Brit/pol/ #1202: Camping Edition

Ray Mears: ‘I’d love to go back to the first time people made fire by friction’

Farage accuses PM of ‘backsliding’ over Brexit

Flights disrupted at London City Airport after Black Lives Matter protesters storm runway

David Davis reveals Government's Brexit strategy

Theresa May considers banning EU migrants from coming to Britain unless they have a job

After Brexit G20 nations returning to protectionism, say economists

Keith Vaz future considered by MPs after allegations

'Phantom' students skew migration data

First Minister to set out programme for government

Other urls found in this thread:ès_Ligronès_Ligronès_Ligron

So Poms, what's Farage actually doing with himself post-Ukip?

Second for every morning I wake up in the ambulance and scratch my eczema without thinking, reopening the sores that have popped up on old sores so for the rest of the day my arm secretes a transparent fluid and stings

But I can't stop

It only gets worse

3rd for Bomber Harris do it again

Continuing to drop redpills every time he appears in the media, and hopefully making some progress with the BBC towards getting him a documentary about WW1 (which he has always said he'd like to do).



and how is this NOT backsliding, you fucking whore?

Putting the pressure on the government still and has said he plans to visit the commonwealth countries to meet and speak with people. Hope it's Hong Kong or Australia next.

Is there any proof that was actually Jahans account?

Woman left unconscious after violent daylight robbery in Notting Hill

farsh-nuke is the username he uses for everything and the post was made in 2008 way before any of us would have found him or considered making a fake account

How does he keep the accent lads?

I'm an Aussie, but I'd like to see him in some form of power - he's already got good ties with Trump, imagine the butthurt that would ensue if Farage and Trump worked on trade deals together after Obama has said the UK is at the back of the trade deal line.

I have a story lads and you're going to enjoy it.

Welcome to my shit hole of a family lads. I should be on Jeremy Kyle on an episode entitled "My brother is a cuckcold and I wish he hadn't failed at suicide". I'm all for a white ethno state but can we leave my brother with the dindus where he belongs?

That acually sounds like the life of all my Aunties and Uncles



I think it's a done deal whatever the outcome. If Trump's in I can see him shredding everything Obama has put down on the books and starting fresh.

Has he ever been given a really good arse kicking? Sounds like he needs it to learn a bit of humility.


BBC can still do a decent documentary on occasion as long as they don't get too political, David Attenborough's stuff is still great.

A Farage comeback and UKIP rise to power against a crippled Labour party and a Conservative party busy fumbling Brexit would be the ideal outcome, so there's absolutely no way it will happen.

Jesus Christ lad, your brother sounds like a total retard, at least you can take pride in not turning out like him.

Sounds rough. Worst I have is a racemixing male cousin who is an overall degenerate.

Biggest insult though is that he's a Chad and has had 3 different gfs at one time. And I'm a subhuman waste of skin virgin.

You're better than him.

smh, all of this could have been avoided by living a moral life.

Fair point, they did have a good one on the Swan King last year.

I just do not trust the modern Beeb to not politicise it, especially with Are Nige being the presenter.

Wats up lads, have a good summer?
Weird playing through Mass Effect again, I was a goody two shoes Paragon when I first played it, now I'm building a Moral Human Imperium.

Damn lad, that sucks. Got to get out of there when you can.

How's the knee SA-chan? Still training I hope?


What the fuck are they even talking about. Niggers and shitskins are the most anthropocentric and wasteful people ever and creat the shitty and empoverished conditions for niggers. Maybe they wouldn't be stopped and searched so much if they didn't have the bad reputation or knew how to behave themselves.

Aye lad, he has. Once had to flee the country to avoid a guy trying to kill him. Fucking retard cheated on his girlfriend with some house wife and her husband found out.

I'm on Brit/pol/.. Almost cuckcold tier.

You ain't a cuckcold lad, you can recover from your issues, he can never recover.

No can do lad. Not fit to live alone so I'm stuck with the parents til they drop dead.

Please revise your posting style to be more adult

You'll end up bette roff in the long run lad, just bide your time and improve yourself. He's going to have no end of earache, headache, stress and heartache when she starts being a cunt to him. Trust me, it will happen.

How old is your brother? It sounds like he still behaves more like a boy than an adult man

They can't keep getting away with it lads. The kraut must be stopped.

If you get a part time job you can come and live with me. If you sperg out and try to assault me at any point I'm stabbing you. I think they're fair compromises.

Some people never grow up. I've been to school with enough of those types and still see them knocking around mouthing off at people or in the paper for being drunk and disorderly and other stupid shit which could have easily been avoided if only they weren't pig headed or trying to live up to this "hard" image.

>meet a cute CIVIC girl

what do?

Don't reply to it. It's fake.

Filtered. Civic posting has to stop.

Try posting better b8

Farage has said in a recent interview that if Brexit doesn't happen in a timely manner he'll return to UKIP. He looks so fresh faced and happy in interviews now. In the run up to the 2015 GE and Brexit he looked haggared and worn out. He's still technically the leader of UKIP but you can see how much happier he is than he was 18 months ago. It excited me that he's up for a return, he is captain Britain after all and I doubt he'll rest until his country is safe and returned.

I love him so very much. He spoke for us when nobody else dared.

I guess he's not a historian

Right wing bigots btfo :^)

as long as shes qunitessentially british its fine lad

Mid 30s.

He's never held responsible for fucking shit up. Mother will always bail him out even though she can't afford it. Usually through leeching money off of Dad. I don't have a large income an I try to pay my way and make sure I pay rent ETC. While this cunt's like "Hey the car insurance people are threatening to take my car away for the last six months, can you pay for me so I can keep working and giving money to random women?"

sorry lad too civic. You would probably try and Richard Spencer me with your Euro ethno state.

and while I may have had to lose my virginity to a prostitute 4 years ago (just to say I'd done it) and not had a proper girlfriend since I was 19, I don't regret when I see these fuck ups who've shagged around, still don't have a proper gf and and barely see their kids.

I don't think I'll find a woman worth pursuing at my age now tbh.

If only they'd scrap the fucking license fee, then they'd have to produce stuff people will actually want to watch, rather than propaganda and spin. Nigel making a WW1 documentary would be a guaranteed earner.

I'm doing the same lad (though I plan to stop after ME2), funny how much more I find myself agreeing with the xenophobes in the crew like Pressly and Ashley when it comes to security and dealing with the council.

They're already wiping themselves out tbh.
This is what they get for Calvin, WW1, WW2 and so on.


thanks for the (You)s lads

kek, how'd you get that idea from the post you quoted? Spencer's a fag and I'm a nationalist, not a pan-europeanist.

Whoops, Calvin was French. My bad.

There's more to this story than user is letting on. Older brothers always have it harder than their younger siblings, and for this user to dismiss is older brother as someone he wished had killed himself is indicative of his poor character.

Aye, its a pity there's no "the xenos must submit to the absolute rule of the Alliance" options. Or just side with Cerberus, they were the only ones fighting the good fight against the Reapers while everyone else pretended nothing was happening.

Yeah, sure sounds like he has it hard doesn't it?

I didn't give you a (You). And now you're filtered.

Thank you!

You know what to do.

Make Britain white again

Also don't be a fucking degenerate ever again. Wrap your dick up, we can smell the curry from here.

I was declining with some banter lad.

Nope. That is the story as much as I'm aware. Older siblings do not have it harder than their younger siblings. Youngers are forced to keep pace with their elders and live by stricter rules earlier.

I can make an objective statement that if my brother was dead everyone around him would have a better quality of life. More money, less stress, less burden etc.

Look as the BBC label the AfD as far right, these fucking establishment libtard kikes making my shitting blood boil


It's never going to happen with Cohen in charge, because then he'd have to compete with other networks and would have to cut out the kike and lefty shit to remain relevant. He'd never bring himself to do that.

We need to push these TV shows and broadcasters to absurd levels of political correctness with fake complaints, so that they become more boring than ever before.


