Trump: Fed has created Fake Economy

Can you tell me why all the libertarian standard-bearers are not on board with DJT?

He is smarter and more realistic on the economy than anyone since Andrew Jackson.

Libertarians are so used to losing, they would self-sabotage their opportunity to join the winning side.

As a Nationalist Libertarian, left-libertarians disappoint me deeply.

Because Trump is nothing but a kikekiller


he's going to kill his grandchildren? that's rich



This could still be a wild ride if he dog whistles anything on the Fed, specially if he starts pointing a finger at them.

the libertarian party as it exists today is maintained only to divert votes away from the right.

Libertarians are scared of winning. Also, most Libertarians are just simple drug addicts, they don't think very deeply about politics. If some aren't drug addicts and think deeply about politics they should be ashamed for being so woefully stupid

Ron Paul Libertarians either went Holla Forums or TRS style alt-right. The only people left in the camp are degenerate weed lovers.

This man has graduated from the Wharton School with a degree in fucking economics
He knows how the economy works, and I bet he knows how great things could get if he takes out the Fed. It's probably high on his to-do list, especially since they'd pop the bubble on his watch anyways

This, I was a ron paul libertarian.

During the primaries, he said that auditing the Fed would be a priority for him.

Libertarians believe in FREE TRADE. Trump is talking about tariffs. Tariffs are how the government funded itself before the jews created the Fed and income tax to suck your blood.

Because the cucked Gary E. Johnson

internationalist and left-libertarians believe in free international trade.

It was called The American System.

No, we know drug laws are there to keep the niggers in check and think it's cheaper to repeal and deport rather than hire more (((police)))


I don't understand.
They are against using drugs, how is this degenerate?

TBH it's better for the economy to implode now, then right after Trump comes in.
NWO won't be able to cause a war since the news cycle will be on economy 24/7. Trump will be even stronger since he was talking about it for a year now.
Obama's "legacy" will be a steaming black hole and will suck the Hillbeast along with it.

The kikes are trying to keep the dam closed and don't know what to do since it was supposed to release when hillary comes in.

I really have noticed that Libertarianism is fucking dead online.


Reminder not to take the bait.

Look, man people criticized NatSoc too when hitler was forming the ideological base.
If we fight for the same goals, there should be no gripe.

he's implying staunch anti-degeneracy is, itself, degeneracy

and i agree, when an iron fist is used to stamp out "degeneracy" such as the endless war on drugs

Let's start our own economy then.

Except the socialist part was just there to gather votes.

Then the Night of the Long Knives happened.

Because of hisntemmprrmenr

ok. if you give me a BJ, then I will give you 2 slaps across your fuckin' mouth


Reminder that the NatSoc/Libertarian divide was the most successful divide and conquer they ever hit Holla Forums with. And if you buy into it you're just another useful idiot.

The mainstream libertarian party in the US is cucked beyond belief, but so is the republican party. Should we reject all right wing thought?

I'm a Voluntarist and I'm pushing for Trump. Even gonna be an election observer. Trump is a strategic measure. Not a final result. If liburtees wanna sit this out then that's their choice, but I think it's a horrible strategic move.

I can second this. Was a ron paul libertarian before becoming redpilled.
It's an decent stepping stone tbh.

Because they can't understand making an otherwise undesirable choice to avoid a worse outcome.

We already know why. Libertarians are just autistic liberals and Trump is a meanie


The difference between the two is that Holla Forums fully grew out of it while TRS added racism and re-branded it as being "fashy" because "that's what left-libertarians called them".

First Past The Post needs to die ASAP. It's the sole reason the US is like it is today

Libertarianism is dead, long live real right-wing nationalism.

Because Libertarians have been possessed by open border economics pushed by Jews.

Guys, there are [L]ibertarians and there are [l]ibertarians.

[l]ibertarians think that small government is pretty good and often talk about how socially liberal and fiscally conservative they are. [l]ibertarians vote for the [l]ibertarian party which is not [L]ibertarian. [l]ibertarians are essentially our SJWs.

Johnson cucks are [l]ibertarians.

[L]ibertarians think that the state should be set to the gas chamber because it is offensively violent (the government acts like niggers who constantly steal and murder).

That's why I'm and ancap I'll just be top dog when the government is gone LOL!@
all the lolberg faggotry of the past few days/week being shilled needs to fucking stop

Was a Ron Paul lolberg until about 2 years ago.

and some became hoppe esque natsoc ancaps

Isn't that what TRS mostly is?

No, the Phillipines is an example of a real war on drugs, and it's working.

I agree. If you're a Libertarian, you belong in the camps with the Communists and the rest of International Jewry.


I agree many people in the tinfoil community seems to have replaced Libertarianism with Nationalism.

Some of us became nationalist libertarians and race realists. The mainstream libertarian party does not represent all realms of libertarian thought, any more than the republican party represents all right wing thought. it's just bullshit politics.

Not all libertarians are open borders, multicultural fags.




This is now a #DU30 thread.

if you react to them, you give them the attention they want
they dont give two shits about beliefs, they just want a reaction

Left-libertarians have nothing in common with right libertarians, they want an expansive state and are only for freedom to the extent that it enables hedonism

TRS is mostly people who copy our memes, usually without knowing where they came from. they're useful idiots.

10/10 leader would elect

Hoppe is really a good gateway drug to the red pill. If you know lolbergs, get them to read Hoppe.

You guys have no idea how fake this economy is.

It's literally running on memes right now.

modern economy is LITERALLY a meme
paper money has no actual value and is only worth anythnig because people agree it is

Because libertarians are true believer ideologues, like other liberals.

Believe me, i know

No I meant how banks earn money exploiting Government bonds.