Brit/pol/ #1203: BOSTON ROSS Edition


Farage accuses PM of ‘backsliding’ over Brexit

Flights disrupted at London City Airport after Black Lives Matter protesters storm runway

David Davis reveals Government's Brexit strategy

Theresa May considers banning EU migrants from coming to Britain unless they have a job

After Brexit G20 nations returning to protectionism, say economists

Keith Vaz future considered by MPs after allegations

'Phantom' students skew migration data

First Minister to set out programme for government

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet there'll be some kind of attack on Trump in this somewhere…
Wonder if Vaz the raz has one
pardon the repost btw

this is the coon who said that to Ian "cuck" Dale.

second for based verdun
grab a copy join the steam group lads


Anyone remember Peter Hitchens email address? Call me retarded but I can't find it. I'm going out but want to email him later.

Iain Dale on LBC, covering BLM at the airport today




oh ffs


New Grammar Schools confirmed

one of us
one of us


Are you assuming he's going to release it on the 24th hour after the last one?

Fuck that animal raping cunt

I hope he dies

Detain them all for terrorism.

Speaking of terrorism, as much as I don't like Anjem Choudhary and am glad he's jailed, I can't help but feel they happily lump in far right-wingers and racists to the same category and want to stamp out free speech if it questions the establishment's view of what Britain's values are.

It's a double edged sword really.


this guy is brit/pol/

love me all this gordon oc


I thought he was trolling at first, I think he's just thick as pigshit

He's done it again.

Top kek


it's about there being no blacks not there being whites there

wtf is happening


When was this one?


Oh God, this bint….




someone ring in and mention this black harvard professor pls

Christ someone call in.


Why do so many minorities listen to LBC?






Wogs out!

Re-enforcement of the edict of expulsion.

Qt East-Asians allowed to stay because I have yellow fever, no breeding allowed though.

Abortion will be mandatory for non-white pregnancies.

All black and middle-eastern race mixers will be shot.

All blacks and middle easterners must leave and never even come here on holiday.


Education will now include life skills and universities will run de-autism programs designed to enable NEETs to get gfs.

All social justice courses will be banned.

Everything not STEM, History, Geography, Architecture, Art, Economics, or Life Skills will be violently removed from public education, and all subsidies to private entities teaching these things will be suspended.

Apprenticeships will be expanded for trades.

American style gun laws and self-defense laws will be brought in.

Duelling and bloodgeld will be legalized.

Birth control pills and female contraception will be banned, permanently putting women back in the kitchen in an organic manner. The death penalty for dealing the birth control pill will be meted out.

All hate speech laws will be overturned.

Death penalty for murder, rape, theft, birth control pill dealing, worst tier race mixing, and illegal immigration (after the initial expulsion). Only monetary fines for pretty much everything else. Keep the justice system strong and harsh on the most heinous crimes but reasonable and tolerant to civilized people who don’t deserve to be put in prisons for years and years. The cost of prisons will go down, but more bobbies will return to the beat and be friends to their community.

A bounty hunter system will be introduced.

Euthanasia will be legalized in a formal fashion.

All alien religions of Middle Eastern origin must be banned from public space and relegated to the private sphere. All alien temples will be appropriated. Judaism and Islam in particular will be destroyed as religions even after we’ve got rid of their racial components.

Atheist temples will be bulldozed.

The state religion will be declared British Imperialism, and if you don’t like it you can fuck off. Our Goddess is Britannia.


The channel tunnel will contain gun turrets for quick extermination during migration waves.

Gas might work as well, so visa carrying white businessmen can watch Africans choke to death while eating a bologna sandwich from inside a vacuum sealed train.

The channel defences will require French cooperation, and they WILL cooperate!

Sea fortresses will be created for launching swift attack boats of British justice against migrant craft.

Military spending will be increased.

The traitorous Irish Republic will be re-conquered and declared part of the New British Empire.

If the Scots leave, we’ll get them too.

The based Welsh who displayed loyalty during the Brexit will be rewarded with good broadband.

We will form a new common wealth trading block as part of the first steps towards a renewed Empire.

New national anthem. God Save the Queen is shit and depressing.

I doubt they actually do, there'll be some BLM group out there saying that LBC is talking about it.

Tbh the blanket ban on abortion is the only real issue I have with christianity. Retards and most niggers should not be allowed to live, even if they "follow christ". It even allows for ripping wombs out of the unrighteous in Hosea and one of the books of Samuel but I just get given scrutinous looks when I bring it up with so-called right-wing christians.

Any one else hate when they get a female doctor? It feels like I'm wasting my fucking time and I might as well have gone to fucking boots.

How the hell is a creature designed to exploit men supposed to help a man when he's injured? It's against their nature



>climate refugees

Usually they're fat as fuck as well

I'm sorry did someone put something in my tea or did he really just say this?

How do I tweet to him?

Tweet @IainDale

Say something LOCAL so we know it's you, lad



Taxes will be raised on bankers and high frequency trading and speculating, but compensated with lowering for the middle and lower brackets.

Regulations on banks and multinational corps will be increased.

Regulations on small business and all manner of red tape and occupational licensing will be slashed and burned, making it easier to start a new business.

A new Imperial Civil Service organization will be set up as an alternative to joining the military. NEETs can now join the military, but also as the other option for the more timid, join the ICS and take part in low skilled work to make our towns and cities more beautiful, pick up litter, and clean everything to a sparkling finish. Apprenticeships will be available in the ICS to acquire higher skills and learn how to perform more advanced maintenance, ensuring that there is both full employment, but also an improving taskforce of workers fixing our dilapidated roads, and any other needed tasks that we don’t do enough of so as to reach absolute perfection. The work will be very low paid and replace existing benefits such as jobseeker’s allowance. Skills gained in the ICS programs will then be carried forwards into the private market. A maximum of five years will be allowed.

Though they may need to return as automation increases in the far future, in their current form, the benefits system will be completely abolished. The egregiously disabled must be either looked after by their families or if they prove they don’t care enough, then humanely euthanized by a hospital.