I too like to make up stories to fill the time normally use for employment.

And that's how brit/pol/ was born tbh

They are far right to the media. Understand the perspective they're coming from. They consider the conservatives to be right wing because they're even more left than the average normie is. To them nationalist is so far beyond their realm of politics that they are far right.

They're not lying, they're just naive.

What we do to civic interracial pregnant women.

Bit barbaric tbh I'd just send them to Spain instead.

who watching this shitty monster film on the horror channel? It's brilliant.

I didn't see them chimp out over a far left party in Greece getting power, they even sounded celebratory

Fuck you. I am have the child and they will be a beautiful tan brown mix of Anglo and Indian. There is a spiritual connection there that Enoch talked about, the mix is literally the master race and oversaw the Indian Raj in its prime.

Our PM will be Anglo-Indian.


I fucking love the horror channel mate. If they didn't show shitty 60s marvel TV series it would be my favourite TV channel. They show a shit load of terrible B movies and the occasionally interesting spookfest at night. Movie mix ain't half bad either if you can get past the sony whoring.

It's also one of the few channels void of politics.

That's a shame lad, I get lonely some times. Great family life but need some mates. Stopped going out with them ages ago because normie nights at the bar bored me and a lot of them also got their own lives.

What's it called? Horror channel is great sometimes.

Just remember to make her promise to a traditional widow burning if you die first. Anything less would be un-civic.


You misunderstood my post.

The far left is normal to them. Centerism is abnormal to them. As such far right to them is anything right of Marx.

I know them feels, but then you get a couple of dogs and you're golden. I'd rather read a book with a dog on my lap than go out with people these days.

Thanks for the free (you)s lad

Dinocroc vs supergator

I'm more into 70 and 80s horror but I've been enjoying the over the top bad shite from recent years lately. Most stuff horror channel shows I'm not interested in tbh, this is the first time I've had the telly on in a while.

Who am I to make her do that? She lives in the west now and is treated as an equal. When I die she will be free to pursue any man she chooses


Hopefully of a darker complexion than I so they may parent my child better

The BBC needs a cull tbh

Any of you lads play Stellaris at all?

I can't comment on your specific situation lad, but as the eldest brother of my family, we do tend towards shitty degenerate decisions and substance abuse, especially when our parents are divorced and step parents come into the picture. I'm not excusing your brothers behaviour but understand that we're the practice children for our parents and they invariably fuck up in raising us.

Being the oldest son used to be a blessing back in the day. It meant that we'd inherit some sort of estate, and the culture was more accepting of men that knew only to follow their fathers unquestionably. If your father wasn't a baby boomer this was usually a good decision. I think I've gone off the rails in this comment but I had a good go of trying to get you to see things from the point of view of the degenerate loser oldest brother.

I just want to start a family of my own now tbh and then getting a dog, got the house and the job (which I hate), the family is great too. That's the one thing missing.

I wouldn't have the problem getting the GF, having the patience to go through a bunch of whores and timewasters is what puts me off. You don't turn whores into housewives.

Did you watch The Sand the other night? Silly film but still great.

Tried it but found it a bit dull tbh

Well you could lead the galaxy towards human rule by

But then in ME3 they just decide all of your choices have no effects so it doesn't come to anything in the end.

I know lad, and I agree that it'll probably get worse before it gets better. Accelerationism may be the way to go.

Its like they couldn't believe someone would want to actually conquor the galaxy and not support its absolutely vibrant diversity.

One of my favourite shows was discovery channels "a haunting". You could tell that the first few seasons were based on legitimate haunting cases but it started to fall off after they ran out of good ghost stories to televise.

The best episode was the haunting of Summerwind. I think it's on youtube. If you like being spooked I suggest you look it up.

this tbh. its why i always bring one or two fugees with me when i'm driving home from calais and why ive married a somali so i can bring some more mixed filth to this island

Now that I think about it, the Enfield poltergeist is worth watching too. The only time a British police officer has gone on record saying she's seen something she can't explain.

I too am the eldest. I wandered for a time after parents divorced, younger brother did well as we protected him from it all. I suppose its part of being the older brother I see some sort of greater responsibility, and hence my goals of the military while my younger sibling pursues academia.

Thst article is dogshit notice how the goal posts have been shifted away from the unequal pay argument.

Played it for about 30 hours when it came out but haven't touched it since.

Quads4Blighty amirite lads?

We've already had the accelerationism after Merkel let in 1 million kebab invaders.

Nationalist parties are springing up all over europe and they're making serious gains. By the end of 2030 we'll be looking at a much different Yurop

I'll write it down, I enjoy stuff like that.

Anyone remember Animal X on SciFi back in the late 90s? That was some spooky shit tbh.

I did not. I do enjoy a film that doesn't take itself seriously though, they are good to watch as mindless entertainment.

sorry lad

Fucking hell

Was talking about sorting out the beeb specifically lads. Make Lenny Henry the next Director-General and see how long the license fee lasts.

God knows our current level of immigration already count as accelerationism in a larger sense.

Probably a much bloodier one.


For fucks sake lads why am I so weak compared to niggers? I hate them so much

wew lad i'll pretend you got the quads

still going to vote labour tbh cant accelerate fast enough

this tbh
eldest kids are always practice kids these days
my m8 was the eldest kid out of his siblings and he spent 2 years living in the desert and 1 year living out of a car with his bipolar mum
his younger sister and brother got music lessons and private school while him and me went scrumping and I shared my lunch with him at school cuz he ate nothing otherwise
poor cunt got addicted to meth and didnt have any aspirations to begin with
dont know what hes doing now havent spoken for a year but last time he was off the meth and was settling down with his fat gf


They show scy fy movies all day long. See if you can catch Highlander, it's a solid camp 90's TV show.

You're also the children who get the most attention. Everyone after you is just a repeat.

Get the dog first. Dogs are what all men need. They love unconditionally, they help as much as they can and they offer the one thing a man will find no where else in life outside of his parents. Compassion.


Ta lad. We'll get them next time.

we cant keep up with their rough animalistic masculinity. just keep a stiff upper lip while he pleasures her more than you ever could tbh. its the british way

The creator of Miss Japan the top race mixing show trying to instill in Japanese women's heads that being mixed is beautiful = resulting in an absolute monster winning this year is fucking autisticès_Ligron

She is the sixth most influential person on beauty and style in Japan

Civic Donald Trump and some jews paid this woman to go to Japan and try to subvert the established order of things as concerns gender relations in an attempt to make money

Then there's this…

Her Wikipedia article does not say she is Jew, but on her personal blog you can read about her son’s bar mitzvah.

Ligron is married to Kenneth Ken Berger, whom she met in Hong Kong when she was 30ès_Ligron



He's a troll lad.

The new leader of UKIP, LISA DUFFY

This has to be it tbh, we are just too domesticated compared to them. It's why our women don't want us and would rather open the borders to the savage refugees. They'd rather be raped than be with weak subdued men.

The problem with accelerationism is that we're not prepared for it. It's like putting your foot down when you're not wearing a seat belt. If you're not armed and have enough food to survive a year+ then accelerating is only going to end with you dead.

so am i lad

let's stop right there

Why not get in the Army and get /fit/ and become Alpha then?

Yeah I saw a few episodes of that, hasn't aged well but it's brilliant.

I was sure it was mid 80s while watching and then was surprised with a 1994 copyright at the end. Good stuff though.

What's the point? My small white cock can't compete and that translates into my confidence as a 'man'.

So I should die for Israel instead?

I get that they do this out of some bizarre religious occultism but shouldn't they realise their end goal isn't going to happen. Genetically even.


dan jarvis joined labour

no respect

I hope this guy never becomes Labour leader, he actually looks electable compared to autist Milibean and Commie Corbyn

The early episodes are super low budget but it improves vastly later on.

Hercules is pretty good too. We had Bruce Campbell on it yesterday. Feel sorry for Herc's actor though, he's a hardcore Christ fag and any time he engages the public the fedoras just want to jump on him for it rather than discuss his career.

