Pic 1: Nippoo mongrel
Pic 2: Niggook mongrel
Pic 1: Nippoo mongrel
Pic 2: Niggook mongrel
Other urls found in this thread:
(((Someone))) really wants Japan to be culturally enriched.
First one looks like a maid and the second, a tranny.
I bet there's a Jewish connection to the judges.
What the fuck is this shit man. The whole planet is just gonna be a big fucking stewing pot of retarded mudpeople
I wonder if the Nips are at all aware. Maybe another public stabbing is in order.
You can just see the daggers from the girl in the background on the left in Pic 1.
Precisely. She looks more like one of them flip or indonesian maids you see all over places like Singapore or Hongkong.
Stuff like this makes me wish I could read Japanese so I could browse their corner of the internet.
I'm sure I can do so with translation but it's not the same.
she's beautiful, would wife.
what are you even complaining about? This isn't political
there's no angle from which your post isn't cancer. go away
So for the second year in a row a mixed race Japanese citizen wins this title.
In a country that's 98.5% ethically Japanese.
That doesn't seem strange at all.
I'm really starting to think that the real aim of the globalists is the destruction of the middle class in every developed country. Because in the modern world the only people that can oppose them are the educated and intelligent.
The middle class is the breeding ground for their opposition but they're having a much more difficult time getting Japan to commit suicide.
Didn't someone here discover last year that Miss Japan is run by Jews? I recall some Jewish connection.
Not just that, but they're pushing non-Japanese fathers with Japanese mothers. The one last year had a missing nig father, and this one was sired by a pajeet.
Poo however goes in street
Yeah, I remember that.
I don't have anything saved though.
(((They))) are doing this shit again?
Haven't they learned their lesson the last time when elected a fucking halfblood and how the country reacted to that?
So are the Jews trying to cuck Japan? Why would they do trying to do that? They have no grudge against Japan and have no history with them.
Could it be that the (((elite))) aren't anti-white? Maybe they just want to destroy prosperous nations that might be a threat to them?
Japan was part of the Axis.
And saved Jews
They have no reason to hate Japan. Japan wasn't even involved with Nazi Germany in any real way.
yeah the reason for Imperial Japan sheltering jews was hilarious really
they initially started collecting them because the military believed having jews would help their war economy
until the USA declared war on them where they decided all the jews in Japan could possibly become spies for the US so they shipped them all off to Shanghai in China
I wanna know what their version of Holla Forums is like.
(((they))) really seem to want to feminize the men and impregnate the women with foreign seed when it concerns greater civilizations
What reason would a group of people have to dominate a group of people that could turn on them or provide the world an example of a society more or less free of their influence? The jews are all about being the top dog in any given society with the rest of the people there bent low in subservience to them. It's nothing personal, just a matter of what they see as practicality sometimes.
Aside from the fact that is might be race-mixing propaganda, she is pretty cute.
something like this
Get your eyes checked.
The girl is fucking ugly.
Didn't you know Japanese were originally black, user?
The Japanese play hard ball with international politics. They refused to deal with environmental issues like Whaling if it meant massive cultural changes. Now you can CLAIM that that's due to an environmental concern but we saw that wasn't the case with the Faroe Islands recently. They also have traditional whaling with legal exemption and aren't even a part of the EU but a metal band native to the region got their shit pushed in by the EU and concerts cancelled because they engaged in their people's traditional hunt of non endangered whales using methods that kill quickly and cleanly without pain using proper certification.
They don't "play nice" with globalists and never have. Their culture is very much about Japan First. If weebs ever paid attention to their colorful nippon funny pictures that's immediately apparent.
Obviously this is a stupid ploy that will never actually work because there's a difference between bribing a bunch of panelists and getting a nation to care about the title awarded. Since the title has no real weight the people of the nation can safely brush it off as a stupid thing only foreigners care about and get on with their lives. Just like the vast majority of Americans don't actually care about Miss America because that doesn't actually reflect the American image of the ideal woman and hasn't in years.
It's 2ch
And the Jewess that pozed miss Japan is called Inès Ligron.
Nobody in Japan cares about these pageants so don't worry.
the rich are in on the plot and make up the elites, the commissars, the chairmen the directors of committees, the poor are plebs to be distracted with bread and circuses and the middle class are the party members that must be indoctrinated from birth to love and serve the regime and any that dont must be excised for the dangers they pose
The homosexual gender bending multicultural army of the United states of israel will lead the world to a Zionist utopia of free slave labor with masses happy to be enslaved in return for sugars fats and drugs
You require chemical castration.
Japan is still controlled by a small cartel of post-Meiji families turned Tycoons and Yakuza. It got Americanized after two nukes, but I don't quite see the Jew having their fangs in the country. Not yet at least. This is, however, definitely prodding the outer walls and searching for weakness.
This is how it starts. First you give mandatory useless trophies to minorities.
They are useless trophies, so anyone protesting can be easily branded a racist and the normies will lap it up.
Then you turn up the volume a bit. Push minorities in TV, news, movies. The minorities will be "magical", perfectly adapted to the culture of your country of choosing.
Once again, you can easily shun people against this. This is just TV! Nobody cares, this is to make them feel included and productive, why are you making such a fuss, racist!
Then you slowly build up racists as the new evil in the media. Minorities are overrepresented, so that won't change. The idea of racists being bad was planted a few years ago, so it doesn't matter.
At that point racists already lost. They are being strawmanned in the media and every normie hates them. They can't make coherent points because as soon as they speak, the normie clams up.
At this point you won. You can push for miscegenation, open racemixing, and no one will stop you.
At the same time your control over the media will be complete, and your narrative entrenched in people's minds. You can easily defeat the silent majority.
If all fails, you can pass laws like Germany did against refugees. And you can Diebold your way through elections.
Wish me luck
good luck with that, they block filthy gaijin waito poggu IPs
lad im sure he knows how to use proxies and VPN's
m8 pls, don't act like you wouldn't bang her.
Note that this only works in countries with actual large minority populations.
In a 99% homogenous nation with no actual room for refugees due to having more people than the entire nation of Canada on two islands, has no races to mix. You get children from people studying abroad, but there flat out is no place to stick actual immigrants in any number. Conditions in major cities are already so bad even with population decline that people sleep in what's basically closet space. Japan can refuse to take refugees because it had essentially no part in any war that made them and no room to put them anywhere.
