If you add up all the atributes of Pepe/Kek more and more he begins to look like Satan
Kek is Satan?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you aware of your Satan worship Holla Forums?
kek is a force of nature deified, not an entity like Satan / Lucifer / ebin lightbringer man
Go back to 4chan you fucking faggot.
Love it.
Stay true to God, user, He will get us through these trials.
God bless and keep you.
The reddit frog worship was just a meme gone too far. Far more cancerous than LARPagens
Shit, my trips confirm.
enjoy your bumplock
shills can steal gets, but they will be punished for their crimes.
Why would you sage a bumplocked thread then?
We did it christcucks!
From the liberal goody-goody viewpoint?
Look how many people in the world there are that say shit like:
"Don't be mean, that isn't nice!"
"I feel sorry he got deported after raping me…"
People like that are/were an overwhelming majority.
Look at the world, it's shit.
There was too much of these good goys.
There no balance.
Now comes us, the 'bad' goys.
We start gaining ground.
"You guys are literally Hitler/Satan/etc."
Trump looks like he's going to win.
Brexit happened.
Balance is being restored and it seems like the world isn't complete shit.
Kek is order through chaos.
Almost as effective as saging a sticky.
:^) :^) :^)
What is Satan is an entity. An adversarial force
>implying the purpose of Kek isn't to trigger everyone, including religionfags
He's a trickster god. The pure embodiment of chans in an ancient godform
There's not one satan, there are many. The word itself translates to adversary or opponent.
Yes, kek is a satan, a satan to jewry.
The Bringer of Light = The Sun.
Therefore Satan = The sun
We are entering a period where the Sun is quieting down
This has not happened in hundreds of years.
Our awakening is no mistake. This is a solar cycle.
When the SUN // SATAN // BRING OF LIGHT is Active
People are euphoric and stupid. the earth is also hotter.
When the Sun is Quiet, People begin to become awake.
(I will get gimp and learn to use it later…)
In other words…
We are entering a period of the Dark Sun.
This is a time when people will become Enlightened
yahweh is satan
jesus is the son of kek
the old testament is satan's book
Revelation 22:16
The Christian god is the Father aspect of the ALL (decad).The Son is the Nous (ogdoad).
The purality of gods are his children, and they are our ancestors.
Satan (Shaytan) was named Diabolos for his behaviour. See video: youtube.com
Exodus 8:1-4
Kek the Burning Bush of our age.
Praise him, and you will praise Jesus. Praise Him, and you will praise Pepe.
t. comparative theology student