What the fuck
Most disgustingly she spit into her water and then drank it
What the fuck
Most disgustingly she spit into her water and then drank it
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fugggggg. Fucking revolting. How does she hope to endure 3 presidential debates?
Holy fuck that's disgusting but I'm pretty sure it's just mucus
Good job to whoever caught that. I almost missed it, even when it was slowed down.
Are you fucking kidding me
That's not mucus. It's either tablets or something like that or it's shooped.
either it's stuck to the glass, or it's not mucus
mucus floats
phlegm maybe? does she have pneumonia?
Btw. (((Mika))) is revolting as always. Every time she opens her mouth she manages to squeeze out a blatant lie or something absolutely ridiculous.
That would be her body finally rejecting her heart.
We memed Pepe into her lungs.
lol, mika - "She's coughing - SHE'S NOT SICK"
My guess for now.
Is it mucous? Is it a frog? Is it green eggs and ham? Is this how her species gives birth?
KEK works in mysterious ways
Trump's gonna rip her a new asshole, well she might do it herself at this rate
It looks like she was spitting out teeth. wtf was that shit.
I thought she was being sarcastic
idk about you guys but my mucus usually floats or slowly sinks. Whatever the fuck she spit into that cup sank like a rock.
what do you think it is, user?
is that william h. macy with a wig?
it's a cough tablet
Whatever we are seeing is a secondary infection tbh.
looks like phlegm. I used to get that shit when I was a smoker.
Anyone else notice how pained they look when Hillary's on the menu?
Nigger I smoke a pack a day, have for years, never in my life has that shit ever happened to me.
you should see a doctor user
quit smoking and it will every morning for at least a week
I quit every night faggot.
Get on my level.
jesus these scumbags don't even try to hide their bias anymore
Thank you for correcting the record.
I can only assume it was a chunk of breakfast baby covered in her digestive enzymes.
I can't get that low.
She had a frog in her throat.
are you trying to (((correct the record)))..?
it was her ovaries.
Are the two related somehow? Seriously, are they?
i dont think rats and lizards are related
She just spat out a couple of reptile-eggs.
Lets congratulate Chelsea with her new brothers/sisters.
Yeah she needs cough relief for her allergies. Looks legit. Heaven forbid she just take an anti-histamine.
Reminder that both Hillary and Bill have AIDS
me too,
user here is just waking up, needs his coffee
One of you fucks has to know what those two green lumped of flesh are.
Did she cough up her adenoids or something?
I know at least one of you niggers did a few classes of anatomy before dropping out. Tell us ya cunt.
I'm a heavy smoker inb4 degeneracy and there was a period when I coughed up some shit that was heavier than water.
Hillary don't smoke, afaik, so it must be some pretty serious shit.
two hunks of phlegm
I've never heard of her smoking but she does sound like a haggard old woman who has smoked 2packs a day for 50 years.
pls someone add the pepe to the video, pepe plopping into her glass
That green stuff is most likely the green/yellow mucous produced when one has a bacterial lung infection.
-t. been there, done that
New OC based on a old joke.
Jesus Fucking Christ what the fuck is that!?
Goodness gracious that was disgusting.
Normally I would say this but there was little indication of this when she was talking. If you've sat through a speech or a lecture given by someone who has cough drops in their mouth, let alone two, you'd recognize it. It's always the same shit no matter who is speaking. She didn't sound like someone who had a cough drop unless she has special sacs to store that shit in her throat in which case, she should stop storing shit there.
jesus how can this be real
memes have gone too far
Help me find that time in this video.
The funny part is, that is probably Trump's reaction. He must be using all the restraint in the world not to make fun of her for this, especially after he went after how John Kasich ate.
Someone upload this shit to Jewtube.
She has been sitting on her ass most her life, while maids and gardeners have done the work normal women do to stay healthy, so it's kind of likely that she has some slow form of COPD.
Starts at 0:27
Nm, found it as I posted it. 35 seconds in.
The coughing before it you can see she reacts to something coming up.
I'm not sure Hillary is the chosen one anymore.
Be on the watch for Biden or Kaine.
Two different films.
This shit is not shopped.
She's been memed either a snake person or terminally ill.
even Jeb could've schooled this bitch.
Praise kek!
At 35
I actually found it on youtube when browsing the /r/conspiracy board
Trump has called the patient both unstable and unbalanced, so he seems to be on message here.
It will never be too far.
she keeps drinking from the cup later too fucking filthy
is she nastier than rato? could it be?
That is fucking vile
Holy Fucking Fuck.
We must begin praying to Kek, to kill her.
Everyone, every night, pray at your shrines for her to die.
Well Memed my Friend.
KEK ol' Ben at it again
Yeah, I was going to say it looks like cough drops.
It's still fucking disgusting though. It looks like she didn't mean to spit them out but she couldn't help it because of her coughing.
And why is she popping so much cough medicine in the first place? I find it really hard to believe it's because of allergies
Trump better not let this go.
His campaign needs to make a meme about this
spoiler that shit, I just fucking vomited on my thinkpad.
I just can't get the voice in the back of my head saying "it shouldn't be this easy" to go away.
I honestly think that something has changed behind the scenes.
I'm not that experienced with cough drops…
I've seen red, purple, even yellow tablets.
But I don't think they make green ones.
Looks like green pills. Geen party pilling hillary confirmed?
fuck off smiley
it's air ._.
Not with the way she was talking friend.
fixed version
Nah man, just question her health till the debates.
She's going to die up there.
Probably her dentures
Can he just watch her die and burst into flames as Trump says "You're fired"?
That was obviously snot.
I knew the lizard people would be all over this. And to be quite honest, I don't blame you.
This seems likely except the way it dropped into the water. That was so fucking fast and heavy. I've never seen snot do that before.
What heart, user?
sure they do.
but I think this is phloem or some shit.
She would suffer more by being saved by him and being forced to watch herself lose the election 158 EVs to his 380.
You’ve never been pneumonic?
Looks like she's got a lung infection, and tried to hide the phlegm that she was coughing up by disguising it as drinking water.
But user, that would mean they're celebrating
Does phlegm from pneumonia sink?
Serious question.
if it's dense enough
I've had pneumonia actually but my shit never dropped that fast. But some kind of phlegm is the only thing that comes to mind.
Well . . . is it?
Worst part is she keeps drinking from the glass throughout the speech.
I honestly would have rather not known that… I think…
chronic old people disease? fuuuuuggggggggg
Usually not. it also maintains cohesiveness. My guess would be hyper salivation combined with inability to swallow. That can cause a chronic cough and is usually the first symptom of traumatic brain injury, because it causes you to look like a drooling moron. Its also a symptom of, oddly enough, rabies.
that was a joke?
Dude, what the fuck is up with that second picture?
She looks like a completely different person!
Is that photoshopped?
depends on the case, I guess.
different mucous, different patient, different severity, etc…
Seems too light colored and big to be a cough drop, plus, why would she spit anything into water and not just swallow it.
I currently have either pneumonia or tuberculosis. I was coughing up black shit, and after a few days it turned bloody. I just took my last Z-pack tab this morning.
I'm hoping it was pneumonia and not tuberculosis. I'm really worried it's the latter because of all the shitskin Somalians the Clintons have imported here to Minneapolis. The last CDC report I read was that 1-in-4 of these shitskin Somalians is infected with TB.
pixels look good to me
I think we all would rather not know about any of this shit, tbh.
But this is Holla Forums.
we always dig into the nasty shit that normies ignore.
Get a video of you spitting your phlegm into a glass of water for us. Show the nonbelievers that it DOES fall to the bottom.
Logically because she cant swallow. Look how little fluid she takes when she drinks. Its a cover for granny nannystate to use her spittoon.
Shes trying to keep from drooling from traumatic brain injury.
just keep believing it's reptile eggs, or whatever the fuck
My theory is even (((They))) are fed up with $hillary, they figure getting hillary elected by rigging andinstigating an all out race war is much less advantageous to their plans than cutting their losses and giving the win to Trump, after all Trump IS still a good goy that beleives the (((Greatest Ally))) lie, or at least he's very good at lying himself and has tricked them into thinking he's manipulatable
in any case Hillary is a lost cause, no amount of PR spinning would salvage a Hillary presidency, rather lick their wounds with a Trump Presidency than end it all with a Hillary Presidency
Source: My ass, just my take on it
Second user is just joking around, but I did a google, and… well…
>Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a type of obstructive lung disease characterized by long-term poor airflow. The main symptoms include shortness of breath and cough with sputum production. COPD typically worsens over time. Eventually walking up stairs or carrying things will be difficult.
Guys, I think we have a winner here.