You can't white guilt the Japanese. That's why "jews fear the samurai" is such a powerful meme. They can't infiltrate properly, they can't guilt trip, they have nothing they need. It flat out will not work.
I am back and I have found what a sought.
general politics
and Holla Forums
Also amazingly they have an America board
Not in Japan. Their birthrates being what they are means that these genetic disasters are going to decrease in numbers and keep being a statistical anomaly.
She has symmetrical features and shiny white teeth. That puts her at the most vague international standard of "attractive" but pretty much anything beyond there boils down to individual aesthetics and cultural norms.
But the thing is that this woman is very clearly NOT what the Japanese consider conventionally attractive. The two women in the background are closer to that idea.
You can fuck her. Everyone has their own thing they're into. But that has no bearing on the fact that she just should not have that title.
Of course, you always prep the field with worker immigration.
The first round is always midly serious immigrants, the second round is rapefugees.
It worked in Europe in the 60s.
fucking bitch could probably pass for a mexican boarder whore.
Somebody deport this two cunts
Keep Nippon for Nips!
Here's 2chans Holla Forums
Maybe I could get a Japanese VPN and brag about how whites are the master race not Yamato.
Not even with a rented dick.
She looks like a gypo.
Translate their chicken scratches for us gaijins.
Yeah, sure, keep projecting pajeet.
These cunts are ugly as shit.
More like paid shills and bots, for fuck's sake.
That's neat.
Projecting? Race mixing is only degenerate when women do it. She can have one baby every 9 months, I can blow 10 loads a day. That means a white man can impregnate non-white women while impregnating his own women and while providing resources for his white children. That equals a greater net white positive. faggot
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that entire dance is made up theatrical bs.
What the fuck are you even talking about.
I just said that (((miss Japan))) is a fucking gypsy and that's it.
I know but it looks cool
sadly its just butthurt commie chink propoganda
Eh slightly
the altaic flat face kinda throws it off for me, gypsies always look like they have rats faces
I just got rustled that you called me pajeet, I am an honorable white american male.
That timetable doesn't work though. Because you'd need decades for it to work and the open society leadership is a bunch of fucking geriatrics who could die at any day.
Even if Trump wasn't kicking them up and down the USA, even if Trudeau wasn't rapidly becoming a laughingstock, even if the right wasn't clearly going to sweep through half of pozzed Europe by next year, and even if their stunt in Turkey wasn't botched and Putin wasn't made aware of their game playing, they'd never actually live to see Japan be made "open".
(((they))) are rapidly running out of moves to play. Japan simply will not open up in time. Their pet politicians are rapidly becoming useless at best, dead weight at worst.
Hopefully the Japanese people are too busy working and being ground to the bone to even care about shit like this. Why waste their limited free time when they can be drinking or studying.
The only ones that will see this are NEETs and trophy wives, so NEETs will be scoffing this shit on 2ch, and ladies with free time will be livid that some ugly mongrel is supposedly the most beautiful woman in Japan.
I just enjoy the idea of Chinks getting BTFO.
Also, has there been a Caucasian/Japanese mutt competing?
It would be very racist of the organizers to having half poo-in-loos or niggers competing, but not a half-white, why do they discriminate?
Will do user
Ganbare standing Special Account, w me Buttobashi the shit Chung Shibaki Corps
Compare her to the 2014 Miss Universe Japan winner.
The 2016 version is a complete run of the mill, average looking asian woman.
Too white, ban that racist filth.
So breeding another race's women, and creating a mixed child that has not the defining physical appearance of either race, a diluted essence, and who will likely grow up confused, lacking proper racial identity, is not degenerate?
You don't belong here.
That first pic honestly looks disgusting.
aren't the good looking women in japan just do the whole Idol thing?
miss japan title is like a consolation prize for christmas cakes who couldn't cut it in the booming industry that prints money so they go to the jewish backed venues
From 2channel
Did they pick up on our Jew meme?
Julia is a good looking women and i'd marry her in a heartbeat.
That is called conquest, in ancient societies the males were killed and the females were used for breeding. After the conquering race were through with the conquered women they would return home to raise their own legitimate offspring.
All you fools lusting for non white women belong in an oven.
if that's natural, that's marriage material in every way
Appeal to history. So because uneducated barbarians of the past engaged in race mixing, it's not degenerate or ok? The very act itself is degenerate.
not again. poor japan. we must save her.
Look at this ancient Japanese merchant painting I found something doesn't seem right….
Where exactly is the degeneration?
I nominate, and coined the term, that these ugly bitches be called, "Nip noids". Or whatever name that comes off, as fitting the description towards them, they're not Japanese.
The Japanese are upset.
There are many prettier girls than the one that was picked.
I agree but:
they already call them haafas
I'm English, you really think I'm going to try and marry one of these ugly freaks? No thanks. I'll make haafu babies instead.
In sex, you're potentially corrupting the girl, perhaps altering her racial preference, potentially leading to degeneration by mixed children. You're also betraying your tribe, your race, and setting a bad example, which is degenerative, and can lead to degeneration. In producing offspring, you create a human with a diluted racial essence, which is degenerate. You're also creating a child without a proper racial identity who will suffer, and quite possibly breed, leading to more degeneration.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Sounds about right.
what is this, more of this please. now.
Gook women are repulsive
They all look like Kim Jong Un with a wig.
My heritage is English. You are a traitor. Come day of the RWDS, I'll find your child and slam its head open on the pavement and slit the throat of your Jap whore.
But adding Streetshitter genes doesn't help.
indians are caucasian you retard
yeah that does sound better.
Need some thickness for sure.
sounds terrible
stop being a lolicon faggot
When all the central bankers had their conference in Jackson Hole, WY a week or two ago, the solution to Japan's economic problems was "open borders". Gotta grease the rails for that.
i find the darker jungle asians much more attractive than east asians
Kill yourself autistic virgin neckbeard
That picture is not okay.
wwwwwwwwwwwww Where do you think ((())) came from? It was appropriated from Jap textboards by white nationalists to name the Jew. They use it as we would bold a name or passage to bring attention to it.
Is that a heeb?
