bunker thread
Bunker thread
God, I hate jews.
Goons get so butthurt when they're called out. Why would that be?
remove pedo
Why don't we just go back to a 10 page catalog with early 404 (for less than like 5 posts) past page 5? If you don't have the manpower to keep track of spam 24/7 just bite the bullet and do it.
You do realize that while this may push Holla Forums above leftypol temporarily you are ruining our board and we will just leave making leftypol #2. Please keep your politics on pol and leftypol. Please and thank you.
who said it was pol?
this goon
remove dysnomia
Nice try shill it's on the front page of pol
this is fun
Google Bookchin
Holla Forums got nuked again, pass the fucking sugar
by who?
We can shame all those who are though. It's a proven effective tactic.
Id rather stay in /bbbb/ tbqh fams
will we migrate?
fake and gay tbh
Dunno. But i lurk regularly there too.
I like your post
what the fuck
That's just the capper to slicing off your cock skin. USA is kiked.