That is pretty worrisome unless you have been coughing hard and have throat pain. You really should see a doctor at that point.
Tell your handlers to fire you.
Yeah but I don't think cough drops sink that quickly
Regardless of what's going on I think that their blackmail webs giving Hillary the leverage required to demand the nomination just proves that their corruption has drastically weakened their operative abilities over the long run.
My ass has a better theory. They’re fed up with her but are too terrified to let her go.
Yes, THEY. THEY'RE too terrified. Why? The Clintons are fucking powerful and they’re completely insane. If the kikes let her go without killing both of them at once (or either of them, etc.), the Clintons will go full 1488 on their asses. Hillary and Bill have enough inside information to release that regular people would actually believe it. They’d be able to do a fuckload of damage to the kikes’ image, permanently.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and this woman is Satan’s handmistress herself.
at some point they will have to admit that she is a lost cause.
in some cases, 3 days after her funeral in October.
yeah, I guess that's a fair point.
She may have a combination of this and vascular dementia. When she starts shitting herself, we'll know for sure.
Kill yourself already. That said, if they were fed up with her, they'd kill her off and take a chance with Kaine, having Kaine use Hillary's death as a rallying point and a shield. This will occur if her numbers drop even more.
I kek'd for 3 seconds.
Kek be praised, hallekekjuja.
Why would you photoshop it?
At some point in the speech, this woman on the right hands her something that might be a cough drop, then shortly after she might have secretly put it in her mouth.
It's at 5:07 in this video.
that's quite the autburst
Absolutely disgusting OP.
This is even worse than the booger that El Rato ate.
Roast in hell, shill.
Kain gets one out of his pocket too, but eats it himself later. Might mean it's just a lozenge.
But then Kain looks high as a fucking kite through the whole thing so who knows what the fuck it is.
thank you, all records are now corrected
If dubs Hillary coughs up her lungs on live TV.
Meme it. Meme it harder than it has ever been memed before . Do it Holla Forums . I trust in you.
Dubs have commanded I webm this disgusting shit for my adopted online family. I'm still pretty exhausted so please give me an hour or so.
I did. That's how I got the Z-pack. I just took my last tab this morning. The blood seems to be mostly in the first batch of shit I cough up in the morning. Then for the rest of the day it's the black-speckled chunks of shit in mucus.
I might survive. If it gets worse, or it doesn't get better on day 10 they are doing the chest X-rays to determine whether it is pneumonia or TB.
Dubs confirm Hilary will cough and shit herself!
Go Holla Forums and meme to the extreme!
So what are we meming, her puking her guts out, coughing up a long, shitting her pants, or something else?
I'm almost 100% sure that Hillary has a metric fuckton of blackmail hooked up to a dead mans switch just like Assange.
There's no way they would have let her run if she didn't.
it really isn't necessary…
inb4 nobody gets this reference
Maybe we should meme her vomitting her own shit, and shitting her lungs into her pants.
Dubs confirm all three!
Seriously, you see her fucking eating the damn things every time she's on camera, how do you retards not realize this?
There are probably several glasses of water there for her to hack up into.
Why has no one diagnosed her?
From my experience, green phlegm happens during a cold or a flu; viruses. Not so much from an infection of some sort.
Her lungs are obviously shot.
Persistant virus that causes poor mucus regulation and appears as an attack on the lungs with neurological symptoms.
she is barely able to speak during the entire fucking thing…
No it's not. You can see that she has coughed something into her mouth and has to hold it in with her lips.
There was nothing in her more prior to the coughing fit.
Highly dense mucus will sink quickly. Have you never been sick and hacked up a big greener before spitting it into the toilet?
Was it El Rato's snot rocket?
ajj lmau
spoiler that shit user
If trips she'll cough out a poop onstage.
I fucking love you crazy bastards
Like the Canadian crap weasel and his booger, this will be her demise
Hmm, only dubs. Which means she'll still shit her self on stage.
we already have the meme brother,
coughing fit, pants of shit, dubs decided
Not just any dubs tho.
Those dubs have more power than regular dubs.
Source video and time? Looks higher quality than webm. Also, nice.
checking my own dubs for further proof
Kek approves the fuck out of this chain.
Found a 40+ minutes long FOX report on her health.
haven't seen it all, and we have too many Hillary threads as it is, so posting it here, since on topic.
also, webm related to her memory problems.
Anyone wants to go ham in the comments
Same video as OP
Time is 30-35 second mark
Trump should absolutely tweet that.
Not shilling Mark Dice, but look at 1:45 and there is no yellow shit.
spread it
Her coughing (and need for cough drops) is because she has Parkinson's Disease. Coughing is one of the symptoms.
That's also why she needs Doc Choc around.
The nice gentleman in this video explains it all.
He is a medical doctor with 36 years of experience and I think he is spot on.
It's too damn late to change horses now
Look up the other ailments COPD-patients get, like how they also often start to leak and become unbalanced.
Why look at 1:45 when you can see her spit them into the glass at 10 seconds?
I feel like she promised them the world and had Warren and Bernie waiting in the wings as well as had a team of people loyal to her only in various places. She more or less forced her way in. The way Kaine stepped down, letting DWS take the dnc chair, the way the leading VP candidate Castro who Obama favored got fucked over at the last minute, it's all too suspicious. It all falls into place too well. I feel as if her campaign is run like a corporation with her handlers acting like investors. This is why whenever she is going to do something, like being more spontaneous or announcing the hiring of shills, or going after Breitbart, or going after the altistic right, she makes a big show about it and has the media play along. The media are also on her side mostly because the individual reporters have some stake in things while making it look like they are protecting their bosses investment, since the heads of a lot of these news companies are also donors to her campaign. The whole thing is one big game of sides vying for control and one big hustle by her and each person trying to fiddle each other.
Thats it, I believe meme magic now
Ok I have the .mov saved off my phone. I am familiar with using ffmpeg to convert to webm, but I need to look up how to verticle flip the image. Please stand by.
It might be disinfo.
We should meme this more.
It's at 1:00 too
Thank you Chief Surgeon user, but you'll find that coughing is one of the symptoms of just about fucking everything. Jesus.
Same footage matey.
Dubs confirm.
don't you mean….
Hillary's stool?
Why is Holla Forums so obsessed with Hillary shitting her pants?
Coughing is not a symptom of good health.
Do you even meme?
Instead of shitting she's barfing.
Because us obsessing about it, is going to cost her the presidency. meme magic 101
we got a real high-level intellect here
I think her, maybe some close people, and her doctors know. Her handlers probably don't know. I think she is conning them into supporting her bid since she wants to be the first women president.
Taken together with other symptoms. I don't think it is parkinsons but who knows.
actually… it appears ffmpeg automatically flips it -180 so now i'm just playing with bitrates and downscaling to provide maximum clarity of my lung Pepes.
I saw this from the front page, had to stop in and say
The Z-pack might be working. This afternoon the shit appears to be a little less black, maybe grayish. Also I think this batch was trapped in a lot more mucus than the last few days. I gave it a little swirl to try to get it to break from the mucus and sink.
Let me know if you need another sample. For science.
COPD usually goes undiagnosed until it becomes a problem, although the patient have usually known something is wrong for years, but never told the doctor.
my favorite holiday camp is near cracow (the W is pronounced like an f)
Because she is incompetent and incontinent
I can honestly see this happening. Her handlers would have been able to either interrogate the doctor or hack into her medical files. Dr. Drew mentioned that from the health records that had been released, she was being treated like it was the 1960s or something, due to the kind of drugs she was on and so on. Nothing really up to date or at least befitting her status. She may be lying to more than just the American people here.
This needs to be memed harder
Face it nu-male, your crotchety old bag is coughing up lung tissue.
But you're still so stupid to thing she'd be up to the gauntlet that is the presidency. lol, your King Nigger aged 25 years while in office.
Kill yourself you screeching dumb faggots.
mein sides
Who would have thought ATHF would have predicted it?
meme magic runs through our veins
Why are you such a massive retard who wants a dying person to be president?
Huma Yeast.
Is this actually the greatest election in American history?
Oh shit, this might just work.
Thank you for giving back my faith in this board.
Most lie to themselves, as you don't want COPD, if you know what it is.
"If the doctor did not detect it, then everything is fine" type of thinking.
I must fucking say though, she is a master of subtlety, I couldn't notice she doing that the first 3 times.
How does one learn to spit like that?
Dr. Drew may be wrong on the coumadin. My gram has a blood clot and I was over with the family one time when her home nurse came to take some readings. The nurse explained a bunch of reasons why some doctors are coming back to coumadin over the newer drugs. All I can remember now is that it had to do with side effects that were being seen more now that they're in widespread use.
