Reactionaries believing in conspiracies are trying to get gays in their camp by saying the left liberal muricans betrayed them.
The congitive dissonance is strong.
Reactionaries believing in conspiracies are trying to get gays in their camp by saying the left liberal muricans betrayed them.
The congitive dissonance is strong.
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Who does this guy think he is, Enoch Powell? It's youtube, don't talk like you're some freedom fighter. You're right in front of me, you don't have to project and gurn.
Supporting rightwingers isn't goint to stop the right-wing's violent hatred towards gays
In honesty, though, Islam is another religion that brainwashes others and causes organized violence on alerge scale, and should be destroyed
he keeps poking his head out systematically like a fucking peacock, it's annoying
Like any religion, fam.
The funny thing is, that gay people, if we listen to this guy, have a choice between two different executioners.
And right-wingers will argue with that with some bullshit "Live and die for your country, not these sandpeople!"
Why do rightwingers always refer to "the gays".
My gays this our gays that, these gays thus.
It's irkingly condescending in some way.
The most amusing part being that conservative Muslims have more in common with them than not. The main difference is that j00 hate isn't in vogue with neocons. Otherwise they're very ideologically similar.
I'm gay and I despise religious fundies of all kinds, including Islamic, but these fucking inbreds have literally never given a shit about "the gays" in their lives. Does he seriously think that the Dominionists or Ultra-Calvinists wouldn't start lopping off dirty faggot heads if they could? The ISIS jihadis simply got lucky because there was a power vacuum to fill in their dusty little corner of the planet, and al-Qaeda is now being supported by the CIA again for no other reason than because they aren't ISIS.
And frankly, trying to prohibit religion is a textbook example of a fool's errand. It has to be neutered through secularism; if Christianity still had its claws it would be no different than it was 600 years ago. If there was any attempt by government, terrorist groups would grow tenfold, and half of their new recruits would be on our soil.
Of course, you could just stop bombing sandland and hold the Saudis and emirates responsible for funding the spread of terrorist ideology, but who has time for a crazy fucking idea like that? It's not like the Saudi family was involved in 9/11, we know because they literally won't let us say it.
Watson is an alarmist little weasel of a man. He thinks the fascists won't stomp his head in if he licks their boots enough, but he is in for a rude awakening.
PJW is probably worst of the bunch. He's gone from conspiracy truther to social critic and it shows. He loves the idea of cultural marxism because he can think in terms of the elite manipulating the masses and he can see right through the lies. Soros! You wicked, wicked devil!
He's a dangerous idiot.
Faggots don't reproduce user, so of course rightwingers will be condescending to them.
Well that's what our gay agenda propaganda is for, duh, self perpetuation.
I think it's simpler than that. Watson is displaying the same ideological journey that most lolberts take: they come to terms with the fact that they just want the authority for themselves and come to embrace it.
Can you actually explain why transgender people are a sign of cultural decline and why denying them rights would save muh culture?
shhhh it has a spooky soundtrack in the background so it must be true
she's a bernie supporter and describes herself as a libertarian
It's in the I D E O L O G Y
The destruction of western civilization is going to happen either way.
It has begun since the first world war anyway.
Evola's writings can be summarized in three simple words: WE WUZ KANGZ
and like everyone else you forget he was a esoteric and philosopher before anything else. If you go read his book revolt against the modern world you will see he is mostly concerned with the spiritual and transcendental decay of society. "We Wuz Kangs" critique is an attempt to make him into Not Socialist who only cared about the material.
make him into a Not Socialist*
nigger please
It does work, actually. Most white people descend from the peasants being stomped on by the monarchs, not royal blood.
Care to point out a single example, preferably in recent years, where white Christian Americans actually went and killed dozens of faggots?
The last one was indeed quite old, 1973, if i'm correct. But the right-wing always created a shitty atmosphere for gays. If you look at the most anti-gay crimes in the US, a lot of them were comitted by right-wing christians or neo-nazis.
