This reeks of the Clintons. How long before the driver kills himself by jumping out his window?
This reeks of the Clintons. How long before the driver kills himself by jumping out his window?
Other urls found in this thread:
MK Ultra?
CIA more likely
Has the other driver been identified?
Russian police not talking about it yet. They're investigating, but I suspect they want to keep things under wraps for now
You can fucking bet the Russians will do their up-most to revive him long enough so he cough out who put him up to it even if he dies screaming in the process…
They are probably gonna blame it on Chechens.
Probably Soros, tbhfam.
Is that a military truck stopped at the end? They got there quick.
Holy fuck this was a blatant hit, the car crossed from way over to smash into him
Oh for sure, I'm just worried about how long before Soros/Clinton/CIA can make him suicide.
Oh shit Putin's gonna rip that guy another asshole
That's what I was thinking.
I am sure the SOG can do better than this shitty suicide car crash.
He might personally handle the interrogation, since the Chauffeur was apparently his favorite.
I bet he will die from "his injuries" at the hospital.
I'm willing to bet that if this was an assassination attempt, someone remotely controlled that Mercedes and veered it into Putin's car.
Aren't like Putin's cars heavily armored or something?
Also a presidential car would never move alone on public roads, not without a huge fuckton of security
If they knew what Putin's official car was and where it was located, they must have had some inside info. It doesn't really stand out. But then, how did they not know that Putin wasn't inside?
Was this a threat? Or just a botched job?
Either way, the globalists are pushing hard for WW3.
Islam is basically MK ULTRA lite, perhaps they got a muzzie to ak-bk-car, and he thought he would die?
Question is how did they not do it when Putin was there… which makes me think hes using body doubles… a smart move that Saddam also used.
Video related.
Just a reminder. Michael Hastings was driving a Mercedes C250 when he drove himself full speed into a tree.
Thank you for correcting the record my brew friend.
Ya good point, hes got to have something at least remotely like US motorcade, a cop car should have stopped the dude. Could very well be just a hit on the chaffeur himself if he was indeed a "favorite".
The word is utmost user, utmost.
Knowing the official car and who is inside are totally separate levels of inside information. A foreign government may have seen an opportunity with Putin's BMW and a hackable car heading its way.
Record: corrected
Is he still there? I expect that has already wrapped up.
There was only the driver in it. They had no reason to fear an action.
If it is an assassination attempt, it is so badly prepared it can only be ISIS.
Al Quaida would have made our bombs detonate at the same time so a bridge/tunnel would fall on the car.
The CIA would have fired an anti tank missile at the car.
Even the Chechen would have send a commando at the Kremlin.
This is pathetic.
Reported for shitposting.
Holy shit, they tried to off the King of Jews.
There's a story floating around that apparently the car didn't have a driver, but I couldn't find any corroborating stories.
Could be a threat, could be a mistake.
Which would be absent from the report for obvious reason.
Paulbots are the worst.
Wouldn't matter in the case of an override, like the Hastings case.
Now observe as this post count remains at >(1).
requesting webm
inb4 autists copy and paste their same responses when they are proven wrong
fuck off you newfags
Eat some beetroot, Ivan
Maybe it was an accident :^)
I miss 9b8fae already… ;_;
what are you sliding this time?
Remember: When a thread gets shilled, we're on to something
nice trips tho
Trips of truth
could be a message to putin. is he being a bad goy?
Who thought that they could easily kill a former high level KGB agent?
They aren't easy to kill.
Wow nice meme ahmed
I heard that if act retarded and shitpost disinfo and people call you out on it you just say "you're a shill" or"Record corrected" and that means that you automatically are correct!
Kill yourself newfag, you're trying too hard to fit in, back to 4cuck/plebbit you go
seems about right
What the fuck, I hate Putin now
Which car is which? Is Putin's car the one that ends up parallel to the road?
Yesterday someone posted a video of some US official saying he recommends going after Putins personal friends. Unfortunately I can't remember the name.
