Why do modern computer cases look like such shit?

Seriously, do people buy this garbage? Is this the stuff proudly put up at real stores? Are people really okay with seeing this stuff when they walk into their room?

Other urls found in this thread:


Only Windows users.

Gotta show off muh RAM and CPU.


Show off the massive heatsink, or water cooling, then.

Beige boxes carved out of solid steel was the best.
Yellowed gracefully with age like fine wine.
Where did it all go so wrong?

Agreed user, we'll never have a computer as based as this again.

I've got three of these beauties.

I have a very simple case, like the one in the middle, with a window. I don't have any leds though (except for my gay ass GPU, but what can you do) because I'm not tacky.

Apple won't have another mac pro out until 2018. That stupid trashcan they produced will be 5 years old. I can't believe apple has dropped the ball on the pro market like they have. The cheese grater mac looks great even today. It was not hard to just update the cpu and let the users update the ram/gpu. Only apple could fuck up a modular computer.

Only negative I ever had with my three G5s was the placement of the headphone/speaker ports. Nothing I couldn't get over, but the feeling of resentment lingered.

Another good Mac design was the 2nd Mac Mini. That was a nice little machine that worked so well. All I ever needed was a small LCD screen, a double power board and 3 cables, and I had myself a functioning computer.

Good for servers, too.

Apple lost their minds once the iPod started making them mad money, a little bit more so when their macbooks became popular (the shitty ones which weren't pro) and once the iPhone kicked in, they became Apple Inc instead of Computer... and game over.

for too.

Do you mean the plastic black ibooks? Those were really popular because they could also play world of warcraft.



The model just before that, it was only in white. Afterwards they came out with the black and white ones.

Ok, I did mean the iBook G4.

The one I think you mean is the macbook.

That's a beautiful SGI case.

because they like anyone who isn't part of the brushed aluminum lian-li masterrace are subhuman garbage.

Because they either want to be Apple clones or the leet gamur case.

Because the outside reflects the ugly insides: 40 years of hacks and cruft piled on top an architecture that was already shitty compared to much superior contemporary alternatives (m68k).
Anyway now a computer is just a bigger smartphone, a glorified Web 2.0 browing station, i.e. pretty much the equivalent of a television (propaganda distribution system).

I still have four of these at work (actually 1 G5 and 3 Xeons). Probably the best Apple will ever make.

Most people think progress only moves forwards, but aesthetics has been declining for decades now, and without solid beauty and philosophy behind it, engineering will eventually rot away.
Humanity is moving backwards.

because you didn't design it yourself
speaking of which, anyone got any guides on building milk crate cases, specifically, grounding one? I want to make a hidden case


Things always get worse over time. Remember that.

HAF 912 looks good except for the HAF text on the side.

phanteks enthoo master race

Your sense of aesthetics seems to me to be that of a twelve year old gamer.

How about this one?


why not using something like this?

there are microatx similar cases too

Reminds me of a monolith from 2001

Can't you just take a Dremel to that part of it?

I have that case but without the see-through side.


You can't say that and then include a picture of a windowed case.

why live

Antec P190: no bullshit.
Net weight: 43.2lbs / 19.6kg

That's quite a heavy load of bullshit actually

I have this case. Really solid design overall. The front is a door that opens up for the CD drive and other stuff. The top has the USB/power/audio. The interior has really great airflow and it has slots for additional fans.

I really like minimalist hardware designs like this in general that pride form and function over aesthetics.

The rounded toybox-style beige cases of the 90s were pretty fucking ugly my dude you guys need to take off the nostalgia goggles

Just get an old beige case or something like the Fractal Core 2300 or something. It's pretty plain, and most importantly, not fucking christmas tree on your desk.

I like this one:

I have the HAF 932 and it's a decent case. My initial thoughts of it when I first took it out the box was how fucking ugly it was. It looks like a jerry can. Now I don't mind it at all. Once the front LED fan is replaced, it becomes rather plain. It has some neat features that make upgrading or swapping out parts quick and easy. It's not aesthetic but it's functional.


Minimalism is the future.


It's faggy.

There's nothing minimalistic about the OP ones and complaining about the "minimalism" of aluminum boxes is pretty fucking stupid.

Beige boxes are fine but Compaq is a non-ATX abomination unto mankind that must be cleansed with fire.

Because faggots pay for them

Could you possibly suck less cock?

We need a pizza box comeback. Low-profile, simple and nothing flashy.

Is that a Larson Scanner in that SGI case?

Because if so, holy shit.

I like my Fractal Design R4, even though it came with the parts I bought second hand.


But then how would you put a titan in that thing?

The G3 iMacs looked really nice back then. The iMac-wannabe PCs... not so much.