Government pension contributions which are almost a quarter of all government spending will be abolished, drastically allowing other action to be taken. Families must now look after each other, and if you care about your mum and dad, you look after them in their old age, and if you care about your own old age, you will save money wisely. The current crop of oldies will receive their pensions, and private plans will remain fulfilled.

The BBC will be abolished, and all forms of government media will be privatized.


The railways will remain private.

The post office will remain private.

As mentioned in the cultural section, costs for public education will be reduced and laser focused on important subjects, with the banishing of things like sociology, psychiatry, and bizarre social justice type courses. These will be privatized, and no private universities will be subsidized.

Quangos will be obliterated.

The NHS will remain national as it is vital for the health of the nation as a whole. Various forms of privatization will be clawed back. However, some changes will occur, and the NHS will only remain free at the point of use for people who haven’t caused their own health problems through extreme negligence. For example; smokers and the ridiculously obese will have to pay added charges, so as to pay into the system and avoid harming everyone else.

Rented housing accommodations will be expropriated and ownership will be transferred to those who are renting with a one time compensation from the government to the rentier. All will be housed, however all maintenance charges and upkeep and electricity, gas etc will from that point on have to be paid by the new owners with no further help from the government. This is a one time policy to alleviate blight among the native working class, universal home ownership being established, rent controls will be then abolished. The government acts to uphold the distributist ideal while dismantling the servile state.

Property tax will be abolished for owners of small amounts of property.

No, they really are retarded.

Or something to do with bricks.

(cont) FINAL


The party system will be immediately abolished, and all existing civil service bureaucrats will be retired with full pay.

The House of Commons and House of Lords systems will be abolished, as even their traditional aspects tended towards this moment of failure.

Our broken heritage of monarchy which has been completely destroyed will have to do start anew from a fresh start.

The current royal family will be deported to Germany to go live among their people.

The emergency government will appoint a council to decide who will be the new monarch. They will use modern science to select the best genetic characteristics in terms of health and temperament, both him and his chosen spouse, becoming the first new King and Queen of the New British Empire.
That job done, the emergency government will then reform as a Royal Council that will serve the King in managing affairs and appointing regional governors to manage the various counties of the United Kingdom.

The King has a duty by the army to uphold everything in this document, and the army will have a duty to the King to serve him in that capacity. The Royal Council can propose legislation only where it does not conflict with this document, and the King will be endowed with full veto powers and the ability to propose his own Royal Proclamations. King, Military, and Council will check each other.
The King will also become Emperor of any new territories of the Empire, obviously, duh.

Just meme on him, lad




He doesn't represent me, fam.


Tell that to the kids at Rotherham, lad.
The guns are coming soon.

what did it say, I stopped paying attention

"BLM are boycotting Israel, that should show how stupid they are"

Basically said "BLM doesn't support Israel, thats all you need to know"

BLM boycotts Israel. That tells you a lot about them.

Don't I need to tweet @LBC for him to mention it?

Do both

kek, thanks chaps

Don't think so, see
He read this one out.


Have they moved on from BLM now?

I know we all toe the ukip line in public lads, but does this give anyone else a semi at the idea of Tessy May cutting immigration without putting pakis on a level with germans to get in?

You fucking cuck

Yeah, they're talking about bum-bandits now.

I had a really sexy dentist tbh. Had to suppress boners.



what does he mean by this?

She's trying to find a way to keep all the 3 million EU citizens in the country. It's all in business interest lad


They must only be expelled through chimneys for all the havoc they have wreaked upon the nation and the degeneracy brought to our shores





just remember goy=gay

What a fucking cuckprick this Iain Dale guy is


He didn't read out my tweet smh.

fucking a


Pro-Brexit rally held in London as parliament debates second EU referendum




inb4 accused of ray-sism

>>>/imperium/ WINS AGAIN :^)

Lefties are convinced that they will convince people we NEED mass immigration. And not just any migrant, but ones who have no documents, no skills and no education.

I swear if they don't Brexit I will be the first on the front line of a citizen army

Time to oust all these fucking sell out faggots



New Millennial rolls

Special guest: Dicky Spencer


So black people breath a different kind of air to the rest of us? Is that why their noses are so flared?



Blacks usually breathe stolen air.

What are confidence intervals?

They live in cities that's why

Fucking retards.

inb4 someone calls in and says there's dumb shit like pansexuality or the rest

Someone should call in about pozzing negholes tbh.

oy vey goyim stop asking questions already and just pay the white guilt tax

Fucking racist air

my fucking sides

How many attend these compared to the poor attendence for the remain rallies?

They can have higher energy bills and taxes for cleaner air then, see if I care. Oh wait, they won't pay for it, so they can fuck off. Hate wannabe environmentalsits who are fucking clueless. These are the same cunts who'll bad mouth nuclear energy and fracking.

What choice do they have? The law clearly states they are not allowed to set foot outside of urban area’s. We are practically gassing them, albeit slowly.

Who is responsible for this autism?

The smog in Peking is the result of institutionalised Racism



"Discrimination for high paying positions" is literally going to be their go to card. Maybe try being a good worker or not comitting crimes and having the right qualifications so that you can get hired, you cretins. I really can't abide by ignorant niggers who think they're entitled to the world. Maybe they should go to utopia Zimbabwe if they don't like it here, free from white racism.

It's my manifesto to fix Britain, lad. What parts do you disagree with?


wtf I hate Bomber Harris now

That twitter account is great for banter

Meh could be worse


As if the sand niggers wouldn't do it to us given half the chance.

Saddam was still a based lad though

Nothing makes thin skinned pussies cry quite like Arthur Harris. Same with Patton in the US really.

the absolute mad man


Only the reddest of red red wines for Comrade Corbyn

What lad?




Wheres the best place to order your shopping from lads? Don't want to give money to Asda.

Looks like the Jews have co-opted a Canadian hindu to do a hatchet job on Majid Nawaaz
How Maajid Nawaz threatened the audience at a London synagogue

Fortnum & Mason you fucking pleb

What did he mean by this?

Fake, right?