No one because Putin was on public state visits in asia and that car magically knew exactly which car out of thousands that it passed which one to swerve into
This implies that the assassins must have the intelligence to find where exactly the official car is at the exact time but also be stupid enough to not check the news
Nigger I'm right here.
There is a bad moon on the rise my friends
This could have been for intimidation
Didn't think of this. Maybe trying to send a message by killing Putin's friends?
three bad quality screenshots of a crashed vehicle are distressing?
fucking pussy generation
The presidential car was driving normally and another car crossed the middle line to hit it.
You think in case Putin dies an automatic launch of nukes is done? If so, who is the target?
Relax, comrade. Relax. You are not yet in pain. That will come later. For now, I want you to simply know that there is nobody coming to save you. Nobody coming to bail you out of your restraints. Nobody of consequence that even knows where this room is located.
I will leave you alone to your thoughts for awhile. Choose wisely how much you wish to suffer. And know that you.. will suffer.
Holy shit belligerent USA warmongers just tried to kill Putin
what in the hell is wrong with them
WWIII confirmed?
Last bump for now until more substantial info comes.
Russian officials have identified the suspect as a lone wolf named "Samonof Hedeon".
(((lone wolf)))
I don't get it.
It looks like a funny joke.
This almost deserves sticky. Obvious assassination attempt
He was working alone and lived alone and had no family and was a lone wolf and became radicalized alone from the eight channel alone.
sam hyde? not getting it
Not to be the Jew in the room, but it kind of looks like an accident to me.
It doesn't look like the car's wheels are even touching the pavement before it hits Putin's car.
If this was an assassination attempt it would require a lot of planning, timing and luck for Putin's car to be on the dividing lane, and with the amount of work they would have to put into it, it would be hard to believe they would at least use an SUV.
If it was intentional it would have to be a spur of the moment thing, they would havd to have seen the diplomatic plates and swereved for it, but even seeing the diplomatic plates from that distance would be a feat.
That's what stinks. It's got to be A an intimidation attempt or B a false flag by Glorious Leader East.
lone wolf is code for CIA operative , it implies it wasn't an accident
Sniggered at
Ah, you got it.
Do you even meme?
Fuck off shill
Record: Correct
Fuck off shill, 30 seconds of video where it is unclear what is going on and OP's clear slide thread shitpost should be enough to convince you
The idea is to give different information to different people and see what happens.
Then you can find out who the mole is.
CIA get eyes on Putin gate, confirms car is leaving gate , tracks in , hits it . They didn't know he wasn't inside, windows tinted
This makes the most sense.
As an other user pointed out, orchastrating such a thing would be tricky.
So this is either total fucking (((Conincidence))) or it was done by people who know what they were doing and wanted to hit a putin-less car.
Wanna go bowling?
Putin wasn't the head of the KGB.
He was the head of the FSB for only a brief period of time.
Post yfw Putin starts using a tank for transport.
I can see why they don't have exp
Except Putin is on a state visit to the G20 summit and going to Uzbekistan to attend a state funeral
How was this an assassination attempt? Putin isn't even in Russia at the moment.
user please I'm trying to look like I know things
What's the difference ;_;
He was on an official trip in Asia, it's all over the news in Russia.
The CIA proved they are not exactly skilled, but at least they would have noticed the escort was not here.
even a toddler could assasinate putin like that
FSB feed information that Putin has come back to Russia secretly.
For this reason he has minimal security.
This triggers assassination attempt.
Through this FBS identify likely source of leaks
Well then the driver did something wrong or knew too much.
Maybe they are killing his driver so he's replaced with a good goy
all possibilities
For what reason is he going to bury Uzbekistan?
Uzbek dictator died
Okay so the driver magically knew that specific BMW out of the hundreds on the road was precisely Putin's?
If there was some identifiable state seal then this would have credence.
kebab remover leader who died after 25 years
killed kebabs spreading radical islam from neighboring Afghanistan
Is that your hypothesis or a rumor? If the later please provide sauce.
