Video BLM doesn't want you to watch

perfect normie material. get likes and views onto this video and promote it however you can. if this was already posed idgaf, i looked at the catalog

preddy gud video for normalfags. have a bump and a like.

This nigger couldn't even embed the video. Kill yourself


Here you go.

Some people will take something away from the video but at the end of the day libtards and cultural marxists only want the destruction of the white race.

Thats not the point.

Libtards and cultural marxists will be hated by normies as well when more of them wake up.

I haven't heard jack shit about blm after they released their manifesto mentioning the fact that jews suck. They an heroed. Bit the hand that feeds. It's over.

Are you stupid? The video is showcasing we wuz kangz, negro statistics and general niggery. How can you be this big an imbecile and know how to turn on a computer?

very nicely done

paid shills really do exist, user.

you say that as if libtards and cultural marxists hold some kind of majority.

When push comes to shove the normies will side with us, they already are starting to en masse.

Fire Monkey delivers.

They hold power over the day-to-day federal government, academia, media, and HR departments. When people have no job prospects and no reason to go to college, they'll lose that power.

As it stands, they can absolutely destroy "normies" who engage in wrongthink. The worse things are, the better they will be.

Somewhat unrelated, but has anyone tried to upload shit like this to

I want to know if they're actually for freedom or if they're just hypocritical cucks riding the youtube drama wave.

This is what I was getting at.

Anyways, it's a nicely done normalfags friendly video so have a webm.

why not focusing on the real enemies ? Niggers are just golems, BLM is just a trojan horse.

The political jew is the problem
The religious jew is the problem
The cultural jew is the problem
The financial jew is the problem

In all cases, the jews and their genes are the problem of our society.
Great efforts nonetheless, but focus the real target user.

Hi guys,

first time on this site. Why are niggers such vile creatures?

haven't been on 8ch for a while and didn't post back then so I'm basically functionally retarded on that front

and i think most people here are doing their best to attack jews, but it never hurts to do it through many methods. and my take is that if you can turn BLM around, you might be able to turn (((civil rights))), and that goes all the way back to their handlers, which hits the jews either way

also is it just me or are the views frozen on the vid? the likes are increasing at a rate which is representative of hundreds of views but the views have been within the same -+300 area for the past few hours.

yall niggas o bibbe oh beel buil he he.

The video is at 3500 veiws and 750 likes for me.

This is actually a nice effort, user.


mimicry born of spite and hatred can be nothing but vile.




Cops and Niggers BTFO. You chose this path. The tribe of Dan will Judge ye now. And to the Sanhedrin, you too will be judged. 11:11 vs 11:01 All ye oaths are broken now. He cometh!

Are you stupid? That guys channel has nigger rappers on it..

Jewish supremacists is what lead to (((it))).

Why has god forsaken us by sending massive 4chan faggots?