Hex is the spammer prove me wrong

hex is the spammer prove me wrong

protip: you can't

pretty sure burden of broof on you tbh

He isnt
Proof because i talked to him on snapchat
He isnt the spammer but he is a spammer tbh

i talked to him on facebook, and he said he is the spammer

hex claims that the last time he spammed an imageboard was over a year ago. There's no proof that it is or is not him.

yea boi

that's not what this user says

i don't think that user would lie

I just talked to that user on Reddit. He said he lied.

Guys guys, I talked to him on Grinder before i sucked his dick 5 minutes ago. He's definitely the spammer.

all me

No tbh

I just talked to him 4chan. It was definitely all him

nt tbh

I am the spammer

Fake tbh

fug u hex then gg


Notice: you have never seen the spammer and Hex at the same time?

Confirmed hex is the spammer

You're right he was nowhere to be seen.

The spam started as soon as he "quit" and wasn't "banned" until after the damage was done

Really makes you activate those almonds

Mother of god you're right user!!

In fact the last spam posted and the first HeX post today were within exactly ten minutes. He obviously killed the campaign posted this alibi and then the queued up posts had a ten minute fade out.
It's too perfect
omgosh he really did it the mad man

I mean hex is a spammer at heart

Explain. How do you know this man's heart?


He showed me on snapchat tbh