Can someone please Tell me the scientific notations of these?!
Can someone please Tell me the scientific notations of these?!
Please help, i didn't pay attention in physics.
Shit nigger are you also in Physics Grade 11?
I guess so
you fucking fags
1: 3.732020E7 km
2: whats that symbol supposed to be?
looks like a dl
as in didn't-learn?
deciliter tbh
I'm actually in 9th grade
I actually finished it tbh
can you use a calculator + your brain
oh cool we're the same
1 sqkm = 1E6 sqm
Sorry nigga, but i only had 2 lessons of physics for the first time ever.
I haven't learn that way yet
This shit is fucking gay
have you had homecoming yet mines gonna be in october and my mom's making me go and expects me to get a girl to go with me so when it happens i'll post about it
I still have 4 years of school, then afterwards 4-4 years of university
I said homecoming it happens every year and it's for some football bullshit where your parents get mad at you because you can't get a date but still make you go so you sit out in the parking lot listening to music wishing a cute girl would come up to you but it never fucking happens this is gonna be my second year since I had to go in 8th grade last year also
Oh ok, i'm just from europe.
Well here the school years on 31 june
oh in the US its ends and starts and the school day starts and ends at different times but for me it ends in june and starts in august but the school day is only 6 hours so its no too bad
That'a a nice Sony Xperia XZ you have there
thx, i got it on my birthday
1 km = 1,000 m
< I use commas the way you use periods because I'm an American : deal with it
Therefore 1 km^2 = 1,000,000 m^2 = 1E6 m
< xEy = x * 10^y
< where 10 ^ y means ten raised to the y power