Other urls found in this thread:
niggers probably think that picture is real.
It's shocking that this isn't being carried by any major lugenpresse source. Seriously sputnik and some smalltime conservative sites are the only ones running it.
Also, OP is a faggot for not archiving. and his retarded OP. cuck/pol/ is back up. go back faggot.
+1 reddit gold
The best way HRC can anchor the black vote is by promising to legalize weed.
Dear god, every nigger, spic, leftist, lolberg would come out to vote for her.
Didn't Trump already have the stance of wanting to legalize weed?
What kind of wacky-ass world am I living in?
Just because you post about a nigger doesn't mean you can post like a nigger.
Always archive
I think he said to leave it up to the states.
Didn't the clinton memo state that "the mexicans are the most brand loyal nation. However, if the trust is broken, they will never return." Or something of the sort? We need to get their lines cracking as well.
Yet another thinly-veiled "based nigger" thread from paid Trump shills.
We get it. He's not a White Nationalist. You got the memes you came for long ago, you can stop showering the board with shitskin agitprop.
+1 reddit gold
Yeah she said 'once taco shell cracks the meat falls off your lap' - old spic proverb
Please tell me it really is.
they can be our useful idiots just this once but the moment we have our nation back they must all either be deported or castrated.
nah, it was on BB yesterday
stay triggered subhuman. we aren't useful idiots because we know exactly what Trump wants and what it entails.
Huh, didn't come up when I jewgled p-diddy obama in the last 24 hours.
This isn't accurate at all.
never heard of that
t. spic
It's derogatory towards whites, but I can't help but love that term. It just flows off the tongue so well. I hope the nigger community picks it up as a meme.
Great insight, cuck.
Hey sinead. How's firestarter media doing?
Trump may actually get some of the black vote. I never thought I'd see the day. Blacks vs spics will be a thing this year. Top kek.
Yea, that would probably do it.
Perhaps it's best that this not get mentioned again. We don't wanna give the old bird the ammunition to win the election.
Good part about this is I don't see hillary doing that. Too much money from the corporate prison complex. Basically the same reason she pushed that crime bill in the first place.
Your shill detection is top fucking notch. I'm impressed.
No, thanks.
Thank you for correcting the record.
There is no more corporate prison complex, Obama had it all shut down, its back to being government run.
CCA is still up and running. They announced a phasing out, which means it will never happen.
If you don't understand the importance of archiving and not direct linking, then stop posting.
This doesn't stop link from being in there. Damage is done. Besides, auto-archiving same shit for each viewer is going to bog down their website. It's shit like that 8ch posting troll technique, where some faggot made a code that just spammed requests to the site until they went through. That fucked the website for some time when many started using it.
I know, for you.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Pretty sure it only archives again if you ask it to.
It's because he was "one of them", but didn't open the floodgates on the gibs as much as they wanted.
That's why they turned on him
That's outrageous. If there are still thousands committing welfare fraud and popping out kids addicted to crack-cocaine, what more could they possibly want?
B-but muh 200 years
Historically incorporation was an attempt at having sway over businesses while also giving them monopolization carte blanche.
Currently Politiciains and Board Executives of corporations shuffle around as if through circular doors and conveyor belts. Do your research once in a while.
I thought it was real but niggers can't see a swisher and not assume there is weed in it
the same thing all lesser races like the jews want
yeah whos assuming its weed lmfao
jumping to conclusions
This picture was genius and sealed the deal. It doesn't matter what was being smoked, to a negro it looks like they're puffing a blunt. Now every hoodnigga needs to decide between a dying frail white lady, or Donald J Trump who will be living the thug life and rolling around in a presidential motorcade smoking blunts with niggas all day.
That train has already left the station with her idiotic 'it needs more research' comment as it related to the legal classification that says there's no valid medical use. She might as well have told those single issue voters to go fuck themselves.
In Canada the current prime minister tried this strategy to get the youth onboard and they were dumb enough to believe him. The 'weedman' label is seriously going to haunt him during re-election as more states legalize it.
Well, the reason that politicians don't actually make things better for the black community, is because it is not in their corporate sponsors interests.
The banks want martial law, and using the media, drugs, etc, they have effectively waged a campaign of "Weaponizing" the black community against White America… the purpose of this is to convince whites to call for martial law in order to stop the "Black Menace", which will instantly be used to crack down on political activists, dissidents, and other individuals labeled as undesirable by the (((Banks))).
The destruction of the black family through the family courts and planned parenthood, coupled with mainstream media propaganda and the importation of drugs into the inner cities, was designed (in part) to reduce social cohesion within the black community, and therefore enable the controllers to more effectively propagandize and manipulate them.
The purpose of this, as previously stated, was to use them as a weapon in order to convince white people to agree to martial law… it's just a pretense to pass legislation.
That is one of the tactics that these techniques are being used to accomplish, but it is one of the largest ones.
The entire point is, if black peoples lives were improved (Not with free money, mind you) but by ending these destructive campaigns against their family unit… then they would be more difficult for the bankers to use as their puppets.
Obviously, the bankers do not WANT that, and thus all politicians that need the bankers approval to get elected will never actually do anything to prevent this degredation of the black community.
Sure, they will talk a good game, give some free handouts, make some photo ops, etc…. but at the end of the day, they are still seeking to use the black community as a weapon to further their aim of destroying America, and looting all of it's wealth for the bankers profits.