It seems like it really depends on the doctor. Or maybe my gram's doctor is shit. That said a single prescription doesn't explain everything. I wish Drew had gone into more detail. We need some ebil natzee russian hackers to get a hold of her medical files and dump them.
Reptilians can cough acid, what more can they do?
Reminds me of the ooze from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Thats not a proper yellow lump, as hers.
I don't know. I feel as if she knows she is fucked, as indicated by how she takes time off and so on. I don't think that is due to her simply not being able to do anything but knowing she will crash if she tries. She knows her limitations. I guess she is lying to herself in some way, in that even though she knows she is sick, she may be lying to herself about how sick she is but then again, who knows what's in that twisted head of hers.
True. They still say to give that out in med schools, though I imagine his issue is that there are better drugs of the same type and function that can be given since her blood issues were more recent. Unless she has been on this medication for a long time which raises more questions then and makes her stroke/fall even more intriguing.
I want to say by sucking dick, but she obviously wasn't good at that considering the whole Monica Lewinsky thing,
coumadin can help COPD patients.
Get well soon kamerad. We all wish you good health.
She knows it now, but perhaps not a year ago.
You gotta give it too her, it was slick.
She hacked up some green and didn't want to swallow it because it would just stick to her esophagus and get coughed up again. Instead she pretended to get a drink and deposited her lung butter
You probably have antibiotic resistant TB from the shitskins.
Get better antibiotics.
I'm sorry for your lots, user.
Spoiler that shit wtf.
Why couldn't she just take a tissue and spit into it discreetly, then put it away?
Why does she have to show the whole of the planet what disgusting laboratory secretions she has inside of her broken machine of a corpse?
Why does she lack class, dignity and self-respect?
Only thing that was slick was the slimey crap she coughed up. The fact that she continued to drink from the glass is absolutely revolting. She should really carry tissues around with her, that way she could have made it look like she was just wiping her mouth.
That's disgusting. I think they're cough drops tho.
This is assuming her COPD has led to congestive heart failure, which would ultimately lead to arrhythmia and thus blood clots. That could explain the stroke she had and thus explain why she is on such medication in the first place. She may have COPD and that could have been the thing that set off all her problems into motion.
made another version, more on the nose IMHO
Yeah, I almost forgot wapo has turned into another huffpo.
No nigger the front page of Holla Forums, the board's list, I don't go to Holla Forums because everything posted here makes me angry at Jews.
Does she inhale the tablets only to cough them up then?
Well…8/pol/ is a hurtbox.
However see 2nd pic.
Top kek. They are freaking out. The more the press freaks out, the more I feel like her handlers were not aware of how sick she is or was at the start of this campaign. I seriously think they will cash out soon and tell her to drop out (she won't) or off her. She may try and stop them from offing her by doing all kinds of shit. She may try and off her handlers at some point. Left vs left.
I defended Clinton?
Very nice.
Wow they sure showed us. We should stop now, there is no way anyone's health can decline in only one year, right goyim?
I'm sure her physician is not being influenced by any means as well.
omfg thats absolutely revolting
not even considering if she's sick…. but, how the fuck can any normie look at that slow mo video and continue to idolize her?
its just… ugh… its just
Of course, but at the same time, brooding over the antics of subhumans is just a waste of time. Its one thing to see it, recognize it, and point it out to others, I do this, its another thing to revolve your life around it. General awareness, and education of the people around you is the way to go.
To add, her COPD could lead to CHF which can lead to atrial (or ventricular) hypertrophy which leads to an arrhythmia (and thus light-headiness and thus a fall) or a hypercoaguble state which leads to either or throwing a clot and then stroke or straight up stroking out (which leads to a fall).
But she would have to get really bad for all that to occur. Were there signs of this cough or illness much before? That'd be a good thing to find.
I was eating a fucking ice cream sandwich god damn
is there any current Dr.Who tags on twitter we can hijack?
Well. Is there a stronger antibiotic than azithromiacin?
Some of you were alright. If I have TB don't go to mosque.
I can't help but laugh at that vid every time. It's perfect, right down to the keep 'em at the end.
First Ivanka found a frog, now Hillary coughed it up.
I'm Catholic and strongly against idolatry, but this is getting ridiculous
Become a kekite before its too late
Hillary's mysterious health records.
Someone being killed off (more than likely by her) for leaking them.
Bill's drained features.
The mystery surrounding opposition 'disappearing' or simply winding up dead.
Federal crimes being disregarded.
It all makes sense now! Hillary is a Lich who has used her foul magic to try pulling strings without completely blowing her cover! She must've devoured Bill's soul and turned him into her thrall after his past transgressions. As her thrall the husk of a man has gained almost phantom-like powers that allow him to carry out foul deeds and murders.
Imagine it now, sheeple!
Like when you get pneumonia, get well, only to find out it was cancer that gave you the pneumonia?
If Illary never smoked, COPD might not have been the first thing they checked her for, if she got well from the ailments that were diagnosed.
That is fucking disgusting.
For a second I thought that pic was from that one comic about the little girl who was being diddled by her dad but the whole family pretended it didn't happen. Forgot the name.
Not even gore is as vile and disgusting as this shit.
I'll need sauce and recipe on that gif, user
I don't know of any.
Ivanka is quite the memester.
And that is, my friends, schizophrenic stare on that pic. I know that gaze, it is characteristical for paranoid schizophrenia.
As for that shit comming from her mouth, that is allmost certainly pneumonia. Looks like Mycoplasma Pneumoniae.
Nice combination. Here:
I'll never worship false idols. In my resolve, I remain steadfast. But you're demonstrating meme magick is real. I don't know the exact scientific expression for it, maybe power of will, but it's working
Cough drop :^)
Hillary is going to die on the debate stage.
COPD gets progressively worse. Even acute exacerbations come with a long course of symptoms. This is my main issue with this. For it to get to the point to cause heart issues, it would have to be pretty profound. However, she could have had CHF first, occurring naturally or due to smoking or anything else, and that could lead to COPD, which would explain a lot of the coughing and her other symptoms. That should be easy to manage though, even if she were trying to hide that shit. I feel as if there is something else. She may have a deeper, more medically damning illness at hand that is connected to all these other conditions.
What the hell did I just watch?
Dillon The Hacker is an absolute madman,
Being drunk probably has something to do with this, but good god I am laughing so hard at that
Holy shit! Are these the kind of Russian hackers Trump is hiring?
I used to smoke a whole lot but now down to half a pack per day. I know what phlem is like, but that is not phlem. What she just coughed up was stomach bile.
How do I know? I've experienced it IN PUBLIC myself. How did it happen? I sniffed too much cocaine once, coughed hard and the exact same thing happened… lumps of bile and stomach acid came out my mouth. It's very embarrassing (and often uncommon) but it still can happen.
On that note, I'm not saying she's on drugs. I do think she has something wrong with her digestive system though, not just her lungs. Her coughing fit basically released the bile from her stomach and she couldn't hold it due to the acidity (its harsh).
You lost the game.
But seriously, the liquid house foam explosion, I must know.. anyone?
I converted from atheism into Following the Light provided by Keks long time ago. My life is much more fulfilled now. There are signs everywhere, this is the way.
There is no god but KEK and Trump is his Messenger (PBUH).
Praise Kek, Hallekekjuja.
Good god, my sides.
Russia wishes they could have a hacker with the expertise of Dillon.
he's actually just a youtube ruseman who likes to piss off faggots like the bro army, fans of faggoty commentary channels like leafy, bronies, weebs, feminists, sjws and liberals
I'll take your word for it, OP.
Vid related.
Kek. Maybe she tied off her ass so she doesn't shit everywhere.
That image is fucking stupid as he is made of bronze.
kek wants you to
She suffers from something the inner party thought easy to manage, but because she is a habitual liar, it was past the stage were it was manageable.
Who among them dare pull the plug, and say that she is not getting better, and that she should give up?
Good looking out
You do realize though, the minute that they abandon her, she will stop at nothing to mercilessly drag and name each and everyone else involved down with her into the abyss of moloch.
They are using her as a puppet for their own means, but at the same time, they fear the day she decides to just let loose on her before "quietly passing in her sleep"
I think she has something worse and that all the stuff we're mentioning is a side effect of this issue. Even more so, I think the severity of her health and situation is being kept secret from her higher ups and she is putting up a front so her handlers/investors don't abandon her for better alternatives.
This is possible. Who has who by the balls is an interesting question.
Those fucking madmen
Modify the image for him to be made out of gold instead of complaining like a little bitch then.