He is the eternal Engrish teacher creep
the nipponesians are one step ahead of you, billy-san, they've found some way to detect if your MAC is legitimate and will block you if they conclude it's not, your inferior waito piggu technology will not help you
im sure killing one and wearing their face like a mask will aid me with my task tbh
and my names not billy its William
Caucasian is a meaningless non-term. Indians got nothing to do with the Caucasus. Northern Indians are, supposedly even today, Indo-Aryan. Southern Indians are not. Since the girl in the OP is clearly brown, she's probably part-Dravidian.
I dont even know what that is. Tell me what to type into google to find more of this and our business will be done
But if regular japs are this butt ugly, whee do all the pretty jav girls come from?
Make up photoshop and plastic surgery you deluded idiot
Calm down faggot. here
Oh yeah, than explain this !!!
He already explained. Also, hair dye and contact lenses.
this is now an nip fever thread
I think as a european i prefer jap sluts to yank ones
Why do you repuslive unattractive weirdos get so easilly triggered?
Also do you seriously think those photoshopped whores would be interested in you? They find you just as hideous as White women do.
Not too different from ours I bet
They do chubby pretty good.
I believe its called THICC
here have this
the two on the far left ain't so bad
my nigga
i dont wanna go back to this man.
i had it in korea.
this is very largely true. but in asia, depending on the country, you'll get a +3 where you are on the scale.
so for example, if you're a 3/10 (i dont mean looks, i mean neetbuxs, style, wealth, etc, etc), you're a 6/10 there
and you generally want to subtract -2 from wherever you are and that's the kind of woman you can get
so i'm a 7/10 in the states, but a 10/10 in asia, meaning i can snag a 8/10 with some ease but not a 9/10 there
Anri Okita is a hapa, her father is British.
The creator of Miss Japan the top race mixing show trying to instill in Japanese women's heads that being mixed is beautiful = resulting in an absolute monster winning this year is fucking autistic
She is the sixth most influential person on beauty and style in Japan
Civic Donald Trump and some jews paid this woman to go to Japan and try to subvert the established order of things as concerns gender relations in an attempt to make money
Then there's this…
Her Wikipedia article does not say she is Jew, but on her personal blog you can read about her son’s bar mitzvah.
Ligron is married to Kenneth Ken Berger, whom she met in Hong Kong when she was 30
I told you japs that hafus would be the way the kikes move in. Kill all hafus before its too late.
Trump sold the license and hasn't been involved in that shit for years now.
I would've taken you seriously if you were to say pic 2, but now I know that you are here to stir shit up.
Which stupid Japanese woman let themselves get impregnated by an Indian? Hope Japan can grow some balls after Trump wins. He needs to set a good example of how you respond to foreign invaders for Japan. Anyone with half a brain can see what this is, Japan has a lot of Japanese people and not a lot of everything at all. (((some people))) aren't happy about that. Trying to trick bitches to breed with invaders and aliens. Cunts.
One slant eyed shitskin is the same as the other. Who cares
Literally both of the girls in the background are far more beautiful.
Seppuku is the only course, user. Take it swiftly. Racemixing cuck.
Only going by what I read on renegade tribune. He started it and helped them.
You're supposed to care that (((they))) are successfully dissolving all cultures into their shit-colored goo.
Shitskins sure do love their tribalism.
Everything always has to be about them, their disgusting ilk, and how they are god damn brown.
Fuck. What a shit planet this is.
can someone compile a .png for this?
copypasta isn't as virable as an image
Funny shit that japan cares less about "miss japan" bullshit, than AKB48.
Lurk AKB48, that's shit is real "miss japan", for japanese people.
Can't wait to go to Asia and destroy some tight pussies.
If it's any consolation for you, jap parents and family to this day disown and break away all contacts with their coal burning daughters and niggers and considered lower than stray dogs due to all the rapes they commit upon japanese women and children.
So they eat meat instead of fish? On the second picture, she reminded me of Ainu people.
Forgot all about them. You're right, the nips are fanatical about those sloots.
I seriously hope this person is just intentionally joking. There is no point in this movement without securing a future for white children.
Why are they ugly?
It was doomed to fail user all these subhuman harlots were too much.
poor NEET
im glad i drink so im not so socially awkward i cant converse with strangers
Provided that you're a white American who isn't complete dogshit, girls there will literally throw themselves at you. Make sure they don't steal your wallet.
? I already fucked 2 exchange students from China that came here, they were virgins.
Even if that didn't work, I'd force myself because it's a wasted trip otherwise.
There is nothing wrong with the white women.
exactly right
this is almost Holla Forums level beta weebery
neither can we user.
thanks for the pepe.
This is what all weeaboo neckbeards believe. If you are an attractive White male you can get laid anywhere in the world. That's not the point. The point is that gook women are hideous and the deluded autistic neckbeards that worship and fetishise them are worthy of ridicule
what did asian women do to you user did sum ting wong break your heart?
Being honest here, I was absolutely just as much into asian chicks as anyone else posting in this thread. Then came the redpill, add some of the scientifically measurable effects on children of racemixing, including with asians. Then I thought about my ancestors, and then my possible children. It would be a betrayal of all of them to actually marry an asian. The only conclusion I could come to are that the 14 words are factually correct and to NOT DO THIS.
I still haven't decided if I should become a wizard while preparing myself to find a proper wife, or if I should allow something else to happen first.
If I did, I likely wouldn't care if the hedonistic interim were asian. Given what other people say on this, and their past I think this is in the clear. /blogpost
In any case I can't imagine looking at mongoloid children. I tried.
Why are you posting professional edited photoshoots of models you saved from Holla Forums? Are you legit autistic? Are you unable to make a distinction between models and regular women?
What did
do to you!?!??!?!
pic related
Isn't Roppongi where you go if you're looking for a prostitute?
no its just full of club sluts and brazilians
This is your future (unless you are a total pussy and die a virgin)
And why are you posting pictures of chinks and gooks, not nips?
You're missing the sand niggers blowing shit up.
I've heard about the hard politics of their image boards, but how red pilled are they really?
Arr rook the same
If they are not race traitors then I would marry them. I need five white children to secure my white people's future.
I was infected just as much as anybody by the jewish idea of the weak nerd. Even when I was bluepilled I wouldn't have done something like that. It would not have occurred to me as an option to just hide the whole time and wander around aimlessly.
never been there
You have shit taste, that's like saying arab girls > european girls
That Ching chog to the bottom in the black&white
photo, could be used in horror film. Holy shit!
