Now that Sanders has stabbed us in the back
Is he our last hope, leftypol?
Now that Sanders has stabbed us in the back
Is he our last hope, leftypol?
There is no hope in revisionist politicians, but that doesn't mean we cannot use them to meme our ideology forward.
This. Revisionists (reformists?) are a good temporary boost but we need to drop these fuckers immediately as soon as real class-consciousness begins to build, otherwise they'll show their true nature and side with the bourgeoisie every time.
You better brace yourselves because western politics is taking a hard shift to the right.
We have. We are ready.
The ones that have braced ourselves.
Excellent narrative pushing
There really arent many leftist leaders and theorist nowdays.
The failure of Sanders and Corbyn is inevitable, and useful for the building of socialism in the long run.
What do you mean? He's taking it to the convention. They're going to riot and shut it down.
oh good more shit-tier propaganda leaflets from the Holla Forumssmokers
I've given up on socdems. I'll vote for them, but I have little hope for them.
why wont you learn
No point in even voting for them anymore. You might as vote for the most reactionary people possible for full accelerationism.
People are learning. This is the lesson. This is part of it.
Social Democrats will fail, of course, but through their failure people will begin to ask WHY. Why did they fail? And then we must be there to explain; they failed because the promises they made to people cannot be kept under capitalism. They need a revolutionary socialist program. See and - this is the right kind of thing. Their failure will only cause a swing to the right if there is no voice further left to appeal to them; ours. It is a slow process.
Calm the fuck down and go read some more books, comrade
This a lot. The Party must have a very pedagogical action right now, we must teach the people abput the reasons and causes that made the reformists and revisionists fail.
pic rel8ed
gay tsuredu
If what >>739226 say was true people would had "learned" a century ago.
Never comrade. Posadism is our only hope.
You are the kind of person who is willing to let people die in order to boost your idea. Nice
What happened now?
Sanders was always a tool, not a goal. We focus on ideas, not people.
Man, how I wish there was a leader who represented my views, I feel horribly orphaned. Isn't there in the whole world a single charismatic, smart person who is ancom? Shall I have to take the burden myself?
Do you even niggah
Oh drop the act. You know damn well that in any group there will be more pro-active people taking charge, however little that means. It doesn't necessarily make them leaders proper, but then again, the Makhnovshchina had that title for a reason.
Besides, it's not like I'm looking for someone to bark orders at me. I just want to be reminded that there's someone else on this gay Earth that thinks like I do and has some capacity to improve it, that I'm not just some alienated bastard pining for a lost cause.
There are no messiahs that will come up with a brilliant way to make things better. It falls on the shoulders of all of us to improve our reality for whoever long our passage through it lasts.
this guy gets it
You're both spooked.
Working for an idea is spooked, and so is moralising (because that's working for an idea).
No one believed that.
That said, how did he stab us in the back? He just lost, right?