UB40 endorsed Corbyn, but Jones didn't make an article on it

Filtered for gords posting tbh

The funny thing is Patton hated the kikes, I doubt Harris really cared that much about them either. I know that even Churchill disliked commie Jews, he was a zionist shill though. I don't think there was really anybody who fought the war over a bunch of pathetic, whiny kikes who got what they had coming to them, although you'd think it was with how much they go on about it and hijack the whole discussion.

Costco, go halves or thirds with your family and split it all out. Get lots of freezer bags too.

I forgive you tbh.

The real one was Russel Brand has endorsed Labour, the tories should be worried. IIRC.

Must be another three hour one.

Leaked Documents: Soros Group Spent $600K To Mainstream Pro-Refugee Attitude
Leaked Documents: Soros Group Spent $600K To Mainstream Pro-Refugee Attitudes
Photo of Peter Hasson
Peter Hasson
Reporter, Associate Editor
3:11 PM 09/04/2016

Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society Foundations continue to reveal the extent to which the group has influenced the political response to Europe’s refugee crisis. Internal documents show OSF used $600,000 in reserve funding in March 2016 to bring pro-refugee positions into the “political mainstream.”

These people are fucking dangerous
They've fucked the lives of millions of Europeans and those of Brits

They need assassinating

Let's hope Vlad gets on it seeing as our political system is infected with peoplewho've taken the Soros shilling

Rate my fucking OC you cunts

MFW Im from a working class background who was lucky enough to get a world class education at a grammar school and now im a center right voting middle class meme magician.

The only discrimination going on is against the native’s population and we have extensive tangible evidence of it, it isn’t even denied.

People fall over themselves; many would walk over hot coals to employ an African man or woman into a senior role but if they aren’t qualified then not everyone is willing to destroy an entire business just to appear PC.

The whole thing is pathetic and all they will achieve through their tantrums is introducing genuine racial tension, they can’t win in the long run as they are less capable as a group.


Triggered/ 10.

It serves a point though. Get the fuck on with it May.


They are waiting for the inevitable market crash so the have more bargaining power


Ukek Party/10

This. Deutsche Bank is teetering on the brink. Trust in Mummy, lads


I thought this term was no longer PC.

Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence

Street preacher Krissoni Henderson on trial after police officer confrontation

woggy cunt

All that privatization tbqh mate.

na lad that's 'coloured people' you can't say any more, huge difference you see..



So what did Boston Ross say lads? And what was the reaction?

Hahaah the way she's just ambling around a park crying, like a dog who's lost his owner.

You wot lad?

If there's one thing those Ruskies know how to do, it's icepick someone in the head.


Am I the only one who is utterly ashamed of my race? I don't mean in a cucky German way I mean in a "sort your fucking self out" way?

They're revolting, utterly revolting. I'd rather smash their heads against a rock than see an ethno state made of these people. My ancestors were strong, proud and amazing people. Their children? They're albino niggers.

Globally reported and filtered.

that's to do with the culture forced upon us. genetically we are the same people lad

Regulation of big business would at least increase though, I have my reassignment of ownership (with compensation) policy for rented accommodation.

It's not an all or nothing thing with privatization and nationalization. Some things should be privatized and some should be nationalized.

Go away commonfilth.


Lads i have a mental brain fart and can't reply, how do you even reply to this autism?

Most people aren't degenerate and disgusting. A lot of people just want to get along to go along, and that means they'd fit in perfectly fine within an ethnostate.

My real concern is with the upper/elite classes. they've interbred with the kikes for so damn long. If we deport yid to Israel, we might lose our entire upper echelon of people, thus crippling our nations.

The average person isn't as disgusting as you think they are.

Cuck can't handle discussing the state of his people, has to hide from reality.

Are we lad or did the great wars cleanse us? This is what I fear. Our great genetics died in a blood bath and what's left is worthless.

The average person went clubbing did they not?

Saying religion is the only factor in a war is braindead. Even the crusades (wew) weren't purely religion

Ask them what they think WW1 and WW2 were about

I’m the cuck?

I don’t know how you could ever end up at the point you have.

Napoopanic wars?

Those tears are delicious.

Have you actually a rough number percentage-wise with respect to interbreeding? It is something that I've wondered about for a while, but never followed up doing any research on. I've suspected it is lower than I imagined though.

Not where I'm from. Maybe you should stop living in the city where all the degenerates flock to.

The USSR was state atheist

It's not even worth it, just think how really silly they are and give a genuine knee slapper of a laugh and watch them storm off when you can't contain your tears of laughter. I've done this before and it just mad eme laugh even more.





They'd be clueless. The only wars they "know" about are WW2, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Should I?

Cheers lads, now i feel silly for not THINKING

Link right fucking now lad!


feel most sorry for kevin

What a pleb

Slavs and Greeks confirmed for untermensch whites.

zulu war, boer wars


of course

How did Gordo kill it

What do you stand to lose?

You also have to take into account the number of muslims/turks in these countries.

Nice try but his hamster was female

What? Too much water in the air?

He fingered the hamster, but I don't think he killed it.

I just meant with the Jews, not inbreeding generally.

Poor bastard.


I think it's just talking about native genetics, otherwise there wouldn't be a big white spot over London.

Bully's are the best

Fuck him, autist animal raping scum!

Niggers can't afford air conditioning.

Modern London is probably the opposite of what that map shows I mean.

Attach a picture of ttpw and send it.


Based Butcher Harris.

Fair points.

It's always made me laugh when niggers, kikes and muslims have tried to call whites inbred hicks.

Why are British police such fucking arseholes? they act tough, but they shit themselves at the thought of telling Pakis off for something

i love brad

Pakis are their bosses. They control of they get fired.

theyre incompetent pen pushers
theyre useless


What a time to be alive.

Gord's sister is quite the qt. Also an aquarist too.

What does that mean? Does Peter think divorce for no good reason was the final nail in the coffin, and that everything else since then is beating a dead horse?

Infiltrated by marxists through unionists and lower standards for the tests.

The MacPhearson report which was a fallacious pack of lies, whose conclusion didn't even match the findings, also cucked them.