Why didn't he opt for a more discrete way of removing a favorite driver that has fallen out of favor.
If they wanted to kill the chauffeur, he would have died of "natural cause", from an heath attack or he would have been found hanging to a rope.
Sounds pretty based for a turkroach.
Just because you couldn't do it doesn't mean an intelligence agency couldn't coordinate it.
on a fucking ear piece ever think of that hotshot?
No seriously (((guys))), thanks for correcting the record :^)
Uh guys, this kind of shit happens frequently. It would be great fun to have this turn out to be an assassination attempt, but this also could be just russian driving at its finest with a touch of vodka. Let's wait for more info to come out before screaming "OMG ITS HABBENING!!!!!11!1!oneeleven"
Most likely situation based on the info we have right now seems to be just shitty driving and people died. Cool your dicks for a second and let info come out. If it was indeed a shitty attempt at assassination then the Kremlin will say so.
Maybe he didn't have something on Putin, maybe he knew something regarding American interests overseas. Or maybe Putin talked about the emails he got from the DNC leak while in the car with him.
You would make a shit hitman.
Just a hypothesis of what i think likely.
because this can also be spun in arbitrary ways
i mean they will spin it
it's too good a gift to let it spoil
What else is there?
1. Pants on head assassination attempt
2. Directed kill of Putins friend
3. Real no shit accident
If it happened to him, it could happen to Putin
taken hostage in Russia would really suck
you are pretty much guaranteed to die one way or another
Yeah I'm sure good hitmen would knowingly die with all their technology and such linking them to who they were working with
This way, not many Russians are taken as hostages.
A throw away telephone to a throw away telephone.
He did not even have the decency to stuff it up with TNT.
Don't be fucking stupid Russia's greatest weapon is it's internets.
yeah that's how things work, instead of letting a driver retire or something you have to kill him
whoever ordered the assassination will suffer many moons of extreme paranoia
Nitro would be a better choice here.
Just sounds like a standard day in Russia tbh.
This image also makes being taken hostage in Serbia look awesome.
They probably knew the route the car usually takes, but did not know the right schedule of Putin so they just assumed if they saw car he was in it.
Being on official trip doesn't necessarily mean being on official trip. There are doubles, pre-recordings, and other ways to mislead.
Someone could have detected his car without protection, and decided to give it a try.
old "sweaty" dynamite > nitro
You suck at this too. They have a spotter car near it, talking to the crasher car.
Hey Moshe, whatcha tryin to slide?
No, Putin's chauffeur in Putin's car being killed at a time when everyone knows the USA wants regime change in Russia doesn't happen everyday
Most like general secretary.
He likes the USSR more than the Russian Empire fam
How does that change what I said? They knew the route the car usually takes, but they did not know his schedule.
I wanted to talk shit.
And it's only a partial solution as it doesn't explain how the cars intercepted.
When you are going to crash your car on something and want to make it big, nitro is the way.
you don't get
the part of putin not being in russia is
Never say never, user.
Some dreams do come true.
they're shit
Your shit you little cunt.
Technologically speaking USSR was way more badass than Romanov's Serfistan.
Imagine the myriads of ways he can use soviet tech for his "policies".
This looks more like a message to Putin, but definitely not a coincidence.
protip: putin was probably inside the vehicle at the time.
brotip: the russians know about intelligence.
Yeah, that's about right.
Damn man.
That took me way back.
Russian Empire was rapidly industrializing but the commies retarded and destroyed its growth.
All commie era industry was built around inefficient arms production and mining.
bump against sagefags
I guess the group with the least known about them is the best special forces?
My weren't trying to kill Putin, they are sending him a message. That they can take him out if they want to. So get in line.
Canadian special forces, it's almost impossible to find info about them to the point almost all Canadians aren't aware of their existence
Cancuckada can't into military relevance, because nobody cares about them
That a real cancerous image user.
