Jim kicks ass at web design and doesn't still work for US Army Intelligence
Jim Appreciation Thread
Jim kicked pedo ass so I appreciate him.
bring back hex already
only if it gets him more lolis and ladyboys
stay salty goonboi
t. samefag
no but stay salty
im jim
jim himself is a pedo tho
fug hex tbh, omlet is best mod and should be bo
Jim has really white teeth.
all me tbh
resource competition I guess
prove it or back to choking down cocks
commencing jim dump
Tell me more about Jim's pig farm. I am extremely interested in this subject.
tbh im going to make a omlet appreciation thread tomorrow or later at night
Why do you have so many pictures of this man? He does seem suspicious but he isn't connected to goons or cianiggers in any way I could find. The only weird thing is his blog and even that is subject to discussion.
he """used to""" work for US army intelligence