Chavs: You'd Never Guess Our Native Language Is English.

I know the guy has travelled and seen some awful things in life but when I read what I'd written back to myself it felt heavy for me. I don't want to push him over the edge to killing himself tbh.

Yep. At least that's what he often says.

She got the only competant genes in the family


I wonder if she's ever fisted the dolphins

I'd curate her starfish if you get my meaning


The birth control pill was the final nail.


Gordon and his father aren't friends on Facebook either.

your what? I've seen this mutation before but not figured it out.

I'd always be reminded how she probably smells like Gordon so there would be no way it would work. I'd probably bouk if I was in whiffing distance of her tbh.



I feel sorry for the bloke but at the same time this is fucking quality


Fuck Britain tbh



fucksake that's totally obvious as well.


It literally is though you spack

Keep in mind that poster also posted

Serves him right, cunt should have raised his son.

I'm just bored of it tbh

Fuck off

Is this supposed to make me want to use your bank HSBC?



wew goy


That cheeky little shit has £1.2k and her family's still claiming that they're poor and need benefits smh tbh

Ecclestone is pretty boss though

No thanks

Who do you save?

I mean he is 5'5" and has ploughed models his entire adult life

More likely she nicked the phone mate.

probably because he's got money coming out of all of his orifices.

The child of course, what sort of question is that?

Cute. Would cuddle with

Any more pics of her? I need solid confirmation that she isn't ugly.

Yes brit/pol/ will finally be brought to justice!

Both Jews, but are you noticing the other pattern going on there?

To think we made fun of Nigel for going on about the Poles…

Finally someone is doing something about those pesky internet trolls.

get rich manlets

If only someone was watching the place and when the police came round they turned up with a sausage and ham pizza.

Lad you know the answer.

it's A


Fake and gay


Idk I want to feel sympathy for him but…

Can anyone actually imagine calling the police about trolling?

I mean, how would that conversation go?
I cant even picture it in my head its so absurd.

Deflection runs in the family

What were his previous statuses?

Also who /7proxiesdeep/ here?

Lel, imagine the cops when they keep getting called there after meeting Gordo for the first time.

Starting to think Gordon got all the dysgenic traits from his two parents while she got all the positive.

She's actually quite average tbh, it's only the comparison with Gordo that makes her seem qt

Imagine fucking her though and genetic recombination fucks you over when she gives birth to another Gordon.


she looks like an Ibiza slag. She's not pretty enough to be a pretty girl, but she's still pretty enough to make swallow.


Not worth the risk for the childrens sake.

but 20,000 syrians on the way

This is why there would be mandatory abortion of deformed fetuses and non-white fetuses under my regime.

Who /readyforcod4remaster/ here



This is one issue christfags will always get in the way of though and it's a fucking important issue. It's the one thing I don't get with christians. If God can rip children out the wombs of women opposed to him why can't servants and followers of christ wanting a better world?

It's hardly the same as aborting a child because you're a whore and don't want to look after it.


Fixed a few grammatical errors and sent. I didn't attach a picture of ttpw because I fear he'd see it and be so revolted he'd delete the email before reading.

Could he a plan

They consider the fetus to be a human being. Thou shall not murder goes against killing a human being who is entirely innocent of any wrong doing.

Downloaded the new Star Wars film tbh, ain't seen it yet

it's shit

It's boring m8, not even taking into account the ugly nog and strong womyn

Just watch Ep IV again, it's pretty much the same film with a worse cast and less impressive special effects



If your mind is deformed by genes then you've committed a genetic pre-crime tbh as crazy as that might sound.

She needs to be sterilised before she creates another one.

Meh. It's a marginally competent redo with some big flaws in it. I just want to see what happens when they no longer have the crutch of copying New Hope to rely on.

Reckon we should give the boyfriend a heads up?

Yeah and I'm saying I don't care. Retards and most non-whites need to be aborted.

Perfectly fine to kill those of God's enemies who are pregnant women and children in the womb. Hosea 9:16; 13:16, 2 Samuel 2:14.


This calls for another email. We should send one to Peter telling him about this too.

Im gonna be a good goy and let nostalgia take my money tbh




God is not his followers. I'm explaining the situation to you and you're being a retarded edge lord acting as if your opinion matters to the answer you're being given.

degenerate scum

The title alone is fucking baffling

Why did I just click a video of a hob goblin talking about star wars doing a bad haggis impression?

Hell is forever!

Can't say I've earned £100,000 today tho


Give it time lad

Shall do lad

that intro is the definition of low energy.

Fucking catholics, I envy their birth rates




He's saving the White-British race one Mogglet and/or Moglette at a time

Who dresses their daughter like a porn star?

I know the situation and as I said from the start it's an issue which gets in the way, I couldn't give a fuck if they want a blanket rhetoric of "muh sanctity of life". Not all life is worthy of it.

ok, whatever you say.

Poor Kevin

So is being a cuck, I'd rather take hell tbh.

Nah it was a random corpse that he found in the street on his way to school one day

You're being undercut by Poles and Romanians, tell your boss to sort it out.

So what happen with Gordo and the hamster rape?

She's wearing perfectly respectable clothing lad, I think you might want to cut back on your porn consumption a bit.

u wot lad

Yes you will, lad
You can do it


Get a fuckinb blog. No one gives a shit about your opinions and were just answering your question. Maybe try being less of an autistic spergh where you don't argue with someone explaining someone else's position to you rather than going "okay thanks" and not arguing a point no person involved in the argument holds.

Nah it's not a job, helping out family building stuff

He made it 6 minutes without a forced, shitty pop-culture metaphor. Is this a new record?



Integration never happened
Why is diversity a strength again?

Fucking newfags

Ah fuck off.

It was a rhetorical one, I wasn't actually interested in what christfags have to say on the matter because it's never a logical one.

Christianity will never be uncucked.

If you can name this pornstar you are an addict and should seek help from a male vicar.

T. Porn addict

ur messed in the head lad

That is a good thing.

What are the relative dimensions in space in TARDIS?