Now, probably the most effective solution to this problem, is a multi part strategy consisting of:
1. Ending the war on drugs.
Not only is the war on drugs a huge waste of taxpayer dollars for what amounts to criminalizing non-violent personal choice, but it also spawns, and indirectly funds the criminal elements that do so much damage to black society..
If drugs were decriminalized, (Like cigarettes and alchohol), not only would you remove the profit motivation of the criminal elements that tear apart black communities, but you would also reduce the probability of children getting their hands on illicit substances… because wallgreens and CVS pharmacy's actually card their customers to make sure they are of age, while street corner pushers do not.
2. The (((mainstream media))) pushes some of the most insidious propaganda on the black community, with many "Artists" glorifying the criminal lifestyle that serves to tear apart black families, and ruin childrens lives…… through drug addiction and increased violence.
There are plenty of black music artists that do not attempt to glorify these behaviors, and instead attempt something more creative and close to the heart, but these artists are seldom selected by the media masters to act as represenatives and role models for black youth, leading to these impressionable youngsters turning to the activities they see their "Idols" talk about.
3. Education
Now this one is a bit complicated, but is actually related to #2 from above… the media constantly pushed on the black youth is one that glorifies a short, violent life full of temporary gains (status, money, decorations, and fashion), as opposed to building a better future for oneself and ones family. Because of this lack of emphasis on planning and caring about the future, education of black youth suffers from major drawbacks, as the children see long term planning as unimportant, and irrelivant… thus effecting their desire to improve their skillsets to compete in the economy, and their desire to acquire knowledge to build a better life for themselves, their family, and their children.
3. Pay for play welfare.
The destruction of the black family unit is primarily the result of the subsidization of black females reproductive desires, with additional taxpayer funds being allocated solely on the basis of HOW MANY children a single black female has… this incentivises black females seek quantity over quality, desiring more to have as many children as possible in order to supplement their lifestyle, as opposed to finding a quality man who will provide for his children, and thus raise them in an environment with a strong male role model who can teach the children self sufficiency, self respect, etcetera.
There are plenty of studies floating around the internet, giving testimony to the damage that single parent homes do to the children that find themselves in these environments.
It is of great interest to me, how often the mainstream media seeks to attack black male celebrities who speak about the deliberate destruction of the black family….
So, a reversal of all of these tactics would seem to be the best possible way to reforge the black family unit, and thus provide a nurturing environment for black children.
However, one must always be careful of sloppiness in reversal of these tactics, as if done incorrectly, could lead to a massive increase in poverty among the black community, and thus a negation of the original intent of reversing these strategies… leading to increased crime rates, and all of the negative social ills that accompany such occurrences.
Of course the majority of politicians who stat that they wish to help the black community, often fall for this trap of merely providing handouts that make them more dependent, and less capable of standing up for themselves. (Which is exactly what the bankers want)
Anyway, this is just a brief synopsis of the entire subject matter, there is far more to talk about, but these factors are the most influential and immediate concerns.
One of the primary problems is the current state of the economy, with so few jobs being available (per job seeker, at least), unemployment is a very real long term concern for many, turning some to government dole or criminal enterprise, neither of which offers the kind of long term stability that a strong family unit requires to raise children into successful adults.
So, of course the first aspect would be an improvement in the general state of the economy, by reducing the sheer amount of taxpayer money spent on completely frivolous bullshit that offers absolutely no returns to the American taxpayer or economy.
Er, it appears that I placed two #3's in there, instead of a #4…
Mea culpa.
Of course it isn't, user.
The pharma industry would literally have her killed ahead of schedule for even joking about that.
You get the pasta.
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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!
Is any of that updated yet?
Or are those the only one left on the net?
Because I am just seeing more and more happiness for Trump as he goes for pozzed mainstream {{{people}}}
Keep bumping the thread you dumb faggot. Why don't we understand Trump's policies, now?
He wants the states to make up their mind anout rec use but wants medical legalized in all 50 from what I read.
here it is without the nig cancer
tbf that nigger's eyes are so bloodshot he was deffo stoned out of his gourd
(you) sound like a disinfo shylock mulatto.
Name a time when blacks weren't degenerate. 1950? 1910?
Trick question. They've always been in the gutter, they're just a bit worse now. Black crime rates have always been disproportionate. They've always had creeping dysfunction. They were just the most willing victims of the Jew.
Yeah use this image instead btw. There's 2 versions, the first (which was used in the OP) has too high of a resolution on the smoke and but the 2nd is blended much better.
Of course she won't do it. But she can always lie.
muh comuniti
Trump really does look like hes getting stoned with niggers in this picture… kek
This is true. Im kinda surprised that every 'dude weed' college kid in this country isnt voting for him because of this. But of course the media wont let what he said get out.
What Trump doesn't seem to be getting is that medical marijuana IS a federal issue, because currently DEA rules override state rules. That means that people who receive other scheduled prescription drugs have to follow DEA rules or lose their prescriptions. The outcome? Patients have to choose between their opiate painkillers or marijuana, they can't have both, because DEA rules prevent it. Basically the people who need it most are prevented from using marijuana medically.
Which is why he can not enforce the federal rules and leave it up to the states. He gets it and he's going to do it. Take a break from weed before you try to learn things next time.
everyone is on the internet these days
Not voting for le ebil waycis old rich cis patriarch so you have a chance to sniff a fat feminists soiled panties is more important than DUDE WEED LMAO to faggot cuck millennials.
What happened there ?
Diddy is an actual homo. OP is also an actual homo for making a thread dedicated to a so-called "man" named Diddy.