The dem party may be retardedly stupid, but the special interests not so much. If they wanted a surefire win or much more of a chance to win, they would've let Bernie win during the primaries. But the made-up battle turned into an embarrassing struggle leaving lastly with the exposure of it all being a game during the convention, leaving many fans instead feeling betrayed.
They could've let Bernie win, and pose a greater threat to Trump's campaign, but they didn't. They went with Hillary because of all they invested into her, and how much she knows about her investors.
I'd rather make it into bismuth.
It's probably just her blood
By now, it's clear she can't become prez. If she makes it to the election (I don't wish her bad, being realistic.)
In my opinion we should focus with who they will replace her with at the last moment. Think of this scenario brethren and prepare for it
Is Ben Garrison actually drawing Pepe in his cartoons now? WTF HAVE WE MADE THIS MAN INTO??!?!?!!
got me a chuckle mate
Well done.
And what I mean about "surefire" or "better chance" is from the libs that are coated in the constant redpills from the electric jew to social media. They were gobbling up everything Bernie does with absolute faith. The libs at that time that were more accepting of the redpill would've been harder to redpill. But here we are, with a thread or two's worth of screencaps after the DNC and its emails and shit at the collective anger and assblasting from now finding out they were played for fools and were betrayed from day 1.
Now there is no chance for them. The only thing they have going for them is the consistent (now failing) shield that is the main stream media. And the main stream media is continually damaging their professionalism and credibility. Infact, Hillary is already throwing her "Uuman" what's her face and job under the bus while the consistent fbi and email shit keeps getting brought back up. She is rapidly losing shit to help support her. And by the time Hillary, her camp, and her (((investors))) realize Donald's master strategy in what he's been doing and the effects of it collectively gathering together, it will be too late.
for instance, word from radio this morning was that dems had to go against their common rhetoric and preach that niggers don't have it as bad as trump is revealing how it actually is. And this will backfire on the dems
We didn't make him anything. We just showed him what was already there.
Yes he is
Yep, same here. Thick, heavy, disgusting brown mucous that would definitely sink to the bottom of a glass like that. It was brown because it contained blood. Occasionally I'd sneeze and blast it all over a wall, in my hand, or if I was lucky into a tissue. It was a fucking mess. Eventually I did end up with bronchitis and pneumonia then it turned yellow-green with flecks of blood.
Fortunately I quit smoking years ago. That's not allergies, it's some kind of lung infection, and it's probably not from smoking. I hear that people with Parkinsons have swallowing problems so they often breathe in what they are swallowing. This could be what it is.
He's been one of us for fucking ages.
He makes the new Ben Garrison threads.
Well done on quitting user.
A winners move.
Holy shit. He actually listened to that one user asking for Ben to start including pepe or a frog in his cartoons to let us know he's here.
Hi Ben!
That being said. A new one dropped today.
Do you have the one where Pepe is in the drawer?
Is she? I assumed she was going to throw Cheryl Mills under the bus but Trump reaching out the black community has put Hillary in a bind, since Mills is black and it would be easy for her to get the blame since she did have a good part in the e-mail scandal cover-up but then throwing her under the bus would make Trump's case even stronger and turn blacks wholesale against Hillary. I do agree with what you're saying though. The liberals have fucked themselves into a corner dealing with Hillary.
Sometimes I wonder if another mystery school introduced us to meme magic so they could use us as weapons.
I mean there's no way we're the first people to figure this out.
inb4 she starts puking up dead baby parts live on stage.
and the right version of the new one
Now I need to know where this is from.
I still think the jews used meme magic to get themselves to where they are. This idea that they are all-powerful, all-seeing and far reaching is part of it. It leads to people limiting and hindering themselves in the face of them, allowing them to maintain power. The current generation doesn't have much practice in meming as much as the older ones.
What is the significance of the 'T' on the blanket?
Trump is the moon.
Probably the moonlight forming a T for Trump.
Now I feel embarassed, thanks user.
My eyes have been opened. Thank you kind sirs.
Normies don't like gross shit, I firmly believe the Rato booger memes ultimately cost him the nomination more than anything.
This is gross shit +1
Spread that jpeg everywhere
I didn't get the entirety of it, but from listening to Hannity, the brief summary is that many under Hillary are getting questioned again, including Hillary, and one of her remarks was basically "well Uuman Abadin never told me-blah blah blah". Basically throwing the mudslime under.
And Trump hit and struck deathly blows and captured key points that have surrounded Hillary and her campaign. If she tries to point out that she's healthy, then she's brought right into the fray of email questioning as well as the side of the black support narrative falling apart.
And the minute that she tries the pity angle with something involving her not feeling well, her health is brought into question and brought to question again.
This is just one of many, hundreds of strategies and tactics that Trump has done. As one who has an appreciation for strategy, Trump's sometimes "erratic" and other actions as you understand for what reason he does them, and what the result is in the growing picture (like getting that kike immunity shawl) that it will formulate into, it's something to absolutely admire.
I was smothered not to praise my father in the sun
I was punished not to please my sisters in the stars
I was baptized not to honor my mother in the moon
I was murdered not to cherish my brothers made of snow
"Certain pleasures are forever we are raised in disbelief
Certain tortures are forever there is silence when we preach
Certain pleasures are forever we are feared and disbelieved
Certain tortures are forever can you satisfy my needs?"
I was slandered not to worship my father in the sun
I was beaten not to lust my sisters in the stars
I was branded not to touch my mother in the moon
I was vanquished not to love my brothers made of snow
I'm glad Hillary is puking up green mucus frogs. It really humanizes her. Not like that big bully Trump who READS FROM TELEPROMPTERS.
Trump reads meme-words from the fabric of reality.
There were two blobs that definitely looked liquid, has to be mucus.
This shit is getting ridiculous, I seriously doubt even niggers think she is healthy or honest not that they won't still vote for her to get gibs
Trump is really playing them well. I didn't realize she was throwing Huma under the bus but I can see that happening. Huma has too much dirt on her as well. She's too shady and Hillary is scrambling at this point. Things are falling apart for her and between the FBI stuff that Trump can trap her with, The Cheryl Mills stuff in which Mills can either screw Hillary back or risk throwing her under the bus and thus garner unending fury from the black community, and the various people who have a bone to pick with Hillary coming out of the woodwork, Hillary is quite screwed. Wikileaks hasn't even dropped their october surprise yet.
Cornyn can be a cuck sometimes but this is going to hurt Hillary even more.
Hell is forever!
What's the pickle and why is Hamarabe involved?
Huma isn't even 40 and you can reasonably assume that a Saudi asset won't be serving hard time so Hillary can survive another few weeks
He is meme-walking.
There is that. then again, Huma going to trial let alone jail would not look good for Hillary. And if any prosecutor or agency cucks out, it will look even worse for Hillary.
It's really not bronchitis guys.
I've had that shit before and there's no way she'd be able to give a 5 min speech without running the fuck out of breath.
Thanks for helping to Correct The Record!!
Nah, mane I'm pretty sure it's made out of pixels.
Can confirm.
Can confirm Hil has bronchitis, I've had it before. It's very typical to have a large black man follow you around with a syringe and to require two people to help you up a few steps of stairs.
Stop being paranoid, pol. Also, don't forget that Hil is redpilled and pro-white.
Don't be a smart ass user.
Or I'll call you names.
What are you even saying?
You're a little slow aren't you?
Hillary called Huma her "second daugher" and she worked in Bill's White House even when she was in her 20s, if anything Huma is the one holding the cards
She'll be back in Medina long before anyone begins to look at her
dose are not cough drops…
they are too damn big!
my grandmother spits her snot into toilet
Sorry mate but wrong is confusing to everyone.
come one guys don't pretend this is even close to the most Disgusting thing you've ever seen
we've all seen much worse its, still pretty gross tho,
but on a scale of 1 (a small cut) to 100 (exploding body parts) it is like a 59? 62 about there id say
I find this more disgusting than those pictures of what the cartel does to people that one faggot spams anytime someone disagrees with him.
Don't forget to try this drink user.
as chronic alcoholic and it is ruining my family I can guaranty I will not drink that shit.
I hate that guy.
You didn't even meme right user.
Remember how the shills and liberals were at first crying that Trump was a fake, that he would hand the election to Clinton?
…. What if it was the other way around?
how so?
what if it happened without intention?
I'm not here to school you on memes user.
you have know idea
i was going to put it lower but i thought about it
its more disgusting then about half the shit i've seen
i was thinking more on the lines of that one time an user of half chan posted gifs of an actual kid being raped then murderlerdered that was about a 96 on the scale of hours, i still have flash back to that shit… new fags don't know about the dark times on Holla Forums before they cleaned up in 08~10
My my how the tables have turned..
so close
No hyperbole, I almost threw up watching that.