They're like Delta Force with more snowmobiles.
They are so badass they don't even need to move out of bed to solve hostage situations.
Good, enjoy it then.
carry on
Whoever is behind this fucked up yuge.
Fuck off redditor
that doesn't mean it's true
or that a group fed adequate counterintelligence believes it
Russians are good like this. They accomplish what they set their minds to. Something our government rarely does.
My question is this. Putin is quite publically not in Russia right now and, if he was in that car, it would have been with a large motorcade. The driver was obviously moving the car to wherever Putin was going to land coming back.
Another thing that gets me is how relatively fragile a presidential car is. The Us presidential caddy is a fucking tank, quite literally.
Forgot my question :^)
Knowing all that, isn't this not an assassination attempt more likely just a warning?
This can't be a presidential car, it's too small and fragile, not to mention it lacks security vehicles guarding it watchfully.
It's probably some minor auxiliary vehicle belonging to the Russian government.
So wait, wouldn't that suggest that the driver himself was the target?
Most likely
If the driver was particularly a Putin's favorite like it's speculated then it could be a warning sign to Putin
This seems like the case.
Killery is hellbent on starting WWIII officially it seems. God help us all.
But with some sort of agent so dedicated as to do it with a suicide collision?
Something about that doesn't add up.
honestly it could just be a slav drunk off his ass and a
No, this reeks of the central banks.
a foldaway area to put the laptop on if needed, not desktop as in desktop computer.
I wish McArthy was alive so you wouldn't have to be.
Damn it
This board is becoming /x/-tier.
Presidents routinely have decoy vehicles traveling along alternate routes than what they really intend to take, sometimes even with lookalikes standing in for them.
They put out some misinformation, the assailants see the car they were expecting, they blow their wad, & the real Putin is miles away, taking a completely different route.
It's done all the time, the American president does it too.
Actually, the car exploded before hitting the tree.
maybe a hacked-in normal car, Michael Hastings style
intel services probably have constant updates on the position of all the modern drone-able cars in the world, and probably the means to take control of any one they want
and if the owner is an uninteresting normie or a not-an-asset, he or his remains will take most of the official blame
rt.com or their live broadcast hasn't mentioned anything of this sort yet.
I guess that's possible if there's some sort of drive-by-wire mechanism like electronic power steering
You do have a point, who knows what will come out of the investigation.
yup, you can see the sparks on the pizza shop vid. then of course the column of flame immediately post crash is pretty damning as well.
It could have been just to scare him…
I thought Putin was in china?
Me thinks its time to ditch modern cars.
Apparenlty the CIA didn't get the memo.
Not to mention the engine block landed 200 feet behind the vehicle.
When was the last time you saw an engine block rip itself out of a car just hitting a tree, at ANY speed?
They couldn't Hitler him, so now they're trying to JFK him
I hope this isn't a trap and whoever Russia goes after isn't bait so America can cry "EVIL RUSSIA" some more.
He might not even know who directly he is working for, or is confused/brainwashed
Some coordination was required to pull this off. The car had to be tagged and followed. The other car, traveling at a high rate of speed, had to be steered rather accurately to impact Putin's bimmer just right. The timing had to be just right. No 'lone gunman' could have done that.
Unlike Hillary, I seriously doubt that Putin will be blaming this one on an underground insurgence of anime-loving Nazi frogs. Instead, this was probably (((someone's))) attempt to further entice Putin into waging war, if they can get the US to declare it.
Cui bono? (((Soros))).
Putin is way, way too smart to fall for false flag bait. Just look at Turkey shooting down that Russian jet a few months ago.
I would chalk this up to shitty, drunken drivers (see YouTube for copious examples) before jumping to conclusions.