That's in mimic of something young girls wear because purity is sexy. You think anyone would watch if she was dressed like the cocaine whore we all know she is.

oooh look the colours match that means she's dressed as a whore

Doctor Who was an absolute legend. Now he's cultural marxism time man

Not very sivich lad

What if you know because your friends don't shut up about porn in highschool?

The fact that you see it as a young girl dressing like a pornstar rather than a pornstar dressing like a young girl says bad things tbqh



Have you seen porn daily this week?


I was 15 once

If you went to "highschool" you aren't English and should fuck off out of our general fam

Does it matter which way round it goes? If I do crack because I'm an addict or I'm an addict who does crack what difference does it make?

Scotfag of yank?

Oh, Gordon.


No don't get off to porn

But it was called highschool in its actual name, I'm English

What should i do lads, Carry on doing a level 3 science course in collage or join the army and get a trade?


England tbh lad

W-What about if I grew up in Australia fam?

Your analogy doesn't work because what you are saying is related entirely to semantics and what we are dealing with is relating entirely to imitation, dickhead.

You can get a trade without joining the army

Bogans are welcome in brit/pol/ as long as their banter is up to scratch

Prove it

Lad, she's dressed like a porn star no matter how you slice it. Same way modern women act like prostitutes. You can say "yea well that's not the original meaning" but it is the current meaning.

If it was burn it down for being Americuck shit

Primary School then Secondary.

Not Elementary, Middle then High smdh

That's OK in that case just remove the American influences and help rebuild the Empire. Singapore isn't gonna reclaim itself tbh Although Hong Kong might lmao

My secondary school literally had Highschool in it's name too. And we had a prom at the end too. Fucking Americanisms are everywhere. I'm not mad because I had no-one to go with.

Aussie passport now lad

I'm Aussie too.
There are other ways to test

No she isn't. That pornstar is dressed like a school girl. End of story. Get out you vile little degenerate cunt. I bet you fuck kids and browse zoo you dead animal smeller lmao

No. She's not. Dressed like is not a symmetrical relation in the same way that 'looks silimar to' is


Total War Warhammer isn't that bad tbh


This thread was ruined by Aussies.




Don't get demoralised lads

Just a coincidence.

Spoiler that shit lad.

It's pretty good imo, ranged weapons should do more damage imo

Fitered you soft twat.

tbh passport "tests" are fucking useless these days lads

Every other paki cunt has a british passport and a typical Aussie airport looks like Shanghai

At least the Aussie one is black

We even chucked sickies at the Olympics because its a pleb event

i feel like gordon represents something, he is an important symbol of how far the west has fallen. that a man who grew up in what was once the most dynamic country, in the most dynamic continent on earth, would then amount to a gibbering wreck producing videos documenting his own slow descent into insanity.

all this is only possible of course because of sacrifice on many levels, his subsidising by his parents and the taxpayer and the sacrifice of men who died for country, or at least thought they did

if you showed a gordon video to soldiers about to go over the top in the trenches they wouldn't take a single step further

Finish this sentence:


You're probably a turk or leafcuck tbh

How civic.

He's the Last Man tbh


what the actual fuck

I fucking knew it was you! Avery

you too can have many failed relationships

bottles of beer on the wall????????????

Did you get your passport through your father? Or did yiy have to earn it by living here 5 years

incorrect young fag, i to went to primary middle school and then highschool.

it's changed now tho, they merged the middle schools and highschools for some reason.

i will be thirty next year ;_;

Lad you just failed hard…



someone please send this to Gords

Lol I'm avery


Enjoyed Empire and Dwarves but Orcs is a bit tiresome, having to manage the unrest.

i sometimes wonder if gordon is the true personification of the modern west. he represents our once great countries

Give you another clue

ninety nine point

Yeah I know, Vampires and Beastmen are the best tbh

FEWER*, you insufferable pleb.

He should have just married ibe but whatever he needs guidance

They're taking it a bit far with the DLC though tbh

Gordon is literally coming up with his own philosophy and is calling it "Regulated Egalitarianism"

Yeah I just got to that point

He's really fucking losing it now, this is section-worthy…

Exactly what a weak sack of shit would want

I was born in Australia my ancestry is fucking weird it's 90% anglos that move from England to another anglosphere country and then go back to England once a child is born

That's very poetic, but I think his genes are just borked tbh lad.

He's a megalomaniacal narcissist, and the fact we give him so much attention only feeds his complexes

I already know the plot m8, I read the leaks before the film came out.

You're not Australian, Averybigdick
Dissapointed in you

Would we really want Gordon to be on our side, for example?

If he had the right upbringing and was a nationalist, and then we had a disabled inbred nationalist with eyes too close together making thousands upon thousands of videos on right wing topics (they'd get much more attention if nazi)? Be careful what you wish for.

Most Australians are British. That's why it has no business being an independent nation of its own tbh

So he can rub its pussy.





I got no fucking clue mate

It's probably some inner city fucking shit

Get fucked mate, I grew up in the country side and didn't have time to learn your leb lingo and goon drinking games you heard about on a night out getting maggot with some fucking western Sydney chink

Republicanism is a fucking meme nobody with a brain (even the lefties) think it's a good idea

The new PM is a fucking cunt but at least he put his fantasy of an "independent Australia" on the side for now


non-white detected

Go ask your parents.
They'll know

It's pretty fucked tbh the amount of anglos are really fucking low these days (36% last I heard)

I've got no issue with other Euros coming but I'd be lying if I didn't want immigration to be mostly ethnic Brits from across the anglosphere

Can't really complain though as whatever stops the Chinese from becoming the main fucking population I'm happy with at the moment tbh

also, that attempt to Aussie it up was tragic


Guys like are going to ostrich size you for being chinese but you can be my mate if you draw gorgon as an anime tbh


He keeps talking about an identity built around "steampunk people" which crosses racial lines and doesn't identify with a particular territory.

Definitely worth sectioning him tbh.

I'm losing it a bit lately tbh, I've been in Britain for a while I do get it back whenever I'm talking to other Australians IRL or my mates over the phone but that's about it

Fuck's sake, lads. Cat's been gone for days now.