Would it be worth making a Brit/pol/ horror stream of some kind? We could find B movies on Youtube and put them on a sync site to shit talk as we watch.

he won't he's raising his family i think

He's one of the few in parliament to have put a few diversities 6 feet under for Queen and country.

That he does. Working class background, Major in the Paras, seen action, Knighted for services.

Why not try something else lad, pic related.

Fuck off Moishe

Jesus Brit Holla Forums is cancer…we have name-fagging HERE now?
Of course May is going to fuck you over bc she knows you won't do anything, not a peep.

You have middle class twat's blocking the runway at London City airport right now claiming "Climate Change Is Racist" and I've yet to see one pro-Brexit rally, protest, nothing. You won the vote. If the wishes of the people aren't implemented, well the IRA managed to get a good deal…

I agree, plus he actually seems like a human being in interviews and not like a caricature of a soviet-era communist or a weird oily jewish alien, it would be the only way I can see to salvage Labour.


Maybe its because leave won the referendum, what on earth is your point?

You mean the media you read hasn't reported it then do ye aye?

God she is so SHIIIITT

friend, do you not get concepts that no one here uses a name for a reason?
Why are you a special snowflake? Everyone is "user" and all you have to work with is text and images.
That's the format. Please don't destroy this place too.

Your bait is weaker than brown sause.

If i'm not mistaken, he also refused orders to attack an airport held by Russians in Yugoslavia and start WW3.

Even if that is true, no respect for someone who is party to the rape and torture of young girls.


Thanks for the (You) m8, I'd suggest you avoid Brit/pol/ if tripcodes trigger you so much.

That was James Blunt m8

If the Jews can avoid covering it, it's not being done correctly

Yes, Hymie. Everyone who doesn't participate in circlejerk here is "baiting," not telling you what's actually going to happen.

May was a no-good cunt from day one, and it will all be revealed with time. See what response will be.

Blair sent men to kill pakis, Jarvis actually killed PAKIS

This is fucking atrocious. Can I be the new leader of UKIP please?

Wew. Got those mixed up didn't I.

And you keep watering it down.

why is Mrs Blobby the new spokesperson for UKIP?

The media will make mince of her.

Diane "Seat Warmer" James SAVE US

As a 27 yr old I wish I'd joined at 17. I'm nowhere in life, relative to my age. Would've been fun to go to Afghan with the lads.



If you meet a nun questioning her faith and decide to give her a bit of the ol' hows your father. Is it wrong to cuck God this way by fucking his wife?

I'm calling nonsense on this one lad.

Dan "paki removal services" Jarvis.
Dan "3 continents, 2 elections and an OBE" Jarvis

You can still join the reserves lad.
The real calls for aid!

I do avoid like plague. I just wonder if you get the concept– no one here ever takes "credit" for anything so therefore no one ever ever has to take blame.

See how it works? do as you like, just please keep it here and good luck with….whatever this is. It sure isn't the crowd who were here before June 24th helping push this over the top.

Is a bit of non-sense mate. Just asking a question I've been pondering as I eat my porridge.

No lad, I will save you. It'll work, trust me, I know a thing or two about FREEDOM.

Or I could infiltrate the Greens and make them look sillier than they already are.

Fuck off back to your Trumpwank threads you cancerous American cunt

Kind of based for him to refuse though tbh.

He only refused because it has the word "Empire" in it.

Shouldn't feed him tbh.

We should deny him entry to the country if he hates it so much. Us being evil imperials and all.


I agree that the shitposting has gotten worse since the Brexit vote, but that's just because there's not much going on politically in Britain.

Last year around this time we had a gout of Ginnieposting, BIG DOGS and TOP DAWG, Ronnieposting, Traps and trap sympathisers, all kinds of bollocks. It'll settle down given time, just go back to whatever hugbox you seem to have stumbled out of.

Nige really was the glue holding the party together.

kek UKIP has changed the country more than 30 years of LabCon governments ever did. All with one seat and Nige's determination.

There are people who cannot serve and want to, whilst these fuckers don't even try.

You had a lucky escape tbh m8
ALL your limbs
No dead and injured m8's

To help serve the country and its people? fkn ell.

They also kind of look the other way sometimes if its a minor medical thing. You got your knee sorted lad? Still on the for Paras?

wew lads

Kek nonces helping eachother out.


oi vey, look whose triggered now?

will agree here in spades, and not sure many of those who jumped on the bandwagon quite understood what we were fighting for and why.

Don't like May at all, with the state of Labour right now, she could call a snap general and literally decimate the fuckers to where they might totally collapse as a viable party.

Based Red Ken dropping redpills on the beeb

See, here you show yourself to be a cunt. I'm not being a dick, I'm asking if you understand the idea that it makes it a lot easier for the Judepresse to smear when they can attack a comment to a "username."

Maybe you don't understand, maybe you do and don't care. I helped rig the "revote" petition, did my part to help destroy the NWO and hopefully bring the EJew crumbling down as fast as possible.

Whatever you cunts do now, good luck, and I'm not being snarky. The NWO Gang/Int. Jew is the enemy of all.

Not sure I can vote UKIP if this bitch starts messing with the policies tbh lads.

Why aren't male(straight) escorts really a thing
it all seems a bit turd pushing to me

if ugly women can prostitute themselves, why cant ugly men? REEEEEE

Because tinder tbh lad.

I really really don't think Duffy is going to win.

At worst its going to be a tossup between Diane James and Bill Etheridge.

I just want Diane to win so they can punish the traitors and keep UKIP relatively stable.

Can't Beverage the Etheridge tbh lad.

Because the women who pay for sex choose to, an ugly woman can place an advert for an “adult encounter” and within hours have multiple offers from men above her value in attractiveness keen to meet immediately. This approach is not only free but comes with less of a stigma attached.

The opposite is true for men. An attractive man could place the same advert and receive no offers from women. Unless he is very high equity he will have to put effort into finding a woman to sleep with hence paying for sex becomes viable.

The market behaves accordingly. High demand for female prostitutes means women from all attractiveness ranges can find their position in the market.

Yer Diane is going to win tbh, then she will purge UKIP of traitors.


Is it lunchtime yet?

Almost Greggs o'clock tbh lad.



He's making shit up lad, just look at his previous civic post. Ignore him

Hmmm, I was reading about the Burusho people last night and it put me off carbs. Don’t think I can doa Greggs tbh.

Might steam some broccoli and have a little venison.


They don't even know they're memeing.

Does anyone have any good spooky memes they'd like to share? I haven't been to /x/ in probably 3 years but I want to be spooked.

BLM back at it.

Between the high risk of being Snackbar'd and BLM "Shutting it down" airports relly are a horrid place to be in Curent Year +1.

What type of forteania are you into, lad? link

Let's interview a pervert about a pervert…
"Keith's been struggling with his sexuality clearly….but it hasn't stopped him in his mission to lie to the public, steal from the public purse THE FUCKING NONCE"

We need to gas ALL MP's apart from Moggie

They say the state is needed to fill the vacuum there would be without one but we don't need one full of nonces and corruption that's for sure

You don't fill the ranks of the SAS with slop jockeys, why fill Parliament and the civil service with the dregs of society?

never knew he was this intolerant


I love cryptozoology if that's an answer to your question.

Did you know that it's thought that the Caspian tiger survived into the 90s in Turkey?

What a fucking animal



why is there a nigger there?


Who /up before 5pm for the first time in a fortnight/ here?

I don't know, ugandan women are also on the site. There's also a few Brazilians and a few european women. The Brazilians, Europeans are weeaboos. Not sure what the Ugandans are up to.

Majority of Reed and Indeeds business is selling your CV. They also do recruitment themselves

Just run them over and pretend you didn't know

I don't get it lads, I have at least 8 months work experience and a shitload of references to back it all up. What does it take to impress these burger flipping cucks?

