Blackpill me on women

Why should I hate women ?

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Because you're a faggot. If you're not a faggot (unlikely since you're OP) then don't fall for the meme. Unless you're a nigger, a mudslime or a jew in which case feel free to go full MGTOW and watch your race die out.

Why should I hate women ?
The same reason you would hate a tapeworm, it's a parasite.

i don't really know fam
by the way picture in OP is a GOOD THING because it throws the ugly and the retarded and the weak out of the gene pool.

evolution, you fucking beta, whether you like it or not…

you dont hate fire for being able to burn you

you just dont put your hand in a fire

wimminz maek bepis happy but they no touch os bepis get sad and they taek all moniez so its double sad plus ever1 calls u a nigger 4 wantin wimminz 2 touch ur bepis

doesnt throw any ugly, retarded weak women out of the gene pool…


woman are good aslong as you keep in mind that they're women.
they're not your bro, don't expect them to be.

There is currently 7 billion people in the entire world. What makes you think the white race is dying out anytime soon?