I had a horrendous sinus infection once and I remember sneezing and coughing up astounding amounts of thick, bright green phlegm for several weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary has something similar.
If she were much younger, she would get over it in a few weeks and this wouldn't be important. But she's old and has endured years of stress-accelerated aging, so this could either be the start of something worse, or a sign of a weakened immune system due to her Parkinsons or whatever other diseases she has.
The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if Russia or some other actor would be able to give her a temporarily debilitating but not immediately life threatening infection, the way they have "covertly" poisoned their defectors.
Thirding this. Former smoker as well. Though I never had the bloody brown sinking mucus, sometimes in the morning I would be able to hack up what was effectively a booger, a dense, solid wad of mucus from lungs that would sink. They would be about the size of booger though and whatever she is coughing up is pretty big and there were at least 2 separate globs of it.
On a related note, it is funny seeing this resurface today showing that disgusting shit. When I was watching the video of this coughing fit yesterday, I thought I heard her hork something up at this very moment.
What if our memes are responsible for the el rato booger boogaloo and no this?
Hillary's meetings should be marked with a R rating, this is revolting !
Gotta have faith in the forced frog. He'll make things happen. Just you wait. He's real you know.
Looks like it could be a throat lozenge, or candy/mint. I don't think it's mucus or phlegm or anything bodily, because it doesn't float or seem to break up in the water.
Unless she's coughing up solid chunks of phlegm and mucus. Seems she can't drink with them in her mouth though. Weak little bitch.
the pickle is a reference to when she opened a pre-opened jar of pickles on a late night talk show
the harambe in the maga hat is the black vote going to trump
She coughed up two teeth.
Bronze:depicting marbleman::pixels:depicting bronze.
The pickle is also a reference to the Pickle Man who hounded Chris Chan.
If only
At first I thought it was just some kind of refraction in the water/glass from something happening behind her, but the frame-by-frame shows it being affected by gravity and changing shape upon hitting the side of the glass.
Absolutely disgusting.
Why not? I can't think of another reason why there would only be one pickle in the jar and why the pickle would have a face.
Jesus fucking christ.
We're shitposting so hard, we're not just memeing the bitch to death: we're straight up Cronenberging her.
I'm surprised Bill hasn't tried to diddle her yet.
That would be even better. Wanted fugitive. In the end, if she disappears, that still hurts Hillary because that deprives her of a trusted ally and personal aide.
Like doctors even do anything but treat symptoms. If you don't already know what you have a doctor won't bother figuring it out.
Holla Forums, I have a question…
I've heard Ghost from TCR talk about how if one of the presidential candidates gets too sick (which is what's happening to Hillary here), or something happens and that candidate drops out of the election, the Department of Homeland Security can take over the election and basically select whatever they want to select without the people's will.
Is this true, can this be their plan b so-to-speak to prevent Trump from winning the election?
off by one…
You have your answer shill
Top kek.
Ben comes here, but I just personally doubt he thought the autism of CWC and those who troll him was worth learning more about. Could be wrong though. I hope I am. I would love to see Clyde Cash make an appearance in a cartoon.
I personally thought the pickle was some kind of reference to bill's shriveled up dick in addition to the pickle jar incident.
It would be a foolish gambit, but anything is possible.
Doing so would almost-certainly kick off a significant happening though, so, I mean, I hope they go for it - I'd love a reason to start eliminating traitors in a most patriotic fashion tbh fam.
I've never heard of that rule before. I think the way it goes, Kaine would become the front-runner and the party would choose a running mate.
Kek. Liberals in a nutshell.
This genuinely made me feel like vomiting.
aw sheet getscript be fersaken us
Can somebody correct the record on this?
She inhaled her cough tablets?
Right, because being a Holla Forumslack means you're not allowed to watch the gayest science fiction until the new Star Trek comes out.
Chris Clitpizza BTFO.
Maybe it's her teeth falling out?
At first I thought they were olives but it doesn't makes sense that she would be able to hold olives in her mouth like that or for any reason.
Clearly photoshopped by Russia
Hillary is obviously healthy and this weak attempt to attack her will only hurt us and Trump
The Record™ has been corrected
There is literally nothing wrong with being HIV positive. Stop victim blaming.
[x] Corrected
[ ] Uncorrected
Thank you I can now go back to #Artillery4Hillary
I will
thank you Father
tfw Hillary sneezes in a conversation with Putin and he gets phlegm all over his face.
How would he react?
Crooked Hillary looks one step closer to the grave every time she appears in public.
She must have throat cancer.
If dubs, she'll suspend her campaign in the coming weeks.
Projectile vomit all over her. Then she vomits violently, slipping and falling in his vomit and breaking a hip.
Fucking gross.
Updated for Freshness
She has been coughing since 2008
I think the red circles obscure more than clarify
Maybe it's just my eyes
Shit, nigger… Why aren't you immunized against TB?
I mean sure, getting a flu shot every year is fucking retarded, but TB immunization is a no-brainer.
It's gotta be this or something very similar.
Sputum ['spju.təm] is mucus and is the name used for the coughed-up material (phlegm) from the lower airways (trachea and bronchi). This process is known as sputilization. [1] In medicine, sputum samples are usually used for naked eye exam, microbiological investigations of respiratory infections and cytological investigations of respiratory systems. Naked eye exam of sputum can be done at home by a patient in order to note the various colors.
Sputum can be (when examined by the naked eye):
2. Green or greenish colored - indicative of longstanding respiratory infection (green from degenerative changes in cell debris) as in pneumonia, ruptured lung abscess, chronic infectious bronchitis, and infected bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis.
You can bullshit people with stupid emotional pleas as long as you want, but you'll never be able to fool their stomachs. That shit is fucking disgusting.
It looks like green mucus, which means she's sick. I think she knows this and knows it's not just a virus. I think she may be dead before the election even takes place. Her coughing I think is the result of a blood condition where her blood clots faster and can cause strokes. My mother takes Coumadin for that same reason. The doctor who had told her that said the mortality is fairly high for someone with that condition. She probably is having heart rumors and is coughing like my mother does at times. But my mom doesn't cough up green flem. She should be in bed, why is she giving a speech?
Why? She's going to lose to Trump anyway?
I don't think she has CF, she'd have to use one of those vibrating vest things to break up the Flem in her lungs. Although she might be using that too anyways.
This is what's gonna hurt Hillary. There is no explanation that isn't gross as hell.
I love when this shit happens to her
She coughed with mouth open, and even looked down while coughing. When you cough with tablets in your mouth you wouldn't tilt your head forward, they'll fall out of your mouth.
If you're the creator, do the first one with a thin black outline around the names to make them easier to read.
It's definitely COPD. Maybe even coupled with AIDS she got from Bill.
It would explain some things
The cat lady thing doesn't work well with Hillary, her supporters maybe but not her
She is too much of a selfish cunt to care about pets
The glaring problem with that is I don't think either of them want bill's dick in her.
What is that funky looking gun?
New Russian 9mm subgun
Point. Yeah, it implies she'd be caring enough to love anything other than herself.
Thanks /k/ommandos.
Our power grows day by day.
someone exorcise this bitch
I think you mean Bronchiectasis.
Personally, I think it's TB.
That or bronchitis
I was a sickly child and got both from having a moldy fish tank next to my bead growing up.
Not good for elderly people
Where did her tongue hole go? Pic related
its probably an older pictuire
Meme that shit. Can you imagine if this walking dead bitch has been spreading drug resistant TB to all of the corrupt members of the Democratic party, their donors, and SJWs?
Talk about a complete and total victory.
If quads, Hillary shits out part of Intestines.
I'd watch that JoJo.
KEK confirmed for infiltrating Hillary's body and causing damage.
Soon he will travel down and cause the pants of shit.
Possibly the final stage of Parkinson's? She got aspiration pneumonia from the swallowing disorder from Parkinson's. en.m.wikipedia.org
Of course we know better than to expect objective reporting, but how do the normals watch this and not see what biased bullshit this is?
Either way works - the url is there, so may urge to watch to see in action.
Quick and dirty
I watched her speech a bit more. She drinks from the cup again later. If I am not mistaken the green stuff she spit out earlier is still at the bottom of the glass. Sputum/phlegm with bacteria (green or yellow color) sinks in water
Source gluedideas.com
This might confirm my suspicions I stated in
Putsch soon?
Dear God that's disgusting. I thought she was just pretending to drink from the glass when she spit the stuff into it, but if she actually pulled it out again and drank that makes the Rato booger look like the pinnacle of hygiene.