When you look at the people who attack them, around the world or even in the US, it's generally right-wing/conservatives.
Gay people were always treated like shit by christians, muslims, jews, or any religious people in general. The media treats these crimes like jokes, also. Nobody talked about the one in 1973. The Orlando massacre was treated like a "normal" attack, without mentioning that it was towards a gay bar/ethnic population in France, for instance.
Plus, Mateen was born and raised in the US, he's a product of that society, which doesn't make him so different from any other anti-gay christian nutjob.
As I said, the guy in the video gives two options to gays about their executioner: one will bring a quick death, and the other one a slow one.
Western liberals have betrayed non-western liberals tho.
the fucking spooky music, I'm dying
pol are an endless comedy goldmine
based Camille Paglia
historically, transgender always have been a sign of cultural decline.
Trans-genderism is a narcissistic form of hedonism, where the subject, unable to conquer the attention of the opposite sex, becomes his own object of desire.
denying them rights would probably not help much, because trans-genderism is mostly a symptom, but ridiculing and marginalizing them would help convey the message that weakness and faggotry are not an acceptable way to deal with the unability of being strong and virtuous
White people did in fact have a holy crusade, that's an historical fact. You can't even meme bro.
Monarchs didn't 'stomp' on peasants you retarded communist faggot.
And black people did in fact have kings, that's a historical fact
I think you mean chieftains. Niggers never had a feudal system.
You can't even meme bro. Are you actually retarded?
No, gender dysphoria is real. I'm sorry you have such a unscientific world view.
Niggers still live the way they've lived since forever, like baboons. Deal with it. White people enslaving them was probably the best thing that ever happened to them, they're still fucking here too.
Gender isn't even scientifically accepted. It was made up by a sociologist who experimented on little children, one of which killed themselves later on. You are either born a man or a woman, anyone who tells you otherwise is manipulating you and needs to be fucking shot.
Can you actually explain why transgenderism means western culture is about to collapse? Why is "faggotry" going to cause society to fall? You just restated what she said in the video. Also, I'm very curious to hear about all the societies that have collapsed as a result of "faggotry".
None of this is supported by science.
Okay, but did you seriously believe that having a king requires feudalism? And do you seriously believe all Africans lived in huts?
Transgenders have noticeably different brain structures than other people of their birth gender.
no evidence
White people did colonize africa, and africa would still be a shithole without white people having given them a hand. In fact, if you went to Johannesburg today you would see the shithole it's become when niggers are put in charge. Crime in south africa has jumped since apartheid rule. Niggers aren't capable of functioning in civilized societies.
That's called autism user.
Read away. You should stop using the term gender in general. There's only sex, gender is a bullshit term outside of linguistics. You are either a man or a woman, your pseudo-scientific nonsense is fucking disgusting.
And again, black people did have kings :^)
Stealing africa's resources and building infrastructure for the white colonists sure helped africa.
Thats the fault of the ANC, you cuck. When a white country goes to shit under a government, you don't say "that's what happens when you put whitey in charge"
provide proofs
don't forget
pls respond
Going by this logic, most whites were living in shitholes until the Romans gave them a hand. Ergo, you are falsely implying that being the first to do something makes you the best.
It is irrelevant anyway, because modern sub-Saharan cities are developed by their own native citizens, and prosper because of businesses run by them. If they were so inferior, it wouldn't matter how much help they had before–they would be up shit creek without it.
In fact, the continent currently churns out many times more wealth than it takes in through foreign aid, which is really just an excuse to perpetuate neocolonialism and very rarely has actual benefit for the people.
kill yourself nigger lover
"Nigger lover" would be a great ironic label for the left to own. Like "goy", but not autistic.
I don't think "cuck" would make a good label, though.
end your life faggot
Why are you so afraid of minorities stealing your wimmens? Do you have a tiny dick or what?
this just in rome and greece had feudalism centuries before anyone else
Do you have a text file on your porn box that you read buzzwords from or something?