Good luck findiing bars though, I looked everywhere and had a hard time finding them.
Why the fuck do you ninja a drinking-hole?
Mini-marts to the rescue for cheap, easy booze!
The bars is not the best place to find the future waifu. Just saying.
you were obviously walking around the wrong places lad
being the charming charismatic english teacher is though tbh
Sorry to burst your bubble but japan is a lot worse off than you think
Legally anyone with Japanese citizenship is Japanese, so the 98.5% number is just citizens
The actual proportion of minorities in Japan is probably 5% of the population, if you remove minorities of Japonic descent (peoples related to the Japanese) then probably around 3.5% are minorities of non-Japanese origin
Koreans in particular act like Jews despite looking like Japanese people which is similar to Jews looking like white people
Additionally the rate of migration has only risen over the past 20 years, the number of minorities in Japan have increased rapidly. With the government planning on importing 1 million filipinos to take care of their old people I'd say Japan is on the brink of Tony Blair style mass immigration which saw the UK shrink from 89% British or Irish to 81% British or Irish during his 10 years in power. Britain continues to decline because of low birth rates. The Japanese birthrate is even lower, but the Philippines has the highest growth rate in East Asia.
In India they used to abort female children in order to get male children
I'm certain that Priyanka's father is pumping his wife's tight japanese pussy every night trying for more sons
jungle asians have softer features, big lips, nice eyes, nice long hair, and sexy tanned skin
you keep saying that but are you just using that as an excuse as to why you are saving it?
besides I just think some asian women are hot.
are you really saying every white woman is a masterpiece that should be carved in granite to preserve their beauty for all time?
Africa is that way lad ——-→ >>>/cuckchan/
When all nips remove themselves from white countries then I will give a shit. Until then japs are just another non white invader
So, how are the Jewish behind this? The nigger "miss Japanese" last year had a kikess manager. Something similar now?
even when apart from studying overseas or for temporary work they are one of the lowest emigrating populations in the world?
look it up lad, they dont leave Japan unless its for holidays, foreign exchange or professional work
none of the Japanese working class ever leave Japan m8 and even if they do they go back home to raise their families
they dont like sending their young kids to school in foreign countries
Perhaps she just sucked enough dicks to earn first place?
Joshiraku is so pro Japan it's hard to get all the culture references without a search engine at the ready. it's pretty enjoyable too, would recommend.
Nips are xenophobic as fuck, and for their sake I hope they stay that way.
She's fugly.
And racemixing is always a crime.
The people in those countries are cucks, their Holla Forumsacks are a minority. It is only by the grace of their leaders having historically been against mass immigration that they aren't flooded. Even then poor policy ensures the birth of large numbers of mixed people and in the near future the importation of large numbers of unmixed people.
nah, she's adorable
i think the west has more of a minority of polacks tbh i mean how long until there will be a white girl saying kill all the kikes into a speakerphone
no more thick Japs :-(
Sure don't have kids with a woman from a different race. Simple advice
like all other countries.
every country has it's fucking problems, never said Japan didn't have any.
as far as gooks go they're landlocked to Best Korea like Japs are locked to their islands, easy immigration would kill them. even a small child could understand such things.
someone is always gonna stick their dick into things and make mongrels, limit it down, a lot, and their wont be a huge issue.
BTW, this is literally the jews doing. When the niggook first posted about, digging found a jewess pulling the strings.
Any random Asian girl I pass on the street is more attractive then these freaks.
pic 1: She has weird warts all over her face and she appears to have some chromosome problem with how tiny her head is.
pic 2: She has no facial symmetry at all and a disgusting rat nest on her head.
How the fuck can Miss Japan not even be Japanese?
Jews most likely
Usually this is reserved for merchants and JIDF agents, but we'll make extra room for cucks.
Blame this Jew.
Race mixers already have a spot reserved. No need to make any extra room for them.
Asians don't have blonde hair and blue eyesexcept in finland in case you haven't ever seen one.
racemixing with a higher IQ race is actually eugenic.
Wrong. Intelligence trends towards the mean.
No, it isn't. IQ genetics don't work that way. Even if the female chink's IQ is higher than your white Aryan IQ it will result in a mismatch, because the key does not fit the lock.
Go ahead and do that anyway, because my Aryan sons will be superior to yours and you will end your genetic line. Which means I have no reason to care.
and also irrelevant in this case.
what an argument
They modded it for Zainichi.
No. Halfu.
how would your parents/friends react to you racemixing with an asian?
I don't think healthy and well-adjusted people really mind it
this fucken pic tho
mine would be fine with it but I'd be forever the butt of yellow fever jokes until they die/go senile tbh
If they're Jap it's ok, anything else is communism/ she's just with you to get out of being poor. Korea is just Korea.
She looks like a cute Japanese girl who was affected by nothing but negative Indian features. An analogy if I ever saw one.
It does not matter. They are still nips in white countries and even one nip is one shitskin too many.
Yes it does.
Top kek. Go right ahead, your children will be worthless because they're mixed species.
They would be stereotypical cucks.
As informed by the jew.
western societies are so shit because the jew is ruined everything
all the money is controlled by jew.
niggers and sand niggers are imported non stop.
(((pisstianity))) and (((islime))) are ruining the society from the inside.
what do you expect?
Oh it does
I have no problem with minorities as long as they follow some simple rules
and Japs tend to follow all these rules when they go overseas so I've largely got no problem with them
guessing you're a yank tbh only yanks are this hardcore about WN
It's just part of the normalization process. Keep pushing and pushing until you break down nature's natural barriers that are inside of a healthy population.
That makes you more of a cuck than anyone else could ever be.
Europoors continually kvetch about 'mystery meat' whites in merica. The point of this is that you have your own ethnicity to promote and preserve. Here you are promoting not only inter ethnicity mixing, but inter species mixing.
fuck off /britpol/
doing nothing of the sort lad, just not promoting the idea of hanging the Jap PhD student from the nearest lampost for 'being a shitskin'
honestly sometimes it feels like you yanks are overcompensating since so many of you are mutts and mongrels of various caucasoid races
This is what Mongrels think.
wew :^)
into spoilers faggot :^)
fuck off britkike
fuck off race-mixing fetishist
This must end, third time the charm.
fucking LOL
every race on earth with the exception of aboriginals and pygmy indians has beautiful women if you cherry pick your selection.