She probably thought nobody noticed and she kept drinking because she either got water or croaked.
see you at the beer hall
it isn't even allergy season
Tim Kane in the background has the most satanic Inhuman smile I have ever seen.
just living up to his namesake.
Kek agrees
Biden is damn close to pulling a Sherman.
In human years.
Thanks user. It's nice being able to breathe again. It's great not being so
Do you know what COPD is?
She will drown in that green goo eventually, if her heart does not fail first.
….Let Israel be. Le them slaughter the Muslims. They will have plenty or land for theur brethren to go home to.
I don't remember if it was the Syrians or maybe Lebanon but last time the IDF actually had a campaign they got BTFO so hard it made Custard and Mussolini blush from beyond the grave.
Fixed faggot
wtf did you do to my post Spicytorus?
Doctor Who.
You underestimate the nerdom of Holla Forums.
COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
She's in bad shape, folks, bad shape. She may have MAC, a very difficult to treat tuberculosis-like lung infection that requires months of antibiotics to even manage.
Leonard Nimoy died of COPD
It was Hezbollah. They had the politeness to be embarrassed, because the last time they went into Lebanon, they were in the capital in a day.
Its really funny, i suspect that Israel succumbed to victory disease among other bullshit involved eith doctrinal change, nonetheless, even the israelis knew they got btfod. Because the IDF of the 70s/80s would have roflstompd their wayy to victory.
Oh I have a problem with that, but honestly? Its a prebuilt semi self funding concentration camp. They can have it. Once the oil runs out, the place has no use.
Do you think Bill, maybe? Tuberculosis and HIV?
Nah. Stop with the health lies.
Remember the PISS BAG? Dude she has parkinsons
Oh yeah, loved that cartoon. Little blonde evil girl runs over everyone and does whatever she pleases.
Let's thank the aryan Alex Jones for really finding Hillary's health troubles.
IRIS syndrome - as you treat the hiv, the tuberculosis gets worse.
Copypasta from an Q&A about COPD
Oh you posted a shitskin edutainment video as absolute proof it's not HIV or TB? Well I'll be damned…
It was chunks of Huma's shit coming back up.
What about the crazy Head bob and balloon-drop bug-out?
damn, user. i thought i was getting better and meme-ing myself into this just being pneumonia…
but i have had night sweats, loss of appetite, been coughing up blood, and as of today with the webm i posted earlier this afternoon noticed an increase in mucus.
remember me. here's my few shoops (and a fulfullied request) from the last year or so incase i died
Pure sarcasm my dude.
She could have hiv, tb, iris syndrome and aids dementia complex all rolled into one - it would be lulzy as fuck.
But that's a horrible thing to say and there's no proof. :^)
Shouldn't the Phlegm be breaking apart with something floating, for instance if saliva mixed with it?
I could have gone my whole life without seeing this. But if I had to speculate? It looks like two half-dissolved cough drops being spit into the water based upon the flat shape, and the speed in which it goes to the bottom. If it were plegm or mucus, it would have floated a bit in the glass.
Sauce? My 8yr old is cackling up a storm after she heard the squeaky toy and explosion.
see the webm i made this afternoon here:
i'm still coughing shit up so I can try a better setup where the dark shit separates from the mucus better
apologies… Poe's Law etc.
flumper0453 4 years ago 11 Replies
Wish she would realize she isn't far from death's door and just start whistleblowing every degenerate kike behind the scenes.
i feel sorry for the people working at CTR, they have a very bad job that seems to get worse and worse by day.
Not sure if it fits the screenshot though, did not watch it.
Chekd and kekd
You have eliminated phlegm as a possibility.
Now we are down to Sputum whatever that is, cough drops (green?) or some horse pill she sucks on
Fucking gross. Gagged/10
And I thought I had mucus problems. That was the size of a ping pong ball.
I had a crush on her
you'll be forgotten immediately, don't worry
If we assume they are cough drops, why TWO?
Did she forget she had one in her mouth?
Did she bite one in half and decide to spit them out? That's the only explanation that makes sense for cough drops.
each one was bigger than half of a cough drop of any variety
how can she talk smoothly with two coughdrops in her mouth?
Women these days man
fuck off weeb faggot
It's either a disgusting gobby or a cough drop that clearly isn't working
if you're asking for more animu postings as a response, you're gonna be getting them.
you shouldn't respond to low energy bait not even to call it bait.
has anyone ever proven that the Clintons have consummated their marriage?
It's either the scrotum of Kek himself, mucus, or cough drops/pills that were stuck in her throat.
One of the three.
sharing all those needles and ritual knives is enough.
let's take that off the table, CTR fag
Stick them in the sides of your mouth. You can talk if you don't open your teeth too much. She definitely had at least 1 cough drop, see here:
Fuck off faggot
Have you heard of the term "devils advocate"?
I love what Ben Garrison has become.
Could it be some medication?
I think pepe has been around long before that cartoon.
Trump says to think big, so I'm going to meme her having a total anal prolapse during the first debate.
wrong second link. should be: healthline.com
Wew lads did we meme this?
Good touch.
Checkem –→
Should have put a stool next to the short one.
Hi Ghost Politics
Google depression and anxiety + copd
seems like she had a FROG in her throat
smug pickle on the nightstand killed me
This is the only person I have seen mention what it actually is. Its bile. As someone who is medical, I see this shit pretty frequently.
It is absolutely not normal to cough up bile. Usually its indicative of something else.
Extreme intestinal reflux. Gallstones. Intestinal blockage.
Alcoholism can cause bile to back up into the stomach, which makes the stomach sour, and then back up it comes.
nice shaving kit homo
thanks for delivering the video, fucking gross
Is she going to show her true form during the debates?
This is because she will be in a wheelchair. No need for a stool. That is why there is a wheelchair ramp.
Check'd and Praised.
God damn that is sick. Why didn't I see this until I checked Holla Forums? Spread it, faggots.
I'm late to the party. Do we have a hashtag for this?
This shit is nasty.
Also has Alex Jonestein been alerted? I know he's controlled opposition, but he seems to be the best at spreading things about Hillary's health.
Rev up the meme machines, lads. Have any of you tweeted this out under any hashtags?
what de fug
I've just noticed that Molymeme and Cernovich have used #HillarysHealth, so that's what I'm memein' under.
That's nice and all but Hillary'sHealth has been around for awhile.This slime that she spat out is new and fresh. More importantly, it's nasty and very visual. Needs a good new hashtag for the normies to notice it.
COPD makes sense if she was a heavy smoker, which I do not know. Tobacco use would also put her at risk for things like stroke.
And while this doesn't always happen, a symptom of COPD can be having a large barrel chest because of the air trapped in the lungs that can't be easily exhaled. Could this be one of the reasons she wearings giant billowy pantsuits?
Hmm. Needs to be more memey than #HillarysPhlegm
What about something like #HockinHillary?
Settle down faggot
Why is the glass clear if they were aware of her potentially doing this? Why were they not aware of her potentially doing this if that is the case? Why not a hillary campaign cup of solid plastic? Why not a fucking solo cup? Why is this being covered on MSNBC of all fucking places?
This is all becoming a little too artificial feeling. Its reminding me of Jeb!
Something in reference to her spitting? Or just call her disgusting?
I doubt she planned on this happening. That and she is in the leftist camp. They live in their own little world. Morning Joe has recently been mocked for being anti-Trump and are trying to draw back the people they retained when they were seemingly pro-Trump. In the end, Hillary severely underestimated how sick she was, due to being surrounded by Yes Men afraid to tell her no.
(checked and keked)
Yeah man, like "Hey, Hockin' Hillary!" since she can't quit coughin' and hackin'. HackinHillary?
#IllHillSpitsFill could work
I also like #IllHillDrinksFill, The implication being that she's drinking her fill of bile.
Hillary Clinton has serious brain disorder and is inclined to seizure and fucking blanking out in unexpected situations. She has a black handler who follows her around with a syringe. That said, in this video I'm pretty sure she's just spitting out her cough drop (basically a soothing menthol lozenge) into her water (still pretty fucking gross/ disgusting). Possibly intended to false-flag seasonal allergies as cover for the more serious shit she has going on w/ her health. Normally you wouldn't spit your cough drop into your water during a coughing fit though, you'd want to keep that in your mouth to alleviate the coughing. So perhaps the more serious issue is that her loss of motor control is such that she couldn't drink water while holding the cough drop in her mouth at the same time but had to spit it out like a child.
You may be trying to correct the record, but my disgust remains uncorrected.
This is a person who keeps classified info on her own private server with basically no web security. She's not some 4D chessmaster. She's just a fuck-up that keeps getting away with things. Her number 1 problem is her hubris and incompetence in locking her shit down, but it hardly matters because the media covers for her
buy guys. she opened a jar!
she´s fine!
leslie detects paranormal activity
Why arent you spreading it, fags?
no, crossposting on cuckchan doesn't count
Chang it to this one
How will she ever recover?
