mad that prayer and sacrifice modifiess God's actions and that their jewish kazar kind are not the only ones that are blessed (if they are blessed at all).

Could you expliticlty quote where I put the effect before the cause? I explicitly said atheist antichristian bullshit rises as european percentage of the population decreases. Can I spell it out even more precisely for you?

They strayed from the path long before Jesus came around, and when He did He was sure to point out how wrong their teachings are, which in turn enraged them and led to His crucifiction.

It's even funnier when they try to convince victims of communism and Islamic expansion about the "vices of Christianity" and "virtues of atheism".

Ah, I forgot, Christians don't see race. You believe souls are the same color.

also as a note, interesting how you put darkest niggers in a church as your pic but ignore the THOUSANDS of pictures of light skinned arabs invading EUROPA
is it perhaps that you have been infected by the atheist leftist bullshit that race is just skin color and you literally believe light skinned arabs are more closesly related to europeans than shitsins and gooks?

Some am I just to assume correlation implies causation because you explicitly say so?

Yes. Islam spread by hand of the Jews but Christians who abandoned God and the Bible allowed and accepted it. We have no foundation or spiritual defense anymore. FUCK ATHEISTS


LOL thinking I believe in Satan

Satan isn't real, friend, any more than God is real

"Christians dont see race" nigger the bible is RACIST… It's about the WHITE RACE.. You would not know that because you watch too much talmudvision



Jesus wasn't resurrected or more than his followers would of seen him. He would of conquered the world

That is just biology. Middle Eastern Caucasians, if they are not tainted with Negroid or Australoid genes, are more closely related to whites than blacks or East Asians. Granted, East Asians are an unusual case from a cultural and values standpoint.

Anyway, that is just biology at its most basic.

So I must swap race between August and February right?

How did I not see that.
He has given us a sign.

The bible amptly describes the devil tempting him to do exatcly this. Yet Jesus resisted this temptation and instead went on to get crucified.

I actually just hate them both sorry to disappoint the office chair physiologist


You're not even trying anymore.

I'm a fan of thunderf00t

So those people are the same race, just different levels of tan?

Are you that stupid, or are you just shitting up the thread in desperation?

Fedoras are right, there's no God…

Point is, how is being warlod #241523 in History suposed to prove a point compared to first one?

Take your pick on the ancient alien crowd or the atlantis crowd for books, but look for the ones who cite the work of field researchers. Cut through the "true believer" things that the authors insert and understand the data from which they run wild in speculation. It helps to have a bit of an understanding of the comparative religious method in order to hook up to the clues left by ancient folk religions. You just gotta dive into fringe archaeology until you get the idea on what's been left out of our education.

Exactly what Cuckstianity is, thus why Zionism proliferated through it to such an extent that a Semite ordered the West to war to crush Germany twice, disordering every other nationalist power along the way. The entire history of Europe for more than a thousand years has been bloodshed to the tune of a foreign dirge. "Radical" Christcucks propose killing the musician, but taking up his sheet all the same.

I guess if you can keep your mouth shut about the Semite you worship, you can count yourself lucky for having weathered the storm. Of course, if you spread Cuckstian ideology or speak out against traditionalist ideology, you are nothing more than a race traitor. Granted, I have to imagine you're actually a shitskin so it doesn't much matter anyway. There isn't a single Cuckstian sect which is not pushing multiculturalism on white populations, so it is suspect that it would keep your country safe from foreign elements. Remember, you can thank Cuckstianity for the presence of even one single Semite in your country.


Except that this is a Roman creation. Jews don't teach this and early Christians didn't. The book of Enoch doesn't have Lucifer in it…

Crusades of the Teutonic Knights -> Teutonic Order -> Prussia -> Germany -> German Empire -> National Socialist Germany

In a nutshell why kikes fear Christianity

Go read New Testament passages in the Desert.

The Devil, was actually "a devil" in the gospels. And he didn't temp him, he showed him his destiny and let him choose. Satan gave Jesus his destiny.
Satan is God and God is some image you faggot Jew worshipers created with your idols which are some book collections


Romanian philosopher E.M. Cioran, though he also wrote one of the most brilliant defenses of paganism vs Christianity.


And yet many Christians will argue vehemently that Hitler was either not a "true" Christian, or not a Christian at all.

Satan didn't "give". He tempted an offer which Jesus found very small compared to his Higher Cause.

Plus he faced terrific opposition from the various churches, particularly the Catholics.


said higher cause pissed off kikes for 2000 years, and muslims for 900 years, so it must have been quite something.

Did you know adultery gets death penalty in the book? Oh, and the moving-the-border-stones (Assyrian for non-recognition of national borders and overstepping them) also gets death penalty.
Also, Cristianity is subversive? How so?

Actually, Pope was criticized for having been too soft on Hitler, some say he was a colaborator, others that he was a Diplomat (Pope Pious XII).

Italy after all was part of the Axis, and Rome/Papal States part of Italy.

Because Islam is taking over Christian shitskin lands which are now the majority of Christians in the world, outside of Latin America at least. And soon they will convert them with the sword. Christians wont do a damn thing until white people start to die in the billions, then suddenly you will all be, "Dues Valt" am I right goys?" Then you white Christians and the Spics will have your Holy War against Islam, and the Jews will get rid of both Islam and the white race from any kind of world power, while Communist China and Putin rises.

Because that's the plan.

Different subraces. One seems Ethiopid (semitoid), the other Dinaric (aryanid). You could argue that mix between semitics and aryans is "degenerate" but myself coming from a successful Helleno-Phoenician mix would not give many fucks about it and would certainly muh dick dat levantine >>7389071 ass if she did not worships the same moon-god as turkroaches.

pics very related: they are probably the most influential White supremacists in my country, they are married to each other and they are practically identical to the couple you posted

Satan showed Jesus the two choices for being a Jewish Messiah
1. warlord priest
2. pussy who dies for principal

It's funny. Half of Holla Forums christians hate Hitler and call him a "secret atheist”. The other half love Hitler and idolize him as a christian soldier for killing jews. And yet they never meet in a thread and debate each other.

How suspicious. It’s as if Holla Forums christians change their opinions to whatever is convenient for them.

Spears speak louder than words.

As if anti-christian satanists hold any sort of stable values aside from christianity = bad.

You don't even know the people in the image, so you are just stirring up shit.

Ethiopians are not a subrace of Caucasians. They are a group of Africans that are about 40% Caucasian.

It created Islam and modern Judiasm… There would be no Jews alive today if not for Christians taking over Rome/Europe. They would have faded away long ago or maybe like gypsies. But we worship them

You satanists sure do. Christians hate them.

You must have me confused with someone else because I haven't addressed paganism once in this thread

Until now: Paganism is stupid

Is that pic supposed to be appealing

No, I seem to recall a certain messiah averting a stoning. Which I suppose provides another great example of how subversive you cucks are. After all, for what you said to be true, you'd have to be following the "bad kike" laws which your "good kike" abolished, but you will turn in the same breath and say that your religion is divorced from the tradition of the "bad kikes". Thanks for answering your own question about how Cuckstianity is subversive.

True, but who cares what unlearned stupid people think.

They can become Stoic, or Epicurean as many are… They can have values because morals are only a warning about some consequences…. so teach consequences.

No understanding of Judaism, no understanding of Christianity. Vatican II isn't mentioned in this entire thread.

You are a faggot.


Hitler is honestly a hard one to get a clear handle on, in part because he was a politician and had to do a balancing act.

Hitler ripped apart Christianity in Table Talk, but it is doubtful he would have let that book go into publication as it was.