Just looked at the video. There were 14 lanes of traffic moving at medium to high speeds, NO FUCKING MEDIAN OR DIVIDER, and the collision was between adjacent but opposite lanes of travel. Chalk this up to massively retarded civil engineering and equally retarded Russian drivers.
inb4 (((soros)))'s jet dies in collision with something russian looking on radar like… a lada?
at last, 2016, year of the flying cars
fire monkey, u so crazy
get fucked narcissist faggot nigger attentionwhore
I wanna see that.
Kek wants to see that too
daily reminder that cash for clunkers was a jewish plot to raise the price of used cars and force young people to take out even more loans to buy a 14k used car that literally cost 2k right before cash for clunkers started
Dwyer Hill Road
Holy shit. You part of the Canadian military or did you just dig a bit further than I lazily did?
bump boi's
poor kitty
Thanks for Correcting The Record[TM]
Wow we have a lot of kikes on here
Kill yourself kike
WW3 soon
They're seriously not paying you guys enough to learn how to fit in.
I do not know, maybe it is completely impossible for somebody to develop extreme speed using the safety delimiting line in USA but in Russia IT ISN'T.
t. Moscow citizen
oh yes maybe he gets how retarded the OP is!..
ended up being a retard himself.
Kek definitely wants to see that.
Driver was identified as one S. Hyde.
Was he in China the hour this occured? Proof or shut up!
G-20 was on 4-5 sept. This happened on 6th or am I wrong?
No problem, Putin will just introduce the conspirators to delicious Polonium Tea.
Irl no worky like that
So is this the thread that's trying to be slid.
The shills suddenly sprang up instantly tonight over something. So Holla Forums must be on the right track.
I don't know for sure, but I'd think that the CIA doesn't normally do kamikaze missions. If it's anyone, it's ISIS, Al Qaida, or some other variant of sand-nigger.
Israeli jets attack Syrian government positions in Golan Heights
Israeli think tank: Don’t destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria
The jews are attacking Syria because apparently a ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((STRAY MORTAR))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) landed in their territory.
It was a threat, after 2 days of the attack they managed to get Erdogan to cuck for them. But everything is still in the air.
This is was (((they))) are pushing.
5 Hours ago in the Daily Sabbah
I thought that cars can't explode from a fueltank fire?
it's not against simple fueltank fire, it's against a hit by a projectile that would rupture the fuel tank and cause a projection of fuel in a flamable cloud
the whole tank is filled by an open-cells spongy foam that occupies about 1% of its volume and that would prevent most of the fuel from vaporizing under impact
tbh i'm never getting a car
i've seen my mother nearly killing us in hers way too many times
as long as my legs work, i'm gonna walk wherever i have to, or in the worst case scenario take a bus/taxi. at least then i won't be responcible if we crash into anyone
ho boy I bet he wishes he didn't
For this to happen consipiracy should hold the slightest argument. This one does not.
Putin is a dictator and has unprecedented security. When he is carried in a car in public streets he is escorted with tens cars and EVERY transport is blocked including ambulance - for at least 10 minutes before and after. When he passes the estacade the lower road is blocked COMPLETELY - for at least 10 minutes before and after. And this happened for long already, not for last days.
Holla Forums is unbearable in their ignorance.
And yes, Putin IS related to the polonium murder in London if you meant to joke about it.
turkey coup wasn't zog you idiot
Ditched my car a long time ago due the fact i travel relatively short (walk/bike) distances
in my day to day life. (Say; 5 to 10 miles max)
If i need one; i alway's can borrow one from relatives.
Saves a fuckton of money, and its way healthier.
It helps that i am in a bike-friendly country though, combined with a mild climate makes
it's a non-issue whatsoever in all seasons.
Do not forget that modern cars are easily hackable.
This was a sign that at any point you drive by a car with wifi/satellite communication (for maintenance and updates) it could magically drive into you. It would look like a mistake done by the driver.
But who can even proof otherwise.
No questions asked.
This was a sign, that they don't even need agents or hitmen.
You know that HOW, faggot?
That's big guess
Even a shred of proof of that? Link related has a whole bunch of head on collisions, go figure in a country where 99% of the population is drunk all the time.