Its not indicative of the majority, which in the case of jungle asians is fucking disgusting.
Its like morons going on about "sexy latinas" and the imagery in their head is sofia vergara, but in reality most "latinas" look like squat spicindians with bad teeth and fat bellies
This woman isn't even that attractive. At least the previous half-breed had a nice exotic look about her, this one looks like she's taking a dump.
fuck off britkike
I just realised its 10:30 am EST
yank autism incoming in buckets
that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard
nice projection, racemixing race-mixer
blow your brains out, euroshit. I'm not even American
ahw.. is your wife done with Jamal already?
fucking a jap= having a kid with one
For some reason I dont believe you
Go away spic, we know your class here
It weakens the society that is stuck with the kid, so yea genetic conquest is nothing degenerate so long as the offspring don't get to your own lands.
Yup, it's a cuckchanner
Get some fucking pragmatism going, jesus. Degenerate = that which harms you and your ethnic group now or in the future. You are only damaging the conquered with your exploits. The problem is fags like you get sentimental and try to raise and take care of the war babies, when you should just leave them there to consume resources and destroy their host society through crime and subversion.
then you're either a slav, in a worse situation than I am or one of my homelands former colonial acquisitions
calm down lad
implying i've fucked anything
Don't care, not about the west and/or white people
>implying you have to be a christcuck to be against degenerate hedonism and >muh diking anything that moves like a nigger
doesn't surprise me at all.
Ohh, i don't know about that…one if them must have fucked a curry-nigger, after all. ^
Holy shit, GLROUIOUS NIPPON is gonna be glorious niggon.
She is cute, but I see two prettier ones in the first pic alone.
After typing this I realized we have examples of impregnation being used as a weapon by Aryan conquerors - South America and India. In both cases the aryan elite conquered the natives, and created a mixed servile race to manage them. These mestizos couldn't effectively organize with the natives because they would never be accepted, and were prevented from taking power by a caste system. In India's case, the native population was simply too large, and the conquest incomplete, thus to avoid mixing with the local elites was nigh on impossible in most places. So India's elites with very few exceptions got mixed.
In South America the conquest was complete, the population was successfully subdued and an added bonus was the booming population in Europe. The new arrivals were always the highest order, competition forcing the older ones down the ladder, creating an ever whiter managerial/middle class while keeping the top white. Even the lower classes were beginning to be bred out - so much so that most Hispanics carry a lot of European genes. Had this process of white dominance and downward extinction continued indefinitely, the continent would probably become white at some point (wherever negro slaves weren't used, anyway), but sadly the white elites themselves decided to split off this successful racial conquest and give rights to the slave race that they were genociding.
Notice that at no point did this strategy hurt the Spanish race (not directly, anyway). The geneflow was always out, not in.
im sorry is posting lewd asian women the same as me physically fucking them now? who knew!
in reality i dont even have an asian fetish i was just triggering this faggot>>7380436
and i guess i triggered you too because
so i hope these pics will heal your wounds that you got from having to view those disgusting nips
note if you hate asses and tits in a row dont unspoiler
That thing looks even uglier than the half-nigger mong.
Fuck's shake my 50 yo flip maid had a more attractive junglegook face than this thing.
They should have exterminated the smelly indians because now from mexico down is a major world crisis.
gr b8 m8 i r8 8/8
I really like that last pic
What the fuck I hate Trump now
Venezuela isn't the world
And the problem with them is niggers/mulatos being gibsmedat commies
Learn from the thousand threads about it, murrikan
Extermination is the optimum strategy, yes, but this is the pre-industrial age we're talking about. They had neither the means nor the incentive to do so. There were always few Spaniards, so they couldn't necessarily do it, and resource extraction was slow and labour intensive meaning that in order to get any good from having the colonies they had to have large populations. That's why the Spaniards were so much richer than the Brits in the first centuries of ruling the Americas - they did not need to wait till the whites had become numerous enough as was the case in complete population replacement. The caste system would have ensured that the replacement happens eventually, but sadly liberalism and increased population carrying capacity happened. The genetic genocide doesn't work when the population can expand without bounds.
it's from playboy when they still showed naked women
have some more
Multiculturalists are just trying to obscure the real problem, transphobia!
Unless that's Duterte's daughter
I'm Japanese so if anyone needs any help with translating japanese news articles or requests, I can certainly help.
Fucking jews ruin everything.
Ines Ligron is a French Jew with a Chink husband.
all asians are>>>/korea/
Filthy fuckin chinamen.
How so?
Proud to say that my granduncle was in Nanking when we dindu nuffin
wait, let me guess, the Korean war?
御氷魚 せんぴ
ぼくの スぺ路 うぇあぼ
あねたの ろりこん とでも?
会うすか れい?
Pls stop posting koreans
Every time.
The strange thing about Jewish women is that they blend in from afar. Some like her, even seem attractive at first.
Then upon closer inspection, you're looking at her thinking, is this thing even human? Her face is just 'off'. And you get to that so called uncanny valley stage.
i've seen prettier women just walking around grocery stores. the poo-sushi hybrid got the shitty genes from both races as well
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these pageants done and concluded without any input from the general populace?
How likely is it that (((someone))) co-opted it to push an agenda?
It happened with Eurovision and Hugh awards, after all.
Maybe you should read the thread to figure out the answer?
It's 100%, and it happened last year as well.
I don't see the problem, goyjin. Arr rook same to me.
This virgin is jelly.
Why do the jews lack such subtlety? I mean at least this one actually looks like a Jap but still.
I'm probably going to die alone, and I'm ok with that, but if I ever did try to have a relationship, I would want to find a qt nippon girl. No kids though, I don't like kids.
You mean a Filipina?
Why are South Koreans so ugly?
Go kill yourself you gook loving race cuck
Genetically speaking Indians have shared the same genetics for many thousands of years. Social stratification only became a thing a few Five thousand years ago, with no specific introduction of new genes.
This is the 3 time I have seen this thread and these exact same answers in particular.
Not great, but at least look Japanese.
