Programming threads making you better. This thread themes is gitting gud by any means possible.
The natty way didn't really think about cheating did you user. i see that adderall prescription don't lie.
i'm gonna post some resources on popular languages so theirs no excuse for you to not git gud. other than laziness.
post progress so we know you're not some faggot who larps and pretends he knows what he's talking about. because this isn't one of your linux distro threads or systemd thread we're here to talk about programming. my project right now is making bots via python for popular chat rooms chatango, discord, irc, etc. it's pretty comfy. but enough about me what are you doing?
did you think i forgot about this the only resources you need is the drive to get better.there isn't a single book or website in the world that would get you off you're fat ass and learn to do something that could benefit you in the future. this has to come from deep within. you think top level programmers were born with the skill to create some of the most beautiful programs no they worked at it. natural talent only goes so far faggot git gud or just give up already.
also does anyone have the programming challenges Holla Forums made i lost it when my hard drive dieded