That was Ricky pointing btw
He was captain if the Australian cricket team.
Its a pretty respected role

Sam Hyde is a genius tbqh

Chances are someone gave it food.

Cats are kikes lad

Has anyone webm'd Ross on LBC?

Mussies are a problem (mainly in Sydney, Melbourne and to some extent Perth) but the fucking Chinese are sneaky little cunts since they have fucking money (unlike mussies)

Haven't watched sports since I was a kid tbh lad, love playing them but watching it (especially cricket) bores the shit out of me for some reason Probably autism


Fucking hell…if you're a manlet, the best thing you can do is grow a thick skin and embrace it. Worst thing you could do? Those fucking shoes.

I just hope he's alive

It looks like he's on set filming iron man. I doubt he wears that shit in real life.

That's not necessarily true. As I said in my great manifesto, I have a weakness for the yellow chinky people. If is an (east fucking yanks)asian girl, then I will allow it. All asian men however must be deported.

downey is well known for his "special" shoes



Thinking of getting a proper logo for the steam group, any lad good with photoshop wanting to make one, or suggest a good image?

part hibernian part west african but mostly north west European tbh


How's he supposed to walk in that.

Who /contemplating/ here?

Those men in pic 3 are actuallall around 5'6" to 5'8"

he does the manlet shuffle

Such a Jew

Hemsworth is a pretty tall guy isn't he?

4 u

Gordon's sister is a qt tbh

into the bog it goes

He's a 6'3" manlet fam


Ok so he's a little over 6'0 then. Good to know.


Will Leicester's Muslims re-elect Keith Vaz now that he's very haram?


Boy buggering is very common in Muslim cunt trees

I really hope Gordon an heros once his dad shuts down the internet

Only if you're Franco Columbo




He used to be amusing but I despise him now more and more with each video. He really is a wretched sack of shit. We need to get his dad to kick him out tbh.

r8 my OC lads

no lol

I'm getting flashbacks to Common Filth Extra, please stop.

This. Fucking hell. He's all about loving everyone, but he's clearly anti-white outside of being attracted to white women. He says so many things in his videos where he shits on us and implies we can have no real grievances, which is exactly why the "alt-right" exists.

franco king of manlets

Whenever Gordon talks about
it makes me angry for a few seconds, but then I just remember he's literally never touched a woman in his life and I'm ok

Typical half-caste shit, lad. Reminds me of the Supreme Gentleman, although he even he was nowhere near as much of a fuckup as Gordon


Gorgon's half-caste?

I'd wine and dine this one. I'd take her out to some fancy restaurant. I don't know any, but I'd pick one from a web search, and withdraw a fat wad of cash from the hole in the wall.

We'd have fancy chicken burgers and coke, and I'd tell her all about my VHS b-movie collection, and then maybe we'd talk about nationalism for a bit, and how family is important.

That night: I'd fuck her, jizz on her face, and then wipe it off gently with a warm towel, which I'd throw out the hotel window. Then I'd grab her and cuddle all night and whisper in her ears it's going to be okay. I'd leave in the morning without giving her contact details.



"I'm a big guy" - Gordon

Pretty sure his father is Indian or maybe Iranian half I think.

>two inch paki dick isn't a meme

his surname is persian

Not really half-caste then, depending on where in India he's from. Northern Indians are basically White, and Iranians (Aryans: the clue's in the name) are literally White.

some nice pol tier music

Got that after watching Granny's video didn't you lad?

Woah lads

Have you actually been on any other thread on Holla Forums? It's full of larpagans.

Such bad taste. It's degenerate, but I can at least conceptualize fucking traps or really cutsie boys, but to fuck some old balding turk with a leathery orange face… fucking hell. Imagine your brain being so miswired you find uglyness sexually attractive.

Mentally ill people get coddled by the media when they could be fixed by modern science.

Pagan larpers, not even once.

It's an Indian surname too. Pretty sure his dad is Anglo-Indian.

In this blog entry, Gordon's father implies he's connected to India

Not really tbh

wtf i hate god now

Lol. No. Iran is filled with many different ethnic groups, Persians being one of them. And they've heavily mixed with the more brown groups around them, just like high caste Indians.

It's why they're swarthy.

no shame


I don't think you know what 'aryan' means lad

fair enough, but i've always seen his surname referred to as persian when people on here try to investigate gordon


Is it possible to read this and not be aware of the obvious agenda?



did the person who drew that have hands?

It is a Persian surname but the Persians invaded Northern India multiple times and the Mughals were heavily influenced by them. In Gordo's case it seems to be Indians.

The most famous Jahans is the Mughal emperor who built the Tajh Mahal


Clearly the crusaders were in dire need of a chat with Dickie Spencer about the evils of doing harm to their h'White brothers and sisters.



We don't mention that name around here lad.


His tranny phase was cute. Should have kept going.

Reminder that he's a joke thief. Reminder that he really doesn't like being called a joke thief. Reminder that his Twitter account is
I know they're writing about a US poll but pinko news push this stuff in the UK too. How did it go again? Tolerance/acceptance, approval, punishing descent, and finally forced participation? Trying to say women who won't date men who've just fucked a little boy is bigotry and they should be shamed for it seems verging on force participation in LGBT nonsense. I still don't want to believe it'll go as far as little boys in schools having mandatory literal circlejerk classes to remove the original sin homophobia, but…

Actually the worst acting I've ever seen.

Turn it into a banner tbh.

Based dad

Gords is telling us to pack it in

Tbh I don't think he deserves half the crap we say about him. He just seems to have become a symbol for everything that's wrong with American h'White nationalists, despite many of those things not applying to him.

Tell him to come back when he's CIVIC.

Yeah, he didn't make that post.

He needs to understand the >>>/civic/ ways first.

Top kek.

I-is that your photo ttpw?

w h o / t h i n k i n g / h e r e ?

I don't read comics much, but if she's taking over the mantle of British history, then surely that history should matter?

Why have Captain Britain make silly jokes about British culture and say et cetera et cetera?

