Sage for intl religion d&c.
dont know if op is shill or not but pisstianity is a jewish sect.
pisstianity made white people fags and farmer slaves while jews acquired all wealth and ended up controlling the money and therefore they control media education and most oppositions.
You actually believe this?
Christianity is a hedonist religion. It is based around promises of eternal pleasure in the afterlife. It is the root of all Western degeneracy.
hello Holla Forums
too full from sucking too many cocks so you come here? report time /sage
Christians have low IQ
Counter sage.
Anti-cuckstianity is always pro-white and vice versa
filthy anglokikes are out again.
Correct. Christianity is anti-white. Diversity is codeword for anti-white, and Christianity is the most diverse religion on earth. I rest my case.
pot meet kettle - the thread.
This is Holla Forums bullshit thread so here is a sage
why do you guys respond to obvious D & C shill threads? I just reported it and moved on until I saw all you guys were in here. Stop that.
who owns own the banks and economy?
btw christians are not white. even a jew can convert to christianity and become a christian.
niggers are christian.
hispanics are christian.
even the asians converting to christianity.
all of them end up working and the banks are owned by jew.
what about muslims? they hate jews too. quick convert to islam and preach to the sand nigger prophet and the abrahamic god allah
I support your thread OP but Board Owner "Heil" is suspected to be a very Religious Christian that will permaban you for "intl" because you have opposing views.
(users have been banned for posting this image)
That's not very christian of you, fam.
Atheists bastards, you fucks are so stupid.
It was
White Christians landed on the moon
God have mercy on you, heathen. You fucks will accomplish NOTHING.
Where did I hear that before? Oh right, liberals!
Fuck you first post jew. The d&c idiots are the real shills. Nobody will leave the far right just because his religion was mocked, not when his people existence depends on it.
And christcucks that scream "it's in the bible" as an argument actually hurt our propaganda efforts, so if they leave, we win. Maybe that's why the jews don't want us to silence the crazy ones.
Yeah I'm sure they landed on the moon because they were worshipping a dead kike on a plank.
No, you fucking retard.
You will learn in time, in your own life I hope.
That force of will is everything. It alone determines if empires raise and fall.
And it mostly stems from dogma you blind fool, less you be wholly ignorant of history.
Sage this worthless fucking thread
Fuck you and your worthless 4cuck-tier thread.
Fucking NOTHING but Low-Tier shit threads all fucking morning.
Fuck you 4cuck
"Christcuck" is an Holla Forums meme.