Pagans, atheists and satanists are basically interchangeable masks of the kikes attacking christians on Holla Forums

dickless Christian farm boy.

You couldn't even deny it. How pathetic of you.

I guess i'm a pagan now. 666 hail satan

are you for real right now

You guys are arguing the philosophical merits of a "Good Guy Lucifer" meme picture jsyk

Haha, paranoid Christians. Maybe they're all devil worshipers?

All is lost yet all is present

Ok moishe, I understand now. I'll go throw away my cross right now.

What? I've never met a Christian who expressed any hatred towards Jews. Must be a very tiny minority of Christians.

Have to agree with you on this one thing, Christian. It is so disheartening to see beautiful women scarring their bodies with disgusting tattoos.

See? Common ground.

Then perhaps these so called christians haven't been reading their bibles all that well. Even if they did, there are many bible translations subverted by kikes.

The answer to all Jewish religions is radical national socialism.

If Out of Africa theory isn't completely wrong that according to anthropological (((consensus))) it's still the dominant and unquestionable theory despite shitloads of molecular evidence against it they are most likely basal caucasoid offshoots. Groid features are dominant. A Caucasoid-Groid mix looks like an African-American, not a chocolate-colored White.

Yeah nah.

Satanists basically follow the philosophies of esoteric judaism. It's talmudism for the goyim.

Nope. Fall of the roman empire.

holy shit what has this board turned into

There books, not wiki articles, hinting the opposite.

It's a polemic.

Whatever, Little-Miss-Can't-Be-Wrong

The Christian thing to do would be to admit you made a mistake but I guess in your failure to do so you're reverting to the kike roots of your religion

Still, then Christianity obviously doesn't protect people from subversion. If almost every Christian is wrong, then maybe you should call yourselves something else.


For (((them))) we're all paranoid, fritghtened, frightening, hateful, fearful, etc., etc.

The forces assembled by satan against christianity are massive and have fooled many.

Where do you think we are?

Daily reminder that Islam would not even exist if not for Christcucks spreading Jewish scripture all over the place. Islam is literally a product of Christian evangelism.

Maybe call the ones who didn't read the books not Christian?

You're quite a mental masturbator.

Islam is too weak. Your "jihadists" are suicide bombers afraid to look at the damage done. They are not true warriors, they are people who hate living on the Earth.

Your Imams only gain ground because Atheists are Useful Idiots.

You have no idea on the Demons that can be Unleashed against Islam that are in reserve. And I don't mean USA army.

No they follow Nietzsche and Epicurean and nature really. It's a superior religion to Christianity

Conquest-thirsty violent brown and mongoloid subhumans worshiping their pedophiliac moon-gods would still exist though.

So for Christianity to have any merit then I have to gamble that their God is real? Because you do agree it looks very bleak for the vast majority of the people claiming to be Christian.

That's a bit strange. Won't a majority always define a movement? I can't really see this catching on, seeing how Christian is the term we have to refer to all those people.



Read about the money-changers and the pharisees.

Enought with the anti-christian shilling already. You fucks are the reason Ahmed is getting away with shouting about Islam on this board. Honestly, stick to cartoon frogs if you aren't advanced enough to find your place in the world without a fairytale telling you what to do, but please refrain from tearing away at the pillars of Western civilization (of which (radical) Christianity is an essential part, tip harder faggots).

Read the article, I linked to it. Ethiopians are not simply 60% what we know of as black + 40% Caucasian, they are also quite different from West Africans. In fact, they are slightly more closely related to Southern Europeans than they are to West Africans.

Africa has an enormous amount of genetic diversity. If racial classification hadn't largely died in the 1960s, there would probably be 6-8 races from there.

Some Ethiopians have unusually white/Caucasian features.


That other girl's tattoo is technically colorless.

Saved an adulterer from getting stoned. Don't mince words like a Semite if you don't want to be associated with Semites. You made a declaration and even the most basic glance through your supposed holy text proved you a liar. Just take your shame and be silent, fool. The Cuckstian messiah teaches not to stone adulterers. In the same way that it is a fact that you falsely worship a mortal Semite as divine, it is a fact that the teachings attributed to him do not include punishing adultery.

You're crazy and right crazy. And Christians have lost to Islam every time because they ALWAYS lose racial blood territory. Shitskins spread after every conflict, just like they're doing now – you batty fuck

If Christianity beats Islam… The Jews will still end Islam and the white race. That's all they really want. Christianity is just a slave cult so they are easy to use.
Always have been. That's why Jews live in Christian Nations.


This is what you believe? Most of the modern civilized world is of Christian descent.

Your "strong muslim fighters" were utterly powerless as Ghengis Khan slaughtered your strongest muslim core, Baghdad.

Everyone killed, and all your knowledge in books wasted that the river color turned black.

Islam is much weaker than it looks like. Your "warriors" just want an excuse to leave with minimal honor because they hate living under Islam.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much, much more.

Yeah they're already doing they by bringing in refugees.

Except they would have just been hundreds of pagan tribes killing each other, not a giant unified force capable of conquering vast territory.

You do realize that's what I was arguing about don't you?

In our mythology the Princess of Ethiopia, Andromeda, was considered the most beautiful mortal along with Helen. I don't think that description would fit a monkey-faced congoid.

Didn't we call the majority of the conservative politicians cuckservatives?
I'd say the ones who actually read, understand and follow the doctrines of their beliefs get to be called whatever their nominating would be. Here, the ones who actually read the "scary racist book by dead old men who wanted to discriminate women", who actually read it, get to be called the followers of the main figure.
Everyone else is a heretic. "Christian and pro-Israel" pff. Synagogue of Satan.

I think you need to find a new mascot OP, the memefrog is the idol of the local cult of numerologists. Besides, your problem is "Churches used to be the ones who doled out welfare, now it's the government!" and your solution is … terrorist Christians? "Radical" Christianity wouldn't be paying poor people to not die. It would be the IRA. Also if you think a return to theocracy would be a good idea you're a horrible person and I hope bad things happen to you. The only way leaders could be any more corrupt and any worse is if they could justify their actions through theology.

Fuck off. Race realist and nationalism is enough to destory mushits without the need for a semite god.

Christians have been failing for 2000 years, despite having access to the best institutions, armies and blood in Europe. Kill yourselves christcucks.


The fedoras are a cultural danger that give more and more ground and power to Muslims and Jews.
Yeah nah.

At least we weren't abandoned by YHWH like Jews were.

At best, it can be claimed we abandoned God and not the other way around. But we can still seek Him.

I know. Our Independence War record what quite a few instances of Holy Apostles Monastery-tier kebab removal but I am not assed to make a picture since battle infographics are mostly cited from Greek account sources.

Was faith to tengri that unified the mongols?

quite kickass I must admit

PS - you also lost Saladin's legacy to a bunch of fucking Jews. Holy Land belongs to the Jews now.

And we are suposed to see you as "strong invincible warriors"? How?

You said they were a Caucasoid subgroup, which they are not, but I can understand the confusion. For many years, they were classified as Caucasian because of their gracile features which are often European like. Also, the historical connection with their Christianity and stories of Prester John.

Or should we blame the Chinese for the fall of Constantinople because they invented gunpowder?

Damn, meant this for you.

The casualties and losses section was more lulzworthy.

Do you know what Christianity is? Do you know what Vatican II is? Do you know what is happening? You sound like a boy.

One of the very strangest things is how much modern Christians love the Israeli Jews, when Christians aren't even welcome in their country other than as tourists.