I bought a Antec P160 when they came out (years ago),,,, it turned out to have a lot of problems
1--odd component placement, many mobo cables too short. never again
2--the aluminum panels warped and curved and lifted off the plastic case parts
3--really wasn't much quieter, IMO. you get better noise reduction just by using big heatsinks and under-volting fans. plus hard drives are a lot quieter now, and SSDs are silent anyway.

i usually like antec cases, and some bits of it were nice. but overall I'd give it 6/10 rating.

I have a mini-itx case under my monitor for this reason. Disconnected the power LED because it's blue cancer, and put in a silent fan.

It's a shame new computer cases that aren't visually offensive are overpriced as fuck.

I cum'd.


Nigger that's like asking how you would put 454 V8 engine in a Volkswagen Beetle.

If you want a workstation go buy one. If you want anything less, it can fit in a pizza box case.

Looks gay. Doors are fucking stupid.
Real men use this.

It's like you guys don't even EVROPA or something.

I like that, very military-ish. But you know some faggot is going to ruin it with stupid lights inside.

i have that same case, in that same military green color bookmarked for a future build.

but any future build will be with ryzen

i like corsair. would use their watercooler loop too tbh.

I have one in black.
It's pretty good, side window is stupid with the fan mounts imo but can be easily replaced.

I put this on a small IKEA coffee table beside my desk and I love working on it. Oh, you aren't a normie user? Are you poor or something?

Where do you faggots come from?

Windows users don't have the luxury of lm_sensors, user.

1) it was the P180, not P160 as I said earlier.... the expensive one that was supposed to be so much quieter than normal cases
the only thing I think they really got correct was the rubber mounting bits for the (mechanical) hard drives

2) as to why not use PWM,,, it was because those programs would crash, and then the fans would default to running full-blast, which was exactly what I didn't want....
if you use a resistor / fanmate / manual fan control panel, either of those always keep the fans running all the time at the same speed.

of all the PCs I built for myself, the ones that were faster cost a lot more, but I really didn't notice most of the time.
the ones that were really quiet, were much nicer overall to use.

mah nigga, god tier case


You're not supposed to turn it on, dummy. You have a phone, don't you?

pewdiepie's computer cost $5000
it looks like shit

Oy vey get dat racist nazi shit outta here its anuduh shoacaust!
While one the subject of E-celeb cases, I like the subtle form factor Linus Sebastian chose for his

What does pulse width modulation have to do with computer fans?

Speed control.

owned this case and thought it was trash. though if you are you using it exclusively as a testbench it'll be good enough (price is

Absolutely tasteless trash, just like him.

This is like a checklist for cancer.

Cases make good foot rests. I like putting them right above the power so they get all warm.

I heard its like that for more optimized cooling in its defense. Then again, so was the Mac Pro trashcan


because faggots can't build racks

This is such a good fucking case. Opening it up is so comfy. I originally got it thinking i'd build some sort of home entertainment system but it works great on a desktop too.

Because your mom fucks

Funny as hell, I was considering both of these for my next build.
The c70 really jerks off my inner olive drab fetishist/gamer side that I like to pretend doesn't exist.

I don't even dislike the fan mounts on the window.

Very true and i'm glad the Holla Forums concensus is leaning that way. It has to be tied to the normalfag incursion into all things tech. Some time in the early 2000s it was determined that there are normie dollars to obtain and so the focus shifted from 'cool tools' to consumer-tier trash. I can trace back the poz to two time periods and several specific trends, this is where it started.

autism incoming

First poz loads

This period marked the beginning of the shift of computers & tech appealing to those who knew something about them to the average 90iq normalfag.

GRID intensifies

By the release of Vista it was already over.

People misattribute the current year poz loads to Apple but the truth is the trend started long before. The fruity first generation imac was a kinda-neat-looking computer for mom and maybe the kids, yes you could do some real computer stuff on it but it was always kind of a joke as far as serious users go. It was a contributor sure but really it was fairly innocuous overall. Mac users were always on the fruity side, this was just another weird apple product.

I think the normalfag invasion is somewhat of a perfect storm of shitty ideas building on each other kind of how prescription drugs can interact in unpredictable ways if you're not careful, but there was always a cancerous driving force behind it: Women.

If you look back, the probable root cause of this is women in tech. They are the kind of people who mandate that tech be made "so easy even grandma can use it". They are the people who require mass appeal because inclusion. Look at those gaymer cases posted above. Is it a natural evolution? No it's some dumb bitch in some marketing firm who saw a list of gaymer attributes and convinced people to make products for the market she knew but didn't understand. It's like when cosmetics companies try to make products for men, they end up creating a caricature of their target and appealing to that caricature. Look at every consumer product with this in mind and it will become pretty clear this is what has happened.

