Quick, in here, we're safe from the spamniggers.
Quick, in here, we're safe from the spamniggers
why don't you stop the spam you assclown
stop the spam hex plz
Hex Resigned.
Hex Dindu Nuffin
i miss him already
Because he is too busy making bunker threads, obviously.
This is our own fault. Nobody cares about tradition anymore. The fire is out mang
Hex was wrong about a lot of shit, but he was better at deleting posts than any other mod. And since that is all mods can really do hereā¦.
Oh fucking LOL!
Please re-enable poster ID's, and if necessary, please enable "Posters must solve a captcha to post"
I know, people will probably be up in arms but it slows spam attacks and it reduces likelyhood of getting nuked
IDs do NOTHING, retard.
I'm with you on the captcha though.
lol we're being spammed in here too
Welcome to Hell.
dysomnia pls
give me vol and I'll stop the spammer
some nostalgia
tbh why do people even come here to spam?
Cuz they have nothing better to do than spam while eating spam in the dark.
Dysnomia: You know you can't keep this up. Just suck it up and tell Jim that this board is fucked and to scrap it. You know it is the right thing to do.
niggers from /lg/ come in and flood the board ; dysomnia only one here and can't do shit about it because bad flood fliters and slow mod tools.
wrong tbh. the only way for pedos to win is a worldwide caliphate
Just came back after a couple weeks away from b
What the fuck is happening?
Ok I see whats going on here.
Keep your false flag propaganda quiet
no, it's not. they have nothing to do with it
Oh, and Hex quit, so there are only 3 mods total (including Dys). If you do the math, that leaves each one of them covering 56 hours per week.
Dynomia is both slow and a tool, tbh.
some raid shit probably
no way this is just a random the autism level must be off the chart
enabling Captcha on posting basically stops flooding. How is that bad?
They aren't spamming there tbh
go check the catalog
or you fight and type faster
he unlocked us
Holla Forums
Just defend the threads you like
Yeah, no sense keeping a thread stickied if all we are going to do is tell him what a stupid cunt he is.
Todd is a non pedo and works for the govt. he also has 2 hands but pretends to have only 1
The spammers must have upped their manpower
this tbh
Did it stop now
I like the spammer. He's cool.
What we can't vent? Thanks Mussolini.
Oh yeah thats a thing
Maybe it's HeX keeping the lolis safe for the night
Im trying, fucker! They're spamming so hard that mod.php won't load!
It looks like it's over
this tbh
nevermind lol
Whos the jerk that pushed my thread off?
Here's my harvest of cayenne peppers from my 2 plants.
I just had a good phone call with my friend's dad who made the great pickled vegetables I ate when I was younger and I found out that his process doesn't even use vinegar, just water. All he does is pack the cans and heat the lids a little to clean them and then seal it tight for 5 days at room temperature and then into the refrigerator after. His vegetables done this way he said some are in the refrigerator for a year and they have never had botulism or other bacteria, so my process using vinegar has to be way safer than that so I shouldn't have anything to worry about I think.
For fuck's sake, increase the page number.
Who's idea was it anyway to make Holla Forums 5 pages? Why is /sudo/ 5 pages anyways?
Figure it out or get more volunteers.
I've asked for vol so many god damn times.
(actually sorta adorable)
I saved a few of those Bear threads for possible decryption. We were nearing something earlier until the spam picked back up.
Sorry I should have pushed it for you. I wanted to know how that went.
We should spam goatse to counter the bot spam.
Its fucking gibberish from a bot
What if Holla Forums gets linked to /1/?
I know I wouldn't mind.
been doing downhill for over a year now
Say what you want about hex, but he was ruthlessly efficient at destroying faggots that tried to shit up the board. Miss that guy tbh
i always wanted to try pickling.my grandfather planted a small field of cucumbers, and got so many he literally could not give them away.
I hope not.
he allowed cuckchan tier treads and other shitty treads so no tbh
Why would it post hashed arrays. Wouldn't it pull from a dictionary of scrambled tabloids why expel resources with hashing
If anything, the posts could be useful for determining what kinda bot it is. I'm sure some one would find that info useful.
we are dealing with a guy doing the internet equivalent of blaring a siren 24/7 from his front porch.
why do you think they are hashes?
thats what freedom of speech sounds like, bitch. also, you need some normalcy to shake up the degeneracy.