The ugandans make sense, after all Africa is being CORONRIZED

Apply to Coral m8, if you do it before I move to Padfy Power, I will put in a good word

The Anglosphere (not America) needs to unite to create a power capable of challenging Asia. The Victorians were right about the yellow peril. Imperial Federation when?

Federation is the antithesis to the Antloway, we just need to remain strongly bonded by culture

These people are fucking mental.

If the yanks construct an identity built on race and European ancestry alone, what then becomes the argument for not emigrating to Europe when they're a minority?

I asked Coral in Aberdeen, they have no vacancies :(

I was into cryptozoology myself for quite a while; still pay some attention but not as intently as I once did. I went to a few conferences over the years but the dead ends and perpetually un-graspability of an solid evidence wears one down after a while.

Here are a few stories from the last month or so and a the latest juicy hoax (I presume) embedded .


Tasmanian Tiger sightings

Welsh Sea Beastie

Kraken sighting


Together we'd have as many Anglo-whites as Russia. We could be a superpower. Divided we'll never be anything close.

kek there's a big cat in my county as well.

Where the fuck do they come from?

Hypocrite of hate! Extremist preacher Anjem Choudary abandons his anti-West rhetoric as he eats a CHEEKY non-halal McDonald's while on bail for the terror offences that will today see him jailed

Absolutely HaCivic

Anyone got the pic of Anjem drinking booze?

Who knows, the best guesses are that they escape from traveling circuses (not to many of them left that use animals however) and private owners who choose not to report the fact.

Some old Jamaican woman who must live near by was just friendly and neighbourly to my mum, lads. Maybe the older nigs can stay tbh.

Just noticed it was in the article.

Bets on him being a GCHQ plant to lure out more izlamos into the open?

He's certainly employed by the state..

I am not sure if he was a plant as such but he was most defiantly utilized as an asset.

All those appearances on national TV, the years of immunity granted etc. etc.


if you say Beer Can it sounds like your saying bacon in jamaican loll

he's a good lad doing it for queen and country.
he's just gone deep undercover to prison to infiltrate their networks

Has Hitchens made any comments on Vaz yet? I imagine he'd have to be careful and maybe just draw comparison with people of the past and the people of today's reaction to this sort of thing rather than give his opinion. Sad but he's probably more mindful than anyone that if he slips up with "homophobia" and in the wrong tone it could get him arrested.

In 1973 it became illegal for Brits to own exotic animals as pets, consequentially a lot of the owners of said pets released them into the wild lest they be raided by the police.

It's thought that a lot of the big cat sightings in the UK are due to decendents of these pets doing surprisingly well in an environment that's saturated with ungulates due to Brits having exterminated wolves and lynx centuries ago.

Stalin was 5'4
Napoleon was 5'6
Hitler was 5'7

Almost every important world leader in history was somewhere around 5'7 tbh.

Lanklets are good foot soldiers for their manlet overlords, though. Maybe we'll make a special regiment for the frontlines out of you lads.

Furthermore I don’t think he was utilized as bait but rather as a spokesperson for modern Islam in the west.

Western governments seem to keen to ensure that their citizens know that radial Islam is here to stay and that they have immunity. This effort requires figureheads that can be rolled out regularly to remind people.

What he did to piss off the state and get locked up is beyond me. Maybe he had just served his purpose so they threw him under the bus or maybe he stopped cooperating.


I have to correct myself, I think it was the dangerous wild animals act of 1976.

this is a bit heightist tbh

Hey lads


Vaz just resigned kek

Thank you for correcting the record.

Napoleon was a few inches above average height of Europeans at the time he lived.

The meme has come real

Yeah, and Peter the Great was 6'8 and lived 100 years earlier, what's your point?


He did a lengthy discussion at a small venue someone where someone recorded the audio with their phone, and buried within that footage he said homosexuality was immoral.

Apart from that he's exposed the police where they've arrested people for homophobia on his column and published them in his books (AoL I think).

Pretty sure he considers sexual morality a waste of time at this point.

Any time m8. Next time you're attacked by a Leopard in the suburbs of Rotherham, spare a thought for me for explaining where that Leopard came from.

My point is that he wasnt compensating for being shorter than his peers. As many people believe.

The whole napoleon is short lol thing was propaganda invented by my country.

No bumming without vaseline more like


It begins…

Why is Trump so funny lads

Why are you posting trannies, lad?


who /thinking/ here

It is terrible for America. It proves what Trump has been saying is correct. China thinks them weak and the rest of Asia is following suit.

Rude tbh

She could beat you up and bully you to death


Lol don't be so easy to bait lad, that bit was obviously meant to trigger you and it worked. Agree with your other reply to my post though.


Well the entry requirements for elite regiments at the time were around 6'1, so tall people can't have been that uncommon. He would've been surrounded by soldiers much taller than him at all times. Yet they fought and died for him.

Height doesn't matter.

Don't make me pull out Matthew Buchinger, lad.

Fucking kek

I've narrowly escaped manlet status lads

She'll probably die of an overdose before that anyway.

I walk the line.

I could probably raise a manlet army.


Weak leaders make for weak countries, Obama's like a soft cheese and the world sees America as that.

6"1 is the masterrace tbh lad

The 1 always sells it

Close up of mural depicting European cultural tradition and celebrating family


The BBC is evil on truly Biblical level are they not?


Funny how the BBC will report on this before they cover refugee mayhem in Sweden and Germany.


My GF told me the other day that she wouldn't have gone out with me if I was shorter than her.

Then I remembered that manlet from yesterdays thread and laughed audibly

what they didn't show were the big chimneys for when they cremate the Jews and cripples on Tuesdays

Cant believe how fast it's come around


Because he's right and he doesn't care who he offends



You're still taller than the average height of women lad, get a girl that's 5,7 and you'll look like a giant next to her.

If you aren't breeding with xenos you are the worst person.


The BBC got attacked following the arrest of one of the Muslims who went loco in Paris. The Belgian Islamic community was harboring him and rioted attacking the press when he was finally caught.

The BBC didn’t report this but they will sure as hell travel to a remote part of Germany to do a hit piece on a community that has committed no crimes at all.

Every day I pray that the BBC offices get enriched by Muslims.

They'd be stupid to do so but they are hardly well known for their intelligence.

Trump just win already and put these cucks in their place.


Choudary only got 5 years

do us*

I knew they would only give him a slap on the wrist, it would be racist otherwise.

What I am really interest in is how he will be held. Jails are hotbeds for Islam recruitment these days. He could end up living like a king.

You're using a fake profile to contact with them aren't you? Are you the lad that is using Millennial wews picture as your own?

Yeah I've been saying the same

This wont be prison for him

who 5'6 here

tfw no 5ft gf


worried what height my kids will be tbh

Nice one, lad.


Welcome to the club lad

Regression to the mean tbh lad

they'll be eaten by taller hominids tbh


Lads it's been a pretty good political year.

Labour crumbling
Brexit on the horizon
SNP cucked
Mr Slippery gone
Nige and Trump

Only downside is probably the state of the UKIP leadership debate

should I kill myself or marry a freakishly tall girl?

UKIP's going to go comatose even with Diane James winning. She can keep the party going but it will be very low energy


She actually lives in a largely hispanic area and she's the same height as most of their adult men. Mestizo's really are pathetic.


Nelson got seasick. How many fucks did he give?

UKIP was never anything more than Farage. Farage could co opt any party he joins at this point.

But it doesn't matter ultimately. Our country is going to implode no matter which cuck claims to be in charge. It's just the pre-show before it happens.

Do we really want him to get more than 5 years in prison for supposedly "inviting" support for ISIS?

These laws eroding free speech aren't ever going to be restricted to just Muslims.

What ever you say Jim.


but he had a cool job tho

I would want to be a sailor but don't want all the associated buggery.

Better to be a fisherman.


Next it'll be "White neo nazi frogposter gets 15 years for posting fashy memes"


why do modern ships look so ugly

My mate went in the merchant navy. Kind of a surprise.

I prefer to sit at home in the dark tbh.

