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Im gonna start ignoring any thread with a pikachu fucking shill sliders.
In any case… this piece of shit is old as fuck. Get the fuck out faggot.
First post, every time.
Nigger, this has started trending in the USA last hour out of fucking nowhere. Do as you wish, I merely mentioned there's an opportunity to drop redpills.
It seems to be a bunch of SJWs circlejerking to a two year old rumor that Zimmerman is homeless.
Notice how this was reported in 2014
Don't you ever speak ill of zimzam ever again.
Nigga you stupid can't you see this is over 2 years old?
Respills…? On twatter? Lol no. Even if you use fake account info. You'd get insta banned. There is no freedom of speech on that communist shithole
The fuck are you talking about??? I've been dropping redpill graphics on twatter for years with the same account, not blocked, not banned, not shadow banned etc. Of course my profile is a "fake" real person not an anime girl with a maga hat so there is that……
There are Twitter users with fake names and credentials that tweet daily about the Holocaust being a lie and Jews behind communism.
Do it faggot and try yourself instead of parroting shit other anons say.
It's a shame Zimzam is banned from twitter and can't clarify the situation
He's banned? Until months ago, his acc was OK I remember.
It appears he triggered too many people
So fucking what? it's not like the Zimzam shot another nigger. Go back to cuckchan with such a low energy shit OP.
What at world we live in.
oh lawdy. All that projection.
He's a spic, and he's got to go, no matter how many niggers he kills.
Daily reminder that Pikachu is redpilled as fuck
It has nothing to do with Zimmerman. It's about finding people through which we can promote OUR views to the wider populace.
What's up with the tail?
What happened to the black stripe on its tip?
If you had true belief in your views and their truth, you would go out and lay them down straightforward to the wider populace, not hide behind a mouthpiece like a cowardly kike.
I do that thing too, you projecting faggot. Regardless, that doesn't make the media which let us more easily insert our views into the populace less useful.
Prove it then, faggot.
That yellow rat needs to go back to Japan
This is certainly weird i remember it having one thick stripe and one thin one at the tip.
This is the only image i could find that relates. static2.fjcdn.com
Idgaf im too lazy to dl and ul it.
In any case i see two logixal explanations.. Either the mandela effect isn't real and google is working hard to make it seem so… Why…? Idk…
Or that person who posted that pic long ago also remembers it like that
Is there more of this stuff?
Why do all you americans hate Zimmerman so much?
The tail never had a black stripe, I think it's just a false memory created because it would be a logical design since the ears do.
I vaguely remember it having a black stripe too though.
Anti-Pikachu is code for anti-white
It's only the niggerloving normalfags.
cuz trayvon wuz just a child he dindu nuffin
Baaaahahahahaha. This is hilarious. I declare thee a salt mining thread. Zim-zam got 250k out of his auction, and the libs can't keep him off of twitter. This is fucking hilarious.
I wonder why nobody's checking the facts. Same paper reported on the $300k gun.
I look at that picture and I see a child. Then again, anyone under 25 is a child to me. I ain't sayin' he dindu nuffin; but he was just a kid. Not a smart kid, but a kid nonetheless.
I really shouldn't be surprised that niggers like a site where what is on your mind is capped at 140 characters, but i still am.
Anyway, i wished Trump just gave him 5 million dollars, the salt would be unreal.
If anyone has twitter you should post pictures of the actual source to the claims of him being homeless and bankrupt, which are articles from 2013 and 2014.
Meanwhile if you search George Zimmerman 2016 you will find nothing about it.
The Mad Man is back
I'm bumping this thread because of you
Not sure how old he is in that picture, but he was 17 when he was shot. This kid was also physically well developed enough to take Zimmerman to the ground and punch him heard enough to make him bleed.
Meanwhile the media endlessly flaunted a picture of Trayvon when he was like 13 for emotional appeal. Pic related.
people are posting it but nobody cares. Maybe correcting others is "too white" for them.
I love this man
Probably. Questioning popular hearsay and doing one's own research is definitely too much effort for them.
