Can we have an OC, ms paint, gifs, webms, Holla Forums bantz thread? Laughter is important in these dire times.
Can we have an OC, ms paint, gifs, webms, Holla Forums bantz thread? Laughter is important in these dire times
Other urls found in this thread:
I made a trump
r8 pls
we cant all be artists.
at least you tried
Brand new fresh moonman album from another thread:
yeah im a special snowflake and you're a mad nigger. stay mad stay shook
if you have a problem with my posts you should just turn off your computer and go outside. get some fresh air. eat some fruit or something.
The times don't look so dire to me tbh fam
Unhappy with how this turned out but posting it anyway.
You sicko
Is posting MAGA hat edits with anime characters ok in this thread?
This is now a smug fruits & veggies thread.
Laughter is for the weak.
Do you think Hitler stopped to laugh before 1938?
Anyway, here's Bob Dole with his secret painting.
R8, h8, masturb8.
Made this smuggie the other day.
Noice. This is actually really high quality. I love it.
oh baby this is my favorite kind of thread
webm related.
Post moar smug bananas :^)
wut du fug?!!?!?!?
Any suggestions for good images to use?
I let the program take a full day each to render the images.
here jew go
save this mp4 and do this with VLC to see the secret pepe
VLC > Tools > Effects and Filters > Video Effects > "Colors" Tab > check "Negative Image"
1. save this webm
2. open in VLC
3. VLC > Tools > Effects and Filters > Video Effects > "Colors" Tab > check "Negative Image"
enjoy the SECRET PEPE
OC fresh out of the oven 4u
the light gradient in GIMP is absolute dogshit tbh