I'm not sure if they were released first, but if they were, the creative mp3 players were much better than the ipods. I still use my Nomad Zen Extra to this day, and it sounds so much better than anything appleshit, as well as lasting lonmger despite the aging battery (though I changed the HDD with a TF card, so that certainly helped).

Not so sure about that user. iPod was the first micro drive MP3 player with a clean/compact design. I was looking at Rio, creative and iriver at the time went with an driver cd/mp3 but everyone wanted an iPod, apple was just all gay about mac/itunes-only and it also cost a fortune

The creative players in pics have that 90s comfort vibe but they are clearly 1st gen products

I liked the aesthetics of this one.

This is the one I still use. I remember Creative was the first one to release an HDD based mp3 player. This one had a 20gb HDD (though now mine has 32gb from a TF card I installed).

I disliked the ipods because of the itunes dependency and I think it had less support for audio formats than creative ones.

The first iPhone sold like shit, it wasn't until three years later that it began to sell well. Besides that, Android has always dominated smartphone sales. Your post is yet another faggot nostalgic for his childhood but parroting clueless shit.




gentle reminder that nostalgia is a psychological dysfunction :^)

I fucking hate case windows.
I fucking hate LEDs on shit, especially RGB LEDs.
I fucking hate cases with no 5.25" bays.
I'm considering building a "workstation" computer soon to compliment my gaming desktop. Nothing much, just a decent CPU with a GPU capable of running a couple games in WINE. Something to hold me over at a lower TDP than my 8350 and GTX 770 while still providing for 80+% of my needs, all while running GNU/Linux. So I don't have to boot up the Windows computer that guzzles power like a motherfucker. The hardware should work out, in theory, but all I need is a new case, since the "good" case I have with "good" cable management and "good" expandability is used for the Windows rig right now.

My wishlist isn't too outrageous, I don't think
With my priorities in that order. I cannot, for the life of me, find a case with all of these, not even barring the GPU Shroud. Every fucking redditor needs a fucking window, because "if I'm gonna spend 2000 memebux on a meme computer, I'm gonna stick it on my desk and fill it full of RGB memelights that all match and call it some meme name like 'Hellfire' or 'Iceberg' and use it like a fucking lamp and stare at it instead of using it because it's so radicool man!!!!" Even old enthusiast cases like and the HAF X can't get away from this reddit-tier shit. No 5.25" drive bays, because lmao just use steam and the cloud c'mon it's the current year, not to mention every fucktard and his girlfriend needs a meme AIO water cooler for their top-of-the-line CPU so they can overclock the shit out of it. And where does the meme cooler get mounted to? Why, the front of the case where the 5.25" bays go. And now, plastic windows aren't enough, so now everything has to have a tempered glass window, because nothing screams "I am a safe way to house and transport your components" like a giant piece of glass liable to break and get shards everywhere.

If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to it, but all I see is an ocean of shit as far as the eye can see. At this rate, I'm gonna have to go buy a bunch of steel brackets and aluminum and shit and build my own fucking case, because reddit and reddit-enablers have taken over the market on cases. Don't even get me started on shit like RGB AIO coolers, RGB RAM, RGB Graphics cards, RGB fucking everything.

I hate reddit and reddit-enablers.

I didn't think this thread was about nostalgia, more practicality and common sense.

If you look at what was accomplished with limited hardware back then, current software and hardware are under-performing by orders of magnitude.

I couldn't have been more cancerous than you if I tried

Modern PC cases and monitor frames are degenerate bullshit. They pander to a bunch of consumer faggots who think the cheap bullshit they're buying is premium quality because they have some shine and bright lights.

One of my boxes has one of these stupid fucking black cases I bought on a whim. I ripped out the fan and power button LEDs. It's made of some shitty cheap wobbly plastic.
I still have a beige case from 20 or so years ago for one for one of my boxes and don't know why I would get anything else. It's even missing a faceplate because my motherboard was missing it but whatever it's been running for 10 years.
The next box I make I wont even buy a case since you can't buy reasonable cases anymore and I'm not sure there was a point in spending money on them in the first place.

While on this topic computer monitors with black shiny frames are also degenerate, as is glossy screen. I used to put black tape over the frame but now I put white masking tape because it seems to cause less eyestrain and now you don't see the monitor frame when you close your eyes. Shiny cares are another product of degeneracy. Gotta love a sunny day when there are 300 morons reflecting the sun into your face. Of course normalfags have never been 1KM outside of their street without being in a car so they don't know that every road is full of these faggots and you basically have to wear glasses wherever you go to avoid this shit.

mac always looked gay. the recent (last 5 years maybe) apple laptops look okay. too bad they cost $3000, have no software, are proprietary, and their UI looks gay as fuck

nevermind it costs like $400 but comes with PSU. and who cares how much a PC case weighs? are you in an apartment made of modern PC case material so you have to be careful about your load?