Remind me again, do the heads of every Cuckstian sect who are calling for open borders wear fedoras? Ah, that's right, the most fervent justifications for liberalization have always come from the teachers of Yeshua's ideology. Every liberal institution founded in the West which is not itself a rejection of religion has borrowed from the Semitic holy texts. After all, the Abrahamic tradition has had a cultural hegemony over the same thousand some years during which volkisch nationalism has come to pieces. Now our race stands at the beck and call of race traitors couched in Semitic ideology, religious or atheistic, who in turn serve the interests of Semitic masters.

Atheism isn't the problem, the problem is Semitic ideology. That's why Cuckstianity cannot remain to the same degree that Marxism is unacceptable.

That's not my point. The thing is that any movement have a perception among people. If I say I am a Christian to someone, they have a clear image of what that is. That is, someone who acts interchangeably from any other modern day marxist, only with some interpretations of religious texts to back it up instead of humanism.

By calling yourself Christian you effectively put yourself under that banner, and would have to explain to everyone every time that your interpretation differs radically from pretty much every other person of that label they will ever meet.

Isn't the essence what is important, not the name?

In addition it puts off most real political dissidents you could potentially have some sort of community with, because they also only know Christianity as the huge subversive movement almost every person calling himself Christian is a part of.

Why would anyone take on such a huge handicap? It's basically being a political dissident, and then adding triple hardmode to your already hard life. Just to… what actually? What is the benefit?

As far as I can tell the only justification for doing that would be if the Christian god was exactly what the Bible says he is, that is the supreme spiritual force in the universe, no contest. But without any evidence, that's just a gamble. And not with too good odds.

Do you understand what I mean? It just appears as a lose-lose situation.

Will pagans allow me to worship how I want? If so they are an ally. I will allow them to worship however they like.

t. Mormon

No. Genghis Khan did. Mongols idolized Khan the same way Klingons idolize Kahless.

I would much rather have a Mongolian conqueror as a role model than a jewish rabbi that had superpowers.

You still lost the important part, the genetic war

Religious intolerance is almost exclusively the province of the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

You almost never see it outside of that, other than with some smaller cults.

You sound like some sad redneck white Nationalist who still worships child fairytales to get by. You bring shame to our race and you need to grow the fuck up. Or at least worship Satan and help others escape the Jewish slave cult Christianity

Our constitution was made for a moral and religious (Christian, yes, Christian, fuck you) people. It is wholly inadequate to service any other. - John Adams.

That's the problem with Fedoras. No understanding of history. The evolution of culture. You are little boys. Everything is either all good or all bad. And if in the blink of your eye something isn't all good, then clearly it must be all bad, and so you moan. On and on.

You have no idea what you are doing. Please grow up. Join the military. Do hard physical labor. Have the shit beaten out of you. Become a man. Then we'll talk.

Can't really stop you if you want to keep the Semite in your heart and never speak of him again, but if you want to pass on such nonsense to your children then you are nothing more than a threat to the prosperity of our race. Cuckstianity is going into the history books, and any who want to keep it alive are race traitors.


Now there's a point I've never considered.

He's leaving out the part that Mary is a direct descendant of King David as well.

That's pretty good narrative. And Jesus was a Roman soldier's baby. That's what Jews say anyways. So separate Christianity from Judah by making it the enemy of Judah.
Only problem is no one will believe the anti-Messiah is Jesus

Let's not stick to semantics. Ethiopids are most likely the phylogenetically, and certainly by genetic proximity, the closest race to caucasoids. Even the Northeastern Asians that our ancestors blanda upped the most in Siberia during Uralo-Aryan ethogenesis are morphologically more distinct, if you exclude pigmentation also our pigment similarity with gooks is most likely a product of latitude-induced convergency. I dare say that Ethiopids are not even native to Subsahara and are just probably just occupying clay of the Nilotics they largely co-exist with (note that Nilotics though very dark and smaller brained than even regular niggers, they are probably just pure Homo sapiens basal to OoA humans that did not interbred with erectus and other monkeys like congroids did).

No, its lead and glass. Faggot.
So they can rape your other child/spouse.
Christ faggots need to get to there "god" faster, I hope to nail all of you to crosses just like your prayer beads.

No understanding of 'turn the other cheeck'. Read more before shitposting.

I made this thread so that /pol could have a discussion about how to radicalize Christianity to the point that Mudshits cower in fear just at the site of the Cross

Our biggest problem isn't what people think of them/us, nor is it the number of those who only call themselves and stand under that figurative banner, but it's the "let's redefine everything" crowd. You see, I have a lot on the subject on "redefining", for example how to redefine what it means to be German. I wouldn't mind being thrown into the same bucket with them, primarily because I already am, and you too, with the likes of Breivik and "Fiddler on the" Roof for having the same race. Oh, and I love guns, and the book says something about arms, and we do get this "guns kill" schtick. Also, American protestants are a minority among Christians, but this shouldn't be important. We're a minority, too, we polacks. Even the pagans fight with this, with zoophiles and homophiliacs, mongrels, and even Wicca. Don't ever mention Wicca to them. There's always a thread for them in /asatru/ :^)

Did the fedora Emperor and Inventor of Memes Richard Dawkins I, peace be upon him, call for a Crusade against the saracen scourge?

that is now what turn the other cheek means.

Maybe in the Jewish explanation they say turn the other cheek but if you read the whole bible passage it does not read like you are describing it.

You are the ultimate of the edge. I would jump over the excess of your edges just to catch a glimmer of the light reflecting of the edge of your razor. Which is clearly sharp as fuck. Considering you are so edgy.

I don't understand your point, but Jehova seems to approve so I'll just check your deus vult trips.

You seem to say "let's redefine everything" crowd is the real problem, but isn't it you who try to redefine Christianity, when 99.9% of them disagree with your interpretations?

Stop speculating and read the article. Also, genetic closeness isn't everything. East Asians are probably the non-white group that we have the most in common with in terms of shared values and the ability to develop civilizations, and that would include many Caucasians.

Unfortunately, Middle Eastern Caucasians have deteriorated considerably due to Islam and its practical encouraging of incest. Christians in the Middle East and Hindus in South Asia can look different or very different from us, but they usually at least look healthy, whereas a fair number of Muslims look like a fucking mess.

virgin birth = no blood relation to david = jesus is a false idol

It's late here. I don't have more time or energy, need to sleep.

But your strong "warriors":

-Lost Baghdad, the intellectual center of Islam
-Lost the Holy Land, despite being blessed with an abnornal military leader, Saladin
-Can't have warriors who aren't eager to leave this world
-Can't be on scientific edge of the world
-Constantly submissive to the Jews
-Can only gain ground with Useful Idiots who are Atheists who only care about fornication

How the heck is this suposed to be "intimidating?"

Virgin Birth only appeared 800 years after Christ's Birth.

You think the Constitution is something to respect? Republicanism is directly at odds with the hierarchical nature of European ideology. America was founded on nothing more than a rebellion by MERCHANTS against the proper authority of their homeland. This is best illustrated with the fact that titles of nobility are expressly forbidden by the Constitution. Rejecting the order of civilization is the foundation of the US, and that is not something to be envied. That Cuckstian morals underlie the rhetoric of the American Revolution only shows again how Cuckstianity is an agent of liberal agendas.

You say there is nothing which is all good or all bad, I don't really care to dispute it even if it is simple to prove you wrong. By your own standards, Cuckstianity must be more bad than it is good. If you want to talk understanding of history, the narratives pushed by the Semitic traditions are so wholly inaccurate as to be fiction. If you want to talk evolution of culture, the evolution that is occurring is that we are ridding ourselves of a false and foreign religion which has done more harm to us than good. Is it mere coincidence that these thousand some years of Cuckstian reign end with submission to the tribe of the messiah they worship whereas the preceeding forty thousand years were marked by homogeneous culture and subversion by no foreign culture save by betrayal from Christcucks?