Never Forget 9/17/2017
what makes ya think they're hashed
As long as Dysnomia is attached to it, this is what will happen. So no, that won't work. Look, it is over. Dys can not physically cover the board 24/7 anymore, and he doesn't have the tools he needs to stop CP, let alone raids like this one even when the board is covered by a mod. There is no way to stop it other than to permanently kill Holla Forums. That is the simple ugly truth.
t. shill
I'm a trip fag I know what hash looks like. I stare at it all day.
Each and every string starts with a "=="
Thanks for the advice Mr. plumber but I think I'll keep the baby, now fix the clog.
your halfchan memes have no affect on me.
for red text?
Spam is so bad even the sticky thread gave way
is that a moose or some kind of weird Australian thing?
If omlet was bo non of this will happen tbh
Because that wasn't his job.
The only halfchan here is you
Stop flirting and kiss each other already
Commence procedures to nuke Holla Forums. Traps are gay, 9/11 did bush, Jews run the world, Dysnoxious is Jim's human fleshlight, and pedophilia is nature's attempt for seeing at which stage of the female body is best for reproduction!
Now, all that's left is to gas every board on Holla Forums with the most illegal shit on the internet until Jim shuts it down. Then we can go find another image board and repeat the process all over again!
You retard, a clog is a SYMPTOM, not a problem. If you knew how to tell the difference, and were actually able to identify what the problem on Holla Forums really is you would be singing a different song. Or using a different analogy.
Yeah, it makes it red text HERE but potentially it could have meaning elsewhere.
one user suggested the megan cypher.
Thanks, dysnomia. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
what's even the point of spamming imageboards
like i don't get it
the catalog will be wiped naturally anyway you're not really doing anything
he should make the first move.
they're also beautiful creatures.
I just had a phone call with my dad too and he said only old people die from botulism and it should be safe. It looks like 3 of the lids have sealed, they aren't popping when I press on them. The other 3 are still bulged upwards.
how 2 pick up grils???
thread theme
be a Chad
Let us know how they turn out
how 2 chad???
The board is bad enough without this 4chan faggotry. STFU.
I like
Ironically I stole this tripcode. Want it?
i want your dick.
it's catchy tbh
While we're all in one thread I have a very important matter to discuss.
In exhibit A you will notice Dysnomia said he would see me at a certain specified post number. In exhibit B you will notice that at this post number Dysnomia failed to check my digits.
Since this was my first time pickling, I tried different vegetables and ingredients for flavor to have a better idea for the future.
Red bell peppers
Cayenne Peppers
No trips, bagit. Fale hardur.
Jesus, I hope you have a lot of toilet paper!
Cheese-eating surrender monkey.
I don't understand?
When this is all over, we will make a Dysnomia Appreciated Thread!
top kek
You will. You surely will.
this is a cool thread
Dear god.
Talk about a bowel cleaner.
It's more unifying if we all just hate him for no reason. There's only great BO's and bad BO's.
Would anyone call him great?
Shut up you faggot nigger. You're probably the spammer you pedo pos
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but you have no evidence to suggest that!
Reddit is that way, newfag
Is it safe to make threads yet? I have an idea for a really great thread ā quite possibly the best thread ever made ā but I don't want it to get slidden into oblivion
Also I'm still worried that I might be unlucky enough to get botulism even after my two reassuring phone calls with other adults so my plan is that in a few months of letting them sit and absorb the flavor, when I open my jars I will boil them with their contents before eating just to be safe.
Please elaborate. What will clean out my bowels from my pickled veggies?
We share a board with pedos. They deserve respect.
boiling doesn't do shit for the botulism toxin, enjoy.
ps. please make a thread on ck I live for this shit.
All those pickled veggies are what is going to clean out your colon, user, even if they don't have botulism.
It also has a brine of 1:1 vinegar and water so there is acid. And my friend's dad pickles stuff with just purified water and has had sealed jars sitting in his fridge for a year and he said he never has had any bacteria from any of his stuff he ate.
Well I'm not going to eat them all at once, I have six single quart jars, I'll have to just eat a bit at a time once I start opening them.
pedos are cancer tbh
STFU. The board is full of shit enough already.
yeah it's unlikely you'll get botulism, I'm just saying if it had the toxin you're fucked so don't bother boilingā¦ you should still make a thread on ck so we don't lose this one to the spam.
yeah it's unlikely you'll get botulism, I'm just saying if it had the toxin you're fucked so don't bother boilingā¦ you should still make a thread on ck so we don't lose this one to the spam.
