Oldfag thread, the golden days of Holla Forums edition.
Faxing god awful porn to rebecca blacks old HS, the raids, trolling grorious nippon after the tsunami raped it. Let's reminis about the golden age Holla Forumsros
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I've conducted raids as recently as may and filled four threads to completion
Remember doxing that asian/hapa faggot who said he'd beat the shit out of us or something? Trying to remember, a little hungover ATM.
That one of the Facebook raids? the guy who said he was an admin here and was thoroughly milked for lulz. Or was that gaybe? Shit. They all run together now.
Was here for mollychan. fucker almost died.
That's a classic from Holla Forums, that pic actually helped save a few bros I was actually looking out for. I don't care how conservative they say gen Z is, nothing's going to change unless the laws do, thats not happening anytime soon. As we've seen with trump and all the other politicians fighting him no one wants to lose voters. Have to give women that, they do vote.
No, this was something else. Remember, they photoshopped his face in someone else fucking his sister or some jailbait or something. Good times.
Huh, never heard of the mollychan one, he ded?
how about the time hotwheels doxed his jew neighbor and the guy showed up in the thread?
oh shit kinda remember that. Man, i'll give Holla Forums this, when they do dox people fuck they mean business. Seeing the shit i've seen on baph and pol lately is fucking amazing, esp when they dox'd the mayor of charolottesville.
Must of missed that one. They happened so fast in those days.
Mollychan was almost an hero. Don't do drugs.
I remember that one. The guy had a blue subaru impreza in his profile picture.
They hacked his twitter account and started threatening Brianna Wu, and she called the cops on him. They shooped him and his sister into incest porn and somebody signed him up for the US infantry. Last we heard of that guy
Oh fuck i remember this nigger now! God what an idiot, good times tho.
Thats the guy! Isn't brianna wu running for some poltiical office now? Think that was the beggining of the great half chan/full chan schism, brianna wu and that other slut and her evil vagina magic.
Yeah, he also claims that moon rocks falling from the moon and hitting earth has the same power as a nuke.
Lel the irony, i tried getting in the service a while ago, due to bipolar they won't take me.
They'll let in trannies tho
that started two months earlier when moot started autosaging and deleting threads he didn't like.
It was a little more than a year after snowden and it was the beginning of us putting the pieces together between people like moot and government programs like PRISM
Brianna came after the split. It was when moot banned gamergate because his 2/10 sjw whore was trying to suck up to Zoe Quinn.
Brianna tried to shitpost and got flooded with autistic memes. She then cried victim. Then based HW destroyed her on huffpost live.
implying she didn't false flag every attack against herself
It was an obvious false flag. She lurked the gg board and doxed herself.
The maymays were real though and top lulz.
never forget
And now he works for google. Probably a devirsity hire and the one triggered by the memo.
that explains so muxh
found it
just sent him a friend request
ZOMG LOL thank you!!!
muh ninja
another time appropriate classic
why do people feel such a need to not only take nude images of themselves but put them on extremely vulnerable platforms like icloud and onedrive
because it's convenient and they don't understand how it works.
I work as a technician at a small computer repair shop and I routinely have to explain to people shit even children know, like what an internet browser is.
That's what I find so amazing, even though the internet has been normie-fied people are still clueless. Makes people like me feel free.
Huh, looks like this nigger is still living pretty well.