Trump Endorsed by 88 Military officers
Trump Endorsed by 88 Military officers
Bumping against slide threads.
Is there a full list somewhere?
The full list is in the letter on his website.
While nice, having 88 actively serving generals and admirals would publically expose a deep resentment in the high ranks of the military for king nigger and pants shitter. I was shocked until I read the article.
This. That would have been huge and put the fear in the left.
The Jew York Times is superstitious I see.
Found it.
Imagine if those 88 Generals had been at the RNC, in full uniform behind Trump holding a speech on foreign or defense policy. Would have been pretty powerful to say the least.
Keep memeing.
Kek smiles upon us.
to think we were afraid of a police/military state
I wanted to be in military state. Is it bad that I have a fetishistic taste for the military stuff?
That would've been pretty ebin and had lefties the world over shitting themselves.
Why would they shit themselves over some retired nobodies?
They control the entire global financial and surveillance apparatus. They control the nukes. They have total overwhelming demographic destiny on their side.
Talking about normalfag lefties. They'd see all the uniforms lined up behind literally worse than Hitler and start screaming about fascism, dictatorships, and the death of democracy. It would be hilarious.
Retired generals usually have connections with soldiers and other generals, both active and inactive sometimes. In any case, the symbolism of such a thing feels like active insurrection in the mind of the global elite. They would have to nuke their own populace, which is kind of hard when those very same people cook their meals and clean their houses. It reeks of revolt in their minds.
let me try this again:
whats this?
Good they can focus on solving the domestic issues. Most of the issues are ignored.
Image made me think of this
Ya this the top active are powerful but I'd wager the top retired us generals have more direct influence than the rest of the active army, because they are so heavy into private industry and pmcs.
They like using that word but it's safe to say while this guy probably had a rough go at it most of it could be made up.
Besides that he served in 'Nam and is a Green Beret.
isn't it against the rules in mili to endorse while actively serving?
What a truly riveting story luckily he escaped those evil nazi gas chambers.
Pretty sure it is, which is why it would have been so shocking and unprecedented at this scale.
No doubt, these are the Generals and Admirals who prematurely retired from Obama's military.
It is and they had to stand up for themselves because they knew that USA is in deep shit. Russia- USA war will destroy both and in the end there is no win. Nothing will come good from this mess. Without USA and Russia, the china become a dominating superpower and no rivals will counter it.
I don't think you're even allowed to show up to hear someone talk in uniform just because of the image it could send
One of the biggest #NeverTrump spergouts was over this… They claimed if he got endorsed by ex generals they would support his foreign policy. Wonder what those pants shitters will do now.
This shit again? This is a typical leftist tactic. You're trying to say that the entire letter is invalid just because of that. What q stupid argument. All that matters is how the letter APPEARS to normies and leftists. Obviously they didn't get every single signee to do a detailed review of Trump's policies before signing. It's symbolic.
Kek please, we understand already
Hitler trips of truth. Well done son, well done.
I think it should be exceedingly clear to anyone by this point that the Trump campaign is thoroughly zionist. Most people in America don't even know what the Holocaust is at this point.
wtf, i hate trump now
Back to the cuckfarm, beaner.
Most of America is non-White and barely educated. They honestly don't know what the Holocaust is. The Trump campaign is including stuff like that because it resonates with themselves and the people they are trying to appeal to – postwar patriotards. Guys with back problems who ride three wheeled motorcycles, super rich jews who need to keep a victim narrative alive, etc.
In the 1970s he served as Commander of Det-A, Berlin Brigade, a clandestine unit of cold war Green Beret commandos on high alert 24-hours a day. This covert unit was made up of selectively trained and language qualified members of Special Forces, as well as many Eastern European immigrants who brought much needed culture, geographical and language skills to the assignment. Their missions were classified; they dressed in civilian clothing made in East and West Germany, and carried appropriate non-American documentation and identification
If everyone's going to sperg/d&c out about this guy being a kike, all the neocons are endorsing Hillary. And I guarantee he didn't get that job by being a stereotypical kike.
No. All that does is give King Nigger grounds to remove them from their positions and replace them with his own (((people))). The president has the power to dismiss members of the military for ANY reason.