But I searched it and it said boiling will fix it.
You're just mad cause children are not for sexual, and that's something that you can't handle. You should probably just kill yourselves, tbh.
back off, I am a pedohebeteleiophile
pedophiles are constantly integrating private communication and media exchange. They facilitate our freedom by proxy.
the one who should sodoku themselves is you tbh
I'm not mad, and I never even said I disagreed with you. I just said STFU because this is not a pedo/antipedo thread. This is a bunker thread, so fucking drop it already.
That sounds pretty gay tbh fam
Idk but that sound pretty unlikely tbh
I don't want to die yet fam
Yeah that's cool user I feel ya fam
The Party Is Here
I always heard it wouldn't, guess you're right, but 5-10 minutes of boiling may change the flavors a bit. do what you gotta do. /ck/?
The spammers should find a pepper they like and then start growing a pepper plant from seed like I did. It has made me feel happy to take care of. Please don't spam
tbh fam if you dont like pedos just go back to halfchan
==This is a precious entity that must be saved.
I will make a thread.
jokes on you I never went to halfchan in the first place so eat shit tbh
I was banned from halfchan for apparently being a pedo, yet I dislike pedos. There is no place for anti pedos like myself. You're lucky and privlidged.
reddit tbh
kys tbh
get the violin ?
how about no?
Ill die for jihad but suicide never tbh
your retarded tbh
post webms
They are currently fighting for pedo rights as well.
namefags are lamefags lol
virpeds arent real pedos
I made my thread to document my historic achievement of pickling and canning with the peppers I grew all by myself for the first time
you know, i don't tell you this often, Holla Forums, but i love you, man.
fuck todd tbh, he works for govt and pretends to have 1 hand but actually has 2
Yes, we know. There is one more thing you need to can now though.
What? I will probably get another harvest in a month but I'm all tired out for now.
Why are you even bothering to try???
Haha I see what you did there.
Bad boy you
lol what rights?
the right to not be killed for saying publicly he wants to diddler toddlers I think
When I was 4 years old I'd go to daycare and if if I liked a girl I'd walk up to her and yank her pants down and panties down in front of everyone. I did this a lot. It was this interaction that primed me for sexual development. Pedo's never got the chance for such a thing and never matured
Round of Applause for the Mod Community
Shit man i heard there were some actual decent threads for once
so to not receive scrutiny? thats not a fucking right. i agree we shouldnt ass blast people because they are born as degenerates, but it's not a right to not be ass blasted.
oh, missed you. so you're saying that they are curious little degenerates that cant live past their childhood? they are weak.
im not a pedo, so every word i speak is gospel. thats what separates me from the swine.
I'm saying they never got passed the first stages of
Psychosexual development. This is what causes perversion and corruption of sexuality
cool story user
Nice try, Schlomo
(((Jung))) says the same thing moron!
"The Anima is a node of unconscious beliefs and feelings in a man's psyche relating to the opposite gender, the Animus is the corresponding complex in a woman's psyche. As part of the Ego unconscious, these complexes can rise into consciousness when activated by appropriate circumstances."
yeah, nah, you're fucking insane.
Has he finally given up and an heroed?
Nah, he's just so jaded it takes him this long to fap.
that's pretty mean tbh
there's nothing i hate more than a submissive bitch catering to their audience. thats dys
When uncertainty equivocates, aspire to inspire legitimate acumen.
When composing itinerante anvils, care must be absorbed via auspicious antagonism.
pedophiles are faggots.
Aberrant delusions suffer magnanimous failure. In-so-far as elliptical diagnostics are concerned, recumbent truncheons are counter indicated.
Pederasty combines neutral sheaves into lateral anointments. When perceived disturbances disrupt cognitive legality, a violent dissertation embeds social amnesty.
we should exterminate all pedophiles tbh
I have oft concluded the existence of discordant bivalves. Tension invigorates simultaneous fulcrum.
Overreactions espy disheartening delicatessens. Attempting to alter non-homogeneous reality results in null sum waveform collapses.
don't slide the history
yes, exactly. this is why we should murder pedos.
Deliberate breaches were maintained by sacrosanct aristocracy. The consequential lamentations putrefy cross-threaded idioms.
Nostalgic chronicles become contaminated by presumptuous aggrandizement.
I reserve no judgmental conclusions regarding degeneracy. Fluted doctrines concur on canonical symmetry.