Did non-Dravinian languages and white-ish people magically popped into existence?
tbh who wouldnt want a beautiful white girl that has the sensibilities and personality of a japanese one
japanese girls still consider it a big deal to hold hands and save their first kisses and virginity for someone 'special'
the number of white girls i know who have multiple fuck buddies is ridiculous in comparison
i mean ive fucked girls within the first three hours of meeting them in some cases, jew fueled and guided american degenerate culture has royally fucked up the entire western hemispheres sexual interactions
5,000 years is more than long enough for genetic differences to appear (Ashkenazi Jews separated from Europeans in less than that). Read The 10,000 Year Explosion by Cochran & Harpending.
Fucking disgusting. Both of those women behind her in the first picture are more beautiful.
I saw a girl and I looked her in the eyes
I said:" You're so beautiful, will you make white babies with me?"
She said:"Sorry but I don't fuck humans,
I fuck dogs!"
White girls fuck dogs.
I'll marry a pure, conservative, asian virgin wife and make babies with her. That's not possible with white girls anymore.
It looks disgusting too. At least the half-nigger was still decent looking
How very subtle, brit/pol/.
thats not the same pagean the negress from last year won
this is the current winner
the pooloo won miss world japan
a different pageant
after the backlack of the gorillla winning last year, the kikes coudnt stop trying and had to bribe another pageant
They ((arr)) rook same to me.
no thats a different one
the one in pic is
Sari Nakazawa
miss japan 2016
miss japan 2015 was the gorilla
the pooloo won miss world japan 2016
different woman different pageant
Literally just as ugly
Fucking shitskins
are you retarded,
the one in the pic is fully japanese
So you literally think Germanic Europeans were the same Aryans? At most it would be the people at the Pontic Steppes, even if we consider that mythology to be true.
Fucking LOL.
I'm not saying that genetics differences don't exist in India, but that the ones that do exist are not based on Aryan theories.
only joking m8 dont sue me i dont own shekels
now the pubes i can understand but why armpit hair?
u dirty primate
Some nippon girls are the closest on this earth to 2D, in their pureness and kawaii.
Jesus, they aren't even pretty. The girls behind Ms. Poo in Roo are far more attractive. Both a big proponents of multiculti in Japan, no surprise there
no idea. hairy women don't turn me on, just the ones that let it go natural and keep it clean looking. makes me want to wife them
also blond leg hair. on brunettes
explaining fetishes never works
>not blond breast hair
you have fine taste user.
what about fuwa fuwa hair?
I can get behind that i guess
I prefer the look and feel of smooth pussies but i prefer the smell of healthy hairy ones tbh
Pedoshit's will hang on DOTR.
im not a child fucker lad im just wary of crabs
plus i hate getting pubes stuck in my teeth they're a nightmare to floss out
I was just shitposting, I know it's a common line to correlate shaved pussies with pedo's here.
They're like women when you tell them about the jews and cie. You can show them all the picture you want they'll dismiss it as cherrypicking.
Or maybe just maybe, they simply don't give a fuck about the JQ and just want to live their life without being bothered
NO MORE race mixing
no more codemonkeys
Man of taste.
Yeah, both of those girls look seriously pissed off.
Kek she really looks like a flip.
wow, would racemix any day /10
And I don't mean by making children.
I would her. Not making children though.
Both the girls in the background are way prettier than her, and they know they're just getting snubbed to push a bullshit race-mixing narrative.
Now compare OP's picture
To pic related.
Jesus, does she have a disease? She looks like she bathed in bleach.
she's an albino
sage for retarded thread
Took me a minute to realize there was a person in that pic. That's some damn good camo, yo.
Looks like a picture related to this video
In my perfect LARPy future, all Europeans albinos will be moved to the norths of Russia, Sweden or Norway so that their skin receive as fewer sun as possible and they are thus not hurt or forced to live like vampires.
Her hair is fucking beautiful.
The genetic adaptations are not the same. Similar forces created the need, but it is not the same actual gene sequence across races. This is what causes the psychological problems in hapa people.
Because it's an example of how prosperous, peaceful and orderly a homogeneous country can be.
Compared to the other contestants?
imo pure japan girls are prettier but japan people decided otherwiese, not my business
This. Here's how actual Imperial Japanese music sounded.
I think it's people who are looking for acceptance of marrying non-white women. They will find none.
How the fuck did that absolutely below average woman become Miss Japan? She doesn't even remotely look Japanese, she looks like a fucking flip.
notice how (((they))) have an easy way to culturally enrich Japan. Gook women love West Euro men, and there's plenty of recipricol yellow fever here. We could have been banging away now in Japan now for 70 years, and Japan could down to 50% pure japs, 50% half white.
But mixing Japs and Whites doesn't suit kikes, it would make the goyim stronger. They only want shitskins mongrels.
This path of kikery alone is testament to the genetic strength of the white genepool, and the potential to power up other races we mix with.
You have us instead
You aren't moe though.
This is her son. He was there to cheer on her.
Other than that nose, she's eerily beautiful. Those bright, almost violet eyes are gorgeous and that hair…. jfc
Hold me, fam
Was it just me or did half the class look like they creamed themselves when he walked in?
I don't see it.
This is actually entertaining.
Is all Japanese comedy this decent?
That is so fucking depressing.
It may be the low resolution, but that nose on the on the squatty goblin to the right looks hooked, don't you think?
she probably organized the whole thing and sold the pictures for shekels
Don't be. She lives in best Korea of the world, fam.
I've watched a few romantic comedy live action stuff years ago. I like the humour, it isn't all shock value or disgusting, but even when they do stuff that's raunchy, it comes out like this (and I find it hilarious).
Japs truly are a strange and magical people
I spent a day watching Japanese TV on some website that had a bunch of channels.
It's super comfy because it doesn't get overtly obnoxious with advertising or narrative. There's a lot of "regular folks" stuff like cooking shows, and reporters interviewing passerby's in town. It's TV with ((((TV)))).
Exhibit 1, Hard Gay. This guy is a celebrity for his TV roles where he acts like a flamboyant faggot around random people and school kids. Why is it popular? Because the concept of gay people and the gay culture of the west is just a fucking joke to the Japanese. They don't see politics or an agenda in this character, and it wasn't designed to push gay awareness. It's just funny to them. The guy who plays Hard Gay isn't even gay.