I'm sure a Semite would argue that is it certainly a coincidence, but that lot is blind in their shortsightedness. I suppose if you modeled yourself after one of them, you'd be shortsighted too.

Cast away the lies of foreigners, break the chains of submission, then we'll have no need of words.

Too bad the Patriarch of the Orthodox is a cuck all the same. He calls for Europeans to take shitskins into their countries and shills for the sanctity of Israel. Where is the uprising by noble Cuckstians to dethrone him for his anti-white rhetoric? If your religion is so true to our race and so monolithic in our culture, why is there no pushback at all against EVERY CUCKSTIAN CHURCH. The Pope, the Patriarch, whatever the Protestants term their leaders. All of them preach white genocide and instead of a Cuckstian uprising there is an exodus of Europeans from the obviously false religion.

My religion is one of the reasons I have a large and come from a large family.
My ancestors are important, and my progeny is just as important and teaching them about where they came and why they are here is part of my religion.
So yes I will teach them and encourage them to teach their children.
Chances are my progeny will be much large and will be saving the white race more than nearly any pagan out there.

99% I wouldn't say so. I have heard Eastern Europeans - yes, Slavs are white, or honorary white? - seem to be deep into the "God's a ethnopluralist" interpretation.

Does anyone have that "Rescuing Jesus" poster from PoCs and gays? This is what I'm talking about when I say "redefining". America was redefined as a melting pot. Read the constitution. Doesn't it say "our progeny"? Who's the progeny of the Founding Fathers?

So, I checked the whole Bible passage:

This is what I read: don't take revenge, don't fight back. That seems the logical literal interpretation for me. That's also what almost every Christian you'll ever meet will say, and the interpretation all the major denominations support.

But I'd be interested in hearing how you manage to interpret it into something else.

As a Christian you should know what "Pepe" means. Look it up I'll wait.

Yeap. Fedoras might not believe in "Sky wizards" but they certainly put lots of faith in the straw totems they make.

One of our tenants is to allow others to worship, how, who, or what they may. I demand the same respect.

Turn the other cheek is a challenge for a duel in the old Roman customes context. Like slapping with a white glove if someone offended your honor or your family honor in XVIII century.


Jews will say whatever helps them forget that they were abandoned by YHWH in 160 AD.

kikes so devastated they have to post gore


Anyone preaching submission to a Semite is preaching the ruin of our race. Leave our society or consign yourself to the ranks of the most wretched caste. Your kind can never be allowed to have any power or influence, for you carry a foreigner on your soul whispering treason into your heart.

Once you've look into the edge, the edge looks back into you

I was in the military. Were you? If you were, then you would know that chaplains are the biggest faggots of all time.

When I was in the Navy, I did a year on my ship's security force. The chapel was listed on security's patrol routes. Our job was to go in for a second, look around, then leave. That's it. Simple, easy. Unfortunately chaplains are pacifist assholes. One time my partner and I were kicked out and told never to come back. The reason was that he didn't want guns in the chapel. The chapel that's in the middle of a fucking warship that was built to kill people. Pure fucking hypocrisy.

Of course you can't argue with officers, so we just left. From then on we just looked at the front door to mark it secure. Less work for us.


And now Jews run the world.

I know that one!
I don't have my meme folder, and I'm a little bit tired after some lectures, but it's basically:

Bitch slapping used to be common. Letting them hit you twice appeared to bystanders like undue punishment and they'd think why would someone strike you twice when you were so peaceful? Trump rallies are aggressive, anyone? That's right - lefties attacking us is a turn-the-other-cheek. And the feminists cutting down a cross in Ukraine.
Making someone go naked was extremely dishonourable for the one TAKING the cloak in earlier times. To make someone nude made the causer seem to be the bad guy. Wikileaks on Trump said they couldn't give out more than what he's already saying.
This requires also some knowledge in times then. Roman soldiers had servants or slaves, and not appearing on times was putting them under the mercy of their commander, so a slave - a soldier wasn't allowed to harm their slaves, especially the ones belonging to the army in general - would go more and make the soldier seem like a fool. Didn't we have a thread about an user whose neighbour was anti-Trump but couldn't handle him being a prime subject of a neighbour? That's right, Orban is a "scary right wing male" who dresses fine and speaks finer.

Man, I need to reread the books.

They tried to conquer a city that Jesus, the Apsotles, and even all of the Church Father's considered an unholy whore and the home of all that is wicked. If the Crusades were a defense against Islamic Conquest, they wouldn't be targeting fucking Jewrusalem, they'd have attacked Al-Andalus and freed Iberia.

Christians, specifically their priests, have been the stupidest fucking people since the first century. They getting themselves killed in the most bizarre ways, so the Church proclaimed them martyr saints and celebrate their deaths to this day like it's a fucking birthday party. No self-preservation, they don't grieve for their dead, the Church is a fucking loony bin.

Nothing you say makes any sense at all. Old aristocratic bloodlines are corrupt as fuck. You are now arguing that bowing to their rule is what? Volkish? Of course Americanism is about doing away with aristocracy. From rags to riches to rags in three generations. That's America.

Inheritance of both blood and money is how jews have always done their business. God preserve there would be a level playing field in which the aristocracy would have to actually compete with the rubes, it's unthinkable!

Unfortunately for the jews. Christianity fostered a climate where individual merit (individual relationship with God for all mortals, that's the important bit) outshone the blue bloods of old.

Regardless of denomination, Christianity = individualism which = RISE OF THE UBERMENSCH. Hence Adolfs flirthing with it.

you must be a jew?

Bible commentary section.

Mt 5:39 Resist not evil. Jesus does not forbid the judicial application of the law, but personal revenge, such as was common among the Jews. Instead of turning upon those who injure us, and becoming a party to personal broils, it is the duty of Christians to suffer meekly. Turn to him the other. This must be the Christian spirit, the great law of love, which "endureth all things" (1Co 13:7). This is not a code to be slavishly observed in the letter, but its spirit must always be preserved. For the application, see Joh 18:22 Ac 23:3.

Basically Jews loved getting their pound of flesh… Jesus telling Jews not to be fucking Jews.

5:39 But I say unto you, that ye resist not the evil man - Thus; the Greek word translated resist signifies standing in battle array, striving for victory. If a man smite thee on the right cheek - Return not evil for evil: yea, turn to him the other - Rather than revenge thyself.

You have a stronger civilization and society when people follow the spirit of the Law (christian way) vs the letter of the law ( jew way)

and everyone stands in amaze when Christianity creates the best civilizations wherever it goes

Implying you're Christian and not just a weirdo fuck

This doesn't follow from the passages at all. They are very obscure things. Why haven't the bible been updated with this information in that case, why don't priests tell you?

If you asked a peasant in the middle ages what the passage meant, he'd say my interpretation. If you ask a Christian today, he'll say the same.

Jesus says:

When it's put like that, the concept of turning the cheek becomes contrasted to the well known concept of revenge.

Even if your theory about Roman slapping rituals is true, the logical way to read it is as "don't take revenge."

Our race is dwindling and you're LARPing about a caste system for undesirables or exiling Mormons from your society that you don't even have.
Whites can't maintain replacement levels without Mormons or Fundie Christians.
This is why the kikes will always win. D&C works.

