I keep seeing these threads everywhere. Did Holla Forums crawl out of their basements? The fuck is going on?
Are we getting raided?
Did you just realize we're getting raided? The pedo and le ebin mamay frog threads did not tip you off?
Fuck off Holla Forums.
That image you posted is literally from Holla Forums.
pedos have always been here tbh
2 pedo threads on the catalog
Meanwhile, esotericnigger has made like 10+ threads
prove it or back to sucking dicks
going to bump the other bedo tread tbh
Someone is shilling Jim's shitty website on reddit. Could be unrelated, but who knows?
saged and reported
We share a board with the pedos. It's how it's always been. Complaining just makes you look ignorant. Consider it a shared turf for two rival gangs.
It is actually more accurately analogized as two chimpanzees sharing the same log of shit to pull apart and eat.
ever since dysnomia fell asleep whacking it
amezing memes really blew my mind
Wrong, this place was pedo free at first, then the pedos showed up, and nobody really cared because they were pretty harmless at first, then they started taking over the board with their multiple pedo generals and even when the pedo general was a cyclical they still leaked into other threads whenever they were called out, then the thread of the FBI shutting this place down became too much so when they were asked to dial it down they all chimped out
We don't hate pedos because we're all moralfaggots, we hate them because they're fucking annoying and don't give a fuck about this place. They are like a virus, they get every board they frequent shut down and they just move onto the next one. They would've gotten Holla Forums shut down too if they weren't stopped.
Nice paint faggot
Next time post evidence and pray it's there when we look at it. Reported.
There you have it, folks. We're being raided. Nice b8 by the way. Don't you have anything better to do?