All I'm sayin' is that he was a kid. Dumb strong kid? Sure, but to try to claim him as a grown man is just pointlessly wrong as the people trying to claim he dindu nuffin.
Dumb kid, bad parents, stupid as fuck decision making ability. In short: a nigger.
Probably a lot of that, but I wonder if it's also like "snitches get stitches". They want it to be true so badly they'll attack anyone who tries to tell the truth.
True. Plus, most niggers are mentally children.
It's happening right now. Apparently he's homeless and twatter is loving it.
Yeah but the only source for this is a 2 year old article
17 will get you tried as an adult for nearly every serious crime. 17 is old enough to work. 17 is old enough to drive. 17 is old enough to be in college in many circumstances. 17 is not a legal adult, but it's also not "a child". Don't call him that word, don't shape the narrative in that direction. Trayvon Dindu Martin was not a "child" when he violently assaulted George Zimmerman. He was a 17 year old teenager, nearly an adult, who was committing a hate crime against a latino when he got shot in self defense. That's what happened that night, and don't poison the narrative by using any other words to describe it.
Hasn't he been homeless and jobless since this all went down, and just living with friends?
well, libshits won in the end.
zimzam has been flim flammed.
Reminds me of when Justic Scalia died and people at my college held a fucking party over it.
They didn't. This is to be expected of every big trial. The prosecution knew they couldn't win. The punishment in these cases always is the two years of court system hell and the legal fees.
What it ultimately did was stir up the pot. All the racial shit going on today can be traced back to this trial. Leftists lost this one and they just couldn't take it, and the dindus snapped. Mike Brown happened because of this. Black Lives Matter formed because of this. Most importantly, all the rioting, destruction, and murder of noble law enforcement officers happened because of this. There may have been public sympathy at first, but look around the media. Look in the comments sections of even the most liberal media outlets. What ultimately happened because of this trial is that all public sympathy for "muh poor black oppression" is gone. Watching one of the more recent riots during a family gathering, my own mother, who I've never known to have breathed a word like this, took one look at the TV and said "the niggers are out of control". People are seeing through the media bias, people are seeing that the black dude got shot because he was committing a violent crime or otherwise being a fucking idiot, and "black lives matter" has almost become a four letter word to anyone who isn't an active member of it.
I can't wait for the chimpening to return to my backyard.
t. Apopka, 20 miles from where this happened.
Even 10.000 dollars would suffice for asspain enough to power a Trump tower for a week.
Niggers mature (bodily at least) faster than Whites. What you saw as a 17-year-old kid would be translated to a rough estimate of 20+ in White years.
Generally, don't feel sympathy for niggers. It's a waste.
She sounds like a nice person
Zim Zam is the only spic who deserves Honorary Aryan status
One is definately white. And the other is definately a child.
The prosecutor lost her job. May have something to do with it
Doesn't matter, they never verify anything. The initial "respected" circlejerkers rev things up and everybody just tries to 1-up them on their retarded joke for a day. Then they all forget it even happened after they wake up the next day because it's not trendy anymore.
thanks for correcting the record, there is literally no reason why that dumb spade shouldn't have been thrown into jail no questions asked. 17 is old enough to kill people and that's all that matters
Also, learn how to spell definitely. Browsers have built in spell check for fucks sake.
Bump just for you, puritan dicksucker.
gtfo my Holla Forums, nigger
this is photoshopped. Pikachu had 1 thick stripe and a small thin one right next to the thick one, also it went sideways ish
Well yeah, full size it and look at the jaggies of the black tail compared to the rest of the image
But people end up broke, homeless, and unemployable if they dare cross the line and make it out on top.
You win and then you lose.
That being said, we should learn from this. Be a marketable skill bringer, even when you are unemployable. Be a valuable person, work for yourself, don't play the libshit game of being dependent on anyone.
Hard to do, but worth it once they turn their eyes to you and try to destroy your life.
You have to go back
I'd like it if Trump did his hair like that tbh.
Aestheticand Aryan as fuck.