infowars com/shut-it-down-reuters-orders-cameraman-to-kill-positive-trump-footage/

Tl;dr: a video feed of Trump gets cut not to show him get blessed by a nigger "bishop"; based reporter says he's willing to take a demotion.
We then hear the word “blackout” and the camera shakes before the live feed is cut.
“Reuters was primary video feed for the event, all other video delivery services were coming from the Reuters feed. When Reuters shut down, all other outlets lost the broadcast,” reports the Conservative Treehouse.

Wow thanks you dumb nigger but learn to embed.



Fug, I didn't notice. We need a better version, too bad my shoop skills are crap.

Emperor is envolved with voodoo?

Stream starts in 1 hour from now.

Will Trump make dank jokes about Hill's coughing fits? Stay tuned to find out!

1. Old news
2. >infowars
3. Niggers giving Trump a jewish prayer shall is hardly "positive"

What are you trying to slide, chaim?

Fuck yea! I can see why they would want it shut down. Jews must be rolling in their graves over this. A black man pretending to be Jew, and endorsing Trump. Wrapping him in their sacred shawl, no less. Good God, them black are liable to get sued for this, for impersonating a Jew while black.

fuck this was intended to be a new thread

Then you weren't paying attention to the corrosive (((ass-inflammation))) on twitter.


It's obvious you're new here.

MSM coverage is for normies. Most people watching it would absolutely interpret it as a positive message.

Nah, but it'd be "rabbi" if kikes allowed it.


(2) now.

Who are you trying to fool, Moishe?

You missed all the butthurt it caused a bunch of jews on twitter. They were livid. We had a few threads on it due to all the salt. That said, this is a good way to expose the MSM.

Why was only Reuters there with a camera?
Is Trump not allowing anyone else with press credentials in?
Seems odd to me, and i would like to know more.

You're the shill. Filtered & reported.

Wew lad.

So that it could be controlled more, of course. If all main coverage comes through one channel, there are less points of failure due to some goyim being bad goyim.

So where is all the altmedia?
That's why I am asking, is Trump prohibiting others?
Seeing as I rather doubt its a case of there being no interested others, this seems odd.

I thought Holla Forums like accuracy?

This is big. Shout it from the rooftops.



a-user kun why is this thread sliding in the pages?

How can you tell if someone selected "no bump", or bump ??

Sorry bud, you're just gonna have to lurk.



There needs to be laws against this media corruption

muh fascist america