Shouldn't this be a serious somber, awe inspiring moment when Captain Britain realizes he can't be Captain Britain anymore, and it's this incredible honor and responsibility for this Muslim women to receive?

I thought the point of this shit was that diversity is great and Muslims can be part of our history and legacy too. Legacy and history are important, but outsiders can be part of it. That's wrong, but at least it's merely deluded.

What they seem to be haha only serious saying is that legacy and history don't matter one bit, and so Muslim inclusion in British identity is merely the motte to the bailey of devaluing British identity. As if even they know what's up.

Or maybe I'm overanalysing the panels of some comic I don't read, but something about the frivolousness of this clearly important scene jumps out at me.

What kind of retard even wrote this?

He literally backed Remain.


Prove it

Requesting the based Jezza gulags picture tbh.

It's from his account




who /EvropeannotBritish/ here?
wew lads

This faggot was against Brexit.

Send it to hope not hate or uaf.

I don't know how to use facebook, but I can't find it on his feed.

All "nice people" are anti white. It's how you show how much you care.



send me nudes of your sister

They've been saying this for years.

I don't have a sister, lad.

come on, gords
she's a solid 6

Reckon (((they've))) been doing so to justify them becoming more and more left wing?

I am not Gordon, lad.

Nice work lad

I agree that they're "centre-right" on economics, but when it comes to social issues (which are far more important) they're to the left of the grauniad.


The most delusional thing I've read today

Yanks lads. I'd say just ignore them but this is entirely one way.

Imagine if we started supporting fusing Canada and the USA into one country. They'd have a fit. You don't understand! Our cultures are too different!

I love her

Their complaint would be "canada's too left wing and chinky, we don't want them"




Spencer was on on I THINK an episode of Red Ice with Ramzpaul and Greg Johsnon a few months back and Greg Johsnon was trying to explain to Spencer the absurdity of his "White EU" dream.

I don't remember what video it was, but it happened. It's where the "I veto your dream" thing comes from.

she should be posting pics of herself not some animals


I agree. She needs to do ASMR videos where she sucks on her toes.



Read it thus


this might be it

About an hour in they start talking about it.

or just trying on some nice outfits

Never thought about this before


Ta but ecelebs are cancer tbh 😘😘

Which one of us was this?

Let me guess, it has nothing to do with Germans not feeling safe from migrants in Germany?

Iktf tbh

I want to hug the cologne girl tbh

Because of racism lad

Aren't red ice retarded pagan flat earthers?

I tried an episode and it was 2 women talking about their spiritual side and shit.

yeah ok bullies whatever you say not gay absolutely lmao


Because they only get freeview and not a full Sky package with £50 movie rentals a month.

Lana. Anybody else have that LARPagan chimping out on a wews stream? Kyle his name was lmao

Is voting for Hillary because you happen to have a us passport to bantz?

It's not even bants lad, if she wins we're going to blame you.

Do it and have a flag near the card. Then come here and absolutely bantercide them lmao

Link it to Brit/pol/ too lmao

they'll be so salty kek

Do it lad

This is one thing that bugs me about the Alt-right. They all say women don't belong in politics and yet will promote female podcasts discussing politics.

Now I reminded myself how shit modern women are and I want a refund on my birth

Its not me but mY friend and I think she will vite Hillary

do it, i will laugh my tits off if she wins

I think they're pagans, but they're not flat earthers I don't think. That's renegade.

Red Ice started out as a more "conspiracy" channel and they slowly got redpilled and came over to the White nationalist/White self preservation side of things.

Personally, I like their Christmas episode on Yule even though I'm not a pagan. It's pretty good imo.

I love him, lads.

I want him to be my dad.

Makes no difference mate.

Hillary will only win through rigging. Trump dominates her in every way possible. The question is simply if Hillary can rig it or not.

My dad left before I was born lol

Oh so they just make a religion up and pretend its over two thousand years old but its actually 50?

That's sad.
Is he a piece of shit?

Nah, he only turned sixteen two weeks before I was born smdh

I'm one of the lucky ones in that I have self discipline. Other kids without dads end up fucking right up smh

I'm trying to work out why I filtered you it must have been Gordon posting or something

Well you are here lad, you fucked up tbh.

Here's where you want to start listening to understand the mind of Dickie Spencer.

Ever met him?
is he black


Only a faggot filters people. You must have sensed I was an alpha and had to filter me to keep your NEET self esteem.

You lads are my daddy now tbh

Nah, he is a manlet though like me

Iktf bro

I think a lot of us didn't have a proper family growing up tbh, i didn't have a mummy.

He says he's been doing this for 10 years.

How many videos were lost?

my dad died in march

I win in the sob story competition


That feel when your parents are still together but a few years ago your mother confessed to you that she doesn't love your Dad any more.

That shit I will take to the fucking grave. The older I get the more I see my mother's a cunt and my Dad puts up with way too much shit.

Most of the right wing paganism I've seen focuses on the ancestor worship/veneration part, and not so much the "kill shit for woden" part.

But yes, Norse paganism is very "make it up as you go" when compared to Hellenic paganism. We have lots of material on hellenic polytheism and their practices while Norse paganism is pretty much just Snorri Sturlsson's translation of the eddas on top of some stereotypical Nordic/viking aesthetics.

Old School Christianity is better tbh


He's a fucking globalist

My mum died of cancer and i got to hear her last words. fucking beat that losers


My daughter died two years ago.
Check mate

I don't believe it for a second tbh.

What were her last words lad?

i hope dad has the kettle on

My whole family died at Auschwitz smdh


Tbh I don't generally approve of bullying someone so obviously actually retarded, but this was extremely funny.

That's be nice too


Did they die out of obesity?

my whole family was holocosted 6 million times smh tbh lads.

He's unable to comprehend it, he's gone mad

Maybe they can "wipe their noses" with his fit sister

He should have raised Gordon properly. This is payback.

Which one's which?


The calm one isn't Spencer.

Who is it that's telling Spencer why he's wrong?

Spencer sounds like he enjoys a good cock.

Greg Johnson of Counter Currents.