Change people to peasants or racists.
she has zika obv
So how much are they paying Mika anyways? She obviously had a thing for Trump earlier.
Hillary is now FDR.
They elected a dead man.
Reminder that you fucks managed to tear a hole in reality strong enough to bring a god of chaos through without destroying a yuge part of the galaxy.
Those were cough drops. 100%.
But let's say it is something else for the lols.
But how can one expect to speak clearly with not one but two cough drops in their mouth?
Coughs drops don't look like
Maybe she is a total nightmare to work for and her staff fucking hate her guts. Its just a job for them that will end win or loose when the race is over.
I think I recognize that substance. It is green goop.
daft punk the autoimmune disease?
My eyes…
Why the fuck would go up to give a talk with a mouth full of these?
ctr pls go
Pretty big to be pills but mucous would have floated and dissolved a bit as it fell through the water.
More than likely it's the jewish magical medicine that allows rich kikes to stay alive no matter how decrepit they get.
why is putin choking his bear? trump is a ape?
I used to wish that Hillary would die, now I am praying that she stays alive for at least one debate with Trump.
Ideally she will be totally crushed and live on for years in terrible health, in constant pain, drifting ever closer to death with an constant sense of weakness, frustration and bitter failure.
That's Harambe, IDK about the choking though
HEr dying would be bad. We don't want Tim Kaine becoming president on a (((surge))) after a (((wave of sympathy)))
She's dying in front of our eyes, the memes have great power.
I wonder if you may ever choke a bear with thick rope lol.
Best i could do with my video editing skills
When I was sick, I accidentally coughed a large phlegm blob straight into a water bottle I was about to drink from.
It floated, and I poured it out.
…so this shit is straight from the bible
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Revelation 16:13
They've been force memeing the apocalypse for quite some time.
I have no doubt Hillary intentionally did this.
Also a song for Hillary :^)
Yes, actually. That she kept drinking it tips it over the edge.
Under normal circumstances I'd argue obsessing over something like coughing up phlem instead of talking about why a candidate is good/shit for policy reasons is unproductive, but in this case normalfags will pretty much only be swayed by this sort of visceral disgust reaction.
nice bible knowledge
holy shit
comfy as fug waiting for Hillary to de-materialize on stage
This election is getting way too fucking stupid to be real.
I feel sick to my stomach looking at this image.
It never was real.
The whole election has revealed that for quite some time it's been completely staged.
The NYT article linked on Drudge has a crystal-clear photo of the glass, from that specific shot they look like cough drops.
Still fucking gross though. I can't save it on mobile right now unfortunately.
she does it for free
That is fucking flem..
Oh shit she's dying big time.
Phlegm floats, it's a cough drop. Shitty sticky tbh.
I am genuinely scared… I need to buy more ammo
Frog in her throat? I guess you could say, Hillary is about to croak.
I'm pretty sure its bile, note that it isn't rounded or reflects light properly as 'candy' cough drops do.
Bile sinks. Bile is bright yellow green. It looks almost fake or unreal.
Depends on the contents, really. Bacteria, blood content, ect etc. Particulary juicy boogers sink sometimes also notice that it didn't sink to bottom it started to float back up.
Clearly two blobs of whatever go into the glass here…
…but here only one object is visible.
A solid cough drop can't do that. Whatever that is, it's not a cough drop.
It looks like she just spit out two cough drops. Gross looking but definitely not worth a sticky.
Silly lamb, that book of yours can't stop diseases.
Death isn't that scary.
If you aren't afraid to die then you have no will to live.
sage because off topic, also mods need to unsticky this alarmist bullshit, the rest of the stickies seem to be noteworthy enough
Holy shit, you actually believe this? What kind of cuck are you?
Bruh, I've been through the brink, there is literally nothing to be afaird of. Death is a inevitability. You're wasting more time feeling anxious and fearing death itself. Accept it and embrace it.
Assuming that if you are a faithful sort, you get to meet your maker literally. Assuming that you believe in that sort if thing
You can only hope that your death experience will be pleasant. Your brain might you provide you pleasant imagery.
In words of user-kind of old: "Grow a fucking spine"
That cups empty.
Flem is the modern spelling. People use it all the time and frankly it makes more sense.
Phlegm just seems to put unneeded consonants together.
kek is eating her from the inside
check em
Dictionaries and medical books disagree on that, sonny besides Flem means something entirely different
Flemish can suck a dick.
You sound mad.
That was fucking awful carlos
I smoke like a chimney and I don't cough up that shit. I do smoke American Spirits though. When I smoke normal cigs, I cough up a bit of phlegm.
fugging lol'd.
You see it at 0:12 you numbskull.
But thanks for correcting the record.
Smoke cigars, good ol' pipe tobacco and unfiltered cigs and you will be hacking bits of your lung soon enough.
Life's too short, so you might want experience it all
I don't know why everyone is getting so worked up over this. It's just the evil trying to escape her body and find a host that isn't more foul than itself.
CF you're born with right? I think someone would know, or she'd have shown signs before the last couple years.
Hope you guys appreciate this.
Same scene viewed in a different way.
I hope so because I felt fucking sick making it, might still chuck my stomach contents.
Man. Look at her neck below the chin, it's puffing out as she gags. That shit must've tasted foul. This wasn't an option for Hillary, she was going to throw up, barely escaped it.
youtube .com/watch?v=gcKfmW7qVHg
We need to make sure that this revelations angle becomes more visible among evangelion evangelical christians. Scripture and superstitious shit like this could really sway them.
Is there no end to this witch's reign of boogery?
I wonder if Hillary is just Cruz in disguise? We've never seen them in the same place before. It would explain pic related. It was Hillary in disguise all along.
Seriously, we should be doing this. Many of them bought into the idea of Obama being evil incarnate so this should be even easier since there are so many signs linking her.
which is which?
Wow…turns out david icke was right, clinton is a lizard person.
If it were phlem, it would float on the surface. The green stuff has to be something else because it sinks pretty quickly into that cup.
I'm guessing it's this. Hillary was rumored to do quite a bit of cocaine. I wouldn't be surprised if that is still going on.
It's just a reflection of light off the glass you fucking Holla Forumsniggers.
Votes won't even be counted so I guess it isn't real anyway.
youtube .com/watch?v=ok2g6M4wTeg
Someone add a stool to this and it will be perfect.
I won't bother to thank you for correcting the record because that was lame. You don't deserve to be paid for your services to the Clinton campaign.
That depends on the density of the sputum. Phlegm from a long standing infection will have a higher density
Should we meme it?
Maybe Trump will whip out a scoped .44 magnum and take care of her right then and there.
It's probably a lozenge tbh fam. Her campaign staffers and that faggot Kaine are constantly on deck with them at the ready. They are strategic with feeding her them. I would wager they are some sort of analgesic formula with codeine and menthol, but they don't seem to be very effective. The bitch probably just couldn't hold onto it due to the violent GRIDS/Pepe/HPV cough she's sporting.
Absolutely disgusting and revolting regardless. I hope she gets one stuck in her throat during the first debate and seizes up, loses control of her bowels and then asphyxiates on national TV with a full load of shit in her pantsuit:
It's not.
slightly larger version.
there is some kind of right-wing osmosis going on here…
soon, he will reveal his final form, zyklon Ben.
I really shouldn't have watched OP's video while having breakfast.
What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
Then let it be. KEK is showing in so many ways it's getting scary now.
And pretty fucking comfy too.
I seriously think of the girl from the exorcist whenever I see a new clip posted of Hilary Clinton. It's actually difficult to watch her without being disgusted. So it's no surprise to me that she's full of satanic phlegm. Give it a few weeks and she'll be violently masturbating on stage with a crucifix.
Then you might like the dark ambient art mashup I made of Hillary's speech.
fuck is wrong with you?
What are you trying to show me with those clips user? Legitimate question. I see nothing that proves anything either way.
I was merely pointing out how you can fuck up your lungs real real good
Cigar smoke and unfiltered tobacco is the quickest route to the black lung ville.
If you want to get gingavitis on steroid star chewing tobacco like it's chewing gum.
This genuinely captures my feelings of disgust.
Someone posted this on Brit/pol/ and your video made me think of it (worth watching - top laughs guaranteed):
When I was coughing up green shit, doc said it was bronchitis.
Yes, its bile, as I have stated before.
The color and consistency pretty much matches bile perfectly.
She isn't coughing enough or deep enough for it to be bronchitis. At most, she has walking pneumonia.