I was infantry. Served a year. In Europe though. though. Nothing happened. Loads of my unit were rightwing as fuck though. Pretty awesome.

"Any other religions". They're comparing it to all Christian religious groups in the US, plus smaller religions. That doesn't mean Christians are mating faster than hedonists. And it sure as fuck doesn't mean they're not mating with spics

Priests have been subverted. Didn't you get the memo? Vatican II is freemasonry now. The Bibles I got here have these little notes below explaining most of them phrases.
On the revenge part: it actually makes sense, because you'd break a potentially endless chain of revenge. This doesn't mean you couldn't defend yourself, there's this "everyone should sell their last cloak to get arms" quote which I can't remember where it was. Because I'm doing comparative, not becoming a priest.

Quads checked. but still,

Where the fuck are the mods!!!

The original aristocracies were murdered off and replaced with Cuckstian cronies who allowed Jews into their courts. The solution is not to shun the wisdom of our ancestors, but to remove Semitic influence from our culture. Americans chose Semitic influence over wisdom, there is nothing to be admired in that. Hierarchy is the linchpin of European idealism, if you say that Cuckstianity stands for individualism, you only show that you are subverted by foreign ideals. The Semites are individualists, greed for every man, but Europeans are nationalists, every man for the folk.

From rags to riches on the profit of treason, and to rags again when the consequences of that treason manifest. What a pathetic legacy to aspire to leave to your children.

The problem isn't that we have too few whites, the problem is that we have Semites and other shitskins in our countries. Cuckstians are responsible for that. If you are talking of breeding, then you mean to say that you intend to outbreed that lot while allowing them to remain without our nations. Otherwise, with a wall between us, there should be no reason to compare birth rates. In the typical shortsighted fashion of the cuck, you hew away at symptoms rather than burning away the root cause.


Well why not? The left already went full radial using Rules for Radicals (obongo's MO) anyway and you guys should too.


Holy shit, I just caught that. You're impotent aren't you? Hence the extravagant LARPing. What a fag…

Isn't according to the bible, torah, and all Abrahamic faith, niggers are a literally cursed criminal race?

Pretty much. Don't lay with the beasts, etc.

Guess it explains why you hate Christianity.

This is a very new tenant. The instruction has been for many years that converts are to build up the areas that they are currently in. This might be changing, because as you said the Mormon church is being cucked hard and fast.
Mormons screwed up here and lost more than they know because of it. I don't think "niggers are the devil", but they should be in their own land.

Here are some stats I dug up about Mormons in the US and yes most Mormons are white, but I never said they were all white.

If you're having pacifist problems I feel bad for you son…

You may cast the stone first.


Any letter in the Central/Northwest Semitic texts(save for the surviving works of the long dead Phoenicians, Canaanites and Ugarits) can be twisted to suit anything at all. That's why they were written, so Jews and Arabs could convince themselves that anything they were doing was holy or unholy, depending on if they wanted to power-trip and be holier than their fellow rats, or if they wanted to cower and seem humble and meek.

I'm sorry, but this is such a torturous interpretation of an obviously pacifistic message that it's just silly. I'll agree that Christianity is a far more moral and spiritual religion than it's Abrahamic cousins. Islam and judaism both emphasize adherence to a huge list of pointless rituals that do nothing but promote subservience, and that's noticeably lacking from Christiaanity. And yes, some of the greatest philosophy of the past 1,000 years comes from Christian thinkers, and especially from cogent theologians like C.S. Lewis.

But as a tool for promoting white/european identity? It's flawed at best. Christianity is fundamentally a universalist religion, and yes, I believe that the Protestant revolution (and it's associated liberal movements like the german Aufklarung), adhere much better to the true spirit of Christianity, which is ever-widening tolerance. And that's not something whites need right now. In short, more Alfred Rosenberg, less Jesus.

Fully agreed except for the overgeneralization of Christian monarchs.

Was Richard the Lionheart a traitor to his people?

Was Heraclius a traitor to his people?

Was Constantine Palaiologos a traitor to his people? **plz disregard the rest of the Palaiologoi dynasty*

Was Vlad Tepes a traitor to his people?

Fair enough, it is true that most Mormons are white and have healthy breeding patterns. I've got relatives in Salt Lake, and even though they're a bit skeeved out by the forced "niceness" of the Church, there's a lot they admire about it, especially it's encouragement of genuine wholesomeness. You'd be damn hard-pressed to find any other church or denomination in the United States that ACTUALLY takes a wholesome lifestyle seriously.

pic related.

Carthaginians were semites.


Thunderf00t is a cucked leftard

But isn't birthrates one of the items that 1488ers go on about? How the Germans were having many children and how large families added to the stability and happiness of the nation.

The root cause is the kikes and their attack on the family. Make the Family Great Again and they lose much of their power. Be the man of your family (or do you not have a family?) and lead them.

How does it feel to worship alium space jesus made up by a con-artist?

How shocking a D&C post appears.

₪1 credited to your account.

All islam are radicals
No thanks

You're no different from the fucking leftists with your "d-don't criticise my beliefs! You're not allowed! They're special!!!"

Nope. The answer is whites collectively waking up to the fact that the Third Reich and Hitler are innocent of the crimes they are accused of committing and for America and Britain both to undergo a massive National Socialist revival.

Then and only then can we do away with the sand nigger trilogy ie Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Like much of the rest of the kosher conservatives on Holla Forums you don't understand the Jew cult Christ insanity and why exactly it was powerful in the past.

It was powerful in the past because it's creators the Jew's wanted it to be powerful to both cuck the white race softening us up for Christ insanity's later mutation into Communism/liberalism/Cultural Marxism but before that they needed whites whom are naturally physically stronger and more militarily capable than themselves to conquer the world for Jewish interests.

Now that the goal of Jewish world domination has been acheived the cuck cult Christ insanity isn't really all that needed save for the times when the Jew's get their loyal toadie and servant the shabbos goyim John Hagee to rile up the Christ tard troops (young dumb ass mentally brainwashed 18 year olds) for the next disasterous illegal Jew war in the middle east that does not benefit white people whatsoever in any way.

All the cuck cult ever truly did was rob people (or rather true believers) of 10% of their income every Sunday not to mention time they would never get back (having wasted it in a boring Church praying to a false foreign middle eastern Jewish god).

Ok, ok so you may have a point about it being a glorified soup kitchen at times for people during the great depression or just homeless people/whites in general but other than that the cuck cult hasn't really done anything all that impressive for white interests.

Get this straight…there's no "good" Christianity. The so called "modern" version of the cuck cult you are talking about is simply the cuck cult without the Jew's puppet mastering things from behind the scenes to the nth degree to make whites strong, healthy and happy…because they don't need strong, healthy and happy whites anymore and so don't push those healthy wholesome pagan values the cuck cult stole from European paganism and instead have relaxed things so they could get their society of filth and degradation and white annihilation…if there were anything truly special, truly supernatural about the cuck Christ cult it never could've been "weakened" to begin with…that it has been weakened just goes to prove my point that Jews are the ultimate puppet masters and arbiters of the cuck cult's fate and when they decide to puppet master it in one way or another that is the way whites and related Christian goyim will follow.

Christianity is the mechanism by which the Jew parasite has burrowed into the white race's collective mind and thereby controls us like a drone of the parasite's will no differen than how other parasitic organism's/insects in nature do it and yes if you actually read and study over what I've said here in particular that thought of Jew's being our natural parasite in this way is deeply and profoundly disturbing as is the true purpose/utility of the Christ cult for them.