This is what kills me about you larping halfwits: you're totally "open minded" when it comes to conspiracy except when there's actual proof. Building 7? Kennedy assassination? Michael Hastings murdered? Haha tinfoil gtfo xD UFOs? Sekrit alluminati plot to disrupt a chinese cartoon website? bros seriously bros there's something to this bros seriously. You're exactly what makes Holla Forums the most self unaware shitposting board in the history of the internet.
It would be near impossible to "stage" a head-on collision from opposing trafffic on a highway. Impossible to track the target vehicle, impossible to tell that while reversed, you won't get killed before hitting said target, etc.
People who believe this was an assassination attempt are pretty ignorant to jump on whatever train they can.
Sorry but wiping out proof is first thing for an assassin.
Should he leave proof behind, another unrelated assassin is sent to kill the first one to avoid him spilling the beans.
Assassins have to be good not only in killing, but in a way that leaves the less proof possible.
It's a reasonable chance there was assassination attempt on Putin
fuck off shill
Go learn the difference between a killer and an assassin
The most sucessful assassination is the one who can pass as a "mere accident"
It was
followed by
double dubs
Kek wills it
Will you be so smug when the noose drops over your head?
Can't handle the bantz, eh? Okay then how about this: question
Last month there were three "Hillary body count" threads, were you lot in any of them? I doubt it since none of them got close to 250 replies. In that case you had a guy, Seth Rich, unquestionably murdered who had been in a position to leak the DNC emails and who Julian Assange basically admitted had done so. Then, oops, he happens to get shot in the back multiple times with nothing stolen and just a few months after Assange's lawyer John Jones, oops, just happens to throw himself in front of a train with no suicide note. There were even a few other suspicious and highly convenient to Hillary deaths in between as well, did you make IT'S HAPPENING threads for any of those? Maybe ask the based mods for a sticky like the "Hillary poo poo pants" dank maymay gets? Did you even bother fucking commenting in a thread involving ACTUAL assassination that directly implicated Hillary and the DNC? No, of course not, yet here you and the other dogshit brained kiddies are bumping this thread since yesterday and calling me a shill
Keep running that "alt right" interference for Killary, faggots. Trump will win despite your best efforts.
I've never laughed so hard in my fucking life. This is gold.
I knew he was alive all this time. He was just hiding in russia.
RIP in peace Sweet Prince.Paul Walker.
Being a hired murderer has less effect on Fabric of Reality than Meme Magic and spread of ideas on the Internet.
How does it feel? No matter how much you kill, the world spins as if you never existed, showing the Ant you are in reality.
only the decoy putin.
We are not Alt Right. Hillary is the one boosting Alt Right, it is a boogeyman Crooked Hillary created to divert attention from the fact that people around her keep dying.
No one here asides from shills is against Trump, faggot.
Again; the with the amount of planning that would need to go into this, if it was deliberate, it would be completely asinine for the would-be-assassin to be unaware that Putin wasn't in the country, and to have used a sedan.
Think about that for a second: it was a sedan. It would raise no more suspicion for it to be a van or an SUV, and raise the possibility of success of killing someone in the back of an armored car astronomically.
Dude, car crashes are their plausibly deniable MO.
This will only motivate Putin to mobilise his own assassins then it'll be another round of Spy vs Spy
Fucking idiots
Being a killer is easier than assassin.
They could've sent someone suicidal with a grudge against Putin to assassinate him.
What is the main difference between the CIA and FBI?
They seem to cover the same areas most of the time. I'm certain CIA is used to cover footprints.
This Is Why Putin’s Personal Chauffeur Was Assassinated and His Official Presidential Automobile Totaled
Vladimir Putin’s official car is involved in a head-on crash in Moscow which killed the Russian president’s ‘favourite chauffeur’
It’s not very often that the head of state of a superpower nation is sent such a dramatic and violent message.
That appears to have just happened with the killing of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s favorite chauffeur while he was driving the president’s official automobile.