Here's the one where he cooks for kids.
I feel like all the American tv I've watched has destroyed my ability to appreciate things that are actually entertaining. Part of the reason I stopped watching American tv 11 years ago.
TV without ((((TV)))), my bad.
Wow, that's so homophobic and intolerant.
WHITE people should get the fuck out of asia, give us black people, arabs anything. Just not white people, losers who ruin everything.
Asian men hate you, asian women hate you.
Everyone knows that if you are white in asia you are a pedo, get the hell out
I'm sensing some butthurt because the opposite is true.
Japanese TV is the best. Probably because they are (still??) rather unpozzed.
I understood jack shit watching it, but they have it all, and I were fully entertained.
What's the chinese cartoon's name?
They're so terrible that they need a laugh track.
Prison School. Do not watch the dub and as always avoid Commie subs.
Crap, is commie subs fucked? I need to look over my collection and see if I have anything Commie.
What's the matter, are you one of those Gamergate creepshows?
They're fucking faggots that hate anime and love to occasionally (sometimes more than occasionally) inject their cancer into subtitles.
Interesting science experiment.
FTFY, she's not attractive.
nigger + anything = nigger
it's like multiplying by 0
everyone knows that southeast asians are chinks/mongols + indians after all
w/ some melanosoid admixture
But she looks like regular SE Asian. Like, literally no difference. The nigger mix looks just like a nigger.
My JoJo is from SomeStuffs, crisis adverted
moar like these?
She looks pretty poo to me.
If anything Japan made me realize that gay porn makes some dank memes
So do SE Asians.
Holy shit.
Gas the kikes and throw in mixed race people with them as all they do is further the kike globalist one world one race agenda.
Here's some white dude named Potato Jason raging at the idiosyncrasies of the Japanese language while Japanese people laugh at him.
Japanese comedy is my kind of humor.
Matsumoto, Hamada, Yamada and the 2 others are my favorites. Their show Gaki No Tsukai I used to watch, and their 24 hour (6 hour TV special yearly) batsu (punishment) games are the best.
Anyone interested in japanese comedy should watch their batsu games, the recent ones are at team gaki.
The site above has a lot of subbed shows of theirs too.
They have a youtube channel, they are "World Order" and have a few interesting songs.
Japan doesn't need beauty contests as long as Ai Shinozaki exists.
Damn, these girls are tiny. White guy's apparently 6'1", but they make him look at least 3 or 4 inches taller than that.
perfection, japanese style
First pose only works with Asians.
why do her eyes look weird
she's japanese
Looks like fun
They are high schoolers.
Really fun
I thought big boobied japanese girls were rare?
Yeah, true enough. But it still remains unlikely that they're going to experience much more growth.
That's not how things work. Halfbreeds end up hating their white side and blaming everything on whites, and identifying with their non-white admixture. You'll be spawning Bob Marleys
Malcolm Xes who had white fathers or grandfathers. Go look at /r/hapas to see the the most subversive anti-white asian group on the net.
Also the base definition of cuckoldry is raising kids that look nothing like you, which is what you would be doing. And if you want to act like a negroid and impregnate and run away, it just proves you have an inferiority complex towards blacks and feel an urge to compete with them, except you're not competing at all and are just letting off steam across the planet. The equivalent to being cucked and then taking it out on the family dog. The difference is that when blacks breed women of other races it's an achievement for them based on the racial hierarchy, when whites breed women of other races it's a sign of desperation and being unable to get a white woman. White women are the top of the foodchain, the highest prize, and most nonwhite men are more attracted to white women than their own women.
With this dynamic in place, a white breeding outside of his race is no achievement, and is actually the equivalent of cucking himself and submitting to the non-white hordes, except wrapped up in self-delusion and a false sense of achievement.
Sensei seemed average height for a woman her age.
I can't get over how this guy looks like an otaku.
Every time i see a picture of a standard ladyboy party, what always strike me is that the brown girls ( or "girls" ) always seem more interested in sucking or kissing each other than having anything to do with the fat retired bete that traveled 5000 km just to fuck them.
What I wouldn't give for us to be able to speak nip fluently for a day and internationally shitpost with our brothers on 2ch. It would create a memetic storm unlike any the world has ever seen.
I wish I could speak it fluently just so I could watch raw anime and read raw manga tbh.
That guy already failed to woo the alt-right/right voters from pic related
2ch alt-right are goddamn jokes
Sadly, i am not sure how Makoto could compete with that.
i dont get how miss japan looks worse everytime the year around.
is it that they want to compete and blend in internationally?
i am sure they dont have much buzz going on as idols in nipland, even if that person wins this national pageant
No one can compete with that.
Every Miss Country is shit. Sweden has been a nigger for like 20 years now probably.
Something smells funny here
I don't know.
National beauty pageant contests are more rigged than wrestling.
A run of the mill clothing model is more beautiful than anyone of these woman, the excuse their give about that being the case is that "we choose based upon more than beauty".
The reality is that they regularly get paid just to elect a certain person for one reason or the other.
I'm seeing articles talking about how the Nips are complaining about her not being a real Japanese. Last hear a half-nog won, remember Miss Japan is not owned by a Japanese person and its not a vote done by the public so this doesn't really mean anything.
Most of the time our country's national beauty pageant winners are half bred to white or to chink, unless the contestant gets a good RNG in her looks from her birth without relying on mixing.
i dont get Sweden's part tho. really a nigger everytime?
1 >> 2 > 3
user, God cursed babel for a reason.
Meme responsibly.
2>1>3 for me
Muh dik. She is either very jomon or a haifu.
First girl is especially cute.
I'm exaggerating but there has been one, a really dark one too that could have been plucked right out of a forest in Nigeria a few months prior. At least once a nonwhite with zero possibility of being Swedish.
I really don't find that very surprising at all
And if you ever had any doubt that the dildo the Jews unleashed upon the world has such a raging erection, it will one day fuck them in the ass too, meet miss Israel 2013.
But why?
Source of vid?
Ain't that nice.
But what is Honorary Aryan + Caucasian?
How does India feel about this? A pajeet like me doesn't find this pleasing.
This never gets old
It's funny but only when you watch it isolated from the rest of the anime.