Where did this meme come from? Education standards are constantly falling.


No, I don’t want him to receive any sentence at all.

I want him deported.

But he's civic.

lmao ok 5'8 manlet

Furthermore I want his entire extended family deported. I want every business he has been involved with closed. I want every non native associate of his stripped of citizenship and sent back to their ethnic homelands and I want every penny of their estates seized and given the victims of Islamic child abuse.

This is the only approach that will curb the threat.

It means GIBS ME DAT

The right wing already has it's free speech rights taken away via "hate speech" laws. It doesn't matter what we say we're already fucked.

Stop thinking you have free speech. You don't, the left wing does. It can say anything it fucking wants and no one will care. You on the other hand better say niggers have huge dicks and are superior to whites or you're getting done for hate speech.

Understand lad? You're living in anarchy tyranny. The good are oppressed, the bad are able to live free of the law. Stop acting like a cuck and trying to defend rights that don't and never will apply to you as long as these people are in power. Take the power for yourself or accept you're a traitor defending your enemies.

Thoughts on existentialism lads?

Us Anglos have been told to leave countless countries and we have always done so.

We to can and will tell specific racial groups that they are no longer welcome.

pile of shite

Free will is a myth since everyone dies tbh

Everyone's actions are pre-determined by genetic factors tbh. Sentience is an illusion tbh.

Still doesn't stop me enjoying the illusion though.

The antithesis of Fascism.

Anyone can stay as long as they're loyal to the realm tbh lad

This is hard to watch, but you have to lads. It's necessary if you want to combat Islam and see what the 'refugee' crisis has done to Germany alone.

can't embed as I posted it last night but the NEETs of nightshift didn't care

germans are autistic cucks
there is no hope for them

Civic tbh

Maybe Woes was right about krauts, they were raped to hell and back and pile that on with the shame of being ebil nazis makes them very cucked.

What is your opinion of the Junior Doctor strike lads?

I think it's a bit rich tbh.

Once the graduate or become senior they're on easy street, will retire early and get massive pensions.


I’m not a mono-ethno nationalist. It is unimaginable that we would ever return to such a state but there exists not a single member of the Islamic faith in Europe who does not classify as a threat to the existence of the European people.

This has nothing to do with them as people, whether they are “good” people or not is a mute point (and enough are verifiable not remotely nice).

Deportation is infinitely more humane than the current globalist regime of warfare. I propose nothing but a path to peace.


They're so beyond cucked it's another level of pathetic. You're right in that they just want to 'atone' for the sins of the past. In order to do that it means suicide of their culture, their nation, their identity, their self. The way they react is shocking, just smile and nod 'diversity is our strength'.

I want to talk about cryptozoology. Why don't any of you care about the eradication of top predators from Britain?

Pic related is Felicity the Puma that was capttured in Scotland way back when. There are many people that believe the Lynx never died out and is still out there in the remotest parts of Britain.

Is she a feminist lefty?

Never seen a poor doctor tbh lad. Maybe they wouldn't have to work such hours if we didn't massively overburden our population with third world migrants.

Exactly what's happening in Germany and you think when the laws were passed that allowed the police to raid people's homes after they made anti-refugee posts online, was it ever pitched like that, or did they use Islamists for misdirection in order to sieze that power?

Those pulling the strings have turned it into a 'fight the man' campaign; I somewhat doubt many of those striking even know why anymore.

I always approach this subject with women, not only are they surprisingly open to discussing traditional gender roles (despite all of the propaganda that inundates us) but I have found that a good 8/10 freely admit they would rather be a well provided for home maker.

They need another bomber harris tbh

Holla Forums cares deeply about the removal of the top sexual predators from Britain.

The same thing happens in here too lad

I replied to your earlier post on the subject and you ignored me.


Kind of hard to get the idea of deportations of the ground tbh lad. Better to just lie in our bed now that we've made it and try to work with them the best we can. Deportations would just radicalise more of them anyway tbh.

Legalise the hunting of everything including humans tbh

We should reintroduce giant Boars tbh


Normie feminist, not SJW feminist.

I remember going on holiday in the Devonshire countryside as a kid and spent the whole time worrying I was about to be savaged by a wildcat.

The Loch Ness monster would look good on a flag tbh. Loads of people use dragons as heraldry, but nobody has ever thought of using a dinosaur.

Is Sargon civic, lads?


He's more civic than cuckwell tbh

At least 1/4 lad

That's pretty good, though probably too late now

Why do German women looks so weird and manly?

Allegedly. Claims to be part black but he seems more semitic to me tbh.

He says one of his Grandparents was a black man so that would make him at least a quarter coon.

I think he's lying.

That will be assimilation to their laughably inferior culture, servitude or death.

I will never accept them as anything but an invasive threat. They have nothing to offer us but death.

Fuck off with that cuck.

I've seen like one of his videos. He's smoking in his back garden with sunglasses on talking about how youtube doesn't want him on there, acting like some sort of revolutionary while his double chin and stomach come into shot.

Then there's that comment where he talks about how he thinks raising another mans child is cucking them.

I didn't mean to come across as a bully lad, I'm drunk and I remember you goving me a pretty extensive (You) with lots of links.

Russian rape babies


kek didn't know his wife had kids but that explains a lot. What's up with gaming personalities being literal cucks tbh

Sargon has a large enough audience where he can just declare himself correct and mock his opponent even if he's loosing.

Are you drunkanon? Try and stop drinking, lad.

It's time to restore the patriarchy to full strength.


If there weren't any jews a lot of things wouldn't have happened :^)


Of course they fucking would. They want to be NEETs. with modern technology I can do a weeks house work in a couple of hours, then I'm left to jerk off to 2D women all day.

Not a bit of difference. It's all female mating strategy given political power. It's just a matter of how ugly they are.



They're just like us lads. Why are we divided?

What a joke.

I don't get it lad.

Mother fucking women.

Pick one

The neets are probably filthy crossposters like you mate.

I do not condone dual citizenship.

You can’t be loyal to both boards.

Fuck off

Edgy leftists without the protection of the status of working for the BBC like Franky Boyle have been prosecuted for making crude jokes about things they don't even believe in.
You aren't tough. I'm not. Neither of us are soldiers. Maybe one day shit will hit the fan and there'll be a military coup but that's not now. What do you mean "take power for yourself"? Do you have any idea what you're saying? How do you suggest this be done in practice? How do you suggest that user or I, or you, proceed in reality?
You get involved with politics or support those who do who believe what you believe. If you don't defend principles that are essential for you as well as other people, don't expect to claw them back at all. It will only harm free speech for the right.
Choudary's case isn't actually an issue of freedom of expression. He incited a crime. But think a little more, why don't you?


Universities need to be destroyed.


Am I known on Brit/pol/ now?

I've drunkposted extensively here for the past 3 years. Can you tell me what country and city I live in?

"Please won't someone save me? All these mean people are being mean to me but if I beg them to stop maybe they will listen".

Men who beg deserve nothing but a slow painful death.

I think you live in Canada and your favorite brand of cigarettes is Marlboro Lights (sadly for you not sold in your country).

who /mad/ here

Go figures


Went out to get my haircut but my barber was shut

Fuck sake

you lied lads

So you're an edgy teenager who doesn't understand or care about the culture war and our parliamentary process being essential to positive change and is just waiting for the ebin race war that will kick off once it's too late to win. Got it.

why would you do this?

She looks like one of the people from this video

Thanks lad, I'm no-fap for a couple of weeks and this has just helped me intensely.

Is that extreme FAS or some other syndrome?

Stay there tbh.

This is a 10/10 in France



why not wank to this then

I can remember the Doctors having a really good point about how the new contract took out penalties against hospitals that forced doctors to work unsafe hours (like a 12 hour shift followed immediately by another 8 hour shift, which does happen occasionally), which puts patients at risk, but that all seems to have been discarded in favour of political point scoring over whether or not they just want higher wages.

