McDonalds Bail-Out?

McDonalds is going down the tubes,, shit management, shit marketing, and most of all a shit product, but they are the third largest employer in the United States.

Is Ronald McDonald too big to fail?

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If no one is buying your shit, you go out of business.
That capitalism.
What my theory is, access to the internet has allowed people to better research diets and how to eat healthy, also if you still want to be a pig you can look into where the good restaurants and fast food are.

kill youreself for even making that post

oh fuck the articles from 2014 you got me op shill


wrong. mcdonalds food just sucks nowadays


I imagine the service is shit too in america, what with all the black people workin' there

This is very old news. The problem is they hired too many niggers.

which is why the government keeps bailing out all the big corporations right?

here check out this image and see how close they all are.

Here's a more recent one.

It takes a long time for a giant to die.

If you make a bunch of shitty loans and cannot regain your investment your bank folds. That's capitalism.

If you buy a bunch of stocks and they go south your investment firm tanks. That's capitalism

I'm guessing the United States has not been capitalist for a long time.

If those banks and investment firms were too important to the economy to allow to fail, what about the nation's third largest employer?

All the more reason to bail them out. Black Jobs matter.

The solution is easy. Bring MoonMan back.

And they still fail. Niggers aren't capable of doing the businesses well.


Their food quality is shit, and it's not even as tasty as it used to be. Plus it's overpriced, you can get twice the size local burger for the same amount of money.

So you think all the CEOs of McDonalds are niggers?

Every mcsludge advertisement I have seen is geared exclusively to niggers.

Niggers only go to the mcdonalds near them which are in ghettos.

Ghetto mcdonald's are staffed by niggers that steal and break shit.

Niggers pay with foodstamps which takes time and money to get paid from govt.


tldr; mcdonald's fucked themselves by going multiculti.

At least KFC was smart enough to market to whites.

Yup I tried them in USA and it is a lot worse than Australia.

Some of them are niggers and some of them are traitors.

service sucks
i just want a 49cent ice cream cone after work and the ice cream machine is down ,,Bs the lazy teens and nogs dont want to have to clean the machines fuck REEEEEEEEEEE ,foods shit frys are to salty lazy fucks are so retarded that they dont batch cook they make to much and let frys get heatlamped MC Donalds is SHIT

Great , you explained their failure.. Now do we allow the third largest employer in the United States to fail?

Which is ironic given how they're the ones serving chicken.

I've seen him smile when he supports Shitlery, tells everyone how great the economy is recovering, and when he sells out the control of the internet from right under our noses. But I don't think I've ever seen a grin like that one until now.

I haven't noticed a change, but maybe 70's McDicks is haute cuisine compared to what they're selling now.

Ausfag here, McD's has been getting hurt a bit over here but it'd be very surprising if 30% of franchisees are facing insolvency like they are in the US. Plenty of vibrant diversity in the workforce too, but usually pakis and pajeets. Seems like the smart move for the American branch would be to openly pander to the muslims, especially when it comes to employment. They might be humourless cunts bent on our utter destruction, but they run a tight ship and don't tolerate any bullshit in their places of business.

It is amazing to think such a corporate heavyweight could be completely eaten from within by the nigger termites it has tried so hard to uplift.

How could McDonalds actually fold? Wouldn't the failing franchizers fold while the successful ones continue on? The McDonalds in my town is always packed

all the workers are from the highschool down the road
all the workers are white

My guess is that it's not a financial institution. That's my limited understanding anyway. The way it happened in my country is that the gov couldn't allow the banks to fail because the economy wouldn't run without them. I can't see how a country wouldn't run without mcdonalds.

Didn't McDonalds go full bore in becoming a "we love niggers" business with their ad campaigns? It would be nice to think that a lot of whites decided to stop going there because of that, while at the same time the campaigns did nothing to make blacks like it more.

It does seem like a lot of those World Star HipHop videos are in McDonalds.

