Dysnomia seems like a smaller problem in light of this information. Jim watkins is the owner of 2channel as many may know. Hiroyuki Nishimura was selling 2channel users information to businesses as profit. Many say that Jim was the one who stopped all of the data mining and that he had no understanding of what Hiroyuki was doing. This is suspiscious because Jim owned the company for an entire year but claims he knew nothing. Since he owned the company for at least a year do you not think that he profited from Hiroyuki's scheme? This also leads me to believe something else. What if Dysnomia wasnt as bad as we think but is rather instead doing what he is told by Jim Watkins to make profit? What if all of this crap is happening because of a scheme that watkins is setting up to make profit just like with Hiroyuki.
What if its not Dysnomia?
profess ignorance
If you think this is some grand revelation, you're late. What is Goldwater? What is /newsplus/? What is the nuking of /new/ and /n/? What is the removal of the original Holla Forums mod and subsequent rthedonald retardation?
Considering that most of this user data is
I doubt that's a sound business model.
Sage because obvious disinformation shill is obvious
Jim runs Holla Forums as well
but it would be a sound business model if he still worked for US Army Intelligence like he used to
Then all the pedos would be pretty fucked tbh
holy fuck this guy is a dildo
We cancer now
You're really behind on the times, aren't you? It's like you've been sealed in a time capsule for the last couple of years, and are just now getting up to date.
TL;DR - buy a VPN.
What is a VPN? hhaha
Is that a hacker tool the anonymous use to get into computers? hahaha
you guys are sooo cooll
This is a man who should not be speaking in front of a camera.
Only anonymous, elite hackers do things like install Firefox or buy a VPN. Don't forget about TOR. It's a sicut club.
Anais is a Panini rip-off.
Does he still have a livestream link?
Jim is an esoteric immigrant
Jim is a beautiful, magnificent man, and not one that the likes of any of us could ever possibly understand. He's the hero Holla Forums needs, not the hero we deserve. If Jim were an immigrant, would country would he be from?
I like the way you think OP, really interesting ideas. It's good to be a critical thinker. even if you're wrong, I mean, who knows?
wait wait wait, you LIKED imkampfy?
is this meme an attempt to explain how your waifu Dolan fucked you over one more way?
I fucking love this guy
I seriously hope you don't mean this.
It's me. What are you going to do about it?
if quads make me BO
if not make omlet BO