A day in my life: I'm watching jap cosplay porn in another tab and I almost saved this fake screencap of the befuddled dad of a retarded internet leftist as "asian porn".

I really like Greg Johnson. He sounds a bit of a nonse but he's incredibly intelligent and puts forward good arguments.

Spencer dreams of a European superstate, and this lad is telling him why its a retarded idea.

Sort your life out
You could be coming home to this

legit a good option for you if you try harder

What the fuck is wrong with his feet?


He's a queer, but he's a smart guy.

Read the part that says "intolerance of homosexuality is jewish"

Goddamn faggots..

Oh well bigger battles than Greg being a faggot now.

Its a woman

Ikr but these are desperate timea

Typical white nationalist scum

What else is he supposed to be? Civic?

ethno nationalist

Sort your life out
You could be coming home to this

That's a trap.

That's not how naked women look mate.. it's got a dick.

this tbh

Lad I hate our police they're completely braindead.

America is a multi-ethnic country.

No wonder he has problems smdh

I hate modern life

Then he needs to pick one fam

ow bullies stop it owwwwwwwwwwwww

Makes me ashamed to be British tbh. THIS is the new Britain. The Britain of our grandparents day is already dead and buried and when the people themselves die, it will just be a distant vague memory as we go further into the darkness.

M8 he has stubble and the feet are too large to be a woman


What did he mean by this?

If your job was on the line and you had to pose for this shit you would pose for the fucking picture.

Look how uncomfortable they all look. The one on the left wants to punch the shit midget

you dun goofed

A lot of the country is mixed and cut off from their European roots.

Ethno-nationalism is impossible in America.

I don't follow any of this shit but I'm enjoying the facebook posts.

All of these are fake lad.


Not fake, just esoteric



She was made for the BIG NEET DICK

Why would they ever have to pose for that shit?

I knew this would happen.

You can see her tits Perry!

Because if they turn it down they will be called racist.

Well all did apart from the 4cucks


Burnt hem all

Reserve most of your hate for those at the top who are pushing all this. Most, or at least a large amount of average people are just brow beaten and scared of losing their jobs and reputations etc, and probably hold some similar views that we do. I know how you feel though, but we can't give up.

We don't even want thousands of "refugees", never mind hundreds of thousands of immigrants.

He's too far gone tbh.

Can globalists handle TWO big guys?

Nah they could have said no. Honestly. But they're spineless British cucks so they obeyed their new master while his brethren were raping whites girls all across the country.

Spread your cheeks boy because this is our future.

It's easier to say yes and face zero risk than say no and risk The Guardian and Twitter lynching you.

Fuck off commonfilth.

Its literally a random picture with some random paki. Who gives a shit?

They wouldn't have been lynched though. You've been destroyed by the jews PC fear, like most Brits. This is how we die, with a cucked whimper.

Mate, I ain't scared of being called a racist. Look up the Ferguson effect and understand how it applies to Pakis.

I just want to lie in bed all comfy falling asleep to a good movie with my pillowwife next to me.

Great taste tbh

Don't bring the Americans into this, we're leagues above them in terms of cuckoldry, especially our coppers.

Not for long. We'll be at their level before you know it and we won't do a fucking thing about it.

I'm cold, lads. Wish Virginia was here.

The name of the effect doesn't matter you giant faggot.


Seems fake tbh. Looked her up and she doesn't even live in Woking

One of us.

Oh fuck off with your black pill bullshit.

So what is it? Are you sick of people blaming "DA JOOOS"
or are you blaming the Jews? Or are you just shitposting by any chance.


It does. Our coppers have been pakicucks by choice whereas in America the negroes kicked up such a stink they just decided to leave them to kill each other.

Whereas our police watch and smile as white girls are driven past in paki cars to be bred.

I was shitposting earlier but that image of Britcuck police triggered me back into reality.

London anons get on it tbqh


Oh my god fuck off, you don't help anyone.

I'm not here to help you.

Take le blackpill lad.

thread needs a good spray tbh

Were gonna need a bigger can

This HAS to be a shoop.

I think the Facebook posts are real, lads

The user on the /cow/ thread who's been posting them has plenty of photos from his dad's facebook that look legit

Check his ID

What does a "white" nose look like lasses?

White noses can take MANY shapes, but Aryans either have GREEK or ROMAN noses.

I'm sure they deliberately "leak" these things to measure public reaction.
This bitch will be on Newsnight tonight.


I see you.

Marry Virginia, lad

All different sizes. Whites are very diverse. That's our strength. Replacing us with other less diverse races will harm diversity tbh, and as we all know diversity is the most important thing in the world.

Oh it's that infsufferable, pseudo-intellectual semi-Nrx redundant cunt

He should stop talking about politics and stick to writing about the 'hauntology of Beyonce' or other wank


He's friends with Nick Land

They're just vile because they despise the fact they are so deformed and degenerate.

urgh gawd, im not even a christcuck, but that is so littered with inaccuracies.The original is rather simplistic as well so fairplay but fucking whatever. I really cannot be fucked.

Stupid fucking pricks probably don't even know what that sign means. And these are the people we're supposed to trust to keep us safe?

What did he mean by this?

Fisher's a leftist, and not NRx in any sense.


Land was Fisher's advisor of studies for Fisher's PhD iirc

He's talking about Land from when he was a Marxist in the 90s before he "went insane".

That doesn't make him NRx which would be nonsensical. NRxers don't whine about the media not being proletarian enough.

Why would he lick your back, lad?

what if they are the same person and it is all elaborate research for Keith Jahan's next novel?

Shit writing runs in the family

First and foremost he's an animal abuser

The reasons for Jahans 2 inch cock are adding up . . .

Need a new thread gents


Emergency new thread




Oh great two threads again, you fucking retards.

Newer links so I'll forfeit my thread tbh

Delete this. You cunt

You can't delete threads newfag

Noble of you lad. I don't care who makes the thread so long as there is one.

Calm down lad, we were both trying to avoid just this or being left in limbo but shit happens.

Delete yourself, that's what I mean, cunt.