Single mothers are usually desperate for a companion and are less likely to cheat on you. Perfect for socially awkward, beta males with low self-esteem a.k.a. e-celebs.

You're trying to preserve a culture that leads down the slope of the left. I have no interest in democracy or human rights, I have an interest in getting a white tyrant who will crush any one who acts against the white race.

You're just another liberal going "dey gun 2 far nu!". You're fucking Sargon tier.

She's a slag that's why. I've also lost my desire to wank. It's boring, gives a deep feeling of shame afterwards. I don't feel anything from it anymore.

But they post on a le different website to us xD

i know that feel
go and shag a girl me lad

Looks like a vampire tbh

makes sense thanks lad

Every time you post a whore you should receive a mutant picture in return.

i hate going to town and seeing literal retards

why cant we just get rid of them


That's the plan eventually. But I'm looking for a long term partner. I'm a little bit older than some of the lads on here so I've done all the nightclubbing and casual shite, grew out of it fast. Just looking for a cutie or homely wife who will be there when I come back from work at the end of the day and greet me with a smile and a kiss, where we can sit down together and hug and just talk about our day together. No t.v.

ayy lmao

Kek. I am become meme, destroyer of threads.

Marlboro cigarettes are sold as "rooftops" here. They have an unnecessarily long filter which ruins the smoke though because of Socialism.

I'll try to shitpost less in the future. The reason I get away with it is because I'm usually shitposting during the graveyard shift. I'm up unusually late (and drunk of course) tonight.

I always shitpost about being an oldfag. I consider it some sort of honour having been on Brit/pol/ since it's inception.

Vampires, you say?

Not sure how they could make a relatively good Blade film but fuck the Punisher up so badly.

Sound pretty /comfy/ good luck


Thanks lad, you too.


Why are most women so interested with talmudvision? one of the things that annoys me most about them tbh

What a fucking joke

It's a shame I've come to hate police in this country

I've never wanted to because it made me feel like I've reverted to my edgy 14 year old stage but these fucking morons choose to enforce this garbage

smh damn hard

Because it caters directly to them



She probably has too.

Much, much more than him.



No, you don't deserve a family. You acted against the interest of the family and now you think you deserve the rewards of living a healthy life style after you spread poison for years.

kek lads

Didn't realise Ozzy was on QT

Are these from a new episode?

Thank god based civic nationalism saved us from this autism

i remember this
pretty sure 2 of them joined BASED NA

That's some foul cinematography.

this is around 2013/14


Ah right

Was worried that I missed the return


christ on a bike

He's right though

You're not him hu'white knight.

Is this what bestiality looks like?


You only prove my point.

Different fags.



I like how you both pretty much capped at the same frame



I can’t wait for new QT. I haven’t added to audience folder in so long.

Third one looks like Eddie Izzard.




like one isn't enough for the fat pig.
She bought it all at KFC, you prepared nothing bitch you you are lazy and have no skill


"it's c r u e l ! :((( "


What do you think he specializes in?

Can anyone guess which one of these women was the most based?

I loved this until I realised years later that most of the clips were just ripped off youtube.

Vegan gains tbh


The last one looks very attractive tbh

urgh lads

My balls feel extra dangly today lads, what gives?

women are just not strong like men, that have the average strength of a 14 year old boy. Even the strongest women are only as strong as the the average man.

Even a woman at UFC level only has a 50% chance against a man chosen at random.

Stop wanking.

are you a bit hot me boy?

Fucking hell

Autism, so much fucking autism

Too masculine

The Wew


She was also the most based.

Not an argument.

The West has been in decline for hundreds of years you retard. Freedom of speech is an entirely American concept, it has nothing to do with us.

Lads my cat is snoring

(((hair cuts)))

She could still probably kill you, she's a machine

Why can't normies just shut up? Getting tired of pretending to laugh at their "jokes" tbh


Ok lads, let's say your leader of a country.

Do you afford Marxists free speech?

No, I kill them

Lad, you're crazy, the dead can't talk.



Depends on the culture.

To be honest laws and legal systems are completely superceded by culture. Reminds me of scandinavia where they have massive welfare states, but people used to feel ashamed taking money from the state and not working, so it never became a problem. Add in some foreign people who see it as a cash cow to exploit, and you're screwed.

People think the West is great because of freedom of speech, or free markets, or something or other. Load of tosh tbh.

Free speech is a meme, there's only a range of acceptable ideas

Sure, they can say what they like while being thrown out helicopters.

Yes. Just exclude them from governmental or educational positions

Styx cursed her, lad.

His occult magic combined with ancient meme magic is proving quite the challenge for the demonic life force that controls her.

wew lad


Looks like phlegm to me

What in the name of Christ does this mean?
Obviously they're black, so they just want an excuse to whinge at members of the superior race upon which they are reliant for fucking everything. But surely they can come up with a better reason than this.

Having just looked at the page, it seems these were mainly your garden variety English cuckolds. My apologies to any niggers reading this, whose name I have besmirched.

wew. I miss when they were kind of chummy with Trump.

freedom of speech existed before the USA. When you think about it we are all free to speak, its just whether there are consequences or not.
Up until industrial age dueling was the way to decide if someone really meant what they said. It cut down all the pointless trash talk and people running their mouths.

So if someone insulted you you could challenge them to a duel, it could also be to the death.

So you were free to say what you wanted, but you might have to take it back or perhaps even fight to the death.

Personally I think we should bring back dueling, opinionated monsters like me would get heard a lot, and dentists would make a lot of money.


This has been my dream since childhood.

It is 1000% necessary.


They were all white mate. Usual bunch of middle class kids.

my exact thought user
one of us
one of us
one of us

Often the case tbh. I had a lot less problems with attractive women than some of those she-beasts

Twatter has been ripping into them

Why not? Suppressing fringe groups legally is usually counter-productive in the long term. If your culture and government are so weak that Marxism is a serious threat, you're doomed anyway.

They look more like they're from that weird crusty gypsy protester class than the middle classes tbh.
The sort of people who only seem to exist at protests and music festivals.

They're not black.
If you look at pictures of them you'll see virtually every single one of them is white.

Whites truly are cancer.

Marxists would never allow us the same luxury. It's an ideology that needs to be removed from the planet.

we're killing them, not suppressing them

Thats what middle class uni kids look like.

The reason you only see them at protests and festivals is because you're not rich enough to lurk where they do.

Anything you leave alone to grow will become a threat with enough time. It's like saying grass isn't a threat so why cut it? No single piece of grass can hurt you but it will consume your home and house wild animals if you don't keep it cut short.

This is wrong. I went to uni.
Some of them look like that, but in general the people who turn up at protests seem to be middle aged and too mental to have ever held down a job or to have been to uni. Most of them look like big issue sellers.

Mate, I know people with real money not student loans. Their kids are all off their rockers.

Literally anyone and everyone can go to uni nowadays.
It's not a symbol of success of intelligence.

Just means you didn't feel like working for three more years.

I think you greatly overestimate how appealing Marxism actually is, and how threatening it would be in a society without Jews.

Can't you read?


Again, what's the issue with eliminating it just to be safe?

Yeah nah, fuck off

You get the FARC problem in Columbia and you end up in a permanent guerrilla war with the communists.

I know someone that used to be involved with anti communist guerrillas in Latin America. No matter how many sympathetic villages they burnt and no matter how many of the Marxists they killed it wouldn't end.

What do you mean 'eliminating it'?
Killing anyone who knows what it is?

The post war governments have been quite good at suppressing the 'far-right' for the last 60 years with very little actual use of hard force, and 'far-right' sentiments are much more natural than their opposite.

we're not columbia, lad

Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia? Neat.

cry more lad.

Bomber Harris would do the job.

Why aren't we more like /r9k/? They understand women.

How am I supposed to react to tattoos, lads? I don't like them and I am not good at pretending I do tbh.


I guess the Lib Dem shlling is working somewhat

Still can't believe that lefties are such flip flopping cunts (1 year ago he fucking hated the Lib Dems)

Tell people with tattoos that theyre degenerates

They're different types of marxism though

But I don't want to hurt their feelings or make them angry at me, lad.