Putin’s official car involved in horror crash – killing leader’s ‘favourite’ driver
Such an audacious threat to the life of President Putin can only be coordinated by an inside group of foreign secret service agents who have proxies operating within Moscow. Moscow is so large that the agents themselves may have planned and carried out the attack from right inside of the city.
In any event it is quite clear that those who reside at the peak of the pinnacle of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA) power pyramid will stop at nothing to control Russia and its destiny.[1] They know that as long as Putin remains at the helm of the Russian government, there is very little they can do to stealthily usurp the sovereignty of that nation. Nevertheless, they have continued to attempt to chip away at Russian territorial integrity by employing Islamic extremism and ISIS terrorism in countries that are located on the outskirts of the Russian Federation.
The AAA leadership has shown time and again that they are populated by a number of criminally insane psychopaths who will stop at nothing until they have taken back Russia (they owned it once under the rubric of Soviet communism as the USSR). Now the same misguided cabal wants to take ownership again by way of a capitalistic political economy. Through a combination of predatory capitalism, economic sanctions, monetary sabotage, financial terrorism, weather warfare, as well as strategically located unprovoked wars of aggression and jihadi terrorism, they are focused on bringing down the present government.
Is there anything the criminal cabal will not do?
Because of the grave state of the Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS), those who control the underlying control matrix are in an extremely desperate condition. Although they have somehow been successful at artificially propping up the whole House of Cards for decades, there is now a mathematical certainty of a global collapse. There is simply no stopping it.
Given the enormity and profundity of the coming breakdown (economic, financial and social), this misguided crowd is looking to steal everything in sight before anarchy takes over. They know that there is no bigger prize than the Russian Motherland. Even as it shrunk substantially from its previous boundaries delineated by the borders of the old Soviet Union, Russia is still a humongous landmass. From the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Finland, from the Arctic Ocean to the Caspian Sea, Russia is by far the largest country on Earth at over 17 million square km. That’s almost twice as large as Canada, China and the USA.
Much of the Russian Motherland is uninhabited and rich in natural resources. Oil and gas, gold and silver, uranium and coal, diamonds and various precious gems, timber and granite, marine life and other wildlife, are all available in great abundance. Each of these is greatly coveted by the AAA cabal since they have sold most of their natural resource assets off since the very beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Hence, they are making extremely desperate moves in every direction at the present moment, from deepening the Second Great Depression to triggering World War III. Taking out their arch-enemy Vladimir Putin, then, pales in comparison to the vast amount of death and destruction that they have already caused around the world. The ongoing cold phase of WW3 has, in fact, produced pain and suffering on a massive scale. Because the global population is larger than ever, it is fair to say that the planet has never seen so much adversity on every continent.
Putin and his Kremlin team represent the greatest obstacle to the ever-unfolding New World Order agenda. In fact the current round of unlawful economic sanctions by the U.S., Canada, EU member nations and others were instituted in order to target many of the key players in Putin’s inner circle. The cabal’s immediate goal was to soften up as many Putin loyalists as possible thinking that some might leave the Russian establishment. However, they greatly underestimated the determination of the people of Russia to reassert their sovereignty and take back their power from the Western banksters.
This is why the cabal has now gotten much closer to Putin himself with the premeditated car crash. With each passing month the Russian president upstages the AAA leaders, as he just did at the G20 meeting in China. Not only did Putin make Obama look like a foolish child, he has continually won the chess games being played out on the global geopolitical chessboard since he first became prime minister. While Putin plays world-class chess, his Western counterparts look like they are barely playing checkers.