I think this increases the chances of a military coup. We can see the support for Trump.
Rigging this election is getting more dangerous by the day. Trump probably has a plan for it
Doesn't stop the sheboons at West Point from going the black power support in uniform, of course.
88 retired military officers.
How about we get 14 active duty officers?
My phone is retarded, I meant to link
Now we only need 14 offices to put those 88 generals in.
top kek m8
are you retarded the holohoax and muh civil rights protests are the only thing that is taught in history and and emphasis ONLY
I wonder if that's (((their))) plan.
Just because it gets taught doesn't mean they retain it. You are also vastly overstating what the average American school is like because if you're posting here, you likely didn't go to a collapsed pile of shit school like 90% of Nigmericans do.
Americans are morons. They can't find their own country on a map. They don't know what any of these historical events are. The material is presented by the campaign because it is important to the people who are in the campaign and the postwar patriotards they are trying to reach.
Fucking disgrace to this nation
There won't be enough rope to fix all this
Here's a question for everyone.
If in some hypothetical scenario there was a sudden need for troops, either under a new Trump government or in the event of a civil war.
How many of you would volunteer, and how old are you?
Legitimately curious.
I'm 23, and was on track to become an Army Officer back in college but decided against it because I didn't trust our government.
But if there was a government or organization I could trust, I wouldn't be opposed to serving.
I would fight for Trump
Holla Forums would become a ded board on the first day, i'am pretty sure most people here would join the moment they created it.
The opinions of these men carry more weight than you may first assume.
You can bet all of them still have connections within the military out the ass.
On top of which, active duty military are prohibited from voicing their opinions, however many undoubtedly agree with what these men have said.
Don't forget Stalin's purges and the tendency of government officials to go after military officers.
The ones loyal to this country do us a great service by keeping their mouths shut and waiting. They're far more useful to us silent but ready, than vocal and removed.
Side note; in the event of a civil war, revolution, or some other calamity, who do you think would be leading you against the government loyalists? Retired officers would probably be pretty well suited to it hint, hint.
And don't forget that people don't just forget how to do a job they've held their entire life.
I mean let's say hypothetically Trump needs start an uprising if (((they))) blatantly steal the election. Those RWDS are going to need officers. Despite what movies a vidya will tell you, officers are incredibly important to any military.
I never said they don't have influence, I said any military leaders still active duty should keep their heads the fuck down until the time is right because Obama is looking for and and every excuse he can get to dismiss them.
Is that why we're one of the last bastions of free speech and armed citizenry in the world while cuckrope gets raped en masse?
yes but did you watch the attached webm on my post the hollykike media can't go 5 minutes without going full
Just think. When Trump wins and does everything for his supporters that he said he would, all the leftists who try to smear him as OMG Hitler will have in effect made Hitler look good by association, because Trump is good.
The average white American IQ is higher than the average white IQ in any European nation.
Burgers may not be well educated, fair enough… but morons?
Hah, you wish.
In time, you will see the might of the burger unleashed once more - and, like the world itself, you shall tremble.
Europe is being destroyed only in areas under direct US occupation and influence. The more closely aligned or heavily occupied a European country is with the US, the greater their racial collapse.
In the present migratory invasion, take note that the principle destination is Germany – under active and hostile US occupation for 70 years – and the chief route is through US vassal state and partner in Salafist training, Turkey.
In Eastern European countries, such as the Baltics, who have much less strict laws regarding the Holohoax, etc., but are still tied into the US through vassalage, they are being prepped with niggers, ragheads, and fag tolerance as a condition of continued US support against a mythical Russian enemy.
White Americans are a MINORITY in this country. The average American is a complete and total idiot.
Again, you wish.
White Americans are not a minority… Yet.
And, by the numbers, they're brighter than their European equivalents.
… Oh, and uh, just a reminder: There are still about 150-200 million white Americans, which is very-likely more than the white population of Germany, France and the UK combined (or approximately so).
posting superior version
Why would I wish? It's a living nightmare to live here and I don't even live in a poor area.
Why do you keep bringing Europe up? Why are you babbling about America? This is a board for the WHITE RACE. Not a board for slavish devotion to propositional nations. America isn't relevant to the White race – it's an active detriment.