BBC Blows Public Cash On Anti Donald Trump Programming, Tells Mexicans ‘You’re Welcome’

BBC 3 just won't fucking die.




I hate the pull the usual "when I was a leftie shtick" but it's true that when I was a lefty I NEVER EVER had any doubts that 95% of the media was on my side

We love Jews, lad…

smh lad

Is she spitting something into the glass?

I basically don't follow US politics, so can someone tell me if Hillary actually seems ill or is it just a meme/wishful thinking?

Looks like she's coughing into it

Fucking disgusting cunt

She's had a series of coffing fits, and is very defensive when asked about her health.

Partially wishful thinking.

She has meme cancer

She gets coughing fits and her voice gets horrible. I won't believe she's really sick until I see the evidence though, but given that people have it in their mind now and then get it confirmed when watching her speak could make people think twice about voting for her.

allegiances change

cook me up some bacon lads


The BBC does have a right wing bias though.

When you live in a room on the far left side of a mansion the right side of your room is still on the right of you. If you have the door closed from your perspective anything on the right side of your room is "right wing".

It makes sense lad.


History shows that we are destined to alway be enemies with Germany lad

They've tried to wipe us out 3 times in the past 100 years alone

I'll believe it when I see it fam

Presuming hes a sikh he specialises in slaughtering muslims and making them in to cakes.

Can Anjem even speak Arabic?

He reminds me of the terrorists from Monkey Dust.

please happen



Again, there is a difference between May's rhetoric and May's actions.

I'll belive it when I see it.

I don't know how anyone can get excited about a points based system or any of that UKIP cuckoldry. It is plainly obvious that we are going to have to act radically to improve the prospects of our race.


"It's all relative, maaaaa"

Im a Brit too and Im asking questions like why isnt Hillary actually bothering to campaign?

Either she is too decrepit and doesnt want to embarrass herself in public, or she doesnt need to campaign because shes going to cheat to win.

Or perhaps both.

Understandable. See you in January lads

Where are you going, lad?

The more Hillary speaks, the more people dislike her.

It's not even a case of gaffs, like it would be with Joe Biden, she's just difficult to like once you know anything about her, even the stuff she tries to present as positive.

What in the name of Christ is this? Who is Mike Diva? Who is this weird looking jap woman? Why do Jap women think putting weird contacts in their eyes looks anything other than completely fucking mental?

She did say that the points system wouldnt work because it wouldnt lower the numbers to the levels people expect.

Im not 100% convinced with the logic. But if she wants to let in less people than a points system would allow thats fine.




Points based system would still allow too many people in


Is the messy house a meme, lads?

I base people off their actions, I'm going to see how she actually deals with this before i say anything. Because we all know Sharia May.

knuckle sandwich for you I think



Has his father finally beaten him?

The points based system is a meme that UKIP say because it appeals to normies, but I still don't trust May an inch on limiting immigration


Oh I mean that's supposedly when she will be triggering A50 so it'll be when she will start taking actions idk

Based tbh :^)

Just like when Mr Slippery said he'd get the levels down to the "tens of thousands"

Just like when the Tories said they'd get a "Better deal for staying in"

smh lad


shitposting tbh

Yeah thats what she said.

To me that doesnt make a lot of sense because surely you can adjust the points to suit the numbers and the skills you need.

But at least shes thinking about limiting the numbers as the first priority.
That is why most people voted I think.

Aren't the Poles just going to start outright hiring their cousins in order for them to come here???

Aren't we all?

So….lads….this Mike Diva: is he some normie making hi-hi-hilarious memes for those adolescent halfchan retards?

Pakis already do it

Poles are European mexicans.

What happened to Sam's dog?

Did he see the hamster post?

Fucking hell who wrote all of this?

Not only that but why not have a fucking points based system and a fucking cap at the same time

Is it really that hard????

Friendly reminder that this cunt allowed May to become PM unopposed

The media goes on about foreign entrepreneurs creating jobs but that don't mean shit when all they're hiring is other poles and pakis.

bull's eye lad

The more cuckchan spills into this place, the more I grow to hate Japanese 'culture' and wish someone would finish off the job the Americans started.

She didnt have enough support from the (((establishment))).

Like how Bernie never stood a chance in the US because the democraps elites held all the cards.

But her gaffe, lad…..don't you remember her gaffe?????

Understand your opponents argument so you can debunk it fucktard


I don't think she really wanted it anyway.

naughty mummy

The media challenged her over a silly gaffe and she backed down.

She wasn't worthy of it tbh

Ah, takes me back to the good ol' days of /asp/

I think you might have autism if it triggers you that badly, user.

I don't even like anime tbh.

AS good as her beliefs are, she got spooked and backed down after one media hitjob, she wasn't fit to be PM sadly.

Thatcher doesn't like the europeans

We're all refugees from cuckchan, lad. We're basically internet yanks.


She was half right.

New Green co-leader Jonathan Bartley called UKIP “fascist” and compared them to the Nazis


The Yanks have been cunts most their life but when Trump gets in we'll be propa allies

UKIP are definitely an ultranationalist corporatist party that want to put homos on an island.



I guess you missed the part where I said I don't like it.

Also blame MDE for that other song tbh found it through them.

smh lad.

Never go full faggot on national TV tbh.


I really wish they'd tell us what is fascist about them. Calling Trump a fascist I can understand, but UKIP? Makes no sense.

No shit?

kek will this even convince lefty corbyn supporters?

Greens really are RED in disguise

Lad isn't it obvious.

What the fuck happened to Britain's sense of humour? We used to be the world's finest comedians. Now we shovel out garbage like this.


Cuckchan was our base, but it was not our home.
Cuckchan's culture is almost diametrically opposed to ours. We aggressively oppose degeneracy by holding a giant mirror up to retarded internet normies. Cuckchanners ARE fucking normies who want to appear edgy. This is why their memes are so shit: they don't have any feeling behind them, because their creators don't actually care that the west is a sewer (they probably don't even recognise the fact). A meme that's just gratuitous for the sake of it is pointless and simply isn't funny. That's what cuckchan gives the world.

Maybe the dog would do as my brother and his single mummy girlfriend said if they actually trained it. Fucking retards. smh

why didn't you attune?

I didn't miss that lad, I was just refuting your accusation of autism on my part.

Don't start this again please.

Too PC,afraid to offend filthy xenos.

Some cuck trying to justify the BLM incident at the airport.

What if I'm a normie but I've been here for years?

on LBC*

The one over a month ago or a new one?

Today's one.

Don't worry.
We'll just build them out of plywood!

London city airport was closed because of some niggers and cucks complaining about how pollution hurts niggers or some shit.

BLM discussion on LBC

Jews, obviously. And I'm not joking….just making an educated guess based on years of observation. If something has become inexplicably wank, then the jews are generally to blame (or we are for not deporting them already).

Don't worry, lad, they don't hit it anymore.



Every candidate for UKIP leadership is capable of rivalling her for that tbh.

I hope Nuttall becomes leader somehow.


I dread to think what would happen if Duffy was to give a radio interview, let alone be seen on TV.

Still really torn between voting for James or not voting at all.

Nah Diane's alright.

How exactly can you close one of the World's busiest airports without being swiftly removed and arrested?

How were they stopping access?


I love her lads, I really lover her, tbh lads.


She's only good as a seatwarmer for Farage

Er… no



Lads, Russia likes the buttsex

I thought that London city airport was a shed located in the middle of the city.

Heathrow and Gatwick are the serious airports




My sides.


Ireland loves mummy.


Whats with catholic/orthodox countries and older women?

This fucking cuck…

But he literally just read the figures that prove that it doesn't

Nun kink I'm guessing.

What are you lads watching?










I feel like this LBC cuck is going to end up red pilled if these nogs keep being so fucking retarded, you can hear in his voice that he's actually annoyed


More blacks thugs die from black thugs.

