Entry-level Tech Jobs

What's an easy to get entry-level tech job these days? Been a NEET for almost a year and savings are running dry. I worked as a web developer doing average CSS, HTML and JS for 5 years and left because it was a shitty company and they never gave me a raise. I've tried applying to similar positions but they all want a BA.

I fucked up by not getting a Bachelor's degree or higher when I had the opportunity, and might go for one when I have more stable footing.

Until then, what should I be applying for? It doesn't have to be development, I'm pretty good with all kinds of hardware/software. I live near a major city.

all megacorporations in the cities basically require a bachelor's and/or 5 years of professional experience unless you are friends with someone who already works there of course. otherwise you'll probably need to gain some experience with a smaller company doing uninteresting code monkey or IT grunt work for a while. look for startups near you and see what they're looking for. freelancing sites like elancer and odesk are a complete pool of shit and suck so much to get started with that i haven't put any effort into those. it's best if you can find clients from a previous job if you want to go down that route. find the job postings that are directly on company websites, don't waste time with 3rd party application sites. job aggregators can be useful but don't apply through them, use them to find the link on the actual companie's website. say goodbye to your soul and good luck.
t. similar situation

that's if you want to do anything non-web dev. if you already have 5 years of javascript then just list a bunch of hipster frameworks on your resume and start sending it everywhere and see what hits back.

pretty much this.

where should I be looking for IT job postings then?

The Internet.


Welcome to hell, friend.

Indian 😂

Community manager

Work for free like I do. (cuckterning)

That's some fucking degree inflation. Next they want MS to write PHP?
You're probably better off to learn a trade like electrician or whatever.

Just have idiots pay you for putting together their "GAMING" desktops because they feel that they are too dumb to do it themselves.

You could try IT Training. It's steady work and there will always be idiots to teach.

OP, try to get into university tech department.

Asked this in another thread but I've the opportunity to get a Junior IT position and I've only got about 8 months of technical support experience.

Interview is next week. What should I read up on or watch so that I can at least appear competent to the hiring manager?

Read this book. I'm reading it before every job interview.

Start studying TCP/IP fundamentals. If it's a non-profit, they may not have the resources for servers, but if they do, it may be Linux because free. Start googling around "intro to linux command line" and do some research on how DHCP and DNS work (You could get away with using something like DNSmasq, but they probably use BIND)


Just join the military and go into one of their cybersecurity fields.

What are you gonna do?

There will always be a demand for high-quality electricians, plumbers, welders and construction workers. Illegals have ruined kitchen and landscaping wages, but it's gonna be a while before they ruin the labor trades.

I'm trying to get into a union for the trades. Lots of nepotism but I think it'll be worth it when it happens.

You're full of shit.
Ok, that explains it. You have it backwards. Most employees in larger companies do uninteresting code monkey and grunt work. Anything that is interesting is often divided up to the point it is not. Startups are usually the only place where you can use whatever tech you have access to in order to accomplish your goals. Far more freedom, but you have to know your shit, because you don't have an entire team to rely on. Small companies that are not tech related will just farm the work out to IT sweat shops that churn out websites and solutions based on common platforms.

Sounds fucking awful either way you go.

Elect a president who shuts down visas and immigration.