Yeah nah.
Mormons are a derivative of freemasons, which is some queer mixture of egyptomania and elitism. Marxism is actually against the bible but Jews are atheists anyways. And Christianity seems to be some sort of hermeti(ci)sm with one or two references to aeons peppered in.

Try next time not to oveuse this word. This is why nobody likes us, man.

Having cognitive dissonance this fucking badly about your kike worshiping religion.


You failed to catch it at all, unless you are purposefully twisting the meaning of my words. A very Semitic way of arguing, especially considering that is the entire content of your post. You cucks will always seize at any chance to insult others because you have no valid defenses of your treasonous nature.

Securing a future for white children doesn't mean reproducing madly like a shitskin, it means ensuring that those to come after us inherit a world in which noble ways of life are possible. Investment in the stability of the future is the distinguishing feature of the survival strategy which emerged from the cold crucible of Europa. K over R, the very thing which makes traditionalist society vulnerable to those willing to betray those ideals for individual, short term gain.

Hey look. Cherry-picking.

Fucking hilarious.


Sure, the fact that all of them are based in universalism, internationalism and world dominance is a coincidence. All Semitic cults claims to be the new chosen ones.

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2
They were the original "Marxist. A communist cult hanging out in the temple all day.

Low energy response fam.


I really hope you're joking, faggot. This is just too much idiotic drivel to spew all at once.

←-Thats what you get when you push Christianity onto white people.

Grovel to your dead Jew on a stick cuck boy.

You need to learn to rightly divide:
1. This letter is to the Church at Galatians one distinct local assembly, believers.

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Paul's letter means that all that are in Christ and equally justified and saved by Christ - nothing less and nothing more.

If the verse is used to promote some sort of false equality outside of that context, then it is misused.

You are misusing scripture to create a strawman.

Your larping paganites would rape and murder their neighbours for trinkets. Rune-coons.

The gods (plural) are the children of God (singular). The humans (exclusively Whites) are the children of the gods (plural).

Goodness. Tower of Babel and the border-stone story. And it's caring for your community, not for the whole world at the detriment of your own. Villages in Europe used to be like this, and even before the christianization.

I can hate this trashy religion without making up total nonsense to justify my hatred. This is pure bullshit not based on any reality whatsoever.

Then refute it with facts and sound logic not language filthier than even your mother spews when I'm pounding her cornhole.

Stop lying semitic rat, Christianity doesnt acknowledge races or nations.

Acts 17:26 No! he declares that "God has made of one blood all nations." There is no difference. The nature, the needs, the obligation to God of all human beings on the globe are one and the same.

Keep your "God" nonsense out of politics and race you autist
Same goes for the pagans

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Putting away those childish things? That's your christianity. Grow up. You know the truth.


Christianity was created by Christ and his followers, who were all Jewish.
According to Holla Forums, there is no such thing as a good Jew.
If Christianity is as good as Christians claim, then by merely creating it, and in light of the great utility it gives humanity, Jesus and his followers must be good.


It follows that either there is no good form of Christianity, or there is such a thing as a 'good' Jew.

I leave it to Holla Forums to decide which is true.

I suppose this contradiction also allows there being good Jews and no good form of Christianity…

The burden is proof is on you, you fucking retard. It's completely made up without any historical reality supporting it. "kikes made christianity so that two thousand years later they could 'subvert the white man' and destroy us"? Really? This is already retarded enough as it is, as it implies kikes have magical time-traveling and omnipotent abilities, but even more that Christianity wasn't explicitly anti-Jew, which it objectively was

You want me to refute it with facts and "sound logic" as you put it? then how about you make your argument on these two things in the first place?

but even more implies that Christianity*

And yet Goebbels had 7 children. Birthrates are a part of war.
It sounds like you are buying into the jewish lie that there isn't enough room or enough resources and so whites need to stop having or reduce the amount of children they have.

My post is proven by simply honestly examining the historical record without some Jew professor hand holding you through everything you dishonest dumb fuck.

And since we're not in a formal debate its not up to me to prove shit.

Stop being a lazy fucker and scared of truth and go research history for yourself.

You'll soon find that Christ insanity was imposed upon us by race traitor Charlemagne along with Jews and once you can accept those FACTS its more than easy to put two and two together and declare that I am 100% correct.

That's there. And then there's you not even refuting my claim but merely accusing me of jewish debating tactics. What the fuck dude?

Jesus Christ……so many ass blasted atheists in this thread. Had to filter the lot of you worthless fucks.

Atheists, I ask you, how does it feel knowing the only measurable accomplishment that stem from your kind has been the massacre of over 100 million under communism?
That every major Scientist of note in Western civilization has been a Christian, from Issac Newton to Madame Curie. That every single invention of importance, from the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, etc. Has been designed by Christians, for Christians.

How does it feel to be worthless and irrelevant?
Knowing because you lack faith, that you will never reach the heights Christendom has


Whites are the least likely to mix, at least in the US.



Communism is mutated political Christianity.

The doctrines of Communism are all taken from the Biblical New Testament and much of the core teachings come from the Biblical book of ACTS.

Thus Communism and it's mass murder of whites is just another example of Christianity murdering white people.

Nice try though Christ cuck.

That's why they hate Christ. Right there. They create nothing. It's jealousy of the creator. That's all.

Thats like saying we hate Gargamel, Sauron, Snape, Lex Luthor, etc.

Realizing yet how stupid you sound cross cretin?

Pic related is the next Isaac Newton because he is a faithful Christian.

Religion is the opium of the people - Karl Marx

Gas yourself

And what was their religion?


I know you Christ queers don't like being exposed to the truth about your Communist Jew cult but here it is.,_to_each_according_to_his_needs

Acts 4:32–35: 32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. 33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. 34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, 35 And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

And another D&C thread by the morons of the cross. Why do you even answer when they need a guide to tell them what argument they should use.

Did you get triggered, you coward? Go back to your hug box. Why are christians so afraid of simple internet debates?

Actually no. It's not like that. Hating God is like hating a construction worker for the sole reason that he is physically creating something that you yourself can't because you haven't mastered his skill.

The sin of envy. Which you fall prey to, because without religious experience, your emotions are petty.

I'll gladly do so, but the Cuckstians are demanded to mix the two at the call of a foreign host. Their very souls are etched with a foreign element, which makes them untrustworthy in all other areas. In confirmation of their intent, they consider conversion the highest priority. Cuckstians will never keep their foreign influence out of politics or race because it is quite literally against their religion.

Amusingly enough closer to the truth than anything in Cuckstianity. Some rare beasts are enlightened in their greed and realize that the best lives to which they can aspire are as the dogs of kings, but Cuckstianity will always be nothing more than a mimetic virus which creates race traitors.

No no no, it was made so that the Roman Empire could be subverted in short order. The tribal infrastructure of Europe was next subverted, and every institution since created has ended up under the control of Semites by way of puppet politicians calling themselves Christcucks and complacent masses chanting the mantras of Yeshua even in atheistic forms.

If you think all that mere coincidence, you are too mad to have your opinion matter for anything.

Where did I say to stop or reduce? We don't NEED to do any of the three. As long as we manage our race traitors so that we can isolate ourselves from outside influence, our society can adapt to whatever sized generations we can produce. Industrious masses work side by side, or a hearty few fulfill their duties. When we don't have race traitors pouring mud down our throats, it doesn't much matter because our racial ethos promotes prosperity. Only in our current rejection of such are we in peril.

Hang the traitors, deport the foreigners, glass the Semites, and the world keeps spinning. That's all there is to it.