This fucking nigger


What does this have to do with the spastics at the airport.





This host is a cuck for letting him get away with that.










Its one of us


I was going to call in but Ross did it for me tbh lads



Wow they actually called it Islamic State and not so-called.

Can anyone get a webm of ARE ROSS made?

Imagine how bad it smells.

I'm getting excited for QT, lads. I've missed it so much.


Underrated post.

They should be arrested. Is it not a terrorist act to shut down an airport.

I've been saying it for a long time, only half seriously but it did make me wonder. The only "terrorists" the government want to destroy are the right-wing ones because they're an actual threat to them.

When is it back on lad?

If I remember correctly, it'll be this Thursday.

Some good news, lads


I bet there'll be some kind of attack on Trump in this somewhere…

Wonder if Vaz the raz has one.

Fuck off.



new thread





Anyone remember Peter Hitchens email address? Call me retarded but I can't find it. I'm going out but want to email him later.


Oh i gotta get some pints ready for this.


What are the odds Corbyn will walk out when someone mentions the trains?

They know what will happen, if they want to live they won't.

Any one else hate when they get a female doctor? It feels like I'm wasting my fucking time and I might as well have gone to fucking boots.

How the hell is a creature designed to exploit men supposed to help a man when he's injured? It's against their nature.



At long last

God punished him.

I tried to reply to one of you guys in the last thread… but it hit 750 too fast.

and now I forgot what I was going to say.

They like to do that "We killed god" thing….

You remember the branch davidians?

Waco texas and everything?

They like to convince their targets that they are god or jesus or whatever, it makes for a really effective demoralization tactic (Ha Ha, god/son of god and still defeated by jews), as well as an effective rally for all of the Christians to hate the target.

Hey, anyone know who Onision is?

I swear it looks like he's related to jimmy there.

What did he say and what was the reaction?
Cuckish sneering I'm guessing.

Women like feels, and talmudvision is specifically designed to cause them feels.

Sure there is propaganda in there to socially engineer them into submission to the talmudvision agenda, but it DOES give them feels, so they like it.

It's sort of a surrogate social circle.

looks like this thread is getting [email protected]/* */|$t0ck3d pretty hard.

It's fairly easy to spot the telltale signs of the specific shills that play into these trauma based social engineering ploys, if you have enough experiance with it.

It's a form of weaponized feels, based on the original zer$etzung tactics (a form of gangstalking, now with internet spying)

Basically, they use their access to the spying system to build detailed psychological profiles on individual IP's (and the users of said Ip's) by tracking their online activity.

The psychological profile is then used to destabilize and destroy the persons ego, confidence, and self esteem, effectively shutting the person down with depression and the like.

Wikipedia has a fairly complete article on the tactic, and you better believe that it is being used to this very day by those who learned the tactics from the Stasi.

It is their modus Operandi, after infiltration of a nation is complete and total power achieved, that they take advantage of the fall of the target civilization to refine their psychological manipulation and tourture tactics on the survivors of said civilization.

When the B0l$hevics took Russia, they used these tactics on the russian people, and learned a great many things, taking the tactics with them when they moved their operation to the next nation to fall victim to them, Germany (specifically, east germany, and east berlin) where the stasi continued to refine the tactics that were then copied by the same "B0lshies" and then they startet mainstreaming these tactics to the rest of the european nations.

Basically, they use the internet based spying systems (their access to them, at least) to find potential dissidents and political activists), spy on them, their posting habits, their perspectives, etc, and develop specific memetic warfare procedures against each target…

Sending dedicated shills to follow the online activity of these targets, and post messages towards them that are designed to break the will and self esteem of these targ3tt3d ind|v|dual$.

Ultimately, the goal of such tactics is complete destruction of the persons will to live, ending with suicide or complete social isolation (Whatever will end the potential thread from that person), coupled with a more local [email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */ agents to interfere with the social and professional relations of the target, removing any means of social support (friends, relatives, romances, co-workers, etc)

The st@$i originally designed these tactics to silence dissidents, after their heavy handed approaches (jail, beatings, and murder) were witnessed by the outside world, and there was an international outcry to end the tourtourous abuse…

So, instead of ending these practices, the $t@$i designed a new program of clandestine torture and abuse, to avoid detection.

These tactics have been seamlessly combined with the new technologies (internet and communications spying), and employed en mass throughout Europe and America.

The agents used in these tactics typically hide in plain sight, some are silver screen actors (usually bit parts given for exemplary work in their field of being miserable little shits), but it would seem that the vast majority have some sort of monetized online presence (Youtube channels and simmilar) whch serves as a clandestine funding mechanism for these agents, and also a means of mass broadcast propaganda to many people at a time.

One shill in particular that I have had encounters with, is a smug little shit known as Onision, a self centered, effeminite shitstain, that I have had the displeasure of facing off against for several years now (I seriously think he is kin to jimmy saville)

Some of the tactics that he and his ilk use, I have seen in this thread, most notably the implication of "Deserved Cuckoldry", and the attempt to force the regular posters here that this is their lot in life, because of "something they did", or that they for some reason deserve this treatment.

Typically, these [email protected]/* */$talk3rs will sabotage a persons life in specific ways, and then while following their posting habits online, will attempt to convince the target that the reason for these failures is that the target is doing it to themselves, deserves this lot in life, etcetera…

IT's a sort of red herring tactic to disguise the true nature and source of the attack.

It is called "$et up t0 [email protected]/* */", and if the target is not aware of the specific mechanisms of the tactic, it can be particularly devastating to their self esteem.

Onision likes to masquerade as the joker, or sometimes as a "Gaia Worshipper" to get female approval.

One of his favorite tactics is to subtly accuse the target of degeneracy, in order to rally others against them.

He is but one of many shills, however their tactics are fairly uniform across the board, with some shills being better at the tactics, and some worse.

The correct response to such tactics is to deliberately call them out on what they are doing, thus exposing the tactics in a public forum… this usually leads to the shills attempting to shut down the thread, or red herring their way out of culpability; as exposure of their tactics is something that they desperately try to avoid for reasons related to the clandestine nature of these tactics.

Also, as a side note, the first attacks on a dissident or political activist harkens back to the days of Bolshevic russia, with accusations of medical instability, and suggestions of medication or institutionalization.

Often they will attempt to use social proof attacks "No one cares what you have to say!" or "No one likes you at all", depending upon the targets psychological profile.


They want you to be depressed, it shuts you down.

They want you to be sad, dispondant, lethargic, filled with self loathing.

Once you see the true nature of these tactics, you begin to see how desperately pathetic these individuals are…

Their smugness and sens of entitled superiority stems from being GIVEN resources, fame, and advanced spying technology, so that they can read from a fucking script at people.

The dissidents and targets that they attack are outmanuvering them with far less resources and support than these well fed shitstain shills could ever hope to posess.

And that is what makes it so funny.

These shills have access to the most sophisticated techniques, technologies, and support mechanisms that infinite money can buy…. and they are STILL getting their asses handed to them on a silver platter, because they are so fucking pathetic that it borders on tragedy.

These people are nothing to be afraid of, or jealous of…. in fact, they are hand picked to BE shills because of how mind numbingly stupid they are, and how easy they are to manipulate by those they answer to.

Those who pay the shills and direct them MUST select the most pathetic individuals as their pawns, because intelligent and creative people with real drive and ambition would never submit themselves to that kind of humiliation, the sad fate of being a paid liar, who believes everything they are told by other professional liars.

Excellent post user, and I agree with everything you wrote pretty much.

One thing though
I think deep down, they DON'T really believe the things they are told and that they repeat.
I think they KNOW it's bullshit, but they are either simply in denial, or in some twisted form of rebellion against TRUTH itself, the way atheists childishlly rebel against the idea of a creator.
All most likely a result of marxist brainwashing and doublethink conditioning.
But I really think at some level they KNOW they are full of shit, and it's most likely a major contributor to their self-hatred.