Which part of 3rd largest employer didn't you understand? That's a lot of jobs. (shitty dead end hellish jobs, but still jobs)


and it's not like those people will have somewhere else to go.

hahahaha that's funny.

Bring back Moonman



they cater towards shitskins, what a surprise.

Same thing. I regularly go by three between commuting, going into town, etc. There are always cars in the parking lots and a line at the drive through during typical commute times. I can't possibly see them failing.
Keep in mind these are in areas 90-5% white. Would be hilarious if they let them fail and just the ones in in ghettos and multicultural hell holes failed. Niggers would freak.



Fuck I'm glad we got rid of most of the Abos and the rest are occupied with booze and other drugs.

Good observation!

O.P. here.

Wow, Holla Forums just wow.

I ask about preventing the failure of the third largest employer in the United States,, (not to mention the horror that the 3rd largest employer is McDonalds,, or that the top one is Walmart.. yes our economy sucks that hard)

and the responses are pretty much this:

You have to go back.

You talk like a lot of this board aren't accelerationists and closing mcjewgles wouldn't adversely effect niggers the most.
What if I told you to take your normalfag may may back to the _Donald?

Look at the date, user.

It's because they charge $5 for a single McDick burger and $7 for the meal. Who wants to pay that shit when other fast food chains and even local brick/mortar places charge the same or less for better food.

Nah, fuck 'em. Should have let the banks and auto makers go out, too. Fuck you cunts,

Yes. it opens the market up for competition, like when a big rotten old tree falls in the forest and a bunch of smaller trees grow up to suck up that sunlight. Some entrepreneurs can open small burger huts and hire the nigs maybe. jobs existed before mcdicks, jobs will exist after.

Even 15 years ago when I was in high school and ate shit fast food for lunch, the only thing anybody ever bought was shit off the dollar menu. And, we only went to a shit hole like mcdonald's if we were late getting to the local drive-ns/takeout places and the lines were too long.


It's no surprise, McDonald's sucks.

Okay,, here's an answer to my question. and they only used a few racist slurs.

That's an improvement. Still race obsessed but at least acknowledging there are other forces at work in society.

C+ work


One thing I do like is the Bacon Egg McMuffin

it sure dindu nuffin,

but it's tasty and good breakfast

No surprises here

I don't even understand what your issue is.

If a big manufacturer like Boeing failed, that would be devastating.

If McDonalds failed, we'd barely notice. In less than a year, almost all of those space would have been bought out by other food franchises, or convenience stores, or coffee shops, or whatever.

I don't know if this thread is going anywhere, but anything on this topic would make it worthwhile.

Have there been any case studies of businesses that marketed primarily to niggers and then failed?

Clothing manufacturers like Nike can do it because they are selling a product through an intermediary. But if a food franchise does it, they run the risk of turning their stores into places that nobody else wants to enter.

Kill yourself faggot.

Racism is Right. With nigs and jews, you lose. Go back to your hugbox.

drug , illegal guns, and food stamps seem the best businesses for this demographic.

everything nowadays is too big to fail, from websites to banks, which lure the funding on empty promises

which will make it all more beautiful when it all finally crashes down, taking down everything like a domino

McDonalds lost its soul when the commie government forced them to ditch saturated fats. McDonalds needs to die, I will miss it as I have fond memories as a child being taken by my father as a treat.

I was talking about this bad boy
Absolutely haram

I don't like mcdonals per se, but this ish good

There are businesses that operate in nigger neighborhoods and do very well, but they know what they are doing. They don't make most of their money off of whites and then decide they are going to embrace nigger culture, then be surprised when whites stop going.

Kennedy Fried Chicken is a really good example.

Bulletproof glass between customer and server.
yup niggers every time.

You argumentation sounds an awful lot like that of the communists.

Capitalism is just another kike-subvertion of society to trick white people against eachother and take away their power and resources ((legally)).