I don't want my race to be replaced by a bunch of apes
Don't you have a black bull to prep for your mother?
humans are apes you utter twat
How does that make any sense you liberal faggot. Humans are humans and niggers are apes
alright I'm calling it now this is a Holla Forums poster trying to get (you)s
Oh don't tell me you believe that evolution bs. fuck off
yeah maybe but it's still funny
ahhh cmon man, you took it too far with that one, alt right people believe in evolution, otherwise no social darwinism
Oh, so you're a remain voter. Explains why you support negros flooding your country
The gunman was a hero.
Niggers in incapable of such architecture.
They didn't.
I'm not sure you understand what feudalism is.
Commie faggots love to pretend that class conflict is normal. Don't you?
There's nothing false about that. I'm not ashamed to admit that Romans had a better standard of living than Romans in regard to being civilized, and it is relevant. Niggers never developed beyond tribes and chiefs, them and the amerinds are inferior people who need to be exterminated.
They may not have had feudalism but they definitely had kings
No, actually, black empires and monarchies were absolutely a thing. They even did trade with other continents if they controlled coastal territory. Also see pic.
The "mudhuts lmao" stereotype was created by Western charities to get people to donate.
Niggers had chieftains, not anything comparable to a European monarch. That's laughable, HAHAHA.
It did help Africa, too bad they're too stupid to replicate such complicated infrastructure and shit up every form that's been given to them.
Which is run by niggers, in niggerland.
That's because it's a white country you retarded commie faggot.
They had chieftains for their tribes, not what Europeans would think of as kings. What you're thinking of is large in part a European thing, the only reasonable comparison would be a Chinese emperor. Niggers are too stupid for monarchy.
the post
What is Ethiopia, Mali, Songhai, Kongo? Also stop samefagging
It only helped the colonizers, which left the countries with little proper government when they left
Nice argument
And South Africa is a black country, whats your point?
This doesn't look much different from a rundown American midwestern city. Everyone knows South Africa is a shithole. It sucked when whites ran it, it sucked when blacks ran it. Western countries only kissed their ass for the sake of domino theory.
In comparison see pic, never colonized. It's still very corrupt, but that sounds pretty modern to me.
Except….they actually were "kangs". That's not even what the maymay is supposed to refer to.
You don't find people making these accusations at Holla Forums because they have thread IDs.
Niggers were never capable of running those governments anyway.
It's not much to argue about.
It was established as a white colony, and that's why it has the borders it does. All of the cities were run by white people and if you youtube: drive through Johannesburg you can see what happens when niggers take control of white infrastructure. It's not pretty
lol the difference is that those cities aren't populated anymore, you are literally comparing western ghost towns to cities run by niggers
Compare crime rates. When niggers took control of South Africa crime rates went through the roof. South Africa was better off under apartheid rule. White people are superior to niggers. Equality is a lie.
No, I'm not. You can't even move goalposts correctly.
Begging the question.
There are sub-Saharan countries with crime rates lower than, say, Russia. And yes, Slavs are white.
Hell, the Nigerian government actually encourages crime because it's a profitable international racket.
They were never hangs and shit and stop pretending like you know how to meme you autist. Chieftains aren't kings, they have no ministers, no lords, they just have a tribe. Nigger politics has it's only comparison with redskins, both are relatively inferior.
Russia has three times the number of inhabitants, you're desperate.
Because niggers are fucking retarded.
But Ethiopia had an actual monarchy. This isn't up for debate.
I meant per capita. You're moving the goalposts.
Idiots don't come up with plans like 419 and manage to make them sustainable through national sovereignty. That takes genius. Unfortunately.
You're right. There's nothing to debate. It's a matter of historical fact that niggers have never had monarchs. It's a stupid thing to argue and only leftypol would be dumb enough to try.
Are you making a point? I can't seem to find it.
Thank you for admitting you were wrong.
If Africa didn't have kings then Europeans never had crusaders
Ah yes, it's the sex-havers that unravel empires, not the royalty who run them getting beaten by bigger and better kings.