What was the claim that you want me to address? An insult against my manhood based on a vague interpretation of an argument you refused to engage with? I refuted that by explaining how you are truly chasing your masters in spirit to make such a post. You can try to make an actual argument any time, but I'm sure it will be just as shitty as your insult. Hopefully your treasonous spirit won't be as see through as your filthy rhetorical style.

Guess I'll save your pathetic return for a nice appetizer to breakfast. Serve me up something salty you cuck.

Spinoza, Albert Einstein, and Niels Bohr were Jewish, while Edward Teller, J. Robert Oppenheimer, John von Neumann, and Richard Feynman were atheists (or agnostics) of Jewish decent.
They are just the tip of the iceberg. I haven't ventured into chemistry or pure maths either yet.


Hitler and National Socialism are Christian

Read the parable of the talents please.

Of course according to Gods divine justice everyone gets what he deserves, that's the point. Rather the reward is in Heaven instead of on this earth, like the Marxists keep on promising waiving bait in front of your nose, be it workers rights, sexual liberation, progressive taxes.

People without philosophical training like to take these verses out of context. Marx, himself a philosopher, fortunately did not do this.

You really can't blame any intelligent white person for not following your Jew cult.

The premise is essentially an abusive relationship.


Psychopath boyfriend: Listen (insert girl name here) if you don't love me, constantly bow down and kiss my ass and worship the ground that I walk on I will beat the shit out of you for the rest of your sorry life.

Jesus Christ: Listen my son/daughter if you don't love me, constantly bow down and kiss my ass and worship me and the ground that I walk on I will torture you forever in a place called Hell that I literally created for torturing people forever in who would not worship me.

Yeah both scenarios are essentially based on an implied threat.

Not exactly scenarios where true love and a true choice can be made.

I strongly believe most Christ cucks (you) in this very thread are operating under fear and thats why you can't give up the cuck cult.

You're all too afraid that if you "don't mind" Jesus is going to roast your little asses in his eternal mossad Jew torture chamber.

I sympathize with you guys in a way but at the same time this fear is a product of your weak minds.

Ok pal, name a bunch of nonwhite christian scientists.

Go one, I'll wait.


And what was their race? What were their goals? Were they working to benefit Christianity?


Nice meme retard, you sound like those leftist faggots demanding christians to bow down to them "cuz de bibel say so".

Loving your enemy means to give them a chance and try setting them into the rigt path (so they are not your enemies anymore), nowhere it is stated that you should just bend over and let your enemies roll over you, now go read a bible nigger, if you want to critiscize something at least understand it instead of pointing at false christians and borrowing talking points from youtube comments.


Brothers, these fools don't realize that Religion, dogma, is what gives a man his backbone.
It is what compels him to build wonders like the pyramids or put a man on the moon.
It is the sap from which a man derives his strength in times of need and temperance in times of peace.

These posters have neither. They are the lost souls, the fools who think they know better than god. Either that, or because of the mask of anonymity, are perhaps members of other religions and envy Christianity.

Am doubting your an atheist.
Are you a butthurt Islamist?
Perhaps maybe, a Christ-hating jew?

If Hitler was here, to hear this blasphemy and stupidity, he would probably place half of these fools head first in a camp.

Oh we're not against religion.

Well not all of us anyway.

We're simply opposed to all things/ideologies that are Jewish in origin and nature which your Christ cult 1000% is.

Want to worship god? Get a new cult/god to believe in thats not Jewish in origin.

Problem solved.

Well it would be if so many of you weren't afraid of going to Jew Hell for abandoning "King Jesus" that is lmfao.

Your shitposting is weak.


Sorry for being late to the show but I just wanted to say:

That is one of the oldest jokes ever. Paraphrased rather well by George Carlin saying that God will roast you for all eternity in hell if you don't do what he says… But he loves you.

With even a nominal knowledge of scripture you would know how easy repentance is, and what hell truly is.

Not a place of misery exactly, but rather a place where those who rejected God, even in their final moments, are kept from knowing what it is they have truly lost.

Sending a soul to hell is the last act of mercy God can bestow on a creature with a mind and volition of its own.

You've probably seen a few Jeroen Bosch paintings and that informed your image of hell and you went: 'phuahw'. That's assuming you're even cultured.

Hell, kike on a stick isn't even correct. Hadrian was king of the Britains, therefore Hadrian was a Brit.

If you admit that you are forced to admit that christianity is against white interests.

Constantine The first Christian Emperor managed to lost the cities evenue from local taxes, and under Constantius II their endowments of property. They were the first 2 Christian Emperors and they fucked up the economy like no emperors did before in less than 60 years.

He Also then decided to separates civil and military authority. Fracturing the Government and unity of rome .

And how to forget the great job CharleMagne did in favor of the jews. pic related

why did you all take the bait?

Yet another Religion DnC. As much as I want Deus Vult, Christianity is cucked.

The man at the left of your post was a freemason traitor.

The middle of your shit post doesn't prove anything other than that Hitler was a man of contradictions oh like most of us and most of humanity as well for that matter (as my image here makes clear).

Lastly your image to the right doesn't prove anything either…well it could prove that men during the eras they lived in had to pay lip service to Christ insanity the Jew cult or face very dire consequences at the time so their supposed profession of "faith" doesn't mean all that much in a "valid" sense.

I mean if someone put a gun to your head and ordered you to profess vigorously that you were Bert from Sesame Street I'm quite certain you wouldn't object to that at the very real possibility of having what passes for brains in that head of yours splattering against the nearest wall or even Oscar the Grouch's garbage can for that matter.

No, they haven't shill. Considering it says that Christians are Israel, not kikes.

Sage for yet another DnC thread

Thank you, fellow brother.
I was looking for that exact picture, the one with all those Scientists professing their love for Christ.

I'm already regreting responding to this garbage

Yeah you should, kikes have been subverting it since luther's times, so why would you place any faith in men?
It's not like adhering to false christianity instead of the word makes them anything but false christians right?
you mean like pic related?
Keep handing more proof you dipshits just talk out of your ass though.
No, read the fucking bible you illiterate piece of shit

Stop it

So called "science" has been politicized for as long as science has existed.

In earlier times you'd likely be murdered or imprisoned or socially ostracized for being a scientist that was openly not a Christ cuck.

Just like in todays world you can't be a scientist that tells the truth about niggers, jews and race or you're liable to find yourself floating down some river declared a "suicide" by the Jew's news.

Same shit, different era, etc.

Freech plz…

No, it's because science and philosophy were fostered by monks, who were essentially the Holla Forums NEETS of their time, retard.

I am not saying all Christians are White but that all Whites are Christian.

LOL, you grasping try hard Christ cuck.

Christ cucks responsible for science's creation? Oh my sides!

There's been no greater enemy of scientific progress than the Christ cuck Jew church.

What does "Deus" mean in Hebrew?

No it's insulting hypocrisy. It's no different to us calling out how leftists don't actually care about blacks because all their policies hurt blacks the most; It doesn't mean that WE somehow like blacks, it means that we're honest about not caring about niggers.

Atheists like to feel superior by insulting everyone who believes in a god when they themselves believe in a god and don't realize it. In the same way that lefties insult anyone who doesn't care about blacks while forgetting that they don't give a fuck about black lives.


top fucking kek, ever heard of the Big Bang Theory? It was hypothesized by a Christian. Lel what a retard. Don't you have some Sanic to play? Better yet commit sudoku with your katana.


But their not your enemies, did you not read the bible? we are all one blood.

Acts 17:26 No! he declares that "God has made of one blood all nations." There is no difference. The nature, the needs, the obligation to God of all human beings on the globe are one and the same.