Japanese people don't know how to time the comedic segments in the story. Sometimes there are jokes and fan-service right after a very serious scene, or even during it. This kind of shit happens all the time in Prison School. Sorry but I can't take something serious when a character has giant watermelon tits jiggling all the time.
That's not a serious answer. I am actually curious what half Nip half White looks like.
Because diversity, and it's the current year.
filthy frank
Nogizaka Under Construction episodes 47-50
Holy shit really? Welp, okay.
You neckbeards.. If you're racemixing with a nip please abort the males.
Are the females any good at least?
female hapas are magic
Just figured out Keanu Reeves is a halfu, not that bad. I take back what I said.
Also please don't abort the baby, abortion is an abomination.
Best argument against race-mixing.
japanese father, russian mother
Asian, only not Asian.
By siring a hapa you bring one more rape victim in this world.
I'm no expert but this is common festival dancing. I've seen Eisa fests in Okinawa which have different choreography and music but they're more or less the same. Considering you're not Japanese (and therefore lack the knowledge that implies) I wouldn't be so dismissive.
I don't know about Nips, but with Chinks, you get Keanu Reeves.
like this?
I think Keanu is like a 16th or 32nd asian or something, he's mostly white
For all of you who missed this boogaloo last year:
Jewish Woman Responsible for Half-Negroid Miss Japan
I bet she's south korean.
For some reason these seem natural.
I wonder (((who))) is behind that decision…
They usually are when they're that big.
lol, that's a shooped elliot rodger
Reminder that the last mongrel Miss Japan ended up getting shamed and humiliated by her entire country when she said Japan needed to open its borders and be more diverse.
She's practically vilified there
Do you by any chance happen to have any lactation jav gifs or webms?
And just like her, the idian isn't going to be treated any better. Even the younger Japs want pure, 100% Japanese people representing them
No goy has sausage lips like that. She's obviously Jewish.
hmmm i guess
He isn't a hafu. He's less than 1/4th asian, and part polynesian.
kek gooks are so fucking salty tbh, its the worst when they align themselves with the shitskins. asians are legitimately talented but they are jumping on the get whitey train and I fucking hope we nuke them a few more times, just to get rid of little angry pan-faced manlets like that faggot. westernized asians are all supreme gentleman tier
The kikes don't get it. Asian countries, specifically South Korea, Japan and China, will not stand or be pressed into accepting diversity like this. Asian countries hold way too much pride
That's what they want.
I think there is a particular build jews tend to have that she has, bony and skinnyfat
See, this is the problem with CULTURAL Marxism. You would have to stab thousands.
no that shit always freaked me out but this gooks name is Gom Kogaru
my sick personal fantasy is that i want the white to breed with us until my race becomes a minority in my country like the american indians
Wasn't that guy in the pic a regular poster here no Holla Forums?
I can't remember the name of the board…
Top fucking Kek. They fell for the (((shekelberg))) meme.
not as bad as korera
Well England still falls for it. See Cromwell.
Hirarīkurinton wa kanojo no pantsu wa tōron-chū ni terebi ni sunde tawagotomasu.
The girls don't look happy lol
This is even worse.
Are you trying to say the pants in shit thing in Japanese?
Looks totally asian.
Which makes sense because genetically she'd be >50% asian due to the asian genes on both sides.
I would milk her for hours.
What the fuck Japan.
Britbong dad, nip mom.
It wasn't even a cute half-nigger
Huns, Mongols and slavs look half asian/half white.
One of the people in the alt right is a asian looking Finngolian.>>7390848
That's just a monkey in a dress.
I finally get to use this reaction for a long time
wrong thread faggot
Yellow fever fag detected.
Here you go, this girl claimed to be Anglo/Nip mix.
Whiteness improves everything.
she's also a weeb from /cgl/
Porn star Maria Ozawa is half Jap half white
She's cute alright. Same way a capuchin monkey is.
In all fairness ex-pats are cunts, never met one I've liked.
What ever happened to this meme bitch?
Jesus fuck I need some pure-Nip eye bleach. What the fuck even are those two shit monkey mudbloods? They don't look terrible, but nowhere near beauty pageant tier.
Jews will try to tell those two are the most beautiful women in Japan. Fuck them. I hope more Nip men get with more pure Nip women and have pure Nip babies just to spite them
What was it?
A Finn
No surprise there. Only the most desperate pathetic beta weaklings would come live into their shithole to chase after jungle rat eaters.
What do you reckon Holla Forums, is this zipperhead a psycho or just retarded?
lol someone's salty that their mum's working at the rub and tug.
Looks like this thread proves whose mom is working at rub and tug, fucking whites can't even raise their sons properly and let them spend too much time on nepalese rock throwing site.
Could you imagine the shit storm this would cause if someone from America recreated this shot for shot?
my sides
Still mad your women worship even our most degenerate stock. Get the fuck off our internet.
I don't know who picked these Miss contestants, but any average J-porn provides better looking women.
Only if all of them looked like this.
All of them can be found here:
They look like they know how to cook rice.
Does anyone have a .webm of a half-Oriental and half-groid woman talking to some women in a salon about beauty, discovering she does not qualify as such? It is a sci-fi anime, I would appreciate it if someone could give me the name of the show.
Horrible, isn't it? I thought pornography was supposed to be censored on this board.
I am kind of new to these forums, but I want to ask: Has Holla Forums always had such firm (and even proud for some) cases of yellow fever?
I am not white, but would it not be better to have sand-fever seeing that they are closer to you? I only seen a few on Holla Forums say this. They did not condone race mixing (fictional scenarios), but they did say a fever that is more related to you would make more sense. It seems a little odd to me many on Holla Forums would rather not bed someone who is closer kin.
As long as they like themselves, everything should be fine.
Of course asians are dangerous enemies… So asians have to be full speed blacked while they have power and easy to do so.
He's right though.
It has never been relevant to grudges, but rather their desire to spread their chaotic tentacles to the far reaches of the planet. As for "no history", there are Japanese paintings of "foreign merchants" from renaissance times, and a statue of a hook-nosed foreign merchant from the 500s-600s.
To be precise, "jew" is not a race, but a mongrelisation of races. You will see similar behaviour in mestizo and mulatto populations. Hence, they support mongrelisation with fervor, as well as other destructive notions.