Wat do?

*Blocks path when you try to leave the party*

*makes more unoriginal shitty threads*

Politely tell them that I'll wait to take them all out on dates when they turn 18. As I walk away one will shout "But you didn't even get our numbers!" to which I'll reply: "You too" before promptly tripping and cracking my head off of the ground.



some asians are cute but arabs>asians

i suppose niggers make the top of your list, then?

top cuck, spaghettiman

dont really like niggers tbh

Why am I not surprised?

100% sure those grannies are over 20 tbh

is that any better?

he speaks for me, chilean user and many others tbh


Why the weasel words, if you really think you are anything more than a mentally challenged individual who doesn't even live in the same world as the other 99.999% of the population?

Your kind is a disease, pal. You're nothing more than a cancerous nuisance that normal people scratch away and dumps into a pile of trash called prison.

Normal and healthy people feel disgusted by your mere existence.

You don't have a say on anything, mate. You're less than an animal.

yeah not reading tbh



all i saw was your detergant ad statistic and i stopped reading

You niggers are on the same level as trannies. You're all delusional, the only difference is that not even trannies are diseased enough to believe fucking children is something normal people do.

trannie is a sin but pedofilia isnt if you marry her so fuck of tbh

so if the tranny marries, is that good?

no you filthy infidel

It's okay to fuck children if you never stop fucking them and force them into marriage.

You have the same mental capacity of a sandnigger. lol

Why am I not surprised? Less mentally capable than than a fucking trannie, and with a similar mindset of a muslim. No wonder people think pedophiles are the scum of earth. Thanks for confirming how pathetic your kind really is, retard. Thank god normal people already treat you like the sub-human animals you really are.


typical brain-dead pedophile argument

fucking animal.

I will never have sex before marriage so fuck of tbh

Stop quoting my posts, weirdo.
























Dispose of 1 & 2, spank the 3rd.















*Pulls out penis and fug them one by one*


The girls in the OP's pic are probably 20-something. Only the one on the right looks teen-ish. Tradcucks and feminists hate freedom, and normalfags go with whatever's popular because they have no principles and like to feel part of something, so they join the lynch mob against uncucked guys.

ik tbh

are these meant to be attractive?

tell them there's too many grannys and drive home



if they're meant to be then op failed

like you will ever get married, plus its a fucking trap you idiot. have fun paying out the ass when she's bored with you.