You need to be at least eighteen years old to post here.


Are you fucking stupid? There is a lot more choice these days. Much better than the generic looking beige boxes like that dominated homes and offices in the 90s and early 2000s.

Cry me some more you fucking man baby. Transparency in tech design is awesome and it's great it's making a comeback.

Minimalism has been vastly overused in places where it shouldn't and has become a modern cancer imposed by the likes of apple and modern web designers. It's plain, boring and shallow, just like the people who preach it.

Hello reddit. Now fuck off.

My case is a 90s aluminum, glass and steel tower that i drilled to fit ATX.
As to answer your question, 12 year olds.
Those cases are marketed towards children (and manchildren) that want to dress like pic related because it looks cool.

fuck off degenerate. next thing you'll tell me I'm a minimalist hipster faggot because I don't have a kitchen knife with LEDs on it

What the fuck, do you spend more than 30 seconds choosing a PC case? They all look like shit. You walk into the store and buy the cheapest one, which is still a ripoff, or better yet use an old beige box you have laying around.

I assumed glass cases were a maintenance thing. Easy to tell if something is wrong if the hardware looks visibly wrong.
Also the glass acts as a reminder to clean, shows if thy hardware is dusty.
Also, just having a look at the glorious view of thy hardware lets one appreciate the work put into making it.



So when is the year of the horizontal case coming?
It'll even make your hardware last longer because it won't spend it's life bending.

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

I think there can still be some hidden gems amidst the sea of overdesigned neon garbage.

Last time I upgraded I realized that given my build, the local temperatures and the desk's position that my new PC was gonna heat up like a motherfucker, so I just bought the cheapest gaymurr case with decent cooling available in a store nearby. It was a Corsair Carbide Spec-03.

I was afraid the thing would overwhelm me with its gaymur faggotry aura, but upon close, personal inspection this one is actually really nice: the case itself is spacious and legit solid instead of flimsy, provides good airflow, the only overdesigned part is the front and even then it doesn't really look bad, it's modular, and comes with two fans and plastic dust filters. The LEDs can be easily disabled by software, but they aren't obnoxious at all.

I don't game much anymore, still plays Pillars of Eternity ad Stellaris so I'm happy.

Now that's cute.

t. Holla Forums

Is the second one clipping through the floor?

"Back in my day the cases were steel with a white plastic leeching toxins in the air while it slowly colored itself to become a tint of yellow.'


Nothing wrong with a cool slick minimalistic modern black case.

oldfag hat on.......
PC's since very early times had a CPU temperature sensor, and the PC would automatically shut off if the CPU got too hot. They have all had that since the very first PC that was. But the CPU fan, graphics fan (if you had one?) and case fans all ran full-blast, all the time.

Back maybe 15-20 years ago, motherboards started adding the ability to vary the CPU fan voltages (and thus, the fan speeds) using PWM (pulse width modulation). You couldn't make the fans run faster than normal, but you could make them run slower than normal if you wanted them quieter.

You couldn't control the power supply fan since it was integrated with the power supply, but eventually you could control the CPU, graphics card and case fans this way....

With this feature you didn't need to add a resistor or a fan control panel to make your fans run slower and quieter than normal. There was a few programs around that could automatically monitor the CPU temperature and control the fan speeds this way--keeping the fans low during normal use, but automatically turning up the fan speeds if you started doing a demanding task such as playing a game.

Almico SpeedFan was one of the more common programs and it is still around, but [-back then-] on some OS's it would crash after a day or so, and then it would default to running the fans at top speed. So I always had to re-start it. It might work better now.

If you used a resistor on the fan or a fan controller panel (that had a knob to control the speed of each fan) they never crashed.

Some fans now have a switch on them for 2-3 different speeds; Ive got some Antec fans around like that. Thats better than nothing but it's not ideal. Sometimes a fan just happens to resonate at a particular speed, and if you turn it up or down just a bit, it runs a lot quieter. So the knobs are nice.

Not true for some of the earliest AMD CPUs, My grandpa burnt out 2 AMD CPUs trying to burn CDs, that forever tainted my fathers opinion on them, nearly stopped me from getting the APU2 because of the AMD CPU.

not him but there's literally nothing wrong with either of those games

Shame nobody makes them anymore. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

into trash it goes

I have that one. it's a great case

why live

Nice for a low-power build, but you won't be able to provide proper airflow modern desktop components need.


Because computers used to be advertised strictly to intelligent middle class consumers (and they were priced accordingly), however, now Apple computers are the only ones advertised to the middle class, and the middle class only, so they have maintained build quality. Everyone else has to appeal to the college student as well as the 10 year old who wants to play DOTA, i.e. People of the same level of intelligence.

It didn't have to be this way...

This makes me really miss my Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra.