why do people have to ruin nice things?
Spacemacs is for bronies
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Spacemacs was always shit to begin with. Either use plain emacs or vim, not some SJW community cucked bloatware monstrocity. Furries are infecting your community, because you're the kind of betas that attract them.
s/furries/bronies Little difference though, and both deserve the gas.
That's where you went wrong.
other than that bronie pic i have no problems so far with spacemacs
It'l eventually annoy you when you want to use an emacs package for which there does not exist evil friendly bindings.
For example? I'm asking because I'm relatively new to emacs
Autism in tech thread?
Why not use vanilla Emacs?
Someone did try to gas the furries at the December 2014 Midwest FurFest convention: archive.is
They failed, but got away
Webm related relevant
I feel like plebeian for using emacs but not being interested in making my own edits to it. A dark color scheme is all I need. Vim looks fun but the modal thing differs from everything else (bash etc. have emacs movement bindings for example) and when I want to do lisp I need emacs+sbcl(rarely but still).
fucking visudo messing up my hacker larp mid-config
Just use sublime then.
They seem nice people. You guys are just old and bitter.
Seems like a good editor when dismissing all the l33t muh bloat people but this country was built on emacs
non-free and doesn't offer anything special
stop being a faggot and learn vim
nice people are naive idiots that can't experience the hell we live in
Why? Give me some great features that make it faster than emacs which I'm already accustomed to. I also happen to use emacs -nw bound to an alias very often.
modes are more comfy since you can do a plethora of actions with single key presses and can very quickly chain them
Annoying but the alternative is so much worse.
The radical idea of compensating someone for their labor.
It starts in under a second and you don't need background daemons or hidden emacs-only speedup functions in libc to get that.
I thought those were removed?
I'll never understand you kids
Doesn't change the fact they were in there for longer than most people on this board have been alive
I cannot recall an exact example, but obviously not every emacs package has an 'evil mode' version, which the layering system in spacemacs provides for most of the common packages.
My only advice is to use whatever you feel makes you productive, everything else is superficial.
Brony detected!