LOL, typical Holla Forums tard trying to win an argument.

Toppest of top keks to you little cretin.

It proves that your argument was utter shit.

What a fucking surprise, It's like the tale of the devil offering jesus dominion over the earth in exchange of renouncing god is a parallel to real human behavior and the moral of the story is to tell tempters to fuck off.
Clearly religion is at fault here.
So you mean the people that refused to translate the bible and prohibited plebs from reading it used religion as a front to fuck with them? god damn better become a secular hellhole cuz religion is for cucks.


Yeah, make your freech even more apparent, goon.

Quads of truth. Reddit BTFO

Nice try at shifting the goalpost from your stupidity and blatant shilling. You lost already jidf, and I'm sure you were really pretending to be retarded next right? :^)

Exactly. So nuke Mekka and send in the missionairies.

Really, that's what was meant.

You seem to think only Semitic cults can be Religions

Dont be mean to him, he is a funny one. He still doesnt realize he fits the meme perfectly.

This, the church was cucked and instead of removing cucks, retards are allowing cucks to define the church.


Reported for spamming.

Nah, little homie you got it twisted.

I'm a National Socialist with pagan European sympathies.

Whereas you…?

Well YOU are a Holla Forums tard which essentially means you're a kosher conservative Jew Jesus lover that doesn't understand anything but thinks he's the world expert on EVERYTHING.

Oh you Holla Forums tards DO crack me up with your Trump + Jew Jesus worship.

Typical shill tactics. Read up on your cointelpro if there's any newfags in this thread. Shills will shift back and forth between being "anti-white Christians" and "anti-Christian purists" in order to create d&c

Do you realize we are different people?

Seriously, you're retarded m8, go back to home base and tell your buddies how you totally owned Holla Forums and didn't get BTFO at all

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

> typical Holla Forums tard

bravo, another D&C slide thread that everyone always falls for. just focus to remove kebab from white nations and the rest will beg for forgiveness. their time will come soon enough

Stop posting without sage

There's no "home base" and even if there was I wouldn't need to "report" to anyone as I don't suffer the same ego problems you clowns here do where you need re-assurance for everything in your lives.

Thats part of the reason why you cling to your imaginary kike.

You need an invisible Jewish friend to even make it through the day and feel special apparently.


there are also Wahhabi sunnis, and Salafist sunnis.

They are missing there in the diagram.

Why sage? Thread premise is good. If we allow DnC kikes to slide it they win.

Same Sunni shit.

We all have the same needs and we all have the same obligation to god, or Is there something I don't know about other human subespecies? Do whites need to breath meth every now and then to survive or something?

Here, let me post more scripture telling us we are all subjected to the law of god regardless of creed, to trigger your illiterate ass into obvlivion thinking it's about miscegenation.

Is that why you're posting on a board that you don't belong to in order to fight on the internet, cause you're really reassured of yourself right? Kek.

Better post more laughing pepes like you're not sweating right now in your kike office while your boss sees that you fucked up, jidf.

Hey, cool song.

Just wondering… can you copypaste this?

Yahnvee abandoned the Jews back in 160AD.

See this my friend, there's nobody taking you seriously

I post here because I get a thrill out of tearing your simple minded Christian Jew cult bullshit to shreds.

You guys are no challenge whatsoever and quite often the pagans here are outnumbered so I help out when I can.

If just one of you Christ tard idiots can be turned away from sucking Jew dick on your knees for the rest of your lives then my posts are worth it.

Yes but can you type "Yahnvee abandoned the Jews back in 160AD."?

True, the premise itself is good. How can we de-Jewify mainstream Christianity after it was utterly subverted in the 1960s save for non-mainstream certain regional congregations and some small denominations? Somehow get people to actually read their Bibles that they supposedly have and see all the damning verses about kikes in it would be a good start.

Please nigger, your goal to ensure DnC continues, nothing more, nothing less. If you wanted to help "Christcucks" see the light, then you would show them what their own book says about kikes.



Its about Universalism. if you had a proper education instead of just sunday school you woudnt look like a clown everytime you post in a political board.

Universalism and Religious Universalism: claims that theological,philosophical concepts and principles can be applied in a universal way regardless of culture or race.

This Philosophy leads us to agressive internationalism and evangelization campaigns in africa and asia.

Also Universalism is the base of Egalitarianism and Liberalism and most inclusive values that are promoted in today society.

Islam enables the mudslime to cooperate across borders for a greater purpose, Allah. When Europe fought back against Islam, they did so in the name of the cross. Ethnic paganism or using ones' ethnicity to bind is not the answer to unite us to fight this menace vanguard to vanguard.

We're overdue for a revival. Look at what the church in Poland is doing and take notes. All it takes is a charismatic firebrand to kick something off.


Fuck off, Common Shillth. Have another tamale, wetback.

Again, I have to laugh. You christians have turned hypocrisy into a sport. You people come to Holla Forums to jerk off to anime porn, then shout "degenerate, degenerate!" at everyone.

What a stupid thing to say. Fine, I will play along. If science is a "god", then why are you on the internet? Throw your computer out the window, christian. Become a luddite and reject the atheist "god" or science and technology. Be Amish and shit in the woods. Do it. Do it now.


The Jew book is only useful for keeping whites enslaved to the Jew cult Cuckstianity.

Whites are better served by tossing that Jew rag in the trash and investigating their pagan European past.

Discovering what the Jews and early Christ cuck white traitors like Charlemagne did to our race should be more than enough to inspire revolutionary rage and mental change for the better in any white person out there and get those same white person's to leave the Jew cult Christ insanity behind out of a pure disgust at having been so deceived all of their lives by it's fictitious Jew narrative.

Well thats what would happen if whites were a mentally healthy race anyway.

Since we've been so Jew mindfucked by the cult, by Jewish television, Jew toxins in the food and water and a thousand other ways I'm sure we don't even know about todays whites ie you tards on Holla Forums are largely effeminate sissies, contrarians with your heads in the clouds filled with other fantasies about life and reality that are almost as dangerous as your Christ the Jew fantasies.

You generation of lost weak effeminate clueless beta males are prone to arguing endlessly over this that or the other thing or useless Jew doctrinal informational tidbit rather than simply giving up your Jew cult security blanket and accepting the plain and simple truth that your Jew cult is a lie and moving on like men from there.

You Christ cucks on Holla Forums are like the Jews over in Israel who bob their heads rocking back and forth towards eachother arguing over Jew bullshit scriptures endlessly which is the entire point for the Jews having invented those scriptures to begin with ie so they could lay around while others did the work for them while they endlessly argue about nothing/bullshit, etc.

Same with Christ tards on Holla Forums.

We're trapped having to argue with you idiots because you're not strong enough to overcome your Jew brainwashing.


The kikes hate Jesus enough to have murdered him and spend the next 2000 years getting their shit pushed in by Christians. That trend really didn't end until they used Scofield and that bullshit kike influenced/edited reference Bible. That's when the Jews really started subverting many US churches.

Murder followed by 2000 years of oy veying, lying, infiltration, usury, and subversion. Whatever Jesus did to piss them off that hard seems to me to be breddy gud.

Is there anyone else that has assblasted the kikes that hard I should know about? If not, fuck off with your LARPagan D&C shit, Rabbi Thor.

The only sources on what pagans did are either Christian or Roman propaganda, dumbfuck

What's the matter, Chaim? Wasn't "cucstianity" cucked enough already?

That's heresy, user.

You're self-hating, user.



Jesus was an Israelite; not a Judean Satan worshiper.

==Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.== –Jesus Christ on the Kikels