Why there are so many /po/cucks here lately trying to shitpost?
Why there are so many /po/cucks here lately trying to shitpost?
You're right, but at least post this on one of those threads or put it in the hotpocket thread. This is just as bad…
They're salty about the Brexit polls.
Why would they be salty? Brexit is looking good right now.
Holla Forumsfriends won't look there
I rather bait them in this thread to express themselves.
Lol, keep telling yourselves that, just like what the Scot nationalists thought
The sewage leaks shit.
because fascism has no political theory so all they can do is shitpost and watch videos of black penises
fascism is a political theory though
It's a coping mechanism that conceals their failures in basic critical thinking. Can't win a debate? Just abuse names and platitudes ad nauseam.
Triggered, faggot?
of course, we feminists get triggered at everything, right?
It is a political theory . . .
ur p. bad at falseflagging
Because it's summer time
It's more of a political assertion, something people do impulsively.
Well technically, flat earth, intelligent design and and the medieval theory with body fluids are theories…
Not in scientific terms, a theory has to be supported by a preponderance of evidence and not be obviously false
Considering those all deal with science, and they do not use te scientific definition of theory, that is incoorrect.
A shitty theory is still a theory. It can be outright dismissed or just becoming outdated, it doesn't change the fact that is it a theory.
reported for being a fun hating faggot
In scientific terms no, that's not true, for something to be a scientific theory it has to hold up to scrutiny
So communism is bullshit then.
Personally I'm not a huge fan of the 'communism is scientific' argument. That doesn't mean it's bullshit. Science is a study of the physical world not philosophy.
why even bother?
depends on what you consider "scrutiny", most of the scrutiny applied to Marxist-Leninist countries had heavy political bias and Marxist economics still applies to several scenarios today quite well even though it is discarded by a heavily biased academia.
I disagree on fascism having no theory, it's just bad theory.
History is written by the victors in the end, which is why I'm glad that Holla Forums and Holla Forums exist.
Because we're on the top bar frequently.
bc you're a faggot
I don't think most of the stirnermeem posters are polyps. The 'hay I'm a diehard degenerate librul leftie cuck but I'm viting trump because he's strong and I suck fat cocks, right my fellow kids?' need to die in a fire though.
saved lol
comism is breddy gud XD
Why you hating on Paper & Origami, nigger?