Top-tier gynaecomastia.
She did seem to be on the verge of vomiting but isn't bile more of a liquid than a rubbery semisolid?
So Hillary could spit green slime at you like the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park?
Yeah I think it looks more like phlegm than it is as I imagine bile to look (having only seen dogs and cats coughing up bile: it's always of a thinner consistency than phlegm). The weight of whatever fucking detritus this is seems more like phlegm to me.
Woodward and Bernstein, replaced by a bratty 15 year old girl.
I just can't get over how disgusting this video is, and how peculiar it is that one of the Presidential candidates seems to spend an awful lot of time coughing during her appearances. She clearly hacks something up.
I thought the yanks on Holla Forums were exaggerating her perceived illness, but this video has convinced me. I bet she's on a cocktail of drugs given to her by a team of doctors. I wouldn't be surprised if she were to die in the next few years, and I'd be less surprised if its a weird Michael Jackson type death.
Are you serious?
She has months left to live at this rate.
It's the point where something leaves her throat and gets caught by her bottom lip.
No, bile can come up chunky, the consistency of extremely thick mucous. It is rare to see so most people don't know what they are looking at. It has what I would call a 'unique' yellow-green color.
user, Shillary or not, this is a politician we are discussing.
Yes, it's even a shade of green "bilious green", #95A42C
I'm still undecided. On the + for bile, you can see her muscles contracting as if to vomit. But lumps of phlegm can be green and sticky like that after prolonged infection.
One thing for sure, they aren't "cough lozenges."
Problem is she doesn't exactly have matching symptoms for someone with late-stage bronchitis. If she was producing that mucous and was in the middle of it, she would be getting winded on stage, even if she was on a few hits of albuterol before she went up.
As you mentioned, her contractions look more like it is coming from the stomach.]
Someone even with bronchitis at the end of the disease will stop producing such massive mucous and begin to finally heal, but they will find themselves very tired and winded. Yes, even Shillary right now I think has far more energy than someone (who was producing with the assumption that was mucous) who would have bronchitis. The color also is yes, far brighter than what I have seen produced by the lungs, although that shit can get really nasty. When it gets really bad however, it tends to yellow > greenish > blood (black)
Has any mainstream media outlet picked up on this? I mean the slow-mo video in particular. There's no getting around it: one of the presidential candidates clearly spat into a glass of water something she'd just hacked up.
If she wasn't a left wing woman would this not be of note? This sort of shit doesn't generally happen.
…So? The quote isn't innately tied to the image.
Go the fuck back to Reddit if you want feel-good pedantry. \
Otherwise, I'm docking you le upboats for not le noticing that it's a cast (not sculpted) statue.
That's a good point, she doesn't seem to be breathless and the cough isn't persistent, it comes on suddenly and isn't helped by "clearing" the throat as it should be if the coughing was caused by a dislodged piece of hardened phlegm.
Irritation caused by inhalation of stomach acid/bile refluxing up her esophagus maybe? Would also explain the watery eyes as it burns her lungs/throat/nasal passages.
That's some rank laziness right there.
It's half referencing the spider meme.
Thanks though, caused me to notice something.
Check the picture out. The jar. A green thing in a jar of water next to the bed, where one would usually keep a glass of water.
Garrison memed green shit in Hillary's water glass into reality?
If she is getting constant reflux to this degree she will undoubtedly inhale it eventually. It will be extremely uncomfortable and yes, cause the watery eyes as well. Someone with extreme reflux can also develop a cough just out of bodily reaction, however usually not to the degree we see in Clinton here.
I cannot fully diagnose her with what we have seen so far. I would bet money on it being bile. She has a persistent cough but it could be a combination of things making her cough, IE a medication with a coughing history, combined with extreme reflux. Regardless of both of that, it is unusual to reflux up bile, but it could just be bile reflux. Nasty as hell, but unfortunately not indicative of her on her way out.
some sick hillary OC
(I know it's a pickle reference btw), still interesting coincidence.
She's had the cough for nearly a decade too. I have a pet theory that it's psychosomatic, a parapraxis caused by her unconscious trying to stop the lies from coming out of her mouth. This is a bit far out but what underlying condition could cause a 10 year cough, in your opinion?
My eyes water when I cough (or sneeze, or yawn).
Is there any suggestion that she smokes heavily?
I'm working on memeing it into reality with
Her medical statement says she's a non-smoker.
Pretty sure that smoking would be a death sentence given her thrombosis and the need for anticoagulants. Smoking thickens your blood.
Overall, Clinton “participates in a healthy lifestyle,” Bardack wrote. Clinton is a non-smoker, occasionally drinks alcohol, does not use illegal drugs or tobacco products, the letter says. The Democrat maintains a healthy diet which is rich in lean protein, fruits and vegetables. She workouts regularly by doing yoga, swimming, walking and does weight training."
Man, ten years is a long time.
I think she coughs too much for someone even with esophageal damage. However I cannot rule that out completely.
Coming back to alcoholism, some alcoholics can develop a cough due to damage to internals over a very long period of time.
Asthma, allergies, and chronic lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis or chronic walking pneumonia (which I would find far more likely than bronchitis, considering how active she is…)
As mentioned in other threads, certain types of high blood pressure medications can cause coughing, but I have not personally witnessed it to this extent. Often when you see an old man hack maybe two or three times, clear his throat and move on, maybe he is mildly overweight, that might be it.
I seem to come back to the alcoholism, and potentially combine that with maybe GERD (due to alcoholism) and high blood pressure medication, alcoholism also fits with the bile theory.
Cannot always say that coughing long term is caused by one thing. Ten years is a VERY long period of time, to the point where I would start looking for more than one source of the cough.
The alcoholism theory is being pushed pretty hard but I don't see much evidence for it, at least no more than there is for vCJD or neurological syphilis.
Where are all the little symptoms you'd expect to see before things got to such a stage? Shaking hands, appearing drunk in public etc. Don't recall her ever appearing drunk.
Not yet. The coughing has had coverage everywhere, but nobody has mentioned the disgusting green shit. Hopefully everybody is spreading this as much as possible because this is serious shit.
I don't want to go too tinfoil, here but… we know that the US / Netflix version of House of Cards is very much based on the Clintons. Both of the main characters frequently share a cigarette during the show. Maybe just a coincidence.
I know, it doesn't quite fit although we honestly don't have many symptoms to go off of. You can be a functional alcoholic and not have shaking hands. Functional alcoholics also get really, really good at hiding that they are drunk all the time.
I really think we need more symptoms for a proper diagnosis to be quite honest. There isn't enough to go off of but all of it is certainly very strange.
The ones she coughed in the glass of water look much bigger, like cough tablets for horses or something
Represented as governments of the world, being ridden by the Great Harlot.
Satan himself, who influences the governments of the world and religion to perform great signs and portents to sway the populace
the religious leaders who in tandem with governments promote and encourage degeneracy
which is which?
people around Hillary don't just disappear, they commit suicide by shooting themselves 7 times in the back of the head.
nice pic, but why ad the goldman/sachs thing?
David Tennant's run was badass.
There is huge amount of evidence suggesting Hillary takes Cocaine So much so her Running Mate is her Co-Kaine
She could pass as Nurgle though
Praise KEK.
Nearly all cocaine is adulterated with a horse worming drug called levamisole.
Long term use destroys the immune system.
Honestly, I fucking swear it looks like a little frog
May you be plagued by the humors of Kek, Shillary.
That's pretty clever.
now take a moment and reflect on the fact that Hillary has employed a whole bunch of millenials to meme for her, and none of them has made anything even close to that.
She doesn't have end stage COPD.
My mother has COPD and she gets out of breath just speaking.
What point in the speech is this, before or after they gave her the cough drops? I mean, if I were trying to cough up a lung and I had a cough drop in my mouth that wasn't working I'd spit it out so I could cough more effectively. Not trying to CTR, just saying.
Although I do look forward to KEK obliterating her on live tv during The Debate!
Coughing fit, pants of shit!
the beast is the AC fam
pRaiSe KeK, LEt iT bE DOnE aS yOu haVE mEMeD
hIllAry iS faLLiNg aParT NOW
She would be on oxygen mask constantly or at least be carrying it around if that were the case (if she wasn't just hospitalized which would be the norm). She is very sick though and is probably dying.
Dubs demand it.
nice one. haven't seen that one before.
I'm fine with her dying on live TV during the first debate.
Kaine might get a little sympathy at first, but when it inevitably comes out that they all took part in covering up her health, it won't be enough.
This. And Trump will be able to bully the hell out of Kaine. The public will not expect any sympathy because Kaine is a guy as well. It will be Jeb all over again.