The bottom line here is that the Neocon criminal cabal is always willing to do something very stupid, regardless of the consequences. Few geopolitical analysts truly understand that a cabal of criminally insane psychopaths will only mutually reinforce each other’s psychopathology until they collectively do something really stupid like start WW3, after plunging the entire planetary civilization into an even deeper phase of the 2nd Great Depression … … … unless We the People unite, arrest them, try them by jury on land jurisdiction, and incarcerate them.
that were the brits you moron
fsb does not resort to disgusting methods,that's the us & their lackeys
sage for obvious warning which will only buttfuck the perps
Also the physical law of conversion of momentum (I might've translated that wierdly in English) dictates that the engine block cannot possibly explode on collision backwards
shitposting at 100%
CIA gets stuck with gruntwork while FBI is the ultimate good goyim division in the US. The FBI is what kikes tend to hide behind. The CIA gets stuck with foreign affairs that tend to red pill the fuck out of the average CIA officer. Combine that with the growing tensions between citizen and government here and you have the recipe for an entire branch of government itching for a coup against the FBI.
And only rebel and ISIS positions are anywhere near mortar distance from Israeli positions. Go figure.
>mfw the kikes blow their load too early and it's every first world nation vs Israel with trump and Putin spearheading the entire thing
He'll probably accidentally an IV.
Be careful what you meme for, user
what the fuck am i looking at
We'll give you a hint user, it's a typical Tuesday street scene in LA.
filming for a movie:
Take note of the helicopter in the top left area with a camera. The cameraman saying "3,2,1,". The cars exploding instead of crashing. The taxi still driving after seeing mayhem in front of it.
filming for a movie:
Take note of the helicopter in the top left area with a camera. The cameraman saying "3,2,1,". The cars exploding instead of crashing. The taxi still driving after seeing mayhem in front of it.
As a russian shill i can confirm that you CAN NOT even drive on the same road as the president's caravan (there are some videos of governor's caravan in petersburg). So it was either a "huge failure for the agency" or a "truly drunktard ivan". actually russia is activating its democracy regime, because elections are soon to follow, so no wonders that this may be "pr".
Yet this may be last desperate attempt to use whatever sleeper agents left to remove unnecessary folks. yet that would be useless, who else is to blame if there would be no ebil putin?
Stay safe, folks.
Sure that isn't the other way around?
I thought you'd have the central intelligence at the centre.
If that's the case, the FBI does the gruntwork, not the CIA.
What are you talking about, goy? The driver was just suicidal. Suicide is common. What does that have to do with the Clintons?
KGB was a massive behemoth of organization dissolved at the end of the Soviet Union, and it's main "directorates" split into independent agencies.
FSB was born out of the 2nd directorate (counter intelligence, internal surveillance, federal law enforcement… basically it's the FBI).
Putin when he was in the KGB was in the first directorate I think (as an economical analyst in east Germany) which today is the SVR, (basically the CIA).
There was something like 20 directorates in the KGB, from science and tech, to postal service surveillance, to prison administration.
Think of it as ALL the US federal LEO agencies rolled into one. Which is why it's so stupid to say Putin is evil "he was KGB" when all the coast guards were KGB officers too… The KGB was had millions of employes, with only a handful actually handling spies (be it internal snitches or external "real" spies).
This is possible. The driver may have had no control over what happened. It's an easier coverup than a car with no driver or paying a suicide wrecker.
Jewtin will probably get false flag assassinated to spark of WW3. Another blood sacrifice for jehovah
This is a basic method of identifying an intelligence leak. Due to the compartmentalized nature of intelligence agencies giving different people different information and seeing what gets leaked is the single best way of doing it, and the beauty is the moles have to gamble with their intel.
You gotta admire the beauty of a behemoth organization though. Just imagine the dependability. You have 1 needle and 50 haystacks and no magnet, good luck finding anything in an investigation. It's a jurisdictional nightmare and a Operative Director's wet dream.
"blah blab blah….Such a tragedy….blah blah blah. I know nothing about it. You better ask one of the other directorate leaders."
Lol bitch I don't fucking know.
It's far more likely this, if it was not an accident, was an attempt to intimidate Putin and not kill him.
Putin would only trust a close friend to be his driver. Unless the driver isn't the driver who drives Putin, and was simply someone picked out to transport the car.