Under Trump, the occupation may well come to an end.
Can you imagine it?
A Europe, free of Israeli influence…. My God, it'll be beautiful.
More Ameriburger vs europoor fake ass banters.
Why can't anyone just own up and see their own problems first?
I highly doubt it. I expect the occupation to increase under Trump, with more niggers and spics exported to White nations.
Because I don't think you're actually a burger at all.
How is it slagging to note that European-Americans are the cognitive superiors of their European kin?
Because you keep crying about America and its people being morons, which is objectively false.
That's you sweetpea.
Which white Americans are the finest exemplary of, in terms of cognitive ability, at least.
Definitely not an American.
How Jewish are you?
I doubt 100%, you reek of a bitter mischling to me.
Sure thing Shmuel.
Only time will tell user, only time will tell.
Filtered for ZOG.
How long before Trump gives a speech that includes, “We must secure the existence of our nation and a future for American children”?
Wait, really?
Don’t forget the nigger has done the same, replacing them with literal faggots.
lol get a clue, faggot.
Ethnonationalism is the foundation of success. Reported for obvious communist.
According to some Illuminati guy on halfchan that says that the Illuminati was a psyop by George Washington to trick the British monarchy and the Jews said that the American colonials were in the beginning selected for their strength and intelligence and that in the past Americans and Europeans were more different in abilities than Whites and other racial groups.
Basically white Americans are the master race of the master race.
He already name dropped 1965 and said that immigration should be in line with historical norms.
How much more blatant does he need to be?
Wew lads.
Strategic deployed Hitlerdubs of truth.
I would undergo full on genetic and physiological augmentation in order to become a space marine for the God Emperor.
No children
A man with nothing ain't got nothing to lose.
It was a communist police state to fear. But we're getting a nationalist police state so it's ok.
Who the fuck let monkeys in west point?
Why wouldn't they be there? That's what typical Americans are like and that's what America uses it's military to impose on other nations.
mostly dumb whites did
I am not a fighter, but I am not afraid to fight. That is to say, I want to avoid civil war while it's feasible. People frequently talk about this nation as if it's already dead, but think about it – crazier things have happened in world history. I'm not afraid to defend myself or those that I care about but I have a convenient excuse against front line fighting – my vision is simply ass, I'm a defect. I can't use a rifle without an optic because iron sights are too tiny for me to align properly. That said I'd be glad to help in any way I'd be able to in that situation.
Ironically I'm a very good shot if I can actually spot the target – it seems to run in my father's blood.
Bumping again because this needs to be spread.
I'd make jimmy johns look slow
They're all retired so it doesn't really matter.
If there's one thing this year has taught me, it's that there is absolutely not a chance in hell that this is a coincidence.
Getscript is not a coincidence, but there is an element of chance.
Yeah he wasn't your average infantryman. Besides didn't Hitler have Jews in his ranks..
Most of Holla Forums seems to think all Jews are nasty, fat old men who pull the strings on everything. Believe me, they have their own fighters, and they are extremely deadly.
Holy fucking shit, the memes are real!!!
I say this with no exaggeration or irony.
If Trump delivers on half of what he says he will to the military, if he gives the command, the armed forces will fully back a coup.
The psycho-jews can't help themselves to hate the white people so much and had been trying to destroy them for very very long time.
Typical Eurotrash, talking shit about America but when you're proven wrong you get triggered and have to hide the evidence to protect your ego.
I would fight for Trump. Finally in shape enough to meet army minimums, and have mastered pump action shotguns, semi-autos, scoped rifles (can only compensate for minute of angle at the moment, but cant hit at 500 yards with .308 reliably depending on windage), and am working on pistol training.
My anus is ready.
That's kinda the whole end goal of Holla Forums user.
Parts of Europe are shit and parts of America are shit. Both can be saved, but not for much longer. There.
I don't think the jew will be removed, or even called out. Hell, nothing will happen with the jew in America if Trump wins. Except that they will no longer own the President, allowing America to at least act in it's own interests. The kike has been in government for far too long for someone as normie as Trump to deal with. Remember, Trump's a stepping stone, the first of many.
Trump won't act against the Jew - but the Jew will act against Trump.